ShowFileBindingMenu() public method

public ShowFileBindingMenu ( UIElement target, PlacementMode placement ) : void
target UIElement
placement PlacementMode
return void
 /// <summary>
 /// Displays a popup containing the FileBinding menu features.
 /// </summary>
 public static EditVideoWindow InstancePopup(UIElement target, PlacementMode placement, Guid? videoId, string fileName, IMediaPlayerBusiness player, ClosingCallback callback) {
     EditVideoWindow NewForm = new EditVideoWindow();
     NewForm.isPopup = true;
     NewForm.videoId = videoId;
     if (videoId != null && videoId != Guid.Empty)
         NewForm.videoId = videoId;
         NewForm.fileName = fileName;
     NewForm.player = player;
     NewForm.callback = callback;
     NewForm.Window_Loaded(null, null);
     NewForm.ShowFileBindingMenu(target, placement);
     return NewForm;
        /// <summary>
        /// Displays a popup containing the FileBinding menu features.
        /// </summary>
        public static EditVideoWindow InstancePopup(UIElement target, PlacementMode placement, Guid?videoId, string fileName, ClosingCallback callback)
            EditVideoWindow NewForm = new EditVideoWindow();

            NewForm.isPopup = true;
            NewForm.videoId = videoId;
            if (videoId != null && videoId != Guid.Empty)
                NewForm.videoId = videoId;
                NewForm.fileName = fileName;
            NewForm.callback = callback;
            NewForm.Window_Loaded(null, null);
            NewForm.ShowFileBindingMenu(target, placement);