Beispiel #1
        readonly Symbol[] parameterSorts; // the "sort" (abstract type) of each parameter

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        public ActionInfo(int arity, Symbol[] parameterSorts, ActionKind kind, List<ActionMethod> actionMethods)
            this.arity = arity;
            this.parameterSorts = parameterSorts;
            this.kind = kind;
            this.actionMethods = actionMethods;
Beispiel #2
        public static FSM GenerateTestSequenceAutomaton(string testcaseName, Sequence<Sequence<CompoundTerm>> testseqs, Set<Symbol> actionSymbols)
            Set<Term> acceptingStates = Set<Term>.EmptySet;
            Set<Term> states = Set<Term>.EmptySet;

            Symbol testCaseActionSymbol = new Symbol(testcaseName);
            Literal initialState = new Literal(0);
            states = states.Add(initialState);

            #region generate transitions and accepting states
            Set<Triple<Term, CompoundTerm, Term>> transitions =
                Set<Triple<Term, CompoundTerm, Term>>.EmptySet;
            for (int i = 0; i < testseqs.Count; i++)
                //the i'th test sequence start action
                CompoundTerm startTestAction =
                    new CompoundTerm(testCaseActionSymbol,
                                     new Sequence<Term>(new Literal(i)));

                transitions = transitions.Add(new Triple<Term, CompoundTerm, Term>(
                    initialState,startTestAction, IntermediateState.State(i,0)));

                Sequence<CompoundTerm> testseq = testseqs[i];

                //the final step state of the i'th test sequence is an accepting state
                acceptingStates = acceptingStates.Add(IntermediateState.State(i, testseq.Count));
                states = states.Add(IntermediateState.State(i, testseq.Count));

                for (int j = 0; j < testseq.Count; j++)
                    if (!actionSymbols.Contains(testseq[j].Symbol))
                        throw new ArgumentException("Not all action symbols in test sequences appear in actionSymbols", "actionSymbols");
                    states = states.Add(IntermediateState.State(i, j));
                    transitions = transitions.Add(new Triple<Term, CompoundTerm, Term>(
                        IntermediateState.State(i, j), testseq[j], IntermediateState.State(i, j + 1)));


            return new FSM(initialState, states, transitions,
                acceptingStates, actionSymbols.Add(testCaseActionSymbol));
Beispiel #3
 ///// <summary>
 ///// Accesses the mapping of .NET types to sorts (abstract types used to connect model programs). This 
 ///// is part of runtime context because two model programs may choose different .NET types for the same sort. 
 ///// This mapping is used when printing the term representation of a runtime value.
 ///// </summary> 
 ///// <param name="t">The .NET type</param>
 ///// <param name="sort">The associated sort, if found</param>
 ///// <returns>True if an association of type-to-sort was found. See also <see cref="RegisterSortType"/>.</returns>
 //public bool TypeSortTryGetValue(Type t, out Symbol/*?*/ sort)
 //    return typeSort.TryGetValue(t, out sort);
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes this context with a (sort, type) pair.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sort">The sort associated with <paramref name="t"/></param>
 /// <param name="t">The .NET type associated with <paramref name="sort"/></param>
 public void RegisterSortType(Symbol sort, Type t)
     if (sortType.ContainsKey(sort))
         if (!sortType[sort].Equals(t))
             throw new InvalidOperationException("Sort " + sort.ToString() +
                 " has already been registered in this context with a different type: " +
         sortType.Add(sort, t);
         Console.Out.WriteLine("Added sort: " + t.ToString());
Beispiel #4
 internal IEnumerable<CompoundTerm> GetEnabledActions(Node node, Symbol actionSymbol)
     IState istate = stateMap[node];
     return modelProgram.GetActions(istate, actionSymbol);
Beispiel #5
 public Parameter(FsmState state, Symbol actionSymbol, int index)
     this.state = state;
     this.actionSymbol = actionSymbol;
     this.index = index;
Beispiel #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Checks whether a sort is an abstract type. The corresponding set is created once in the constructor.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="s">A symbol denoting a sort (i.e. abstract type)</param>
 /// <returns>Returns always false for <see cref="FsmModelProgram"/></returns>
 public override bool IsSortAbstract(Symbol s)
     return false;
Beispiel #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Does this model program have an interface to parameter generation for this parameter?
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="state"></param>
        /// <param name="actionSymbol"></param>
        /// <param name="parameterIndex"></param>
        /// <returns>A set of terms representing the possible values</returns>
        public override bool HasActionParameterDomain(IState state, Symbol actionSymbol, int parameterIndex)
            FsmState fs = state as FsmState;
            if (fs == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid state");

            if (!this.ActionSymbols().Contains(actionSymbol))
                throw new ArithmeticException("Symbol " + actionSymbol.ToString() + "not in signature.");

            if (parameterIndex >= ActionArity(actionSymbol))
                return false;

