private static Node<PO.Workers> AddWorkersRootNode(GraphClient client, Node<PO.Root> rootNode)
            var nodeRef = client.Create(PO.Workers.Create("Workers"), null,
                    new IndexEntry{
                            new KeyValuePair<string,object>("Name", "Workers")

            client.CreateRelationship<PO.Root, Relationships.RelatedToRelationship>(rootNode.Reference, new Relationships.RelatedToRelationship(nodeRef));

            var ret = client.Get<PO.Workers>(nodeRef.Id);

            client.Update<PO.Workers>(ret.Reference, node => { node.SetID(ret.Reference.Id); });

            ret = client.Get<PO.Workers>(nodeRef.Id);

            Debug.Assert(ret.Reference.Id == ret.Data.ID);
            Debug.Assert(ret.Reference.Id == nodeRef.Id);
            Debug.Assert(ret.Reference.Id == GetWorkersRootNode(client, rootNode).Reference.Id);

            return ret;
Beispiel #2
        private void EnsureRelationshipInDb(Node<Actor> actor, Node<Character> character, GraphClient db)
            var rel = actor
                .Out<Character>(ActorPlayed.TypeKey, i => i.CharacterName == character.Data.CharacterName)

            if (rel == null)
                db.CreateRelationship<Actor, ActorPlayed>(actor.Reference, new ActorPlayed(character.Reference));
Beispiel #3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Ready the node manager!
            var nodeManager = new NodeManager();

            // Neo4J client, connect to localhost
            GraphClient client = new GraphClient(new Uri("http://*****:*****@"
            SELECT DISTINCT Person.FirstName as lhFName, Person.LastName as lhLName, Person.Id as lhId, Person.FacebookId as lhFB, Friend.PersonId rhId, Friend.FacebookId as rhFB, pFriend.FirstName as rhFName,pFriend.LastName as rhLName
            FROM Person
            JOIN Friend ON (Friend.PersonId = Person.Id)
            JOIN Person pFriend ON (pFriend.FacebookId=Friend.FacebookId)
            reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();

            // Create graph structure
            Graph<Person> peopleGraph = new Graph<Person>(new NodeList<Person>());

            while (reader.Read())
                // Get left and right nodes in friendships, they certainly exist
                var left = nodeManager.CreateIfExists((string)reader["lhFB"], client, (string)reader["lhFName"], (string)reader["lhLName"], peopleGraph);
                var right = nodeManager.CreateIfExists((string)reader["rhFB"], client, (string)reader["rhFName"], (string)reader["rhLName"], peopleGraph);

                //// Parse the user's first name and last name from Facebook display name.
                //string parsedFirstName = (string)reader["Display"];
                //int index = 0;
                //foreach (char character in parsedFirstName) {
                //    index++;
                //    if (character == ' ') {
                //        break;
                //    }
                //string parsedLastName = parsedFirstName.Substring(index, parsedFirstName.Length - index);
                //parsedFirstName = parsedFirstName.Substring(0, index-1);

                //Dictionary<string, Object> dictRight = nodeManager.CreateIfExists((string)reader["rhFB"], client, parsedFirstName, parsedLastName, peopleGraph);
                //Object tempRight;
                //dictRight.TryGetValue("NodeReference", out tempRight);
                //NodeReference<Person> right = (NodeReference<Person>)tempRight;

                // Create relationship between left and right
                client.CreateRelationship(left.NodeReference, new FriendsWith(right.NodeReference));
                Person leftPerson = client.Get<Person>(left.NodeReference).Data;
                Person rightPerson = client.Get<Person>(right.NodeReference).Data;

                //Object tempLeftNode;
                //dictLeft.TryGetValue("GraphNode", out tempLeftNode);
                //GraphNode<Person> leftNode = (GraphNode<Person>)tempLeftNode;

                //Object tempRightNode;
                //dictRight.TryGetValue("GraphNode", out tempRightNode);
                //GraphNode<Person> rightNode = (GraphNode<Person>)tempRightNode;

                peopleGraph.AddUndirectedEdge(left.GraphNode, right.GraphNode);

                // Log relationship creation
                string leftName = leftPerson.FirstName;
                string rightName = rightPerson.FirstName;
                Console.WriteLine("Relationship between " + leftName + " and " + rightName + " created.");


