public void ComputeVertexNormal()
     Array.Clear(vertexNormal, 0, vertexNormal.Length);
     for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < faceCount; i++, j += 3)
         int c1 = faceIndex[j] * 3;
         int c2 = faceIndex[j + 1] * 3;
         int c3 = faceIndex[j + 2] * 3;
         vertexNormal[c1]     += faceNormal[j];
         vertexNormal[c2]     += faceNormal[j];
         vertexNormal[c3]     += faceNormal[j];
         vertexNormal[c1 + 1] += faceNormal[j + 1];
         vertexNormal[c2 + 1] += faceNormal[j + 1];
         vertexNormal[c3 + 1] += faceNormal[j + 1];
         vertexNormal[c1 + 2] += faceNormal[j + 2];
         vertexNormal[c2 + 2] += faceNormal[j + 2];
         vertexNormal[c3 + 2] += faceNormal[j + 2];
     for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < vertexCount; i++, j += 3)
         MyVector3 n = new MyVector3(vertexNormal, j);
         n = n.Normalize();
         vertexNormal[j]     = n.x;
         vertexNormal[j + 1] = n.y;
         vertexNormal[j + 2] = n.z;
        public MyPlane(MyVector3 v1, MyVector3 v2, MyVector3 v3)


            MyVector3 planenormal = (v1 - v2).Cross(v1 - v3);

            double offset = -v1.Dot(planenormal);

            planeEquation = new Plane((float)planenormal.x, (float)planenormal.y, (float)planenormal.z, (float)offset);

            planeCenter = (v1 + v2 + v3) / 3;
            planeColor  = Color.FromArgb(150, 255, 255, 0);

            // Accord.Math.Point3 _v1 = new Point3((float)v1.x, (float)v1.y, (float)v1.z);
            // Accord.Math.Point3 _v2 = new Point3((float)v2.x, (float)v2.y, (float)v2.z);
            //  Accord.Math.Point3 _v3 = new Point3((float)v3.x, (float)v3.y, (float)v3.z);
            // planeEquation = Plane.FromPoints(_v1, _v2, _v3);

        public static MyMatrix4d RotationMatrixU2V(MyVector3 u, MyVector3 v)
            // find the rotational matrix which rotate u to v
            // one should be extremely careful here, very small viboration
            // will make a lot of difference
            // e.g., u = (0.5*e-10, 0.1*e-10, 1), v = (0,0,-1), will make
            // an fliping around axie (1, 5, 0) with angele Pi
            MyMatrix4d R   = MyMatrix4d.IdentityMatrix();
            double     cos = u.Normalize().Dot(v.Normalize());

            if (Math.Abs(Math.Abs(cos) - 1.0f) < 1e-5)             // coincident, do nothing
            MyVector3 axis = u.Cross(v).Normalize();

            if (!double.IsNaN(axis.x))
                if (cos < -1)
                    cos = -1;
                if (cos > 1)
                    cos = 1;
                double angle = Math.Acos(cos);
                R = MyMatrix4d.RotationMatrix(axis, angle);
        public static MyMatrix4d RotationMatrix(MyVector3 axis, double cos, double sin)
            MyMatrix4d m = IdentityMatrix();

            double c = cos;
            double s = sin;


            double nx = axis[0];
            double ny = axis[1];
            double nz = axis[2];

            m[0, 0] = c + (1 - c) * nx * nx;
            m[0, 1] = -s * nz + (1 - c) * nx * ny;
            m[0, 2] = s * ny + (1 - c) * nx * nz;
            m[0, 3] = 0.0;

            m[1, 0] = s * nz + (1 - c) * nx * ny;
            m[1, 1] = c + (1 - c) * ny * ny;
            m[1, 2] = -s * nx + (1 - c) * ny * nz;
            m[1, 3] = 0.0;

            m[2, 0] = -s * ny + (1 - c) * nz * nx;
            m[2, 1] = s * nx + (1 - c) * nz * ny;
            m[2, 2] = c + (1 - c) * nz * nz;
            m[2, 3] = 0.0;

            m[3, 0] = 0.0;
            m[3, 1] = 0.0;
            m[3, 2] = 0.0;
            m[3, 3] = 1.0;

