Train() public abstract method

public abstract Train ( ) : void
return void
    static void Main(string[] args)
        Assembly assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
        Assembly.LoadFile(Path.GetDirectoryName(assembly.Location) + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "MyMediaLiteExperimental.dll");

        AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler(Handlers.UnhandledExceptionHandler);
        Console.CancelKeyPress += new ConsoleCancelEventHandler(AbortHandler);

        // recommender arguments
        string method              = "BiasedMatrixFactorization";
        string recommender_options = string.Empty;

        // help/version
        bool show_help    = false;
        bool show_version = false;

        // arguments for iteration search
        int find_iter      = 0;
        int max_iter       = 500;
        double epsilon     = 0;
        double rmse_cutoff = double.MaxValue;
        double mae_cutoff  = double.MaxValue;

        // data arguments
        string data_dir             = string.Empty;
        string user_attributes_file = string.Empty;
        string item_attributes_file = string.Empty;
        string user_relations_file  = string.Empty;
        string item_relations_file  = string.Empty;

        // other arguments
        bool online_eval       = false;
        bool search_hp         = false;
        string save_model_file = string.Empty;
        string load_model_file = string.Empty;
        int random_seed        = -1;
        string prediction_file = string.Empty;
        string prediction_line = "{0}\t{1}\t{2}";
        int cross_validation   = 0;
        double split_ratio     = 0;

           	var p = new OptionSet() {
            // string-valued options
            { "training-file=",       v              => training_file        = v },
            { "test-file=",           v              => test_file            = v },
            { "recommender=",         v              => method               = v },
            { "recommender-options=", v              => recommender_options += " " + v },
           			{ "data-dir=",            v              => data_dir             = v },
            { "user-attributes=",     v              => user_attributes_file = v },
            { "item-attributes=",     v              => item_attributes_file = v },
            { "user-relations=",      v              => user_relations_file  = v },
            { "item-relations=",      v              => item_relations_file  = v },
            { "save-model=",          v              => save_model_file      = v },
            { "load-model=",          v              => load_model_file      = v },
            { "prediction-file=",     v              => prediction_file      = v },
            { "prediction-line=",     v              => prediction_line      = v },
            // integer-valued options
           			{ "find-iter=",           (int v)        => find_iter            = v },
            { "max-iter=",            (int v)        => max_iter             = v },
            { "random-seed=",         (int v)        => random_seed          = v },
            { "cross-validation=",    (int v)        => cross_validation     = v },
            // double-valued options
            { "epsilon=",             (double v)     => epsilon              = v },
            { "rmse-cutoff=",         (double v)     => rmse_cutoff          = v },
            { "mae-cutoff=",          (double v)     => mae_cutoff           = v },
            { "split-ratio=",         (double v)     => split_ratio          = v },
            // enum options
            { "rating-type=",         (RatingType v) => rating_type          = v },
            { "file-format=",         (RatingFileFormat v) => file_format    = v },
            // boolean options
            { "compute-fit",          v => compute_fit  = v != null },
            { "online-evaluation",    v => online_eval  = v != null },
            { "search-hp",            v => search_hp    = v != null },
            { "help",                 v => show_help    = v != null },
            { "version",              v => show_version = v != null },
           		IList<string> extra_args = p.Parse(args);

        // TODO make sure interaction of --find-iter and --cross-validation works properly

        bool no_eval = test_file == null;

        if (show_version)
        if (show_help)

        if (extra_args.Count > 0)
            Usage("Did not understand " + extra_args[0]);

        if (training_file == null)
            Usage("Parameter --training-file=FILE is missing.");

        if (cross_validation != 0 && split_ratio != 0)
            Usage("--cross-validation=K and --split-ratio=NUM are mutually exclusive.");

        if (random_seed != -1)

        recommender = Recommender.CreateRatingPredictor(method);
        if (recommender == null)
            Usage(string.Format("Unknown method: '{0}'", method));

        Recommender.Configure(recommender, recommender_options, Usage);

        // ID mapping objects
        if (file_format == RatingFileFormat.KDDCUP_2011)
            user_mapping = new IdentityMapping();
            item_mapping = new IdentityMapping();

        // load all the data
        LoadData(data_dir, user_attributes_file, item_attributes_file, user_relations_file, item_relations_file, !online_eval);

        Console.Error.WriteLine(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "ratings range: [{0}, {1}]", recommender.MinRating, recommender.MaxRating));

        if (split_ratio > 0)
            var split = new RatingsSimpleSplit(training_data, split_ratio);
            recommender.Ratings = split.Train[0];
            training_data = split.Train[0];
            test_data     = split.Test[0];