            // New sql command
            SqlCommand cmd2 = new SqlCommand();
            cmd2.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.Text;
            cmd2.Connection = sqlConnection1;

            // Query for all people with no friends :(
            cmd2.CommandText = @"SELECT DISTINCT Person.FacebookId, Person.FirstName, Person.LastName FROM Person";
            reader = cmd2.ExecuteReader();

            // Create nodes without relationships for all people to fill holes left by original query
            while (reader.Read())
                nodeManager.CreateIfExists((string)reader["FacebookId"], client, (string)reader["FirstName"], (string)reader["LastName"], peopleGraph);


            Console.WriteLine(BronKerbosch1(new Graph<Person>(new NodeList<Person>()), peopleGraph, new Graph<Person>(new NodeList<Person>())));
        public Scaffolding()
            client = new GraphClient(new Uri("http://localhost:7474/db/data"));

            client.CreateIndex("User", new IndexConfiguration() { Provider = IndexProvider.lucene, Type = IndexType.exact }, IndexFor.Node); // full text node index
            client.CreateIndex("Module", new IndexConfiguration() { Provider = IndexProvider.lucene, Type = IndexType.fulltext }, IndexFor.Node); // exact node index
            //client.CreateIndex("Genre", new IndexConfiguration() { Provider = IndexProvider.lucene, Type = IndexType.fulltext }, IndexFor.Node); // full text node index

            // Create Entities
            // Movies
            Movie swI = new Movie() { Name = "Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace", Description = "Begins the story of Anakin Skywalker" };

            var starWarsEpisodeI = client.Create(swI,
                new IRelationshipAllowingParticipantNode<Movie>[0],
                    new IndexEntry("Movie")
                        { "Name", swI.Name },
                        { "Description", swI.Description },
                        { "Id", swI.Id.ToString() }

            Movie swIV = new Movie() { Name = "Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope", Description = "First Starwars movie to debut on the big screen" };

            var starWarsEpisodeIV = client.Create(swIV,
                new IRelationshipAllowingParticipantNode<Movie>[0],
                    new IndexEntry("Movie")
                        { "Name", swIV.Name },
                        { "Description", swIV.Description },
                        { "Id", swIV.Id.ToString() }

            Movie indy = new Movie() { Name = "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom", Description = "Second movie in the original Indiana Jones trilogy" };

            var indianaJonesTempleOfDoom = client.Create(indy,
                new IRelationshipAllowingParticipantNode<Movie>[0],
                    new IndexEntry("Movie")
                        { "Name", indy.Name },
                        { "Description", indy.Description },
                        { "Id", indy.Id.ToString() }

            Movie jp = new Movie() { Name = "Jurassic Park", Description = "First Jurassic park movie" };

            var jurassicPark = client.Create(jp,
                new IRelationshipAllowingParticipantNode<Movie>[0],
                    new IndexEntry("Movie")
                        { "Name", jp.Name },
                        { "Description", jp.Description },
                        { "Id", jp.Id.ToString() }

            Movie et = new Movie() { Name = "ET", Description = "ET phone home" };

            var ET = client.Create(et,
                new IRelationshipAllowingParticipantNode<Movie>[0],
                    new IndexEntry("Movie")
                        { "Name", et.Name },
                        { "Description", et.Description },
                        { "Id", et.Id.ToString() }
                }); */

            // Directors

            User lucas = new User() { UserName = "******", Email_ID ="Lucas", Password ="******" };

            var georgeLucas = client.Create(lucas,
                new IRelationshipAllowingParticipantNode<User>[0],
                    new IndexEntry("User")
                        { "Name", lucas.UserName },
                        { "Id", lucas.UserID.ToString() }

            User spielberg = new User() { UserName = "******", Email_ID = "Lucas", Password = "******" };

            var stevenSpielberg = client.Create(spielberg,
                new IRelationshipAllowingParticipantNode<User>[0],
                    new IndexEntry("User")
                        { "Name", spielberg.UserName },
                        { "Id", spielberg.UserID.ToString() }

