Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the state list.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="languageCountryCode">The language country code to search on.</param>
        /// <returns>The state list.</returns>
        public virtual Data.Extended.StateList[] GetLongNameList(string languageCountryCode)
            // Create the new cache control container.
            Nequeo.Data.Control.ICacheControl selectCache = Select;

            selectCache.CacheItems     = true;
            selectCache.CachedItemName = "StateListLong" + languageCountryCode.ToString();
            selectCache.CacheTimeout   = 200;

            Data.Extended.StateList[] list = null;

            // Is the item to be cached.
            if (selectCache.CacheItems)
                // Get the item from the cache.
                object item = selectCache.GetItemFromCache(selectCache.CachedItemName);
                if (item != null)
                    if (item is Data.Extended.StateList[])
                        list = item as Data.Extended.StateList[];

            // If the item has not been cached
            // then get the items from the database.
            if (list == null)
                // Get the langauge details.
                Data.Language language  = DataContext.Languages.First(l => l.LanguageCountryCode == languageCountryCode);
                Data.Country  country   = DataContext.Countries.First(c => c.CountryName == language.CountryName);
                long          countryID = country.CountryID;

                list = Select.
                       SelectIQueryableItems(s => (s.StateVisible == true) && (s.CountryID == countryID)).
                       OrderBy(s => s.GroupOrder).
                       Select(s => new
                    StateID     = s.StateID,
                    StateName   = s.StateLongName,
                    StateCodeID = s.StateCodeID,
                    CountryID   = s.CountryID
                }).ToTypeArray <Data.Extended.StateList>();

            // Cache the item.
            if (selectCache.CacheItems)
                selectCache.AddItemToCache(selectCache.CachedItemName, selectCache.CacheTimeout, list);

Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the state list.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="countryID">The country id to search on.</param>
        /// <returns>The state list.</returns>
        public virtual Data.Extended.StateList[] GetShortNameList(long countryID)
            // Create the new cache control container.
            Nequeo.Data.Control.ICacheControl selectCache = Select;

            selectCache.CacheItems     = true;
            selectCache.CachedItemName = "StateListShort" + countryID.ToString();
            selectCache.CacheTimeout   = 200;

            Data.Extended.StateList[] list = null;

            // Is the item to be cached.
            if (selectCache.CacheItems)
                // Get the item from the cache.
                object item = selectCache.GetItemFromCache(selectCache.CachedItemName);
                if (item != null)
                    if (item is Data.Extended.StateList[])
                        list = item as Data.Extended.StateList[];

            // If the item has not been cached
            // then get the items from the database.
            if (list == null)
                list = Select.
                       SelectIQueryableItems(s => (s.StateVisible == true) && (s.CountryID == countryID)).
                       OrderBy(s => s.GroupOrder).
                       Select(s => new
                    StateID     = s.StateID,
                    StateName   = s.StateShortName,
                    StateCodeID = s.StateCodeID,
                    CountryID   = s.CountryID
                }).ToTypeArray <Data.Extended.StateList>();

            // Cache the item.
            if (selectCache.CacheItems)
                selectCache.AddItemToCache(selectCache.CachedItemName, selectCache.CacheTimeout, list);
