Beispiel #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Initialize a new instance of type <see cref="TravelerJournal"/> with its <see langword="default"/> values
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="_id"></param>
 public TravelerJournal(int?_id = null) : base(_id)
     MenstrualInfo            = new MenstrualCycleInfo();
     WeightInfo               = new WeightInfo();
     HepB                     = new Screening();
     AntiDImmunoglobulinGiven = new JournalData();
     UrineCulture             = new JournalData();
     journalStamps            = new List <JournalStamp> ();
     journalComments          = new List <JournalComment> ();
     ultraSoundScans          = new List <UltrasoundResult> ();
     OddsForDS                = new JournalData();
     PlacentaTest             = new JournalData();
     AmnioticFluidTest        = new JournalData();
     OralGlukoseToleranceTest = new OGTTScreening();
     BirthplaceInfo           = new BirthplaceInformation();
 public TermData(MenstrualCycleInfo _mentrualInfo, DateTime _expectedBirthDate, string _comment)
     MenstrualInfo     = _mentrualInfo;
     ExpectedBirthDate = _expectedBirthDate;
     Comment           = _comment;
        public override void BuildEntity(string _data)
            string[] data = _data.Split(Environment.NewLine);

            if (data.Length - 1 == 6)
                #region Core Journal data [Line 0]
                string[] coreJournalData = data[0].Split(",");

                if (int.TryParse(coreJournalData[0].Replace("JournalID", string.Empty), out int _id) && int.TryParse(coreJournalData[2], out int _journalDest))
                    if (int.TryParse(coreJournalData[1].Replace("PatientID", string.Empty), out int _patientID))
                        ID = _id;
                        Debug.LogWarning($"Invalid Journal ({ID}) build from storage; No Patient Attached!");

                    JournalDestination = ( JournalDest )_journalDest;
                    PatientData        = PatientRepo.Link.GetDataByIdentifier(_patientID);
                    JournalDestination = ( JournalDest )_journalDest;
                    throw new Exception($"One or more fields couldn't be retrived from: { ( data[ 0 ] ?? "Null" )}");

                if (PatientData != null)
                    #region Pregnancy History Record [Line 1]
                    string[] pEntries = data[1].Split(COLITEMSEPERATOR);

                    foreach (string pEntryDataStream in pEntries)
                        string[] pEntryData = pEntryDataStream.Split(",");
                        if (pEntryDataStream != string.Empty)
                            if (pEntryData.Length == 10 && bool.TryParse(pEntryData[0], out bool _bornAlive) && bool.TryParse(pEntryData[3], out bool _male) && int.TryParse(pEntryData[5], out int _pregnancyExperience) && bool.TryParse(pEntryData[7], out bool _stillBorn) && double.TryParse(pEntryData[8], NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint, new CultureInfo("en-US"), out double _weight) && int.TryParse(pEntryData[9], out int _year))
                                PregnancyHistoryEntry pEntry = new PregnancyHistoryEntry()
                                    BornAlive            = _bornAlive,
                                    CurrentStatusOfChild = pEntryData[1].Replace(COMMAIDENTIFIER, ","),
                                    GestationAge         = pEntryData[2].Replace(COMMAIDENTIFIER, ","),
                                    Male                = _male,
                                    PlaceOfBirth        = pEntryData[4].Replace(COMMAIDENTIFIER, ","),
                                    PregnancyExperience = ( Experience )_pregnancyExperience,
                                    PregnancyProgress   = pEntryData[6].Replace(COMMAIDENTIFIER, ","),
                                    StillBorn           = _stillBorn,
                                    Weight              = _weight,
                                    Year                = _year

                                throw new Exception($"One or more fields couldn't be retrived from: { ( data[ 1 ] ?? "Null" )}");

                    #region Abortion History Record [Line 2]
                    string[] aEntries = data[2].Split(COLITEMSEPERATOR);

                    foreach (string aEntryDataStream in aEntries)
                        string[] aEntryData = aEntryDataStream.Split(",");

                        if (aEntryDataStream != string.Empty)
                            if (aEntryData.Length == 3 && int.TryParse(aEntryData[2], out int _year))
                                AbortionHistoryEntry aEntry = new AbortionHistoryEntry()
                                    PlannedAbortionGA   = aEntryData[0].Replace(COMMAIDENTIFIER, ","),
                                    UnplannedAbortionGA = aEntryData[1].Replace(COMMAIDENTIFIER, ","),
                                    Year = _year