            Module module1 = new Module() { ModuleName = "Module 1" };

            var modModule1 = client.Create(module1,
                new IRelationshipAllowingParticipantNode<Module>[0],
                    new IndexEntry("Module")
                        { "Name", module1.ModuleName },
                        { "Id", module1.ModuleId.ToString() }

            Module module2 = new Module() { ModuleName = "Module 2" };
            var modModule2 = client.Create(module2,
                new IRelationshipAllowingParticipantNode<Module>[0],
                    new IndexEntry("Module")
                        { "Name", module2.ModuleName },
                        { "Id", module2.ModuleId.ToString() }

               /* // Genres
            Genre sf = new Genre() { Name = "Science Fiction" };

            var sciFi = client.Create(sf,
                new IRelationshipAllowingParticipantNode<Genre>[0],
                    new IndexEntry("Genre")
                        { "Name", sf.Name },
                        { "Id", sf.Id.ToString() }

            Genre adv = new Genre() { Name = "Adventure" };

            var adventure = client.Create(adv,
                new IRelationshipAllowingParticipantNode<Genre>[0],
                    new IndexEntry("Genre")
                        { "Name", adv.Name },
                        { "Id", adv.Id.ToString() }
                }); */

            // Create Relationships
            client.CreateRelationship(stevenSpielberg, new HasCompletedRelation(modModule1));
            client.CreateRelationship(stevenSpielberg, new HasCompletedRelation(modModule2));

            client.CreateRelationship(georgeLucas, new HasCompletedRelation(modModule2));

            client.CreateRelationship(starWarsEpisodeIV, new PartOf(sciFi));

            client.CreateRelationship(indianaJonesTempleOfDoom, new PartOf(adventure));

            client.CreateRelationship(jurassicPark, new PartOf(sciFi));
            client.CreateRelationship(jurassicPark, new PartOf(adventure));

            client.CreateRelationship(ET, new PartOf(sciFi));

            client.CreateRelationship(georgeLucas, new Directed(starWarsEpisodeI, new Models.Payloads.Payload() { Comment = "George Lucas' second Star Wars trilogy" }));
            client.CreateRelationship(georgeLucas, new Directed(starWarsEpisodeIV, new Models.Payloads.Payload() { Comment = "First Starwars movie that George Lucas directed" }));
            client.CreateRelationship(georgeLucas, new Directed(indianaJonesTempleOfDoom, new Models.Payloads.Payload() { Comment = "Lucas collaborated with Spielberg while filming" }));

            client.CreateRelationship(stevenSpielberg, new Directed(jurassicPark, new Models.Payloads.Payload() { Comment = "Huge box office success" }));
            client.CreateRelationship(stevenSpielberg, new Directed(ET, new Models.Payloads.Payload() { Comment = "One of Spielberg's most successful movies" }));

            var refA = client.Create(new User() { UserName = "******" });
            var refB = client.Create(new Module() { ModuleName = "Module A" });
            var refC = client.Create(new Module() { ModuleName = "Module B" });
            var refD = client.Create(new User() { UserName = "******" });

            // Create relationships
            client.CreateRelationship(refA, new HasCompletedRelation(refB));
            client.CreateRelationship(refA, new HasCompletedRelation(refC));
            client.CreateRelationship(refD, new HasCompletedRelation(refC));
            //client.CreateRelationship(refC, new HasCompletedRelation(refD) { Reason = "Don't know why : )" });
            client.CreateRelationship(refD, new HasCompletedRelation(refA)); */
        private static Node<PO.Worker> AddWorker(string name, GraphClient Client, Node<PO.Workers>WorkersRootNode)
            var workerNodeRef = Client.Create(
                    new IndexEntry
                        Name = "my_index",
                        KeyValues = new[]
                            /* new KeyValuePair<string, object>("key", "value"), new KeyValuePair<string, object>("key2", ""), */ new KeyValuePair<string, object>("key3", "value3")

            Client.Update<PO.Worker>(workerNodeRef, node => { node.SetID(workerNodeRef.Id); });

            var workersRootNode = WorkersRootNode;

            var rel = Client.CreateRelationship<PO.Workers, Relationships.HasItemRelationship>(
                new Relationships.HasItemRelationship(workerNodeRef)

            var workerNode = Get(workerNodeRef.Id, Client);

            return workerNode;