public void DrawString(String str, int x, int y)
            if (str == null || str.Equals(""))

            Font excelFont = font;

            if (font.Name.Equals("SansSerif"))
                excelFont = new Font("Arial", (int)(font.Size / verticalPixelsPerPoint), font.Style);
                excelFont = new Font(font.Name, (int)(font.Size / verticalPixelsPerPoint), font.Style);
            FontDetails d      = StaticFontMetrics.GetFontDetails(excelFont);
            int         width  = (int)((d.GetStringWidth(str) * 8) + 12);
            int         height = (int)((font.Size / verticalPixelsPerPoint) + 6) * 2;

            y -= Convert.ToInt32((font.Size / verticalPixelsPerPoint) + 2 * verticalPixelsPerPoint);    // we want to Draw the shape from the top-left
            HSSFTextbox textbox = escherGroup.CreateTextbox(new HSSFChildAnchor(x, y, x + width, y + height));

            textbox.IsNoFill  = (true);
            textbox.LineStyle = (HSSFShape.LINESTYLE_NONE);
            HSSFRichTextString s        = new HSSFRichTextString(str);
            HSSFFont           hssfFont = MatchFont(excelFont);

            textbox.String = (s);
Beispiel #2
        static void Main(string[] args)

            ISheet sheet = hssfworkbook.CreateSheet("ICell comments in POI HSSF");

            // Create the drawing patriarch. This is the top level container for all shapes including cell comments.
            IDrawing patr = (HSSFPatriarch)sheet.CreateDrawingPatriarch();

            //Create a cell in row 3
            ICell cell1 = sheet.CreateRow(3).CreateCell(1);
            cell1.SetCellValue(new HSSFRichTextString("Hello, World"));

            //anchor defines size and position of the comment in worksheet
            IComment comment1 = patr.CreateCellComment(new HSSFClientAnchor(0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 2, 6, 5));

             // set text in the comment
            comment1.String = (new HSSFRichTextString("We can set comments in POI"));

            //set comment author.
            //you can see it in the status bar when moving mouse over the commented cell
            comment1.Author = ("Apache Software Foundation");

            // The first way to assign comment to a cell is via HSSFCell.SetCellComment method
            cell1.CellComment = (comment1);

            //Create another cell in row 6
            ICell cell2 = sheet.CreateRow(6).CreateCell(1);

            HSSFComment comment2 = (HSSFComment)patr.CreateCellComment(new HSSFClientAnchor(0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 8, 6, 11));
            //modify background color of the comment
            comment2.SetFillColor(204, 236, 255);

            HSSFRichTextString str = new HSSFRichTextString("Normal body temperature");

            //apply custom font to the text in the comment
            IFont font = hssfworkbook.CreateFont();
            font.FontName = ("Arial");
            font.FontHeightInPoints =10;
            font.Boldweight = (short)FontBoldWeight.BOLD;
            font.Color = HSSFColor.RED.index;

            comment2.String = str;
            comment2.Visible = true; //by default comments are hidden. This one is always visible.

            comment2.Author = "Bill Gates";

             * The second way to assign comment to a cell is to implicitly specify its row and column.
             * Note, it is possible to set row and column of a non-existing cell.
             * It works, the commnet is visible.
            comment2.Row = 6;
            comment2.Column = 1;

        /// <summary>
        /// Adds the member.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="factory">The factory.</param>
        /// <param name="ticket">The ticket.</param>
        /// <param name="ticketHelper">The ticket helper.</param>
        /// <returns>BetListExcelBuilder object.</returns>
        public static BetListExcelBuilder AddUsername(this BetListExcelBuilder factory, ITicket ticket, ITicketHelper ticketHelper)
            IRichTextString rtfMember = new HSSFRichTextString(ticket.UserName);
            factory.AddCell(rtfMember, ticketHelper.Index % 2 == 0 ? factory.OddCellStyleCenterAligned : factory.EvenCellStyleCenterAligned);

            return factory;
        public void TestClearFormatting()

            HSSFRichTextString r = new HSSFRichTextString("Testing");
            Assert.AreEqual(0, r.NumFormattingRuns);
            r.ApplyFont(2, 4, new HSSFFont((short)1, null));
            Assert.AreEqual(2, r.NumFormattingRuns);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, r.NumFormattingRuns);
        public virtual IRichTextString RenderRTF(ITicket ticket, ITicketHelper ticketHelper)

            string refNo = Template.TransTime.refNo;
            string transTime = string.Join(null, new string[] { CoreBetList.refno, ": ", refNo });
            IRichTextString rtfTrans = new HSSFRichTextString(string.Join(null, new string[] { transTime, "\n", Template.transTime }));

            return rtfTrans;
Beispiel #6
        static void Main(string[] args)

            ISheet sheet1=hssfworkbook.CreateSheet("Sheet1");

            //font style1: underlined, italic, red color, fontsize=20
            IFont font1 = hssfworkbook.CreateFont();
            font1.Color = HSSFColor.RED.index;
            font1.IsItalic = true;
            font1.Underline = (byte)FontUnderlineType.DOUBLE;
            font1.FontHeightInPoints = 20;

            //bind font with style 1
           ICellStyle style1 = hssfworkbook.CreateCellStyle();

            //font style2: strikeout line, green color, fontsize=15, fontname='宋体'
            IFont font2 = hssfworkbook.CreateFont();
            font2.Color = HSSFColor.OLIVE_GREEN.index;
            font2.FontHeightInPoints = 15;
            font2.FontName = "宋体";

            //bind font with style 2
           ICellStyle style2 = hssfworkbook.CreateCellStyle();
            //apply font styles
            ICell cell1 = HSSFCellUtil.CreateCell(sheet1.CreateRow(1), 1, "Hello World!");
            cell1.CellStyle = style1;
            ICell cell2 = HSSFCellUtil.CreateCell(sheet1.CreateRow(3), 1, "早上好!");
            cell2.CellStyle = style2;

            //cell with rich text 
            ICell cell3 = sheet1.CreateRow(5).CreateCell(1);
            HSSFRichTextString richtext = new HSSFRichTextString("Microsoft OfficeTM");

            //apply font to "Microsoft Office"
            IFont font4 = hssfworkbook.CreateFont();
            font4.FontHeightInPoints = 12;
            richtext.ApplyFont(0, 16, font4);
            //apply font to "TM"
            IFont font3=hssfworkbook.CreateFont();
            font3.TypeOffset = (short)FontSuperScript.SUPER;
            font3.IsItalic = true;
            font3.Color = HSSFColor.BLUE.index;
            richtext.ApplyFont(16, 18,font3);

