/// <summary>
        /// Handles the Click event of the btn_CritCreate control.
        /// Holt die Einträge aus den Textboxen, überprüft diese auf unerlaubte Sonderzeichen und speichert das neue Kriterium ab
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
        /// Erstellt von Veit Berg, am 27.01.16
        private void btn_CritCreate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            String Name = textBox_CritNameCreate.Text;
            String Desc = textBox_CritDescCreate.Text;
            if (CommonMethods.ChreckIfStringIsEmpty(Name) || CommonMethods.ChreckIfStringIsEmpty(Desc))

                if (CommonMethods.CheckIfForbiddenDelimiterInDb(Name) ||
                    Criterion Crit = new Criterion { Name = Name, Description = Desc };
            //catch (Exception x)
            //    MessageBox.Show(x.Message);
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the criterion by line from import file.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="criterionImportLine">The criterion import line.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 /// Erstellt von Joshua Frey, am 15.01.2016
 private Criterion GetCriterionByLineFromImportFile(string criterionImportLine)
     Criterion importCriterion;
     // Criterion_Id|Name|Description
     var lineAsArray = criterionImportLine.Split(this._delimiter);
     int criterionId;
         criterionId = Convert.ToInt32(lineAsArray[0]);
     catch (FormatException formatException)
         throw new NWATException(String.Format("{0}\n\n{1}",
             formatException, MessageWrongDatatypeInExportedLine("Criterion", criterionImportLine, "int|string|string")));
     importCriterion = new Criterion()
         Criterion_Id = criterionId,
         Name = lineAsArray[1],
         Description = lineAsArray[2]
     return importCriterion;
         * Private Section
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks if equal criterions.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="critOne">The crit one.</param>
        /// <param name="critTwo">The crit two.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// bool if given criterions have equal properties
        /// </returns>
        /// Erstellt von Joshua Frey, am 14.12.2015
        private bool CheckIfEqualCriterions(Criterion critOne, Criterion critTwo)
            bool equalName = critOne.Name == critTwo.Name;
            bool equalDescription = critOne.Description == critTwo.Description;

            return equalName && equalDescription;
        /// <summary>
        /// Return messages if all child project criterions should be deallocated.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="projectCriterionChildren">The project criterion children.</param>
        /// <param name="deleteCriterion">The delete criterion.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// Erstellt von Joshua Frey, am 13.01.2016
        private string MessageDeleteAllChildProjectCriterions(List<ProjectCriterion> projectCriterionChildren, Criterion deleteCriterion)
            string begin = String.Format("Das Kriterium {0} (Id={1}) hat folgende Projektkriterien als untergeordnete Kriterien:\n\n", deleteCriterion.Name, deleteCriterion.Criterion_Id);
            string projectCriterionChildrenListAsString = "";

            foreach (ProjectCriterion projCrit in projectCriterionChildren)
                projectCriterionChildrenListAsString += String.Format(" - Projekt: {0} (Id={1})\n   Kindkriterium: {2} (Id={3})\n\n",
                    projCrit.Project.Name, projCrit.Project_Id, projCrit.Criterion.Name, projCrit.Criterion_Id);

            string end = "\nWenn Sie das Kriterium löschen, entkoppeln sie auch alle \n"+
                         "untergeordneten Kriterien und deren untergeordneten Kriterien usw. \n"+
                         "von allen betroffenen Projekten. \n" +
                         "Sind Sie sich sicher, dass Sie das Kriterium löschen wollen?";

            return begin + projectCriterionChildrenListAsString + end;
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the criterion in database.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="alteredCriterion">The altered criterion.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// bool if update of criterion was successful
        /// </returns>
        /// Erstellt von Joshua Frey, am 14.12.2015
        /// <exception cref="NWATException">
        /// Das Kriterium mit dem Namen -Kriteriumname- existiert bereits in einem anderen Datensatz in der Datenbank.
        /// or
        /// Das Kriterium konnte nicht in der Datenbank gespeichert werden. 
        /// Bitte überprüfen Sie das übergebene Kriterium Objekt.
        /// or 
        /// Das Criterion Object besitzt keine ID. Bitte überprüfen Sie das übergebene Object
        /// </exception>
        public bool UpdateCriterionInDb(Criterion alteredCriterion)
            if (!CheckIfCriterionHasAnId(alteredCriterion))
                throw (new NWATException(MessageCriterionHasNoId()));