                                throw new Exception($"One or more fields couldn't be retrived from: { ( data[ 2 ] ?? "Null" )}");

                    #region Anamnese [Line 3]
                    string[] anamDataStream = data[3].Split(OBJECTSEPERATOR);
                    if (anamDataStream.Length == 14)
                        #region Alcohol History [Line 0]
                        string[] alcoHistoryStream = anamDataStream[0].Split(",");
                        if (alcoHistoryStream.Length == 3 && int.TryParse(alcoHistoryStream[0], out int _amountPrWeek) && bool.TryParse(alcoHistoryStream[1], out bool _duringPregnancy) && bool.TryParse(alcoHistoryStream[2], out bool _multiplePrSession))
                            Anamnese.AlcoholInfo = new AlcoholHistory(_duringPregnancy, _amountPrWeek, _multiplePrSession);
                            throw new Exception($"One or more fields couldn't be retrived from (Anamnese): { ( anamDataStream[ 0 ] ?? "Null" )}");

                        #region Allergies [Line 1]
                        string[] allergyStream = anamDataStream[1].Split(",");
                        if (allergyStream.Length == 2 && int.TryParse(allergyStream[1], out int _childAllergyRisk))
                            Anamnese.Allergies = new AllergyAssessement(allergyStream[0].Replace(COMMAIDENTIFIER, ","), ( ChildDisposedAllergy )_childAllergyRisk);
                            throw new Exception($"One or more fields couldn't be retrived from (Anamnese): { ( anamDataStream[ 1 ] ?? "Null" )}");

                        #region Chronic Medical Data [Line 2]
                        string[] chronicDataStream = anamDataStream[2].Split(",");
                        if (chronicDataStream.Length == 8 && bool.TryParse(chronicDataStream[0], out bool _airways) && bool.TryParse(chronicDataStream[1], out bool _circulation) && bool.TryParse(chronicDataStream[2], out bool _diabetes) && bool.TryParse(chronicDataStream[3], out bool _epilepsy) && bool.TryParse(chronicDataStream[4], out bool _herpesGenitalis) && bool.TryParse(chronicDataStream[5], out bool _psychologicalIllness) && bool.TryParse(chronicDataStream[6], out bool _recurrentUTI) && bool.TryParse(chronicDataStream[7], out bool _thyroidea))
                            Anamnese.ChronicMedicalData = new ChronicMedicalHistory(_circulation, _airways, _thyroidea, _diabetes, _epilepsy, _psychologicalIllness, _herpesGenitalis, _recurrentUTI);
                            throw new Exception($"One or more fields couldn't be retrived from (Anamnese): { ( anamDataStream[ 2 ] ?? "Null" )}");

                        Anamnese.DietAndActivity = anamDataStream[3].Replace(COMMAIDENTIFIER, ",");

                        #region Fertility Info [Line 4]
                        string[] fertilityStream = anamDataStream[4].Split(",");
                        if (fertilityStream.Length == 2 && bool.TryParse(fertilityStream[0], out bool _recievedFertilityTreatment))
                            Anamnese.FertilityInfo = new FertilityTreatmentData(_recievedFertilityTreatment, fertilityStream[1].Replace(COMMAIDENTIFIER, ","));
                            throw new Exception($"One or more fields couldn't be retrived from (Anamnese): { ( anamDataStream[ 4 ] ?? "Null" )}");

                        Anamnese.Medicin = anamDataStream[5].Replace(COMMAIDENTIFIER, ",");

                        #region MMR Vaccinated [Line 6]
                        if (int.TryParse(anamDataStream[6], out int _mMRVaccinated))
                            Anamnese.MMRVaccinated = ( MMRVaccinationStatus )_mMRVaccinated;
                            throw new Exception($"One or more fields couldn't be retrived from (Anamnese): { ( anamDataStream[ 6 ] ?? "Null" )}");

                        #region Other Drugs [Line 7]
                        if (bool.TryParse(anamDataStream[7], out bool _otherDrugs))
                            Anamnese.OtherDrugs = _otherDrugs;
                            throw new Exception($"One or more fields couldn't be retrived from (Anamnese): { ( anamDataStream[ 7 ] ?? "Null" )}");

                        Anamnese.OtherDrugsComment = anamDataStream[8].Replace(COMMAIDENTIFIER, ",");
                        Anamnese.PastAdmittance    = anamDataStream[9].Replace(COMMAIDENTIFIER, ",");