Beispiel #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates new Cell - Should only be called by HSSFRow.  This Creates a cell
        /// from scratch.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="book">Workbook record of the workbook containing this cell</param>
        /// <param name="sheet">Sheet record of the sheet containing this cell</param>
        /// <param name="row">the row of this cell</param>
        /// <param name="col">the column for this cell</param>
        /// <param name="type">CellType.Numeric, CellType.String, CellType.Formula, CellType.Blank,
        /// CellType.Boolean, CellType.Error</param>
        public HSSFCell(HSSFWorkbook book, HSSFSheet sheet, int row, short col,
                        CellType type)
            cellType    = CellType.Unknown; // Force 'SetCellType' to Create a first Record
            stringValue = null;
     = book;
            this._sheet = sheet;

            short xfindex = sheet.Sheet.GetXFIndexForColAt(col);

            SetCellType(type, false, row, col, xfindex);
Beispiel #8
        public void TestAlignment()
            HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook();
            NPOI.SS.UserModel.ISheet sh1 = wb.CreateSheet();
            HSSFPatriarch patriarch = sh1.CreateDrawingPatriarch() as HSSFPatriarch;

            HSSFTextbox textbox = patriarch.CreateTextbox(new HSSFClientAnchor(0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 6, 4)) as HSSFTextbox;
            HSSFRichTextString str = new HSSFRichTextString("Hello, World");
            textbox.String = (str);
            textbox.HorizontalAlignment = (HSSFTextbox.HORIZONTAL_ALIGNMENT_CENTERED);
            textbox.VerticalAlignment = (HSSFTextbox.VERTICAL_ALIGNMENT_CENTER);

            Assert.AreEqual(HSSFTextbox.HORIZONTAL_ALIGNMENT_CENTERED, textbox.HorizontalAlignment);
            Assert.AreEqual(HSSFTextbox.VERTICAL_ALIGNMENT_CENTER, textbox.VerticalAlignment);
Beispiel #9
        public void TestSetDeafultTextFormat()
            HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook();
            NPOI.SS.UserModel.ISheet sheet = wb.CreateSheet();
            HSSFPatriarch patriarch = sheet.CreateDrawingPatriarch() as HSSFPatriarch;

            HSSFTextbox textbox1 = patriarch.CreateTextbox(new HSSFClientAnchor(0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 3, 3)) as HSSFTextbox;
            HSSFRichTextString rt1 = new HSSFRichTextString("Hello, World!");
            Assert.AreEqual(0, rt1.NumFormattingRuns);

            HSSFRichTextString rt2 = (HSSFRichTextString)textbox1.String;
            Assert.AreEqual(1, rt2.NumFormattingRuns);
            Assert.AreEqual(HSSFRichTextString.NO_FONT, rt2.GetFontOfFormattingRun(0));
Beispiel #10
        public void TestAlignment()
            HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook();
            NPOI.SS.UserModel.ISheet sh1 = wb.CreateSheet();
            HSSFPatriarch patriarch = sh1.CreateDrawingPatriarch() as HSSFPatriarch;

            HSSFTextbox textbox = patriarch.CreateTextbox(new HSSFClientAnchor(0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 6, 4)) as HSSFTextbox;
            HSSFRichTextString str = new HSSFRichTextString("Hello, World");
            textbox.String = (str);
            textbox.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
            textbox.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;

            Assert.AreEqual(HorizontalAlignment.Center, textbox.HorizontalAlignment);
            Assert.AreEqual(VerticalAlignment.Center, textbox.VerticalAlignment);
        public void TestStore()
            TextObjectRecord record = new TextObjectRecord();
            HSSFRichTextString str = new HSSFRichTextString("AB");
            str.ApplyFont(0, 2, (short)0x0018);
            str.ApplyFont(2, 2, (short)0x0320);

            record.HorizontalTextAlignment = HorizontalTextAlignment.Center;
            record.VerticalTextAlignment = VerticalTextAlignment.Justify;
            record.IsTextLocked = (true);
            record.TextOrientation = TextOrientation.RotRight;
            record.Str = (str);

            byte[] recordBytes = record.Serialize();
            Assert.AreEqual(recordBytes.Length, data.Length);
            for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
                Assert.AreEqual(data[i], recordBytes[i], "At offset " + i);
        public void TestStore()
            TextObjectRecord record = new TextObjectRecord();
            HSSFRichTextString str = new HSSFRichTextString("AB");
            str.ApplyFont(0, 2, (short)0x0018);
            str.ApplyFont(2, 2, (short)0x0320);

            record.HorizontalTextAlignment = (TextObjectRecord.HORIZONTAL_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_CENTERED);
            record.VerticalTextAlignment = (TextObjectRecord.VERTICAL_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_JUSTIFY);
            record.IsTextLocked = (true);
            record.TextOrientation = (TextObjectRecord.TEXT_ORIENTATION_ROT_RIGHT);
            record.Str = (str);

            byte[] recordBytes = record.Serialize();
            Assert.AreEqual(recordBytes.Length, data.Length);
            for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
                Assert.AreEqual(data[i], recordBytes[i], "At offset " + i);
Beispiel #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Set a string value for the cell. Please note that if you are using
        /// full 16 bit Unicode you should call SetEncoding() first.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="value">value to Set the cell to.  For formulas we'll Set the formula
        /// string, for String cells we'll Set its value.  For other types we will
        /// Change the cell to a string cell and Set its value.
        /// If value is null then we will Change the cell to a Blank cell.</param>
        public void SetCellValue(IRichTextString value)
            int   row        = _record.Row;
            int   col        = _record.Column;
            short styleIndex = _record.XFIndex;

            if (value == null)
                SetCellType(CellType.Blank, false, row, col, styleIndex);

            if (value.Length > NPOI.SS.SpreadsheetVersion.EXCEL97.MaxTextLength)
                throw new ArgumentException("The maximum length of cell contents (text) is 32,767 characters");
            if (cellType == CellType.Formula)
                // Set the 'pre-Evaluated result' for the formula
                // note - formulas do not preserve text formatting.
                FormulaRecordAggregate fr = (FormulaRecordAggregate)_record;
                // Update our local cache to the un-formatted version
                stringValue = new HSSFRichTextString(value.String);

            if (cellType != CellType.String)
                SetCellType(CellType.String, false, row, col, styleIndex);
            int index = 0;

            HSSFRichTextString hvalue = (HSSFRichTextString)value;
            UnicodeString      str    = hvalue.UnicodeString;

            index = book.Workbook.AddSSTString(str);
            ((LabelSSTRecord)_record).SSTIndex = index;
            stringValue = hvalue;
            stringValue.SetWorkbookReferences(book.Workbook, ((LabelSSTRecord)_record));
            stringValue.UnicodeString = book.Workbook.GetSSTString(index);
        public void TestApplyFont()

