Beispiel #1
 public void Update(GameTime gameTime)
     if (animationTimer.result)
         for (int layersCounter = 0; layersCounter < layers.Count; layersCounter++)
             Layer layer = layers[layersCounter];
             for (int y = 1; y < height - 1; y++)
                 MapRow row = layer.Rows[y];
                 for (int x = 1; x < width - 1; x++)
                     MapCell cell = row.Columns[x];
                     if (cell.autotile)
                         if (cell.autotileAnimationCount == 3)
                             cell.texture -= 3 * 3;
                             cell.autotileAnimationCount = 0;
                             cell.texture += 3;
Beispiel #2
        public MapCell GetTileByPosition(Vector2 position, int currentLayer)
            Layer layer = layers[currentLayer];

            for (int y = 1; y < height - 1; y++)
                MapRow row = layer.Rows[y];
                for (int x = 1; x < width - 1; x++)
                    MapCell cell          = row.Columns[x];
                    int     cellPositionX = (int)(cell.position / new Vector2(Tile.size)).X;
                    int     cellPositionY = (int)(cell.position / new Vector2(Tile.size)).Y;

                    int positionX = (int)(position / new Vector2(Tile.size)).X;
                    int positionY = (int)(position / new Vector2(Tile.size)).Y;
                    if (cellPositionX == positionX)
                        if (cellPositionY == positionY)
Beispiel #3
        public List <MapCell> GetTilesByTag(string tag)
            List <MapCell> result = new List <MapCell>();

            for (int layersCounter = 0; layersCounter < layers.Count; layersCounter++)
                Layer layer = layers[layersCounter];
                for (int y = 1; y < height - 1; y++)
                    MapRow row = layer.Rows[y];
                    for (int x = 1; x < width - 1; x++)
                        MapCell cell = row.Columns[x];
                        if (cell.tags.Contains(tag))

Beispiel #4
        public TileMap(string path, bool debugTileset = false)
            this.debugTileset = debugTileset;

            tmxMap = new TmxMap(path);
            config = new TmxMap("Maps\\" + configName + ".tmx");

            // 1. intialize
            tilesets = new Texture2D[tmxMap.Tilesets.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < tmxMap.Tilesets.Count; i++)
                string name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(tmxMap.Tilesets[i].Image.Source);
                tilesets[i]      = (Game.content.Load <Texture2D>("Textures\\Tilesets\\" + name));
                tilesets[i].Name = name;
            this.width  = tmxMap.Width; //todo: /32
            this.height = tmxMap.Height;

            for (int counter = 0; counter < tmxMap.Layers.Count; counter++)
                layers.Add(new Layer());
            mapRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, width * Tile.size, height * Tile.size);

            // 2. build blank map, or if you want - intializing all layers
            foreach (Layer layer in layers)
                for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
                    //create new row
                    MapRow newRow = new MapRow();

                    //add to its columns new cells
                    for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                        newRow.Columns.Add(new MapCell());

                    //add the new row to the current layer
            // 3. add map design
            for (int layersCounter = 0; layersCounter < layers.Count; layersCounter++)
                Layer layer = layers[layersCounter];
                for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
                    MapRow row = layer.Rows[y];
                    for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                        MapCell      cell        = row.Columns[x];
                        int          currentCell = y * (height) + x;
                        TmxLayerTile tmxCell     = tmxMap.Layers[layersCounter].Tiles[currentCell];

                        //texture and tileset
                        if (tmxCell.Gid == 0)
                            cell.empty = true;
                        cell.texture = tmxCell.Gid;
                        cell.tileset = tilesets[0];
                        int tilesSoFar = tmxMap.Tilesets[0].Tiles.Count;
                        for (int tilesetsCounter = 0; tilesetsCounter < tmxMap.Tilesets.Count - 1; tilesetsCounter++)
                            if (tmxCell.Gid > tilesSoFar)
                                cell.texture = tmxCell.Gid - tilesSoFar;
                                cell.tileset = tilesets[tilesetsCounter + 1];
                            tilesSoFar += tmxMap.Tilesets[tilesetsCounter + 1].Tiles.Count;

                        cell.position = new Vector2(tmxCell.X * Tile.size, tmxCell.Y * Tile.size);

                        //if autotile

                        if (FindTileset(cell.tileset.Name).Properties["Autotile"] == "true")
                            cell.autotile = true;

                        //tile properties
                        TmxTilesetTile tileResult = GetMapTile(cell);

                        if (tileResult != null)
                            if (tileResult.Properties["Passable"] == "X")
                                CreateCollisionObject(cell, tileResult, out cell.customCollisionSize);

                            if (tileResult.Properties["Height"] == "1")
                                cell.high = true;

                            string tag = tileResult.Properties["Tag"];
                            if (tag != "")

            //check for autotiles
            for (int layersCounter = 0; layersCounter < layers.Count; layersCounter++)
                Layer layer = layers[layersCounter];
                for (int y = 1; y < height - 1; y++)
                    MapRow row = layer.Rows[y];
                    for (int x = 1; x < width - 1; x++)
                        MapCell      cell        = row.Columns[x];
                        int          currentCell = y * (height) + x;
                        TmxLayerTile tmxCell     = tmxMap.Layers[layersCounter].Tiles[currentCell];

                        //same layer collision
                        if (layersCounter == 0) //do it for just one time
                            if (CheckLayersPassableTag(tmxMap, y, x))
                                List <GameObject> SameLayerCollisionList = collisionObjectList.FindAll(collisionObject => collisionObject.position == cell.position);
                                foreach (GameObject gameObject in SameLayerCollisionList)

                        //check for autotiles
                        if (cell.autotile)
                            if (row.Columns[x - 1].autotile && row.Columns[x + 1].autotile)
                                if (layer.Rows[y - 1].Columns[x].autotile && layer.Rows[y + 1].Columns[x].autotile)
                                    //upper left
                                    if (!layer.Rows[y - 1].Columns[x - 1].autotile)
                                        cell.autotileCorner = MapCell.Corner.topLeft;

                                    //upper right
                                    else if (!layer.Rows[y - 1].Columns[x + 1].autotile)
                                        cell.autotileCorner = MapCell.Corner.topRight;

                                    //lower left
                                    else if (!layer.Rows[y + 1].Columns[x - 1].autotile)
                                        cell.autotileCorner = MapCell.Corner.bottomLeft;

                                    //lower right
                                    else if (!layer.Rows[y + 1].Columns[x + 1].autotile)
                                        cell.autotileCorner = MapCell.Corner.bottomRight;

                                    //down link
                                    if (layer.Rows[y - 1].Columns[x].autotile)
                                        cell.texture += cell.tilesetWidth;

                                    //up link
                                    if (layer.Rows[y + 1].Columns[x].autotile)
                                        cell.texture -= cell.tilesetWidth;
                            else if (row.Columns[x - 1].autotile)
                                //right link

                                if (layer.Rows[y - 1].Columns[x].autotile)
                                    //down link
                                    cell.texture += cell.tilesetWidth;

                                if (layer.Rows[y + 1].Columns[x].autotile)
                                    //up link
                                    cell.texture -= cell.tilesetWidth;
                            else if (row.Columns[x + 1].autotile)
                                //left link

                                if (layer.Rows[y - 1].Columns[x].autotile)
                                    //down link
                                    cell.texture += cell.tilesetWidth;

                                if (layer.Rows[y + 1].Columns[x].autotile)
                                    //up link
                                    cell.texture -= cell.tilesetWidth;