                        #region Risk Assessement [Line 10]
                        string[] riskStream = anamDataStream[10].Split(",");
                        if (riskStream.Length == 5 && bool.TryParse(riskStream[0], out bool _doubleTestTaken) && bool.TryParse(riskStream[2], out bool _requestedMalformationScan) && bool.TryParse(riskStream[3], out bool _requestedNuchalFoldScan) && bool.TryParse(riskStream[4], out bool _tripleTestTaken))
                            Anamnese.RiskAssessment = new PrenatalRiskAssessment(riskStream[1].Replace(COMMAIDENTIFIER, ","), _doubleTestTaken, _tripleTestTaken, _requestedNuchalFoldScan, _requestedMalformationScan);
                            throw new Exception($"One or more fields couldn't be retrived from (Anamnese): { ( anamDataStream[ 10 ] ?? "Null" )}");

                        #region Term Data [Line 11]
                        string[] termStream = anamDataStream[11].Split(",");
                        if (termStream.Length == 3 && DateTime.TryParse(termStream[1], out DateTime _expectedBirthDate))
                            #region Menstrual Cycle Info [Line 0]
                            string[]           mensInfoStream = termStream[0].Split(COLITEMSEPERATOR);
                            MenstrualCycleInfo mensInfo;
                            if (bool.TryParse(mensInfoStream[0], out bool _isCalculationSafe) && DateTime.TryParse(mensInfoStream[1], out DateTime _lastMenstrualDay))
                                mensInfo = new MenstrualCycleInfo(_lastMenstrualDay, mensInfoStream[2].Replace(COMMAIDENTIFIER, ","), _isCalculationSafe);
                                throw new Exception($"One or more fields couldn't be retrived from (Term Data): { ( termStream[ 0 ] ?? "Null" )}");

                            Anamnese.TermInfo = new TermData(mensInfo, _expectedBirthDate, termStream[2].Replace(COMMAIDENTIFIER, ","));
                            throw new Exception($"One or more fields couldn't be retrived from (Anamnese): { ( anamDataStream[ 11 ] ?? "Null" )}");

                        #region TobaccoInfo [Line 12]
                        string[] tobaccoStream = anamDataStream[12].Split(",");
                        if (tobaccoStream.Length == 4 && int.TryParse(tobaccoStream[0], out int _amountPrDay) && DateTime.TryParse(tobaccoStream[1], out DateTime _quitDate) && bool.TryParse(tobaccoStream[2], out bool _requestedRehab) && bool.TryParse(tobaccoStream[3], out bool _smoker))
                            Anamnese.TobaccoInfo = new TobaccoHistory(_smoker, _amountPrDay, _quitDate, _requestedRehab);
                            throw new Exception($"One or more fields couldn't be retrived from (Anamnese): { ( anamDataStream[ 12 ] ?? "Null" )}");

                        #region WorkEnvironment [Line 13]
                        string[] environmentStream = anamDataStream[13].Split(",");
                        if (environmentStream.Length >= 8 && bool.TryParse(environmentStream[1], out bool _leaveNotification) && bool.TryParse(environmentStream[3], out bool _partialLeaveNotification) && bool.TryParse(environmentStream[4], out bool _referedToOMClinic) && int.TryParse(environmentStream[6], out int _workHoursPrWeek))
                            Anamnese.WorkEnvironment.FathersWorkPosition      = environmentStream[0].Replace(COMMAIDENTIFIER, ",");
                            Anamnese.WorkEnvironment.LeaveNotification        = _leaveNotification;
                            Anamnese.WorkEnvironment.NatureAndPeriod          = environmentStream[2].Replace(COMMAIDENTIFIER, ",");
                            Anamnese.WorkEnvironment.PartialLeaveNotification = _partialLeaveNotification;
                            Anamnese.WorkEnvironment.ReferedToOMClinic        = _referedToOMClinic;

                            #region WorkEnvironment flag build [Line 5]
                            string[] environmentflags = environmentStream[5].Split(COLITEMSEPERATOR);
                            for (int i = 0; i < environmentflags.Length; i++)
                                if (int.TryParse(environmentflags[i], out int _flag))
                                    Anamnese.WorkEnvironment.WorkEnvironments[i] = ( WorkEnvironment )_flag;
                                    throw new Exception($"One or more fields couldn't be retrived from (Environment Flags): { ( environmentStream[ 5 ] ?? "Null" )}");

