Beispiel #1
        public Engine(ContentManager content, ScreenManager screenManager)
            this.ScreenManager = screenManager;

              components = new List<Component>();
              componentsToBeAdded = new List<Component>();
              componentsToBeRemoved = new List<Component>();

              Content = content;

              Audio = new Audio(this);
              Input = new InputState();
              //Physics = new Physics(this);
              Video = new Video(this);

              // these things require video
              Camera = new Camera2D(this);

              // lighting needs to know the camera matrix
              Lighting = new Lighting(this);

              SpriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(Global.GraphicsDeviceManager.GraphicsDevice);

              Updating = false;
Beispiel #2
        public MysteryGame()
            // tried to move this code, but it seems that nothing will draw unless it is located here
              // I seriously can't believe how many times this has come up
              graphics = new GraphicsDeviceManager(this);
              Global.Initialize(this, graphics);
              graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth = Global.Configuration.GetIntConfig("Video", "Width");
              graphics.PreferredBackBufferHeight = Global.Configuration.GetIntConfig("Video", "Height");

              screenManager = new ScreenManager(this);

              screenManager.AddScreen(new BackgroundScreen(), null);
              screenManager.AddScreen(new MainMenuScreen(), null);