            Parameter p = new Parameter(fs, actionSymbol, parameterIndex);
            Set<Term> domain;
            if (!parameterDomains.TryGetValue(p, out domain))
                domain = Set<Term>.EmptySet;
                foreach (Term automatonState in fs.AutomatonStates)
                    domain = domain.Union(GetAutomatonParameterDomain(automatonState, actionSymbol, parameterIndex));
                this.parameterDomains[p] = domain;
            // return parameterDomains.ContainsKey(p);
            return !domain.IsEmpty;
Beispiel #8
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the sort (i.e., abstract type) of the ith parameter of action <paramref name="actionSymbol"/>
 /// <br><c>requires actionSymbol != null;</c></br>
 /// <br><c>requires this.ActionSymbols.Contains(actionSymbol);</c></br>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="actionSymbol">A symbol naming an action of this model program.</param>
 /// <param name="parameterIndex">An integer in the interval [0, this.ActionArity(actionSymbol))</param>
 /// <returns>The sort (abstract type) of the ith parameter of action <paramref name="actionSymbol"/></returns>
 public override Symbol ActionParameterSort(Symbol actionSymbol, int parameterIndex)
     return AnySort;
Beispiel #9
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs an action for a  given action symbol and a params array of arguments.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="f">action symbol</param>
 /// <param name="args">arguments of the action</param>
 public Action(Symbol f, params Term[] args)
     : base(f, args)
Beispiel #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Create an instance of LibraryModelProgram for a given assembly
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="modAssembly">Loaded assembly</param>
        /// <param name="modelName">Name of the model namespace to be loaded. 
        /// Only classes in the model namespace will be loaded.</param>
        /// <param name="featureNames">The names of features to be loaded. If null, all
        /// features will be loaded for the given modelName. See <see cref="FeatureAttribute"/>.</param>
        /// <exception cref="ModelProgramUserException">Thrown if there is a usage error in the given assembly.</exception>
        public LibraryModelProgram(Assembly modAssembly, string modelName, Set<string>/*?*/ featureNames)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(modelName))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("modelName");

            InterpretationContext context = (null == featureNames ?
                new InterpretationContext() :
                new InterpretationContext(featureNames));

            Type/*?*/[]/*?*/ allTypes = modAssembly.GetTypes();
            List<Field> stateVars = new List<Field>();
            Dictionary<Symbol, ActionInfo> aInfoMap = new Dictionary<Symbol, ActionInfo>();
            Dictionary<Type, StatePredicate> acceptingStateConditions = new Dictionary<Type, StatePredicate>();
            Dictionary<Type, StatePredicate> stateInvariants = new Dictionary<Type, StatePredicate>();
            Dictionary<Type, StatePredicate> stateFilters = new Dictionary<Type, StatePredicate>();
            //Dictionary<Type, TransitionPropertyGenerator> transitionPropertyGenerators = new Dictionary<Type, TransitionPropertyGenerator>();
            bool modelIsEmpty = true;

            #region Get state variables, actions, invariants, accepting state conditions, and state filters

            abstractSorts = new Set<Symbol>();

            foreach (Type t in allTypes)
                    // ignore any compiler-generated types, such as iterators.
                    if (ReflectionHelper.IsCompilerGenerated(t))

                    // Collect  state variables, actions, invariants and accepting state conditions.
                    if (ReflectionHelper.IsInModel(t, modelName, featureNames))
                        // Register the sort for this type
                        context.RegisterSortType(AbstractValue.TypeSort(t), t);

                        // Check if the sort is abstract
                        if (AbstractValue.IsTypeAbstractSort(t)) abstractSorts=abstractSorts.Add(AbstractValue.TypeSort(t));

                        // Only extract variables and actions from class types.
                        if (!t.IsClass)

                        // clear flag that detects model namespace spelling errors
                        modelIsEmpty = false;