                            Anamnese.WorkEnvironment.WorkHoursPrWeek = _workHoursPrWeek;
                            Anamnese.WorkEnvironment.WorkPosition    = environmentStream[7].Replace(COMMAIDENTIFIER, ",");
                            throw new Exception($"One or more fields couldn't be retrived from (Anamnese): { ( anamDataStream[ 13 ] ?? "Null" )}");
                        throw new Exception($"One or more fields couldn't be retrived from (Anamnese): { ( data[ 3 ] ?? "Null" )}");

                    #region Investigations [Line 4]
                    string[] investigationStream = data[4].Split(OBJECTSEPERATOR);
                    if (investigationStream.Length == 9)
                        #region Clamydia Data [Line 0]
                        string[] claDataStream = investigationStream[0].Split(",");
                        if (DateTime.TryParse(claDataStream[0], out DateTime _claDate) && int.TryParse(claDataStream[1], out int _claResult))
                            Investegations.Clamydia = new Screening(_claDate, ( ScreeningInfo )_claResult);
                            throw new Exception($"One or more fields couldn't be retrived from (Investigations): { ( investigationStream[ 0 ] ?? "Null" )}");

                        #region DVataminReadingDate Data [Line 1]
                        if (DateTime.TryParse(investigationStream[1], out DateTime _dVatDate))
                            Investegations.DVataminReadingDate = _dVatDate;
                            throw new Exception($"One or more fields couldn't be retrived from (Investigations): { ( investigationStream[ 1 ] ?? "Null" )}");

                        Investegations.DVataminReadingResult = investigationStream[2].Replace(COMMAIDENTIFIER, ",");

                        #region Gonore Data [Line 3]
                        string[] gonDataStream = investigationStream[3].Split(",");
                        if (DateTime.TryParse(gonDataStream[0], out DateTime _gonDate) && int.TryParse(gonDataStream[1], out int _gonResult))
                            Investegations.Gonorrhea = new Screening(_gonDate, ( ScreeningInfo )_gonResult);
                            throw new Exception($"One or more fields couldn't be retrived from (Investigations): { ( investigationStream[ 3 ] ?? "Null" )}");

                        #region Hemoglobinopathy Data [Line 4]
                        string[] hemDataStream = investigationStream[0].Split(",");
                        if (DateTime.TryParse(hemDataStream[0], out DateTime _hemDate) && int.TryParse(hemDataStream[1], out int _hemResult))
                            Investegations.Hemoglobinopathy = new Screening(_hemDate, ( ScreeningInfo )_hemResult);
                            throw new Exception($"One or more fields couldn't be retrived from (Investigations): { ( investigationStream[ 4 ] ?? "Null" )}");

                        #region HepB Data [Line 5]
                        string[] hepDataStream = investigationStream[5].Split(",");
                        if (DateTime.TryParse(hepDataStream[0], out DateTime _hepDate) && int.TryParse(hepDataStream[1], out int _hepResult))
                            Investegations.HepB = new Screening(_hepDate, ( ScreeningInfo )_hepResult);
                            throw new Exception($"One or more fields couldn't be retrived from (Investigations): { ( investigationStream[ 5 ] ?? "Null" )}");

                        #region HIV Data [Line 6]
                        string[] hivDataStream = investigationStream[6].Split(",");
                        if (DateTime.TryParse(hivDataStream[0], out DateTime _hivDate) && int.TryParse(hivDataStream[1], out int _hivResult))
                            Investegations.HIV = new Screening(_hivDate, ( ScreeningInfo )_hivResult);
                            throw new Exception($"One or more fields couldn't be retrived from (Investigations): { ( investigationStream[ 6 ] ?? "Null" )}");

                        #region Syphilis Data [Line 7]
                        string[] sypDataStream = investigationStream[7].Split(",");
                        if (DateTime.TryParse(sypDataStream[0], out DateTime _sypDate) && int.TryParse(sypDataStream[1], out int _sypResult))
                            Investegations.Clamydia = new Screening(_sypDate, ( ScreeningInfo )_sypResult);
                            throw new Exception($"One or more fields couldn't be retrived from (Investigations): { ( investigationStream[ 7 ] ?? "Null" )}");
                        throw new Exception($"One or more fields couldn't be retrived from (Investigation): { ( data[ 4 ] ?? "Null" )}");