            HSSFRichTextString r = new HSSFRichTextString("Testing");
            Assert.AreEqual(0, r.NumFormattingRuns);
            r.ApplyFont(2, 4, new HSSFFont((short)1, null));
            Assert.AreEqual(2, r.NumFormattingRuns);
            Assert.AreEqual(HSSFRichTextString.NO_FONT, r.GetFontAtIndex(0));
            Assert.AreEqual(HSSFRichTextString.NO_FONT, r.GetFontAtIndex(1));
            Assert.AreEqual(1, r.GetFontAtIndex(2));
            Assert.AreEqual(1, r.GetFontAtIndex(3));
            Assert.AreEqual(HSSFRichTextString.NO_FONT, r.GetFontAtIndex(4));
            Assert.AreEqual(HSSFRichTextString.NO_FONT, r.GetFontAtIndex(5));
            Assert.AreEqual(HSSFRichTextString.NO_FONT, r.GetFontAtIndex(6));

            r.ApplyFont(6, 7, new HSSFFont((short)2, null));
            Assert.AreEqual(HSSFRichTextString.NO_FONT, r.GetFontAtIndex(0));
            Assert.AreEqual(HSSFRichTextString.NO_FONT, r.GetFontAtIndex(1));
            Assert.AreEqual(1, r.GetFontAtIndex(2));
            Assert.AreEqual(1, r.GetFontAtIndex(3));
            Assert.AreEqual(HSSFRichTextString.NO_FONT, r.GetFontAtIndex(4));
            Assert.AreEqual(HSSFRichTextString.NO_FONT, r.GetFontAtIndex(5));
            Assert.AreEqual(2, r.GetFontAtIndex(6));

            Assert.AreEqual(HSSFRichTextString.NO_FONT, r.GetFontAtIndex(0));
            Assert.AreEqual(HSSFRichTextString.NO_FONT, r.GetFontAtIndex(1));
            Assert.AreEqual(HSSFRichTextString.NO_FONT, r.GetFontAtIndex(2));
            Assert.AreEqual(HSSFRichTextString.NO_FONT, r.GetFontAtIndex(3));
            Assert.AreEqual(HSSFRichTextString.NO_FONT, r.GetFontAtIndex(4));
            Assert.AreEqual(HSSFRichTextString.NO_FONT, r.GetFontAtIndex(5));

            r.ApplyFont(new HSSFFont((short)1, null));
            Assert.AreEqual(1, r.GetFontAtIndex(0));
            Assert.AreEqual(1, r.GetFontAtIndex(1));
            Assert.AreEqual(1, r.GetFontAtIndex(2));
            Assert.AreEqual(1, r.GetFontAtIndex(3));
            Assert.AreEqual(1, r.GetFontAtIndex(4));
            Assert.AreEqual(1, r.GetFontAtIndex(5));
            Assert.AreEqual(1, r.GetFontAtIndex(6));

Beispiel #15
        public void TestWrite()
            HSSFRichTextString str = new HSSFRichTextString("Hello, World!");

            TextObjectRecord record = new TextObjectRecord();
            record.Str = (/*setter*/str);
            record.HorizontalTextAlignment = (/*setter*/ TextObjectRecord.HORIZONTAL_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_LEFT_ALIGNED);
            record.VerticalTextAlignment = (/*setter*/ TextObjectRecord.VERTICAL_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_TOP);
            record.IsTextLocked = (/*setter*/ true);
            record.TextOrientation = (/*setter*/ TextObjectRecord.TEXT_ORIENTATION_NONE);

            byte[] ser = record.Serialize();
            Assert.AreEqual(ser.Length, simpleData.Length);

            Assert.IsTrue(Arrays.Equals(simpleData, ser));

            //read again
            RecordInputStream is1 = TestcaseRecordInputStream.Create(simpleData);
            record = new TextObjectRecord(is1);
Beispiel #16
        public void TestWrite()
            HSSFRichTextString str = new HSSFRichTextString("Hello, World!");

            TextObjectRecord record = new TextObjectRecord();
            record.Str = (/*setter*/str);
            record.HorizontalTextAlignment = (/*setter*/ HorizontalTextAlignment.Left);
            record.VerticalTextAlignment = (/*setter*/ VerticalTextAlignment.Top);
            record.IsTextLocked = (/*setter*/ true);
            record.TextOrientation = (/*setter*/ TextOrientation.None);

            byte[] ser = record.Serialize();
            Assert.AreEqual(ser.Length, simpleData.Length);

            Assert.IsTrue(Arrays.Equals(simpleData, ser));

            //read again
            RecordInputStream is1 = TestcaseRecordInputStream.Create(simpleData);
            record = new TextObjectRecord(is1);
Beispiel #17
 public void DrawString(String str, int x, int y)
     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str))
     // TODO-Fonts: Fallback for missing font
     Font excelFont = new Font(SystemFonts.Get(font.Name.Equals("SansSerif") ? "Arial" : font.Name),
                               (int)(font.Size / verticalPixelsPerPoint), font.FontMetrics.Description.Style);
         int width  = (int)((TextMeasurer.Measure(str, new TextOptions(excelFont)).Width * 8) + 12);
         int height = (int)((font.Size / verticalPixelsPerPoint) + 6) * 2;
         y -= Convert.ToInt32((font.Size / verticalPixelsPerPoint) + 2 * verticalPixelsPerPoint);    // we want to Draw the shape from the top-left
         HSSFTextbox textbox = escherGroup.CreateTextbox(new HSSFChildAnchor(x, y, x + width, y + height));
         textbox.IsNoFill  = (true);
         textbox.LineStyle = LineStyle.None;
         HSSFRichTextString s        = new HSSFRichTextString(str);
         HSSFFont           hssfFont = MatchFont(excelFont);
         textbox.String = (s);
Beispiel #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an Cell from a CellValueRecordInterface.  HSSFSheet uses this when
        /// reading in cells from an existing sheet.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="book">Workbook record of the workbook containing this cell</param>
        /// <param name="sheet">Sheet record of the sheet containing this cell</param>
        /// <param name="cval">the Cell Value Record we wish to represent</param>
        public HSSFCell(HSSFWorkbook book, HSSFSheet sheet, CellValueRecordInterface cval)
            _record     = cval;
            cellType    = DetermineType(cval);
            stringValue = null;
     = book;
            this._sheet = sheet;
            switch (cellType)
            case CellType.String:
                stringValue = new HSSFRichTextString(book.Workbook, (LabelSSTRecord)cval);

            case CellType.Blank:

            case CellType.Formula:
                stringValue = new HSSFRichTextString(((FormulaRecordAggregate)cval).StringValue);
            //ExtendedFormatRecord xf = book.Workbook.GetExFormatAt(cval.XFIndex);

            //CellStyle = new HSSFCellStyle((short)cval.XFIndex, xf, book);
        /// <summary>
        /// Renders this instance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>IRichTextString object.</returns>
        public IRichTextString Render()
            string s = string.Empty;
            foreach (var block in _blocks)
                s += block.Text;