Beispiel #5
        //just. 1116
        private MyMatrix4d QuatToMyMatrix4d(MyVector3 q, double a)
            double cos_theta = Math.Cos(a);
            double sin_theta = Math.Sin(a);
            double xx        = q.x * q.x;
            double yy        = q.y * q.y;
            double zz        = q.z * q.z;
            double xy        = q.x * q.y;
            double xz        = q.x * q.z;
            double yz        = q.y * q.z;

            MyMatrix4d m = new MyMatrix4d();

            m[0, 0] = cos_theta + xx * (1 - cos_theta);
            m[0, 1] = xy * (1 - cos_theta) - q.z * sin_theta;
            m[0, 2] = xz * (1 - cos_theta) + q.y * sin_theta;

            m[1, 0] = xy * (1 - cos_theta) + q.z * sin_theta;
            m[1, 1] = cos_theta + yy * (1 - cos_theta);
            m[1, 2] = yz * (1 - cos_theta) - q.x * sin_theta;

            m[2, 0] = xz * (1 - cos_theta) - q.y * sin_theta;
            m[2, 1] = yz * (1 - cos_theta) + q.x * sin_theta;
            m[2, 2] = cos_theta + zz * (1 - cos_theta);
            m[3, 3] = 1.0;
        private void SampleCirclePoints3d(MyVector3 center, MyVector3 normal, double radius, int sample)
            MyPlane circleplane = new MyPlane(center, normal);
            //MyVector3 pointonplane = circleplane.ProjectPoint(center - new MyVector3(0.01, 0.01, 0.01));
            //MyVector3 u = pointonplane - center;
            MyVector3 pointonplane = circleplane.ProjectPoint(center + new MyVector3(-0.1, 0, 0));
            MyVector3 u            = pointonplane - center;
            MyVector3 v            = u.Cross(normal);

            u = u.Normalize();
            v = v.Normalize();
            int num = sample;

            double theta = 2.0 * Math.PI / (num - 1);

            for (int j = 0; j < num; j++)
                double x = center.x + radius * (u.x * Math.Cos(j * theta) + v.x * Math.Sin(j * theta));
                double y = center.y + radius * (u.y * Math.Cos(j * theta) + v.y * Math.Sin(j * theta));
                double z = center.z + radius * (u.z * Math.Cos(j * theta) + v.z * Math.Sin(j * theta));
                this.circlePoints3d.Add(new MyVector3(x, y, z));
        public MyPlane(List <MyVector3> points, bool SP = true)//sweep points
            planePoints = new List <MyVector3>(points);

            double[,] A = new double[3, 3];
            double[,] B = new double[3, 1];
            foreach (MyVector3 point in points)
                A[0, 0] += point.x * point.x;
                A[0, 1] += point.x * point.y;
                A[0, 2] += point.x;

                A[1, 0] += point.x * point.y;
                A[1, 1] += point.y * point.y;
                A[1, 2] += point.y;

                A[2, 0] += point.x;
                A[2, 1] += point.y;
                A[2, 2]  = points.Count();

                B[0, 0] += point.x * point.z;
                B[1, 0] += point.y * point.z;
                B[2, 0] += point.z;

            double[,] x = Matrix.Solve(A, B, leastSquares: true);
            MyVector3 ori_normal = new MyVector3(x[0, 0] / x[2, 0], x[1, 0] / x[2, 0], -1 / x[2, 0]);
            MyVector3 normal     = ori_normal.Normalize();
            double    offset     = 1.0 / ori_normal.Length();

            planeEquation = new Plane((float)normal.x, (float)normal.y, (float)normal.z, (float)offset);
            Random rnd = new Random();

            planeColor = Color.FromArgb(150, rnd.Next(100, 255), rnd.Next(100, 255), rnd.Next(100, 255));
            //this.planenormal = new MyVector3(this.planeEquation.A, this.planeEquation.B, this.planeEquation.C);

            if (SP)
                for (int i = 0; i < planePoints.Count; i++)
                    if (this.DistanceToPoint(planePoints[i]) > 0.001)
                        tag = -1;//curved plane
                planeColor = Color.FromArgb(150, 255, 255, 0);
                tag        = 1;//sweep plane

            for (int i = 0; i < planePoints.Count; i++)
                planePoints[i] = this.ProjectPoint(planePoints[i]);

            choosen = true;
            if (planePoints.Count > 3)