                    #region Resource and Risk Assessement [Line 5]
                    string[] resAndRiskStream = data[5].Split(",");
                    if (bool.TryParse(resAndRiskStream[1], out bool _needObstetricAssessement) && bool.TryParse(resAndRiskStream[2], out bool _needSocialAndHealthAdministration) && int.TryParse(resAndRiskStream[3], out int _niveauDistrubution))
                        ResAndRiskAssessement.Assessment = resAndRiskStream[0].Replace(COMMAIDENTIFIER, ",");
                        ResAndRiskAssessement.NeedObstetricAssessement          = _needObstetricAssessement;
                        ResAndRiskAssessement.NeedSocialAndHealthAdministration = _needSocialAndHealthAdministration;
                        ResAndRiskAssessement.NiveauDistrubution                = ( NiveauDist )_niveauDistrubution;
                        ResAndRiskAssessement.ObstetricAssessmentNote           = resAndRiskStream[4].Replace(COMMAIDENTIFIER, ",");
                        ResAndRiskAssessement.SocialAndHealthAdministrationNote = resAndRiskStream[5].Replace(COMMAIDENTIFIER, ",");
                        throw new Exception($"One or more fields couldn't be retrived from (Resource and Risk Assessement): { ( data[ 5 ] ?? "Null" )}");
                        throw new Exception($"No Patient found!");
                    catch (Exception _e)


            throw new Exception($"One or more fields couldn't be retrived from: { ( _data ?? "Null" )}");
Beispiel #4
        public override void BuildEntity(string _data)
            string[] data = _data.Split(Environment.NewLine);

            if (data.Length - 1 == 19)
                #region Core Journal data [Line 0]
                string[] coreJournalData = data[0].Split(",");

                if (int.TryParse(coreJournalData[0].Replace("JournalID", string.Empty), out int _id) && int.TryParse(coreJournalData[2], out int _journalDest))
                    if (int.TryParse(coreJournalData[1].Replace("PatientID", string.Empty), out int _patientID))
                        ID = _id;
                        Debug.LogWarning($"Invalid Journal ({ID}) build from storage; No Patient Attached!");

                    PatientData        = PatientRepo.Link.GetDataByIdentifier(_patientID);
                    JournalDestination = ( JournalDest )_journalDest;
                    throw new Exception($"One or more fields couldn't be retrived from: { ( data[ 0 ] ?? "Null" )}");

                #region MenstrualInfo [Line 1]
                string[] mensStream = data[1].Split(",");
                if (mensStream.Length == 3 && DateTime.TryParse(mensStream[1], out DateTime _date) && bool.TryParse(mensStream[0], out bool _isCalculationSafe))
                    MenstrualInfo = new MenstrualCycleInfo(_date, mensStream[2].Replace(COMMAIDENTIFIER, ","), _isCalculationSafe);
                    throw new Exception($"One or more fields couldn't be retrived from: { ( data[ 1 ] ?? "Null" )}");

                #region NaegelsRule & UltraSoundTermin [Line 2]
                string[] dateDataStream = data[2].Split(",");
                if (dateDataStream.Length == 2 && DateTime.TryParse(dateDataStream[0], out DateTime _naegelsRule) && DateTime.TryParse(dateDataStream[1], out DateTime _ultraSoundTermin))
                    NaegelsRule      = _naegelsRule;
                    UltrasoundTermin = _ultraSoundTermin;
                    throw new Exception($"One or more fields couldn't be retrived from: { ( data[ 2 ] ?? "Null" )}");

                #region WeightInfo [Line 3]
                string[] weightStream = data[3].Split(",");
                if (weightStream.Length == 3 && double.TryParse(weightStream[0], out double _weightbeforePregnancy) && double.TryParse(weightStream[1], out double _height) && double.TryParse(weightStream[2], out double _bmi))
                    WeightInfo = new WeightInfo(_weightbeforePregnancy, _height, _bmi);
                    throw new Exception($"One or more fields couldn't be retrived from: { ( data[ 3 ] ?? "Null" )}");

                #region Rhesus Values [Line 4]
                string[] rhesusStream = data[4].Split(",");
                if (rhesusStream.Length == 2 && bool.TryParse(rhesusStream[0], out bool _mothersRhesusFactor) && bool.TryParse(rhesusStream[1], out bool _childsRhesusFactor))
                    MothersRhesusFactor = _mothersRhesusFactor;
                    ChildsRhesusFactor  = _childsRhesusFactor;
                    throw new Exception($"One or more fields couldn't be retrived from: { ( data[ 4 ] ?? "Null" )}");