            IRichTextString result = new HSSFRichTextString(s);
            int textIndex = 0;
            foreach (var block in _blocks)
                IFont font = _font;
                if (font == null)
                    font = block.Font;
                    if (block.Font != null)
                        font = block.Font;

                if (font != null)
                    int endIndex = textIndex + block.Text.Length;
                    result.ApplyFont(textIndex, endIndex, font);

                textIndex += block.Text.Length;

            return result;
Beispiel #20
 /// <summary>
 /// Set a string value for the cell. Please note that if you are using
 /// full 16 bit Unicode you should call SetEncoding() first.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="value">value to Set the cell to.  For formulas we'll Set the formula
 /// string, for String cells we'll Set its value.  For other types we will
 /// Change the cell to a string cell and Set its value.
 /// If value is null then we will Change the cell to a Blank cell.</param>
 public void SetCellValue(String value)
     HSSFRichTextString str = new HSSFRichTextString(value);
Beispiel #21
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the cell type. The SetValue flag indicates whether to bother about
        /// trying to preserve the current value in the new record if one is Created.
        /// The SetCellValue method will call this method with false in SetValue
        /// since it will overWrite the cell value later
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cellType">Type of the cell.</param>
        /// <param name="setValue">if set to <c>true</c> [set value].</param>
        /// <param name="row">The row.</param>
        /// <param name="col">The col.</param>
        /// <param name="styleIndex">Index of the style.</param>
        private void SetCellType(CellType cellType, bool setValue, int row, int col, short styleIndex)
            if (cellType > CellType.ERROR)
                throw new Exception("I have no idea what type that Is!");
            switch (cellType)

                case CellType.FORMULA:
                    FormulaRecordAggregate frec = null;

                    if (cellType != this.cellType)
                        frec = sheet.Sheet.RowsAggregate.CreateFormula(row, col);
                        frec = (FormulaRecordAggregate)record;
                    frec.Column = col;
                    if (setValue)
                        frec.FormulaRecord.Value = NumericCellValue;
                    frec.XFIndex = styleIndex;
                    frec.Row = row;
                    record = frec;

                case CellType.NUMERIC:
                    NumberRecord nrec = null;

                    if (cellType != this.cellType)
                        nrec = new NumberRecord();
                        nrec = (NumberRecord)record;
                    nrec.Column = col;
                    if (setValue)
                        nrec.Value = NumericCellValue;
                    nrec.XFIndex = styleIndex;
                    nrec.Row = row;
                    record = nrec;

                case CellType.STRING:
                    LabelSSTRecord lrec = null;

                    if (cellType != this.cellType)
                        lrec = new LabelSSTRecord();
                        lrec = (LabelSSTRecord)record;
                    lrec.Column = col;
                    lrec.Row = row;
                    lrec.XFIndex = styleIndex;
                    if (setValue)
                        String str = ConvertCellValueToString();
                        int sstIndex = book.Workbook.AddSSTString(new UnicodeString(str));
                        lrec.SSTIndex = (sstIndex);
                        UnicodeString us = book.Workbook.GetSSTString(sstIndex);
                        stringValue = new HSSFRichTextString();
                        stringValue.UnicodeString = us;
                    record = lrec;

                case CellType.BLANK:
                    BlankRecord brec = null;

                    if (cellType != this.cellType)
                        brec = new BlankRecord();
                        brec = (BlankRecord)record;
                    brec.Column = col;

                    // During construction the cellStyle may be null for a Blank cell.
                    brec.XFIndex = styleIndex;
                    brec.Row = row;
                    record = brec;

                case CellType.BOOLEAN:
                    BoolErrRecord boolRec = null;

                    if (cellType != this.cellType)
                        boolRec = new BoolErrRecord();
                        boolRec = (BoolErrRecord)record;
                    boolRec.Column = col;
                    if (setValue)
                    boolRec.XFIndex = styleIndex;
                    boolRec.Row = row;
                    record = boolRec;

                case CellType.ERROR:
                    BoolErrRecord errRec = null;

                    if (cellType != this.cellType)
                        errRec = new BoolErrRecord();
                        errRec = (BoolErrRecord)record;
                    errRec.Column = col;
                    if (setValue)
                    errRec.XFIndex = styleIndex;
                    errRec.Row = row;
                    record = errRec;
            if (cellType != this.cellType &&
                this.cellType != CellType.Unknown)  // Special Value to indicate an Uninitialized Cell
            this.cellType = cellType;
Beispiel #22
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an Cell from a CellValueRecordInterface.  HSSFSheet uses this when
        /// reading in cells from an existing sheet.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="book">Workbook record of the workbook containing this cell</param>
        /// <param name="sheet">Sheet record of the sheet containing this cell</param>
        /// <param name="cval">the Cell Value Record we wish to represent</param>
        public HSSFCell(HSSFWorkbook book, HSSFSheet sheet, CellValueRecordInterface cval)
            record = cval;
            cellType = DetermineType(cval);
            stringValue = null;
   = book;
            this.sheet = sheet;
            switch (cellType)
                case CellType.STRING:
                    stringValue = new HSSFRichTextString(book.Workbook, (LabelSSTRecord)cval);

                case CellType.BLANK:

                case CellType.FORMULA:
                    stringValue = new HSSFRichTextString(((FormulaRecordAggregate)cval).StringValue);
            //ExtendedFormatRecord xf = book.Workbook.GetExFormatAt(cval.XFIndex);

            //CellStyle = new HSSFCellStyle((short)cval.XFIndex, xf, book);
Beispiel #23
        public void TestWriteEmpty()
            HSSFRichTextString str = new HSSFRichTextString("");

            TextObjectRecord record = new TextObjectRecord();
            record.Str = (/*setter*/str);

            byte[] ser = record.Serialize();

            int formatDataLen = LittleEndian.GetUShort(ser, 16);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, formatDataLen, "formatDataLength");

            Assert.AreEqual(22, ser.Length); // just the TXO record

            //read again
            RecordInputStream is1 = TestcaseRecordInputStream.Create(ser);
            record = new TextObjectRecord(is1);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, record.Str.Length);
Beispiel #24
        public void TestModify()
            HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook();

            // create a sheet with a text box
            HSSFSheet sheet = wb.CreateSheet() as HSSFSheet;
            HSSFPatriarch patriarch = sheet.CreateDrawingPatriarch() as HSSFPatriarch;

            HSSFShapeGroup group1 = patriarch.CreateGroup(new
                    HSSFClientAnchor(0, 0, 0, 0,
                    (short)0, 0, (short)15, 25));
            group1.SetCoordinates(0, 0, 792, 612);

