
        public int GetCachedBoneIndex(Component_Skeleton skeleton)

            if (getCachedBoneIndex_Skeleton != skeleton)
                getCachedBoneIndex_Skeleton = skeleton;
                getCachedBoneIndex_Index    = Array.IndexOf(skeleton.GetBones(), this);
Beispiel #2
        void Update(Component_Skeleton skeleton, Component_SkeletonAnimationTrack animationTrack, double time)
            if (time != calculatedForTime)
                //update general data
                calculatedForTime = time;
                bones             = skeleton.GetBones();

                //calculate bone transforms
                if (boneTransforms == null || boneTransforms.Length != bones.Length)
                    boneTransforms = new Component_SkeletonAnimationTrack.CalculateBoneTransformsItem[bones.Length];
                animationTrack?.CalculateBoneTransforms(time, boneTransforms);
                CalculateBoneTransforms?.Invoke(this, boneTransforms);

                //calculate transformMatrixRelativeToSkin, transformRelativeToSkin, boneGlobalTransforms, hasScale

                if (transformMatrixRelativeToSkin == null || transformMatrixRelativeToSkin.Length != bones.Length)
                    transformMatrixRelativeToSkin = new Matrix4F[bones.Length];

                if (transformRelativeToSkin == null || transformRelativeToSkin.Length != bones.Length)
                    transformRelativeToSkin = new Component_SkeletonAnimationTrack.CalculateBoneTransformsItem[bones.Length];

                if (boneGlobalTransforms == null || boneGlobalTransforms.Length != bones.Length)
                    boneGlobalTransforms = new BoneGlobalTransformItem[bones.Length];
                var matrixZero = Matrix4F.Zero;
                for (int i = 0; i < bones.Length; i++)
                    boneGlobalTransforms[i] = new BoneGlobalTransformItem(false, ref matrixZero);

                foreach (var b in bones)
                    GetBoneGlobalTransformRecursive(skeleton, b);

                hasScale = false;

                for (int i = 0; i < bones.Length; i++)
                    var bone = bones[i];

                    Matrix4F m;
                    if (bone != null)
                        Matrix4F.Multiply(ref GetBoneGlobalTransformRecursive(skeleton, bone), ref bone.GetTransformMatrixInverse(), out m);
                        m = Matrix4F.Identity;
                    transformMatrixRelativeToSkin[i] = m;

                    m.Decompose(out Vector3F t, out QuaternionF r, out Vector3F s);

                    transformRelativeToSkin[i] = new Component_SkeletonAnimationTrack.CalculateBoneTransformsItem {
                        Position = t, Rotation = r, Scale = s

                    //if the scale differs from 1.0 more than this value, then the scaling is present and DualQuaternionSkinning can not be used.
                    const float EpsilonForScale = 1e-3f;
                    if (Math.Abs(1.0f - s.X) > EpsilonForScale || Math.Abs(1.0f - s.Y) > EpsilonForScale || Math.Abs(1.0f - s.Y) > EpsilonForScale)
                        hasScale = true;