                #region HepB [Line 5]
                string[] hepBStream = data[5].Split(",");
                if (hepBStream.Length == 2 && DateTime.TryParse(hepBStream[0], out DateTime _hepBDate) && int.TryParse(hepBStream[1], out int _result))
                    HepB = new Screening(_hepBDate, ( ScreeningInfo )_result);
                    throw new Exception($"One or more fields couldn't be retrived from: { ( data[ 5 ] ?? "Null" )}");

                #region BloodtypeDetermined, AntibodyRhesusNegative & IrregularAntibody [Line 6]
                string[] antibodyDataStream = data[6].Split(",");
                if (antibodyDataStream.Length == 3 && bool.TryParse(antibodyDataStream[0], out bool _bloodTypeDetermined) && bool.TryParse(antibodyDataStream[0], out bool _antibodyRhesusNegative) && bool.TryParse(antibodyDataStream[0], out bool _irregularAntibody))
                    BloodTypeDetermined      = _bloodTypeDetermined;
                    AntibodyByRhesusNegative = _antibodyRhesusNegative;
                    IrregularAntibody        = _irregularAntibody;
                    throw new Exception($"One or more fields couldn't be retrived from: { ( data[ 6 ] ?? "Null" )}");

                #region AntiDImmunoglobulinGiven [Line 7]
                string[] antiDStream = data[7].Split(",");
                if (antiDStream.Length == 3 && DateTime.TryParse(antiDStream[0], out DateTime _antiDDate))
                    AntiDImmunoglobulinGiven = new JournalData(_antiDDate, antiDStream[1].Replace(COMMAIDENTIFIER, ","), antiDStream[2].Replace(COMMAIDENTIFIER, ","));
                    throw new Exception($"One or more fields couldn't be retrived from: { ( data[ 7 ] ?? "Null" )}");

                #region UrinCulture [Line 8]
                string[] urinCultureStream = data[8].Split(",");

                if (urinCultureStream.Length == 3 && DateTime.TryParse(urinCultureStream[0], out DateTime _urinCulturedate))
                    UrineCulture = new JournalData(_urinCulturedate, urinCultureStream[1].Replace(COMMAIDENTIFIER, ","), urinCultureStream[2].Replace(COMMAIDENTIFIER, ","));
                    throw new Exception($"One or more fields couldn't be retrived from: { ( data[ 8 ] ?? "Null" )}");

                #region journalStamps [Line 9]
                string[] stampsStream = data[9].Split(COLITEMSEPERATOR);
                if (stampsStream != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(stampsStream[0]))
                    foreach (string stampData in stampsStream)
                        string[] stampDataStream = stampData.Split(",");
                        if (stampDataStream.Length == 12 && DateTime.TryParse(stampDataStream[1], out DateTime _stampDate) && bool.TryParse(stampDataStream[2], out bool _edema) && bool.TryParse(stampDataStream[4], out bool _fetusActivity) && double.TryParse(stampDataStream[10], NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint, new CultureInfo("en-US"), out double _uterusSizeInCM) && double.TryParse(stampDataStream[11], NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint, new CultureInfo("en-US"), out double _weight))
                            JournalStamp stamp = new JournalStamp()
                                BloodPressure        = stampDataStream[0].Replace(COMMAIDENTIFIER, ","),
                                Date                 = _stampDate,
                                Edema                = _edema,
                                ExaminationLocation  = stampDataStream[3].Replace(COMMAIDENTIFIER, ","),
                                FetusActivity        = _fetusActivity,
                                FetusGender          = stampDataStream[5].Replace(COMMAIDENTIFIER, ","),
                                FosterRepresentation = stampDataStream[6].Replace(COMMAIDENTIFIER, ","),
                                GestationAge         = stampDataStream[7].Replace(COMMAIDENTIFIER, ","),
                                Initials             = stampDataStream[8].Replace(COMMAIDENTIFIER, ","),
                                UrinSample           = stampDataStream[9].Replace(COMMAIDENTIFIER, ","),
                                UterusSizeInCM       = _uterusSizeInCM,
                                Weight               = _weight

                            throw new Exception($"One or more fields couldn't be retrived from: { ( stampData ?? "Null" )}");