                        // Collect state variables
                        foreach (FieldInfo field in ReflectionHelper.GetModelVariables(t))
                            stateVars.Add(new Field(field));

                        Set<string> actionMethodNames = Set<string>.EmptySet;  // used to detect duplicates

                        // Collect actions
                        foreach (MethodInfo methodInfo in ReflectionHelper.GetMethodsForActions(t))
                                if (actionMethodNames.Contains(methodInfo.Name))
                                    throw new ModelProgramUserException("Duplicate action method name '" + methodInfo.Name + "' found. Action methods may not use overloaded names.");

                                if (!methodInfo.IsStatic)
                                    //check that the the declaring class is a labeled instance
                                    //or else say that probably the static keyword is missing

                                    if (methodInfo.DeclaringType.BaseType == null ||
                                        methodInfo.DeclaringType.BaseType.Name != "LabeledInstance`1" ||
                                        methodInfo.DeclaringType.BaseType.GetGenericArguments()[0] != methodInfo.DeclaringType)
                                        throw new ModelProgramUserException("Since the action method '" + methodInfo.Name + "' is non-static, the class '" + methodInfo.DeclaringType.Name + "' must directly inherit from 'LabeledInstance<" + methodInfo.DeclaringType.Name + ">'." +
                                                                            "\nDid you perhaps forget to declare the method 'static'?");

                                //check that the action parameter types are valid modeling types
                                foreach (ParameterInfo pInfo in methodInfo.GetParameters())
                                        if (!(pInfo.ParameterType.IsPrimitive ||
                                             pInfo.ParameterType.IsEnum ||
                                             pInfo.ParameterType == typeof(string) ||
                                            throw new ModelProgramUserException(
                                                "\nThe parameter '" + pInfo.Name + "' of '" + methodInfo.Name + "' does not a have valid modeling type. " +
                                                "\nA valid modeling type is either: a primitive type, an enum, a string, or a type that implements 'NModel.Internals.IAbstractValue'." +
                                                "\nIn particular, collection types in 'System.Collections' and 'System.Collections.Generic' are not valid modeling types." +
                                                "\nValid modeling types are collection types like 'Set' and 'Map' defined in the 'NModel' namespace, " +
                                                "\nas well as user defined types that derive from 'CompoundValue'.");

                                actionMethodNames = actionMethodNames.Add(methodInfo.Name);

                                Method method = new Method(methodInfo);

                                #region RequirementsMetrics2

                                // Requirements metrics
                                // methodInfo is only actions
                                // Collect the requirements from the enabling-actions below (after this loop)
                                if (!allModeledRequirements.ContainsKey(methodInfo.Name))
                                    allModeledRequirements =

                                // Collect the requirements from the enabling-actions
                                foreach (MethodInfo enablingMethodInfo in ReflectionHelper.GetEnablingMethods(methodInfo))
                                    if (!allModeledRequirements.ContainsKey(enablingMethodInfo.Name))
                                        Set<Pair<string, string>> requirements = new Set<Pair<string, string>>
                                        allModeledRequirements =
                                            allModeledRequirements.Add(enablingMethodInfo.Name, requirements);



                                foreach (ActionAttribute actionAttribute in ReflectionHelper.GetModelActionAttributes(methodInfo))
                                    CompoundTerm/*?*/ startActionLabel;
                                    CompoundTerm/*?*/ finishActionLabel;
                                    ReflectionHelper.GetActionLabel(methodInfo, actionAttribute, out startActionLabel, out finishActionLabel);
                                    ActionMethodFinish/*?*/ finishActionMethod = null;
                                    if (finishActionLabel != null)
                                        finishActionMethod = InsertActionMethodFinish(method, finishActionLabel, aInfoMap);
                                    if (startActionLabel != null)
                                        InsertActionMethodStart(method, startActionLabel, finishActionMethod, aInfoMap);
                            catch (ModelProgramUserException e)
                                string msg = "method " + methodInfo.Name + ", " + e.Message;
                                throw new ModelProgramUserException(msg);

                        // to do: collect transition properties

                        // Collect state invariants
                        //StatePredicate sp1 = StatePredicate.GetPredicates(t, GetStateInvariantMethodNames(t));
                        //if (null != sp1)
                        //    stateInvariants.Add(t, sp1);

                        // Collect accepting state conditions
                        StatePredicate sp2 = StatePredicate.GetAcceptingStateCondition(t);
                        if (null != sp2)
                            acceptingStateConditions.Add(t, sp2);