            HSSFTextbox textbox1 = group1.CreateTextbox(new
                    HSSFChildAnchor(100, 100, 300, 300));
            HSSFRichTextString rt1 = new HSSFRichTextString("Hello, World!");
            textbox1.String = rt1;

            // Write, read back and check that our text box is there
            wb = HSSFTestDataSamples.WriteOutAndReadBack(wb);
            sheet = wb.GetSheetAt(0) as HSSFSheet;
            patriarch = sheet.DrawingPatriarch as HSSFPatriarch;
            Assert.AreEqual(1, patriarch.Children.Count);

            group1 = (HSSFShapeGroup)patriarch.Children[(0)];
            Assert.AreEqual(1, group1.Children.Count);
            textbox1 = (HSSFTextbox)group1.Children[(0)];
            Assert.AreEqual("Hello, World!", textbox1.String.String);

            // modify anchor
            Assert.AreEqual(new HSSFChildAnchor(100, 100, 300, 300),
            HSSFChildAnchor newAnchor = new HSSFChildAnchor(200, 200, 400, 400);
            textbox1.Anchor = newAnchor;
            // modify text
            textbox1.String = new HSSFRichTextString("Hello, World! (modified)");

            // add a new text box
            HSSFTextbox textbox2 = group1.CreateTextbox(new
                    HSSFChildAnchor(400, 400, 600, 600));
            HSSFRichTextString rt2 = new HSSFRichTextString("Hello, World-2");
            textbox2.String = rt2;
            Assert.AreEqual(2, group1.Children.Count);

            wb = HSSFTestDataSamples.WriteOutAndReadBack(wb);
            sheet = wb.GetSheetAt(0) as HSSFSheet;
            patriarch = sheet.DrawingPatriarch as HSSFPatriarch;
            Assert.AreEqual(1, patriarch.Children.Count);

            group1 = (HSSFShapeGroup)patriarch.Children[(0)];
            Assert.AreEqual(2, group1.Children.Count);
            textbox1 = (HSSFTextbox)group1.Children[(0)];
            Assert.AreEqual("Hello, World! (modified)",
            Assert.AreEqual(new HSSFChildAnchor(200, 200, 400, 400),

            textbox2 = (HSSFTextbox)group1.Children[(1)];
            Assert.AreEqual("Hello, World-2", textbox2.String.String);
            Assert.AreEqual(new HSSFChildAnchor(400, 400, 600, 600),

            wb = HSSFTestDataSamples.WriteOutAndReadBack(wb);
            sheet = wb.GetSheetAt(0) as HSSFSheet;
            patriarch = sheet.DrawingPatriarch as HSSFPatriarch;
            group1 = (HSSFShapeGroup)patriarch.Children[(0)];
            textbox1 = (HSSFTextbox)group1.Children[(0)];
            textbox2 = (HSSFTextbox)group1.Children[(1)];
            HSSFTextbox textbox3 = group1.CreateTextbox(new
                    HSSFChildAnchor(400, 200, 600, 400));
            HSSFRichTextString rt3 = new HSSFRichTextString("Hello, World-3");
            textbox3.String = rt3;
Beispiel #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Set a string value for the cell. Please note that if you are using
        /// full 16 bit Unicode you should call SetEncoding() first.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="value">value to Set the cell to.  For formulas we'll Set the formula
        /// string, for String cells we'll Set its value.  For other types we will
        /// Change the cell to a string cell and Set its value.
        /// If value is null then we will Change the cell to a Blank cell.</param>
        public void SetCellValue(String value)
            HSSFRichTextString str = new HSSFRichTextString(value);

Beispiel #26
        /// <summary>
        /// Set a string value for the cell. Please note that if you are using
        /// full 16 bit Unicode you should call SetEncoding() first.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="value">value to Set the cell to.  For formulas we'll Set the formula
        /// string, for String cells we'll Set its value.  For other types we will
        /// Change the cell to a string cell and Set its value.
        /// If value Is null then we will Change the cell to a Blank cell.</param>
        public void SetCellValue(HSSFRichTextString value)
            int row = record.Row;
            int col = record.Column;
            short styleIndex = record.XFIndex;
            if (value == null)
                SetCellType(CELL_TYPE_BLANK, false, row, col, styleIndex);
            if (cellType == CELL_TYPE_FORMULA)
                // Set the 'pre-Evaluated result' for the formula 
                // note - formulas do not preserve text formatting.
                FormulaRecordAggregate fr = (FormulaRecordAggregate)record;
                // Update our local cache to the un-formatted version
                stringValue = new HSSFRichTextString(value.String);

            if (cellType != CELL_TYPE_STRING)
                SetCellType(CELL_TYPE_STRING, false, row, col, styleIndex);
            int index = 0;

            UnicodeString str = value.UnicodeString;
            index = book.Workbook.AddSSTString(str);
            ((LabelSSTRecord)record).SSTIndex = index;
            stringValue = value;
            stringValue.SetWorkbookReferences(book.Workbook, ((LabelSSTRecord)record));
            stringValue.UnicodeString = book.Workbook.GetSSTString(index);
Beispiel #27
        public void DrawString(String str, int x, int y)
            if (str == null || str.Equals(""))

            Font excelFont = font;
            if (font.Name.Equals("SansSerif"))
                excelFont = new Font("Arial", (int)(font.Size / verticalPixelsPerPoint), font.Style);
                excelFont = new Font(font.Name, (int)(font.Size / verticalPixelsPerPoint), font.Style);
            FontDetails d = StaticFontMetrics.GetFontDetails(excelFont);
            int width = (int)((d.GetStringWidth(str) * 8) + 12);
            int height = (int)((font.Size / verticalPixelsPerPoint) + 6) * 2;
            y -= Convert.ToInt32((font.Size / verticalPixelsPerPoint) + 2 * verticalPixelsPerPoint);    // we want to Draw the shape from the top-left
            HSSFTextbox textbox = escherGroup.CreateTextbox(new HSSFChildAnchor(x, y, x + width, y + height));
            textbox.IsNoFill = (true);
            textbox.LineStyle = (HSSFShape.LINESTYLE_NONE);
            HSSFRichTextString s = new HSSFRichTextString(str);
            HSSFFont hssfFont = MatchFont(excelFont);
            textbox.String = (s);
Beispiel #28
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the cell type. The SetValue flag indicates whether to bother about
        /// trying to preserve the current value in the new record if one is Created.
        /// The SetCellValue method will call this method with false in SetValue
        /// since it will overWrite the cell value later
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cellType">Type of the cell.</param>
        /// <param name="setValue">if set to <c>true</c> [set value].</param>
        /// <param name="row">The row.</param>
        /// <param name="col">The col.</param>
        /// <param name="styleIndex">Index of the style.</param>
        private void SetCellType(CellType cellType, bool setValue, int row, int col, short styleIndex)
            if (cellType > CellType.Error)
                throw new Exception("I have no idea what type that Is!");
            switch (cellType)
            case CellType.Formula:
                FormulaRecordAggregate frec = null;