                #region JournalComments [Line 10]
                string[] commentsStream = data[10].Split(COLITEMSEPERATOR);

                if (commentsStream != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(commentsStream[0]))
                    foreach (string commentData in commentsStream)
                        string[] commentDataStream = commentData.Split(",");
                        if (commentDataStream.Length == 2 && DateTime.TryParse(commentDataStream[1], out DateTime _commentDate))
                            JournalComment comment = new JournalComment()
                                Comment = commentDataStream[0].Replace(COMMAIDENTIFIER, ","),
                                Date    = _commentDate

                            throw new Exception($"One or more fields couldn't be retrived from: { ( commentData ?? "Null" )}");

                #region UltraSoundScans [Line 11]
                string[] ultraStream = data[11].Split(COLITEMSEPERATOR);

                if (ultraStream != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ultraStream[0]))
                    foreach (string ultraData in ultraStream)
                        string[] ultraDataStream = ultraData.Split(",");
                        if (ultraDataStream.Length == 9 && double.TryParse(ultraDataStream[0], NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint, new CultureInfo("en-US"), out double _amnioticFluidAmount) && DateTime.TryParse(ultraDataStream[1], out DateTime _ultraResultDate) && double.TryParse(ultraDataStream[7], NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint, new CultureInfo("en-US"), out double _usWeight) && double.TryParse(ultraDataStream[8], NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint, new CultureInfo("en-US"), out double _weightDifference))
                            UltrasoundResult ultraSoundScan = new UltrasoundResult()
                                AmnioticFluidAmount = _amnioticFluidAmount,
                                Date = _ultraResultDate,
                                ExaminationLocation = ultraDataStream[2].Replace(COMMAIDENTIFIER, ","),
                                Flow = ultraDataStream[3].Replace(COMMAIDENTIFIER, ","),
                                FosterRepresentation = ultraDataStream[4].Replace(COMMAIDENTIFIER, ","),
                                GestationAge         = ultraDataStream[5].Replace(COMMAIDENTIFIER, ","),
                                Initials             = ultraDataStream[6].Replace(COMMAIDENTIFIER, ","),
                                USWeight             = _usWeight,
                                WeightDifference     = _weightDifference

                            throw new Exception($"One or more fields couldn't be retrived from: { ( ultraData ?? "Null" )}");

                #region NuchalFoldScan, DoubleTest & TripleTest [Line 12]
                string[] testData = data[12].Split(",");
                if (testData.Length == 3 && DateTime.TryParse(testData[0], out DateTime _nuchalFoldScan) && DateTime.TryParse(testData[1], out DateTime _doubleTest) && DateTime.TryParse(testData[2], out DateTime _tripleTest))
                    NuchalFoldScan = _nuchalFoldScan;
                    DoubleTest     = _doubleTest;
                    TripleTest     = _tripleTest;
                    throw new Exception($"One or more fields couldn't be retrived from: { ( data[ 12 ] ?? "Null" )}");

                #region OddsForDS [Line 13]
                string[] oddsForDSStream = data[13].Split(",");
                if (oddsForDSStream.Length == 3 && DateTime.TryParse(oddsForDSStream[0], out DateTime _oddsForDSDate))
                    OddsForDS = new JournalData(_oddsForDSDate, oddsForDSStream[1].Replace(COMMAIDENTIFIER, ","), oddsForDSStream[2].Replace(COMMAIDENTIFIER, ","));
                    throw new Exception($"One or more fields couldn't be retrived from: { ( data[ 13 ] ?? "Null" )}");

                #region PlacentaTest [Line 14]
                string[] placentaTestStream = data[14].Split(",");
                if (placentaTestStream.Length == 3 && DateTime.TryParse(placentaTestStream[0], out DateTime _placentaTestSDate))
                    PlacentaTest = new JournalData(_placentaTestSDate, placentaTestStream[1].Replace(COMMAIDENTIFIER, ","), placentaTestStream[2].Replace(COMMAIDENTIFIER, ","));
                    throw new Exception($"One or more fields couldn't be retrived from: { ( data[ 14 ] ?? "Null" )}");

                #region AmnioticFluidTest [Line 15]
                string[] amnioticFluidTestStream = data[15].Split(",");
                if (amnioticFluidTestStream.Length == 3 && DateTime.TryParse(amnioticFluidTestStream[0], out DateTime _amnioticFluidTestSDate))
                    AmnioticFluidTest = new JournalData(_amnioticFluidTestSDate, amnioticFluidTestStream[1].Replace(COMMAIDENTIFIER, ","), amnioticFluidTestStream[2].Replace(COMMAIDENTIFIER, ","));
                    throw new Exception($"One or more fields couldn't be retrived from: { ( data[ 15 ] ?? "Null" )}");