                        // Collect state invariants
                        StatePredicate sp3 = StatePredicate.GetStateInvariant(t);
                        if (null != sp3)
                            stateInvariants.Add(t, sp3);

                        //collect state filters
                        StatePredicate sp4 = StatePredicate.GetStateFilter(t);
                        if (null != sp4)
                            stateFilters.Add(t, sp4);

                catch (ModelProgramUserException e)
                    string msg = "In class " + t.Name + ", " + e.Message;
                    throw new ModelProgramUserException(msg);

            if (modelIsEmpty)
                throw new ModelProgramUserException("No classes found in model namespace " + modelName + ". Did you misspell?");


            // todo: Collect "sorts" for each type. Walk type tree of state variables and
            // action arguments to do this.

            Symbol[] aSymbols = new Symbol[aInfoMap.Keys.Count];
            int j = 0;
            foreach (Symbol a in aInfoMap.Keys)
                aSymbols[j++] = a;

            Field[] sFields = stateVars.ToArray();
            StateVariable[] sVars = new StateVariable[sFields.Length];
            string[] lNames = new string[sVars.Length];
            ValueArray<string> locNames;
            for (int i = 0; i < sVars.Length; i++)
                sVars[i] = sFields[i].stateVariable;
                lNames[i] = sFields[i].stateVariable.Name;

            locNames = new ValueArray<string>(lNames);

            string nameExt = "";
            if (featureNames != null && featureNames.Count > 0)
                nameExt += "[";
                for (int i = 0; i < featureNames.Count; i++)
                    nameExt += featureNames.Choose(i);
                    if (i < featureNames.Count - 1)
                        nameExt += ",";
                nameExt += "]";

   = modelName + nameExt;
            // this.generator = generator;
            this.stateFields = sFields;
            this.locationNames = locNames;
            this.stateVariables = sVars;
            this.actionSymbols = new Set<Symbol>(aSymbols);
            this.actionInfoMap = aInfoMap;
            this.finishActionSymbols = LibraryModelProgram.CreateStartFinishMap(aInfoMap);
            this.modelAssembly = modAssembly;
            this.context = context;
            this.currentState = GetInitialState();
            this.stateChangedPredicate = false;
            this.acceptingStateConditions = acceptingStateConditions;
            this.stateInvariants = stateInvariants;
            this.stateFilters = stateFilters;
Beispiel #11
 IEnumerable<Sequence<Term>> AllParameterCombinations(IState state, Symbol actionSymbol)
     int arity = this.ActionArity(actionSymbol);
     //if (arity > 0)
     Sequence<Set<Term>> args = Sequence<Set<Term>>.EmptySequence;
     for (int i = 0; i < arity; i++)
         args = args.AddLast(this.ActionParameterDomain(state, actionSymbol, i));
     return CartesianProduct(args);
     // return Set<Sequence<Term>>.EmptySet;
Beispiel #12
        //assumes that state has been set
        internal bool IsPotentiallyEnabled_Internal(IState state, Symbol actionSymbol)
            // to do: check to see if current state has continuations; otherwise eval.
            if (ActionSymbolKind(actionSymbol) == ActionKind.Finish) return false;

            ActionInfo/*?*/ a;
            if (this.actionInfoMap.TryGetValue(actionSymbol, out a))

                    return a.IsPotentiallyEnabled(this.context);
            return false;
Beispiel #13
 /// <summary>
 /// Checks whether a sort is an abstract type. The corresponding set is created once in the constructor.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="s">A symbol denoting a sort (i.e. abstract type)</param>
 /// <returns>true if the sort is abstract, false otherwise.</returns>
 public override bool IsSortAbstract(Symbol s)
     return abstractSorts.Contains(s);
Beispiel #14
        ValueConstructor GetValueConstructor(Symbol sort, int arity)
            ValueConstructor ctor;
            if (!valueConstructors.TryGetValue(sort, out ctor))
                Type type = this.DefaultSortType(sort);