        Utils.DisplayDataStats(training_data, test_data, recommender);

        if (find_iter != 0)
            if ( !(recommender is IIterativeModel) )
                Usage("Only iterative recommenders support find_iter.");
            var iterative_recommender = (IIterativeModel) recommender;
            Console.WriteLine(recommender.ToString() + " ");

            if (load_model_file == string.Empty)
                Recommender.LoadModel(iterative_recommender, load_model_file);

            if (compute_fit)
                Console.Write(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "fit {0,0:0.#####} ", iterative_recommender.ComputeFit()));

            MyMediaLite.Eval.Ratings.DisplayResults(MyMediaLite.Eval.Ratings.Evaluate(recommender, test_data));
            Console.WriteLine(" iteration " + iterative_recommender.NumIter);

            for (int i = (int) iterative_recommender.NumIter + 1; i <= max_iter; i++)
                TimeSpan time = Utils.MeasureTime(delegate() {

                if (i % find_iter == 0)
                    if (compute_fit)
                        double fit = 0;
                        time = Utils.MeasureTime(delegate() {
                            fit = iterative_recommender.ComputeFit();
                        Console.Write(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "fit {0,0:0.#####} ", fit));

                    Dictionary<string, double> results = null;
                    time = Utils.MeasureTime(delegate() { results = MyMediaLite.Eval.Ratings.Evaluate(recommender, test_data); });
                    Console.WriteLine(" iteration " + i);

                    Recommender.SaveModel(recommender, save_model_file, i);
                    if (prediction_file != string.Empty)
                        Prediction.WritePredictions(recommender, test_data, user_mapping, item_mapping, prediction_line, prediction_file + "-it-" + i);

                    if (epsilon > 0.0 && results["RMSE"] - rmse_eval_stats.Min() > epsilon)
                        Console.Error.WriteLine(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0} >> {1}", results["RMSE"], rmse_eval_stats.Min()));
                        Console.Error.WriteLine("Reached convergence on training/validation data after {0} iterations.", i);
                    if (results["RMSE"] > rmse_cutoff || results["MAE"] > mae_cutoff)
                            Console.Error.WriteLine("Reached cutoff after {0} iterations.", i);
            } // for

            TimeSpan seconds;

            if (load_model_file == string.Empty)
                if (cross_validation > 0)
                    var split = new RatingCrossValidationSplit(training_data, cross_validation);
                    var results = MyMediaLite.Eval.Ratings.EvaluateOnSplit(recommender, split); // TODO if (search_hp)
                    no_eval = true;
                    recommender.Ratings = training_data;
                    if (search_hp)
                        // TODO --search-hp-criterion=RMSE
                        double result = NelderMead.FindMinimum("RMSE", recommender);
                        Console.Error.WriteLine("estimated quality (on split) {0}", result.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                        // TODO give out hp search time

                    seconds = Utils.MeasureTime( delegate() { recommender.Train(); } );
                    Console.Write(" training_time " + seconds + " ");
                Recommender.LoadModel(recommender, load_model_file);
                Console.Write(recommender.ToString() + " ");

            if (!no_eval)
                if (online_eval)  // TODO support also for prediction outputs (to allow external evaluation)
                    seconds = Utils.MeasureTime(delegate() { MyMediaLite.Eval.Ratings.DisplayResults(MyMediaLite.Eval.Ratings.EvaluateOnline(recommender, test_data)); });
                    seconds = Utils.MeasureTime(delegate() { MyMediaLite.Eval.Ratings.DisplayResults(MyMediaLite.Eval.Ratings.Evaluate(recommender, test_data)); });

                Console.Write(" testing_time " + seconds);

            if (compute_fit)
                Console.Write("fit ");
                seconds = Utils.MeasureTime(delegate() {
                    MyMediaLite.Eval.Ratings.DisplayResults(MyMediaLite.Eval.Ratings.Evaluate(recommender, training_data));
                Console.Write(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, " fit_time {0,0:0.#####} ", seconds));

            if (prediction_file != string.Empty)
                seconds = Utils.MeasureTime(delegate() {
                        Prediction.WritePredictions(recommender, test_data, user_mapping, item_mapping, prediction_line, prediction_file);
                Console.Error.Write("predicting_time " + seconds);

            Console.Error.WriteLine("memory {0}", Memory.Usage);
        Recommender.SaveModel(recommender, save_model_file);