                if (cellType != this.cellType)
                    frec = _sheet.Sheet.RowsAggregate.CreateFormula(row, col);
                    frec = (FormulaRecordAggregate)_record;
                frec.Column = col;
                if (setValue)
                    frec.FormulaRecord.Value = NumericCellValue;
                frec.XFIndex = styleIndex;
                frec.Row     = row;
                _record      = frec;

            case CellType.Numeric:
                NumberRecord nrec = null;

                if (cellType != this.cellType)
                    nrec = new NumberRecord();
                    nrec = (NumberRecord)_record;
                nrec.Column = col;
                if (setValue)
                    nrec.Value = NumericCellValue;
                nrec.XFIndex = styleIndex;
                nrec.Row     = row;
                _record      = nrec;

            case CellType.String:
                LabelSSTRecord lrec = null;

                if (cellType != this.cellType)
                    lrec = new LabelSSTRecord();
                    lrec = (LabelSSTRecord)_record;
                lrec.Column  = col;
                lrec.Row     = row;
                lrec.XFIndex = styleIndex;
                if (setValue)
                    String str      = ConvertCellValueToString();
                    int    sstIndex = book.Workbook.AddSSTString(new UnicodeString(str));
                    lrec.SSTIndex = (sstIndex);
                    UnicodeString us = book.Workbook.GetSSTString(sstIndex);
                    stringValue = new HSSFRichTextString();
                    stringValue.UnicodeString = us;
                _record = lrec;

            case CellType.Blank:
                BlankRecord brec = null;

                if (cellType != this.cellType)
                    brec = new BlankRecord();
                    brec = (BlankRecord)_record;
                brec.Column = col;

                // During construction the cellStyle may be null for a Blank cell.
                brec.XFIndex = styleIndex;
                brec.Row     = row;
                _record      = brec;

            case CellType.Boolean:
                BoolErrRecord boolRec = null;

                if (cellType != this.cellType)
                    boolRec = new BoolErrRecord();
                    boolRec = (BoolErrRecord)_record;
                boolRec.Column = col;
                if (setValue)
                boolRec.XFIndex = styleIndex;
                boolRec.Row     = row;
                _record         = boolRec;

            case CellType.Error:
                BoolErrRecord errRec = null;

                if (cellType != this.cellType)
                    errRec = new BoolErrRecord();
                    errRec = (BoolErrRecord)_record;
                errRec.Column = col;
                if (setValue)
                errRec.XFIndex = styleIndex;
                errRec.Row     = row;
                _record        = errRec;
            if (cellType != this.cellType &&
                this.cellType != CellType.Unknown)  // Special Value to indicate an Uninitialized Cell
            this.cellType = cellType;
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an excel comment in each cell with an associated error
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="excelSheet"></param>
        /// <param name="sheet"></param>
        private void HighlightErrors(ISheet excelSheet, ICOBieSheet<COBieRow> sheet)
            //sort by row then column
            var errors = sheet.Errors.OrderBy(err => err.Row).ThenBy(err => err.Column);

            // The patriarch is a container for comments on a sheet
            IDrawing patr = excelSheet.CreateDrawingPatriarch();
            int sheetCommnetCount = 0;
            foreach (var error in errors)
                if (error.Row > 0 && error.Column >= 0)
                    if ((error.Row + 3) > 65280)//UInt16.MaxValue some reason the CreateCellComment has 65280 as the max row number
                        // TODO: Warn overflow of XLS 2003 worksheet
                    //limit comments to 1000 per sheet
                    if (sheetCommnetCount == 999)

                    IRow excelRow = excelSheet.GetRow(error.Row);
                    if (excelRow != null)
                        ICell excelCell = excelRow.GetCell(error.Column);
                        if (excelCell != null)
                            string description = error.ErrorDescription;
                                if (error.ErrorLevel == COBieError.ErrorLevels.Warning)
                                    description = "Warning: " + description;
                                    description = "Error: " + description;

                            if (excelCell.CellComment == null)
                                    // A client anchor is attached to an excel worksheet. It anchors against a top-left and bottom-right cell.
                                    // Create a comment 3 columns wide and 3 rows height
                                    IClientAnchor anchor = null;
                                    if (IsXlsx)
                                        anchor =  new XSSFClientAnchor(0, 0, 0, 0, error.Column, error.Row, error.Column + 3, error.Row + 3);
                                        anchor =  new HSSFClientAnchor(0, 0, 0, 0, error.Column, error.Row, error.Column + 3, error.Row + 3);

                                    IComment comment = patr.CreateCellComment(anchor);

                                    IRichTextString str = null;
                                    if (IsXlsx)
                                        str = new XSSFRichTextString(description); 
                                        str = new HSSFRichTextString(description); 

                                    comment.String = str;
                                    comment.Author = "XBim";
                                    excelCell.CellComment = comment;
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                if (IsXlsx)
                                    ((XSSFRichTextString)excelCell.CellComment.String).Append(" Also " + description);
                                    description = excelCell.CellComment.String.ToString() + " Also " + description;
                                    excelCell.CellComment.String = new HSSFRichTextString(description);
Beispiel #30
 /// <summary>
 /// Créer une Cellule avec un Style en paramètre
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="_sheet"></param>
 /// <param name="_cellStyle"></param>
 /// <param name="_numCol"></param>
 /// <param name="_numRow"></param>
 /// <param name="_text"></param>
 public void createCellRichText(HSSFRow _row, HSSFCellStyle _cellStyle, int _numCol, string _text)
     NPOI.SS.UserModel.ICell _newCell = _row.CreateCell(_numCol);
     HSSFRichTextString richString = new HSSFRichTextString(_text);
     _cellStyle.WrapText = true;
     _newCell.CellStyle = _cellStyle;
Beispiel #31
        public void SetText(CellPos pos, string text)
            List<TextPosition> positions = new List<TextPosition>();

            while (text.IndexOf("<b>") > -1)
                int start = text.IndexOf("<b>");

                text = text.Substring(0, start) + text.Substring(start + 3);
                int end = text.IndexOf("</b>");
                text = text.Substring(0, end) + text.Substring(end + 4);
                positions.Add(new TextPosition { start = start, end = end });
            HSSFRichTextString richtext = new HSSFRichTextString(text);
            IFont font1 = _parent.Internal.CreateFont();
            font1.Boldweight = (short)FontBoldWeight.Bold;
            foreach (TextPosition position in positions)
                richtext.ApplyFont(position.start, position.end, font1);

