protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)

            // Set our view from the "main" layout resource

            // Create new List
            BeaconList = new List <Beacon>();


            /// Create References
            DiscoverBeacons       = FindViewById <Button>(Resource.Id.btnSim);
            NumberOfBeacons       = FindViewById <TextView>(Resource.Id.txtNumber);
            DisplayBeacons        = FindViewById <Button>(Resource.Id.btnDisplay);
            BeaconListView        = FindViewById <ListView>(Resource.Id.lstBeacons);
            ProgressBar_Discovery = FindViewById <ProgressBar>(Resource.Id.progressBar_Discovery);

            adapter = new BeaconListViewAdapter(this, BeaconList);

            // Assign the Adapter
            BeaconListView.Adapter = adapter;

            // ListView Click
            BeaconListView.OnItemClickListener = this;

            DisplayBeacons.Click += DisplayBeacons_Click;
        private void MainActivity_onBeaconComplete(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (BeaconList.Count != 0)
                DiscoverBeacons.Text             = "Display Beacons";
                ProgressBar_Discovery.Visibility = Android.Views.ViewStates.Invisible;

                NumberOfBeacons.Text = BeaconList.Count.ToString();
                Console.WriteLine("Setting the Number of Beacons to: " + BeaconList.Count.ToString());

                // This is after the text changed - Therefore this means that we just finished Discovering
                NumberOfBeacons.Text = BeaconList.Count.ToString();

                // Refresh the Listview Adapter (Otherwise you wont see the new objects in the Listview)
                BeaconListView.Adapter = null;
                //adapter = new ArrayAdapter<string>(this, Android.Resource.Layout.SimpleListItem1, TempList);
                adapter = new BeaconListViewAdapter(this, BeaconList);
                BeaconListView.Adapter = adapter;

                DiscoverBeacons.Text = "Discover Beacons";
                NumberOfBeacons.Text = "Error";

            DiscoverBeacons.Enabled = true;