                #region OralGlukoseToleranceTest [Line 16]
                string[] oralGTTStream = data[16].Split(OBJECTSEPERATOR);
                if (oralGTTStream.Length == 3)
                    #region Glycosuria [Line 0]
                    JournalData glycosuria;
                    JournalData week18_20;
                    JournalData week28_30;

                    string[] glycosuriaStream = oralGTTStream[0].Split(",");
                    if (glycosuriaStream.Length == 3 && DateTime.TryParse(glycosuriaStream[0], out DateTime _glycosuriaStreamDate))
                        glycosuria = new JournalData(_glycosuriaStreamDate, glycosuriaStream[1].Replace(COMMAIDENTIFIER, ","), glycosuriaStream[2].Replace(COMMAIDENTIFIER, ","));
                        throw new Exception($"One or more fields couldn't be retrived from: { ( oralGTTStream[ 0 ] ?? "Null" )}");

                    #region Week18_20 [Line 1]
                    string[] week18_20Stream = oralGTTStream[1].Split(",");
                    if (week18_20Stream.Length == 3 && DateTime.TryParse(week18_20Stream[0], out DateTime _week18_20StreamDate))
                        week18_20 = new JournalData(_week18_20StreamDate, week18_20Stream[1].Replace(COMMAIDENTIFIER, ","), week18_20Stream[2].Replace(COMMAIDENTIFIER, ","));
                        throw new Exception($"One or more fields couldn't be retrived from: { ( oralGTTStream[ 1 ] ?? "Null" )}");

                    #region Week28_30 [Line 2]
                    string[] week28_30Stream = oralGTTStream[2].Split(",");
                    if (week28_30Stream.Length == 3 && DateTime.TryParse(week28_30Stream[0], out DateTime _Week28_30Date))
                        week28_30 = new JournalData(_Week28_30Date, week28_30Stream[1].Replace(COMMAIDENTIFIER, ","), week28_30Stream[2].Replace(COMMAIDENTIFIER, ","));
                        throw new Exception($"One or more fields couldn't be retrived from: { ( oralGTTStream[ 2 ] ?? "Null" )}");

                    OralGlukoseToleranceTest = new OGTTScreening(glycosuria, week18_20, week28_30);
                    throw new Exception($"One or more fields couldn't be retrived from: { ( data[ 16 ] ?? "Null" )}");

                #region AdditonalContext [Line 17]
                AdditonalContext = data[17].Replace(COMMAIDENTIFIER, ",");

                #region BirthplaceInfo [Line 18]
                string[] birthPlaceInfoStream = data[18].Split(",");
                if (bool.TryParse(birthPlaceInfoStream[1], out bool _birthWish) && int.TryParse(birthPlaceInfoStream[3], out int _conFormat))
                    BirthplaceInfo = new BirthplaceInformation()
                        BirthplaceWish            = birthPlaceInfoStream[0].Replace(COMMAIDENTIFIER, ","),
                        BirthPreperationWish      = _birthWish,
                        ChangedBirthplace         = birthPlaceInfoStream[2].Replace(COMMAIDENTIFIER, ","),
                        ConFormat                 = ( ConsultationFormat )_conFormat,
                        MidwifeCenterCity         = birthPlaceInfoStream[4].Replace(COMMAIDENTIFIER, ","),
                        MidwifeCenterHouseNumber  = birthPlaceInfoStream[5].Replace(COMMAIDENTIFIER, ","),
                        MidwifeCenterName         = birthPlaceInfoStream[6].Replace(COMMAIDENTIFIER, ","),
                        MidwifeCenterPhone        = birthPlaceInfoStream[7].Replace(COMMAIDENTIFIER, ","),
                        MidwifeCenterPostalCode   = birthPlaceInfoStream[8].Replace(COMMAIDENTIFIER, ","),
                        MidwifeCenterStreet       = birthPlaceInfoStream[9].Replace(COMMAIDENTIFIER, ","),
                        MidwifeConsultationWish   = birthPlaceInfoStream[10].Replace(COMMAIDENTIFIER, ","),
                        PrimaryExpectedBirthplace = birthPlaceInfoStream[11].Replace(COMMAIDENTIFIER, ",")
                    throw new Exception($"One or more fields couldn't be retrived from: { ( data[ 18 ] ?? "Null" )}");
                throw new Exception($"One or more fields couldn't be retrived from: { ( _data ?? "Null" )}");