                if (type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(LabeledInstance)))
                    // assert arity == 1;
                    ctor = LabeledInstanceConstructor(type);
                else if (type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(System.Enum)))
                    ctor = delegate(Sequence<IComparable> args1)
                        return (IComparable)System.Enum.Parse(type, (string) args1.Head);
                else if (collectionValueType.IsAssignableFrom(type))
                    MethodInfo m = type.GetMethod("ConstructValue", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);
                    ctor = delegate(Sequence<IComparable> args1)
                        object o = m.Invoke(null, new object[] { args1 });
                        return (IComparable)o;
                    return ctor;
                else // if (type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(CompoundValue)))
                    // look for constructor with same number of arguments.
                    ConstructorInfo[] ctorInfos = type.GetConstructors();
                    if (ctorInfos != null)
                        foreach (ConstructorInfo ctorInfo in ctorInfos)
                            ParameterInfo[] paramInfos = ctorInfo.GetParameters();
                            if ((paramInfos == null && arity == 0) ||
                                (paramInfos != null && paramInfos.Length == arity))
                                ctor = delegate(Sequence<IComparable> args1)
                                    IComparable[] args = new IComparable[args1.Count];
                                    args1.CopyTo(args, 0);
                                    object o = ctorInfo.Invoke(args);
                                    return (IComparable)o;
                if (ctor == null)
                  throw new InvalidOperationException("No constructors with arity " +arity+ " found for type " + type.ToString());

                valueConstructors[sort] = ctor;
            return ctor;
Beispiel #15
 public bool SortTypeTryGetValue(Symbol sort, out Type/*?*/ t)
     return sortType.TryGetValue(sort, out t);
Beispiel #16
 /// <summary>
 /// Modifies the current context so that the next object id for <paramref name="sort"/>
 /// is equal <paramref name="maxIdValue"/> plus 1. This method modifies the current
 /// model state.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sort">The sort (abstract type) to modify</param>
 /// <param name="maxIdValue">The id of the maximum element</param>
 public void ResetId(Symbol sort, int maxIdValue)
     if (maxIdValue > 0)
         idPool = idPool.Override(sort, maxIdValue);
     else if (maxIdValue == 0)
         idPool = idPool.RemoveKey(sort);
         throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("maxIdValue");
Beispiel #17
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs an action for a  given action symbol and sequence of arguments.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="f">action symbol</param>
 /// <param name="args">arguments of the action</param>
 public Action(Symbol f, Sequence<Term> args)
     : base(f, args)
Beispiel #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Number of arguments taken by the action symbol
        /// </summary>
        public override int ActionArity(Symbol actionSymbol)
            if (null == actionSymbol)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("actionSymbol");

            ActionInfo info;
            if (actionInfoMap.TryGetValue(actionSymbol, out info))
                return info.Arity;
                throw new ArgumentException("actionSymbol");
Beispiel #19
 /// <summary>
 /// Number of arguments associated with action symbol <paramref name="actionSymbol"/>
 /// <br><c>requires actionSymbol != null;</c></br>
 /// <br><c>requires this.ActionSymbols.Contains(actionSymbol);</c></br>
 /// <br><c>ensures result &gt;= 0</c></br>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="actionSymbol">A symbol naming an action of this model program.</param>
 /// <returns>The number of arguments required in a <see cref="Term"/> invoking this <paramref name="actionSymbol"/></returns>
 public override int ActionArity(Symbol actionSymbol)
     int arity;
        if (this.actionArities.TryGetValue(actionSymbol, out arity))
        return arity;
        throw new ArgumentException("Action symbol " + actionSymbol.ToString() + " not in signature of this model program.");
Beispiel #20
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="state"></param>
        /// <param name="actionSymbol"></param>
        /// <param name="parameterIndex"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override Set<Term> ActionParameterDomain(IState state, Symbol actionSymbol, int parameterIndex)
            // 1- get domain from attr
            ActionInfo actionInfo;
            if (!actionInfoMap.TryGetValue(actionSymbol, out actionInfo))
                throw new InvalidOperationException();

            if (ActionSymbolKind(actionSymbol) == ActionKind.Start || ActionSymbolKind(actionSymbol) == ActionKind.Atomic)
                // merge parameter generators of each action method
                if (0 <= parameterIndex && parameterIndex < actionInfo.Arity)
                    Set<Term>/*?*/ values = null;

                        foreach(ActionMethod am in actionInfo.ActionMethods)
                            ParameterGenerator/*?*/ parameterGenerator = am.GetParameterGenerator(parameterIndex);

                            if (null != parameterGenerator)
                                Set<Term> newValues = parameterGenerator();