            ICell cell = GetCell(pos, true);
Beispiel #32
        /// <summary>
        /// Goes through the Workbook, optimising the fonts by
        /// removing duplicate ones.
        /// For now, only works on fonts used in HSSFCellStyle
        /// and HSSFRichTextString. Any other font uses
        /// (eg charts, pictures) may well end up broken!
        /// This can be a slow operation, especially if you have
        /// lots of cells, cell styles or rich text strings
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="workbook">The workbook in which to optimise the fonts</param>
        public static void OptimiseFonts(HSSFWorkbook workbook)
            // Where each font has ended up, and if we need to
            //  delete the record for it. Start off with no change
            short[] newPos =
                new short[workbook.Workbook.NumberOfFontRecords + 1];
            bool[] zapRecords = new bool[newPos.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < newPos.Length; i++)
                newPos[i]     = (short)i;
                zapRecords[i] = false;

            // Get each font record, so we can do deletes
            //  without Getting confused
            FontRecord[] frecs = new FontRecord[newPos.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < newPos.Length; i++)
                // There is no 4!
                if (i == 4)

                frecs[i] = workbook.Workbook.GetFontRecordAt(i);

            // Loop over each font, seeing if it is the same
            //  as an earlier one. If it is, point users of the
            //  later duplicate copy to the earlier one, and
            //  mark the later one as needing deleting
            // Note - don't change built in fonts (those before 5)
            for (int i = 5; i < newPos.Length; i++)
                // Check this one for being a duplicate
                //  of an earlier one
                int earlierDuplicate = -1;
                for (int j = 0; j < i && earlierDuplicate == -1; j++)
                    if (j == 4)

                    FontRecord frCheck = workbook.Workbook.GetFontRecordAt(j);
                    if (frCheck.SameProperties(frecs[i]))
                        earlierDuplicate = j;

                // If we got a duplicate, mark it as such
                if (earlierDuplicate != -1)
                    newPos[i]     = (short)earlierDuplicate;
                    zapRecords[i] = true;

            // Update the new positions based on
            //  deletes that have occurred between
            //  the start and them
            // Only need to worry about user fonts
            for (int i = 5; i < newPos.Length; i++)
                // Find the number deleted to that
                //  point, and adjust
                short preDeletePos = newPos[i];
                short newPosition  = preDeletePos;
                for (int j = 0; j < preDeletePos; j++)
                    if (zapRecords[j])

                // Update the new position
                newPos[i] = newPosition;

            // Zap the un-needed user font records
            for (int i = 5; i < newPos.Length; i++)
                if (zapRecords[i])

            // Tell HSSFWorkbook that it needs to
            //  re-start its HSSFFontCache

            // Update the cell styles to point at the
            //  new locations of the fonts
            for (int i = 0; i < workbook.Workbook.NumExFormats; i++)
                ExtendedFormatRecord xfr = workbook.Workbook.GetExFormatAt(i);
                xfr.FontIndex = (

            // Update the rich text strings to point at
            //  the new locations of the fonts
            // Remember that one underlying unicode string
            //  may be shared by multiple RichTextStrings!
            ArrayList doneUnicodeStrings = new ArrayList();

            for (int sheetNum = 0; sheetNum < workbook.NumberOfSheets; sheetNum++)
                NPOI.SS.UserModel.ISheet s = workbook.GetSheetAt(sheetNum);
                IEnumerator rIt            = s.GetRowEnumerator();
                while (rIt.MoveNext())
                    HSSFRow     row = (HSSFRow)rIt.Current;
                    IEnumerator cIt = row.GetEnumerator();
                    while (cIt.MoveNext())
                        ICell cell = (HSSFCell)cIt.Current;
                        if (cell.CellType == NPOI.SS.UserModel.CellType.STRING)
                            HSSFRichTextString rtr = (HSSFRichTextString)cell.RichStringCellValue;
                            UnicodeString      u   = rtr.RawUnicodeString;

                            // Have we done this string already?
                            if (!doneUnicodeStrings.Contains(u))
                                // Update for each new position
                                for (short i = 5; i < newPos.Length; i++)
                                    if (i != newPos[i])
                                        u.SwapFontUse(i, newPos[i]);

                                // Mark as done
Beispiel #33
        /// <summary>
        /// Set a string value for the cell. Please note that if you are using
        /// full 16 bit Unicode you should call SetEncoding() first.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="value">value to Set the cell to.  For formulas we'll Set the formula
        /// string, for String cells we'll Set its value.  For other types we will
        /// Change the cell to a string cell and Set its value.
        /// If value is null then we will Change the cell to a Blank cell.</param>
        public void SetCellValue(IRichTextString value)
            HSSFRichTextString hvalue = (HSSFRichTextString)value;

            int row = record.Row;
            int col = record.Column;
            short styleIndex = record.XFIndex;
            if (hvalue == null)
                SetCellType(CellType.BLANK, false, row, col, styleIndex);

            if (hvalue.Length > NPOI.SS.SpreadsheetVersion.EXCEL97.MaxTextLength)
                throw new ArgumentException("The maximum length of cell contents (text) is 32,767 characters");
            if (cellType == CellType.FORMULA)
                // Set the 'pre-Evaluated result' for the formula 
                // note - formulas do not preserve text formatting.
                FormulaRecordAggregate fr = (FormulaRecordAggregate)record;
                // Update our local cache to the un-formatted version
                stringValue = new HSSFRichTextString(value.String);

            if (cellType != CellType.STRING)
                SetCellType(CellType.STRING, false, row, col, styleIndex);
            int index = 0;

            UnicodeString str = hvalue.UnicodeString;
            index = book.Workbook.AddSSTString(str);
            ((LabelSSTRecord)record).SSTIndex = index;
            stringValue = hvalue;
            stringValue.SetWorkbookReferences(book.Workbook, ((LabelSSTRecord)record));
            stringValue.UnicodeString = book.Workbook.GetSSTString(index);
Beispiel #34
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates new Cell - Should only be called by HSSFRow.  This Creates a cell
        /// from scratch.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="book">Workbook record of the workbook containing this cell</param>
        /// <param name="sheet">Sheet record of the sheet containing this cell</param>
        /// <param name="row">the row of this cell</param>
        /// <param name="col">the column for this cell</param>
        /// <param name="type">CellType.NUMERIC, CellType.STRING, CellType.FORMULA, CellType.BLANK,
        /// CellType.BOOLEAN, CellType.ERROR</param>
        public HSSFCell(HSSFWorkbook book, HSSFSheet sheet, int row, short col,
                           CellType type)
            cellType = CellType.Unknown; // Force 'SetCellType' to Create a first Record
            stringValue = null;
   = book;
            this.sheet = sheet;

            short xfindex = sheet.Sheet.GetXFIndexForColAt(col);
            SetCellType(type, false, row, col, xfindex);
Beispiel #35
        public void TestLongRecords()
            int[] length = { 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384 }; //test against strings of different length
            for (int i = 0; i < length.Length; i++)
                StringBuilder buff = new StringBuilder(length[i]);
                for (int j = 0; j < length[i]; j++)
                IRichTextString str = new HSSFRichTextString(buff.ToString());

