Beispiel #1
        internal static void PromptUserForLicenseIfTrialHasExpired()
            if (!(Debugger.IsAttached && SystemInformation.UserInteractive))
                //We only prompt user if user is in debugging mode and we are running in interactive mode

            bool createdNew;

            using (new Mutex(true, string.Format("NServiceBus-{0}", GitFlowVersion.MajorMinor), out createdNew))
                if (!createdNew)
                    //Dialog already displaying for this software version by another process, so we just use the already assigned license.

                if (license == null || LicenseExpirationChecker.HasLicenseExpired(license))
                    var licenseProvidedByUser = LicenseExpiredFormDisplayer.PromptUserForLicense(license);

                    if (licenseProvidedByUser != null)
                        license = licenseProvidedByUser;
Beispiel #2
        internal static void PromptUserForLicenseIfTrialHasExpired()
            if (!(Debugger.IsAttached && SystemInformation.UserInteractive))
                //We only prompt user if user is in debugging mode and we are running in interactive mode

            bool createdNew;

            using (new Mutex(true, string.Format("NServiceBus-{0}", GitFlowVersion.MajorMinor), out createdNew))
                if (!createdNew)
                    //Dialog already displaying for this software version by another process, so we just use the already assigned license.

                //TODO: should we display dialog if UpgradeProtection is not valid?
                if (ExpiryChecker.IsExpired(License.ExpirationDate))
                    license = LicenseExpiredFormDisplayer.PromptUserForLicense();