                                values = (null == values) ? newValues : IntersectWithAny(values ,newValues);
                    if (null == values)
                        throw new ModelProgramUserException("Parameter "+ parameterIndex + " of action '" + actionSymbol + "' does not have a parameter generator." +
                            "\nFor instance based actions, parameter 0 is the implicit 'this' parameter;" +
                            "\nthe generator is added to the class using [Domain(\"new\")] or [Domain(M)] attribute where M is a custom parameter generator.");
                    return values;

                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("parameterIndex");
                Set<Term> result = Set<Term>.EmptySet;
                Dictionary<CompoundTerm, IState> stateContinuations;
                if (this.continuations.TryGetValue(state, out stateContinuations))
                    foreach (CompoundTerm action in stateContinuations.Keys)
                        if (0 <= parameterIndex && parameterIndex < action.Arguments.Count)
                            result = result.Add(action.Arguments[parameterIndex]);
                return result;
Beispiel #21
        /// <summary>
        /// Enumerate all the enabled actions with the given symbol in the given state
        /// </summary>
        public override IEnumerable<CompoundTerm> GetActions(IState state, Symbol actionSymbol)
            FsmState fs = state as FsmState;
            if (fs == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid state");

            Set<CompoundTerm> result = Set<CompoundTerm>.EmptySet;

            foreach (Term automatonState in fs.AutomatonStates)
                Set<Transition> outgoing = this.automaton.OutgoingTransitions(automatonState);
                foreach (Transition t in outgoing)
                    CompoundTerm ct = t.Second as CompoundTerm;
                    if (ct == null) throw new InvalidOperationException("Internal error");
                    if (Object.Equals(ct.Symbol, actionSymbol))
                        result = result.Add(ct);

            return result;
Beispiel #22
        /// <summary>
        /// Parameter sort of the given parameter index and given action symbol
        /// </summary>
        public override Symbol ActionParameterSort(Symbol actionSymbol, int parameterIndex)
            if (null == actionSymbol)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("actionSymbol");

            ActionInfo info;
            if (actionInfoMap.TryGetValue(actionSymbol, out info))
                if (info.ParameterSorts.Length > parameterIndex)
                    // TODO: make sure parameterSorts is initialized in the constructor
                    return info.ParameterSorts[parameterIndex];
                    throw new ArgumentException("parameterIndex");
                throw new ArgumentException("actionSymbol");
Beispiel #23
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns true if the action symbol is potentially enabled in the given state
        /// </summary>
        public override bool IsPotentiallyEnabled(IState state, Symbol actionSymbol)
            FsmState fs = state as FsmState;
            if (fs == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid state");

            if (!this.ActionSymbols().Contains(actionSymbol))
                throw new ArgumentException("Action symbol " + actionSymbol.ToString() + " not in signature.");

            Set<Symbol> stateActionSymbols;
            foreach (Term automatonState in fs.AutomatonStates)
                if (this.potentiallyEnabled.TryGetValue(automatonState, out stateActionSymbols) &&
                    return true;
            return false;
Beispiel #24
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the kind of the action symbol
        /// </summary>
        public ActionKind ActionSymbolKind(Symbol actionSymbol)
            if (null == actionSymbol)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("actionSymbol");

            if (!this.ActionSymbols().Contains(actionSymbol))
                throw new ArgumentException("symbol " + actionSymbol.ToString() + "not found.");

            ActionInfo aInfo;
            if (this.actionInfoMap.TryGetValue(actionSymbol, out aInfo))
                return aInfo.Kind;
                throw new ArgumentException("symbol " + actionSymbol.ToString() + " not found.");
Beispiel #25
 Set<Term> GetAutomatonParameterDomain(Term startState, Symbol actionSymbol, int parameterIndex)
     Set<Term> result = Set<Term>.EmptySet;
     Set<Transition> outgoing = this.automaton.OutgoingTransitions(startState);
     foreach (Transition transition in outgoing)
         CompoundTerm ct = transition.Second as CompoundTerm;
         if (ct == null || parameterIndex >= ActionArity(actionSymbol))
             throw new InvalidOperationException("Internal error");
         if (actionSymbol.Equals(ct.Symbol))
             result = result.Add(ct.Arguments[parameterIndex]);
     return result;
Beispiel #26
        /// <summary>
        /// Enumerates all the enabled actions in the given state with the given action symbol.
        /// </summary>
        public override IEnumerable<CompoundTerm> GetActions(IState state, Symbol actionSymbol)
            // Case 1: ready mode
            if (state.ControlMode.Equals(readyControlMode))
                if (ActionSymbolKind(actionSymbol) == ActionKind.Finish) yield break;
                //enumerate over the parameter domains, check
                //enabling conditions and yield the actions
                ActionInfo/*?*/ actionMethod;
                // SetState(state);
                if (this.IsPotentiallyEnabled_Internal(state, actionSymbol)) // CODE REVIEW: Is this call redundant? Appears to be.
                    if (this.actionInfoMap.TryGetValue(actionSymbol, out actionMethod))
                        //BOOGIE: actionMethod is known to be nonnull at this point
                        if ((/*^(ActionInfo)^*/actionMethod).IsPotentiallyEnabled(this.context))
                            foreach (Sequence<Term> args in AllParameterCombinations(state, actionSymbol))