                TextObjectRecord obj = new TextObjectRecord();
                obj.Str = (/*setter*/str);

                byte[] data = obj.Serialize();
                RecordInputStream is1 = new RecordInputStream(new MemoryStream(data));
                TextObjectRecord record = new TextObjectRecord(is1);
                str = record.Str;

                Assert.AreEqual(buff.Length, str.Length);
                Assert.AreEqual(buff.ToString(), str.String);
Beispiel #36
        public void TestClone()
            String text = "Hello, World";
            HSSFRichTextString str = new HSSFRichTextString(text);

            TextObjectRecord obj = new TextObjectRecord();
            obj.Str = (/*setter*/ str);

            TextObjectRecord Cloned = (TextObjectRecord)obj.Clone();
            Assert.AreEqual(obj.RecordSize, Cloned.RecordSize);
            Assert.AreEqual(obj.HorizontalTextAlignment, Cloned.HorizontalTextAlignment);
            Assert.AreEqual(obj.Str.String, Cloned.Str.String);

            //finally check that the Serialized data is the same
            byte[] src = obj.Serialize();
            byte[] cln = Cloned.Serialize();
            Assert.IsTrue(Arrays.Equals(src, cln));
Beispiel #37
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates new Cell - Should only be called by HSSFRow.  This Creates a cell
        /// from scratch.
        /// When the cell Is initially Created it Is Set to CELL_TYPE_BLANK. Cell types
        /// can be Changed/overwritten by calling SetCellValue with the appropriate
        /// type as a parameter although conversions from one type to another may be
        /// prohibited.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="book">Workbook record of the workbook containing this cell</param>
        /// <param name="sheet">Sheet record of the sheet containing this cell</param>
        /// <param name="row">the row of this cell</param>
        /// <param name="col">the column for this cell</param>
        public HSSFCell(HSSFWorkbook book, HSSFSheet sheet, int row, short col)
            stringValue = null;
   = book;
            this.sheet = sheet;

            // Relying on the fact that by default the cellType Is Set to 0 which
            // Is different to CELL_TYPE_BLANK hence the following method call correctly
            // Creates a new blank cell.
            short xfindex = sheet.Sheet.GetXFIndexForColAt(col);
            SetCellType(CELL_TYPE_BLANK, false, row, col, xfindex);
Beispiel #38
        public void TestOptimiseFonts()
            HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook();

            // Add 6 fonts, some duplicates
            IFont f1 = wb.CreateFont();
            f1.FontHeight = ((short)11);
            f1.FontName = ("Testing");

            IFont f2 = wb.CreateFont();
            f2.FontHeight = ((short)22);
            f2.FontName = ("Also Testing");

            IFont f3 = wb.CreateFont();
            f3.FontHeight = ((short)33);
            f3.FontName = ("Unique");

            IFont f4 = wb.CreateFont();
            f4.FontHeight = ((short)11);
            f4.FontName = ("Testing");

            IFont f5 = wb.CreateFont();
            f5.FontHeight = ((short)22);
            f5.FontName = ("Also Testing");

            IFont f6 = wb.CreateFont();
            f6.FontHeight = ((short)66);
            f6.FontName = ("Also Unique");

            // Use all three of the four in cell styles
            Assert.AreEqual(21, wb.NumCellStyles);

            NPOI.SS.UserModel.ICellStyle cs1 = wb.CreateCellStyle();
            Assert.AreEqual(5, cs1.FontIndex);

            NPOI.SS.UserModel.ICellStyle cs2 = wb.CreateCellStyle();
            Assert.AreEqual(8, cs2.FontIndex);

            NPOI.SS.UserModel.ICellStyle cs3 = wb.CreateCellStyle();
            Assert.AreEqual(9, cs3.FontIndex);

            NPOI.SS.UserModel.ICellStyle cs4 = wb.CreateCellStyle();
            Assert.AreEqual(10, cs4.FontIndex);

            Assert.AreEqual(25, wb.NumCellStyles);

            // And three in rich text
            NPOI.SS.UserModel.ISheet s = wb.CreateSheet();
            IRow r = s.CreateRow(0);

            HSSFRichTextString rtr1 = new HSSFRichTextString("Test");
            rtr1.ApplyFont(0, 2, f1);
            rtr1.ApplyFont(3, 4, f2);

            HSSFRichTextString rtr2 = new HSSFRichTextString("AlsoTest");
            rtr2.ApplyFont(0, 2, f3);
            rtr2.ApplyFont(3, 5, f5);
            rtr2.ApplyFont(6, 8, f6);

            // Check what we have now
            Assert.AreEqual(10, wb.NumberOfFonts);
            Assert.AreEqual(25, wb.NumCellStyles);

            // Optimise

            // Check font count
            Assert.AreEqual(8, wb.NumberOfFonts);
            Assert.AreEqual(25, wb.NumCellStyles);

            // Check font use in cell styles
            Assert.AreEqual(5, cs1.FontIndex);
            Assert.AreEqual(5, cs2.FontIndex); // duplicate of 1
            Assert.AreEqual(6, cs3.FontIndex); // duplicate of 2
            Assert.AreEqual(8, cs4.FontIndex); // two have gone

            // And in rich text

            // RTR 1 had f1 and f2, unchanged 
            Assert.AreEqual(5, r.GetCell(0).RichStringCellValue.GetFontAtIndex(0));
            Assert.AreEqual(5, r.GetCell(0).RichStringCellValue.GetFontAtIndex(1));
            Assert.AreEqual(6, r.GetCell(0).RichStringCellValue.GetFontAtIndex(3));
            Assert.AreEqual(6, r.GetCell(0).RichStringCellValue.GetFontAtIndex(4));

            // RTR 2 had f3 (unchanged), f5 (=f2) and f6 (moved down)
            Assert.AreEqual(7, r.GetCell(1).RichStringCellValue.GetFontAtIndex(0));
            Assert.AreEqual(7, r.GetCell(1).RichStringCellValue.GetFontAtIndex(1));
            Assert.AreEqual(6, r.GetCell(1).RichStringCellValue.GetFontAtIndex(3));
            Assert.AreEqual(6, r.GetCell(1).RichStringCellValue.GetFontAtIndex(4));
            Assert.AreEqual(8, r.GetCell(1).RichStringCellValue.GetFontAtIndex(6));
            Assert.AreEqual(8, r.GetCell(1).RichStringCellValue.GetFontAtIndex(7));
        /// <summary>
        /// Compares one rich text string to another.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="o">The o.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public int CompareTo(Object o)
            HSSFRichTextString r = (HSSFRichTextString)o;