            int criterionId = alteredCriterion.Criterion_Id;
            Criterion critToUpdateFromDb = base.DataContext.Criterion.SingleOrDefault(crit=>crit.Criterion_Id==criterionId);

            if (critToUpdateFromDb != null)
                string newCriterionName = alteredCriterion.Name;
                if (!CheckIfCriterionNameAlreadyExists(newCriterionName, criterionId))
                    critToUpdateFromDb.Name = alteredCriterion.Name;
                    critToUpdateFromDb.Description = alteredCriterion.Description;
                    throw (new NWATException(MessageCriterionAlreadyExists(newCriterionName)));
                throw (new NWATException(MessageCriterionDoesNotExist(criterionId) + "\n" +

            Criterion alteredCriterionFromDb = GetCriterionById(criterionId);
            return CheckIfEqualCriterions(alteredCriterion, alteredCriterionFromDb);
 /// <summary>
 /// Checks if product has an identifier.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="prod">The product.</param>
 /// <returns>
 /// bool if Criterion has an id and it differs zero
 /// </returns>
 /// Erstellt von Joshua Frey, am 15.12.2015
 private bool CheckIfCriterionHasAnId(Criterion crit)
     if (crit.Criterion_Id == 0)
         return false;
         return true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Inserts the criterion into database.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="newCriterion">The new criterion.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// bool if insert of new criterion was successfull.
        /// </returns>
        /// Erstellt von Joshua Frey, am 14.12.2015
        /// <exception cref="NWATException">
        /// </exception>
        public bool InsertCriterionIntoDb(Criterion newCriterion)
            if (newCriterion != null)
                // if insert Id is != 0 then this criterion will be imported at the index of insertId
                bool willBeImported = newCriterion.Criterion_Id != 0;

                string newCriterionName = newCriterion.Name;
                if (!CheckIfCriterionNameAlreadyExists(newCriterionName))

                    if (willBeImported)
                        if (CheckIfCriterionIdAlreadyExists(newCriterion.Criterion_Id))
                            throw (new NWATException(MessageCriterionIdAlreadyExists(newCriterion.Criterion_Id)));
                        using (CurrentMasterDataIdsController masterDataIdsContr = new CurrentMasterDataIdsController())
                            CurrentMasterDataIds masterDataIdsSet = masterDataIdsContr.GetCurrentMasterDataIds();

                            int currentCritId = masterDataIdsSet.CurrentCriterionId;

                            // if you inserted a criterion manually and forgot to adjust the currentCriterionId it will
                            // increment to the free place and will use new id to insert new criterion
                            while (GetCriterionById(currentCritId) != null)
                                currentCritId = masterDataIdsSet.CurrentCriterionId;

                            newCriterion.Criterion_Id = currentCritId;

                    throw (new NWATException((MessageCriterionAlreadyExists(newCriterionName))));
                throw (new NWATException(MessageCriterionCouldNotBeSavedEmptyObject()));

            Criterion newCriterionFromDb = (from crit in base.DataContext.Criterion
                                            where crit.Name == newCriterion.Name
                                            && crit.Description == newCriterion.Description
                                            select crit).FirstOrDefault();
            return CheckIfEqualCriterions(newCriterion, newCriterionFromDb);
 /// <summary>
 /// Imports the criterion into database.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="importCriterion">The import criterion.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 /// Erstellt von Joshua Frey, am 26.01.2016
 public bool ImportCriterionIntoDb(Criterion importCriterion)
     return InsertCriterionIntoDb(importCriterion);
 partial void DeleteCriterion(Criterion instance);
 partial void UpdateCriterion(Criterion instance);
 partial void InsertCriterion(Criterion instance);