                                // State may need to be reset if someone calls GetActions recursively.
                                    if ((/*^(ActionInfo)^*/actionMethod).IsEnabled(this.context, args))
                                        yield return new CompoundTerm(actionSymbol, args);
            // Case 2: intermediate step.
                Dictionary<CompoundTerm, IState> stateContinuations;
                if (this.continuations.TryGetValue(state, out stateContinuations))
                    foreach (CompoundTerm action in stateContinuations.Keys)
                        yield return action;
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Expected continuation not found");
Beispiel #27
        /// <summary>
        /// Does this model program have an interface to parameter generation for this parameter?
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="state"></param>
        /// <param name="actionSymbol"></param>
        /// <param name="parameterIndex"></param>
        /// <returns>A set of terms representing the possible values</returns>
        public override bool HasActionParameterDomain(IState state, Symbol actionSymbol, int parameterIndex)
            ActionInfo actionInfo;
            if (!actionInfoMap.TryGetValue(actionSymbol, out actionInfo))
                throw new ArgumentException();

            if (ActionSymbolKind(actionSymbol) == ActionKind.Start || ActionSymbolKind(actionSymbol) == ActionKind.Atomic)
                if (!(0 <= parameterIndex && parameterIndex < actionInfo.Arity))
                    return false;
                    // throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("parameterIndex");

                foreach(ActionMethod am in actionInfo.ActionMethods)
                    if (am.HasActionParameterDomain(parameterIndex))
                        return true;
                return false;
                return true;
Beispiel #28
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns true if the given action symbol is possibly enabled in the given state
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="state"></param>
        /// <param name="actionSymbol"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override bool IsPotentiallyEnabled(IState state, Symbol actionSymbol)
            // Case 1: ready mode
            if (state.ControlMode.Equals(readyControlMode))
                return IsPotentiallyEnabled_Internal(state, actionSymbol);
            // Case 2: intermediate step.
                // to do: handle multiple continuations by checking if actionSymbol
                // is found in dictionary of continuations.

                // Temp: just handle start/finish idiom for now
                if (ActionSymbolKind(actionSymbol) != ActionKind.Finish)
                    return false;

                CompoundTerm startAction = CurrentStackFrame(state);
                Symbol startActionSymbol = startAction.Symbol;

                return ActionSymbolKind(startActionSymbol) == ActionKind.Start &&           // must be in the middle of an action
                       actionSymbol.Equals(this.finishActionSymbols[startActionSymbol]);    // start and finish symbols must match names
Beispiel #29
 /// <summary>
 /// Hide all previously shown transitions with te given action symbol from the given node
 /// </summary>
 internal void HideAll(Node node, Symbol actionSymbol)
     this.hiddenTransitions = this.hiddenTransitions.Union(this.transitions.Select(delegate(Transition t) { return t.First.Equals(node) && ((CompoundTerm)t.Second).Symbol.Equals(actionSymbol); }));
     this.transitions = this.transitions.Difference(this.hiddenTransitions);
Beispiel #30
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns all of the objects of this instance pool that are relevant in the current context
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sort"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IEnumerable<IComparable> InstancePoolValues(Symbol sort)
            int maxId;
            if (!idPool.TryGetValue(sort, out maxId))
                maxId = -1;

            Dictionary<ObjectId, LabeledInstance> objPool;
            if (pool.TryGetValue(sort, out objPool))
                foreach (LabeledInstance obj in objPool.Values)
                    if (obj.Label.Id <= maxId)
                        yield return obj;