public ExcelWriter(string filename)
     template = new OoXml(filename);                                         // Open the template
     sheet = template.sheets.Values.First<gSheet>();                         // Get the first sheet
     GetMapping();                                                           // Get the mapping    
     sheet.SetSource(OnDataRow, fixedRows);                                                                          // Set data call back, keep first row of the template         
 void OnDataRow(gSheet sheet)
     if (!data.Read()) return;                                               // If no data available then exit
     sheet.BeginRow(curRow);                                                 // This is the row we are going to write
     foreach(KeyValuePair<int,string> m in mapping)                          // For each mapping value
         sheet.WriteCell(m.Key, data[m.Value]);                              // Save it into the Excel
     sheet.EndRow();                                                         // Data has been exported
     curRow++;                                                               // Next record will be placed in this excel row
     exportedRecords++;                                                      // Increase number of exported records
 public OoXmlDataStream(gSheet sheet, int Keep,OnNewRow dr)
     : base()
     string separator = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
     sheet.LoadInMemory();                                                                                               // Make sure that the sheet is loaded in memory
     XmlDocument d = sheet.Stream.ReadAsXml();                                                                           // Load as XML
     XmlNamespaceManager nsmgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(d.NameTable);                                                   // Set the name space    
     nsmgr.AddNamespace("aa", "");                              // To Open XML
     XmlNode ws = d.SelectSingleNode("//aa:worksheet/aa:sheetData", nsmgr);                                              // Locate data NODE
     if (ws == null) throw new Exception("Could not find sheet data");                                                   // Error if not
     XmlNode r = ws.FirstChild; while (Keep > 0 && r != null) { r = r.NextSibling; Keep--; }                             // Skip rows to keep
     if (r != null) InitializeColumns(r);                                                                                // if present use first row NOT to keep to initialize columns
     ws.AppendChild(d.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Comment, "SEPARATOR", null)).InnerText = separator;                         // Add separator mark up
     InitializeHeaderAndFooter(d.OuterXml, separator);                                                                   // Get header and footer using separator
     rowopen1= ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes("<row r=\"");                                                                // <row r="
     sstpart  = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes("\" t=\"s");                                                                // " t="s 
     rowopen2 = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes("\">\n");                                                                   // ">
     rowclose = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes("</row>\n");                                                                // </row>
     srsheet = sheet;                                                                                                    // Sheet this stream is linked to
     onrow = dr;                                                                                                         // On data callback
Beispiel #4
        public OoXmlDataStream(gSheet sheet, int Keep, OnNewRow dr)
            : base()
            string separator = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

            sheet.LoadInMemory();                                                                                               // Make sure that the sheet is loaded in memory
            XmlDocument         d     = sheet.Stream.ReadAsXml();                                                               // Load as XML
            XmlNamespaceManager nsmgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(d.NameTable);                                                   // Set the name space

            nsmgr.AddNamespace("aa", "");                              // To Open XML
            XmlNode ws = d.SelectSingleNode("//aa:worksheet/aa:sheetData", nsmgr);                                              // Locate data NODE

            if (ws == null)
                throw new Exception("Could not find sheet data");                                                               // Error if not
            XmlNode r = ws.FirstChild; while (Keep > 0 && r != null)

                r = r.NextSibling; Keep--;
            }                                                                                                                   // Skip rows to keep

            if (r != null)
                InitializeColumns(r);                                                                                           // if present use first row NOT to keep to initialize columns
            ws.AppendChild(d.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Comment, "SEPARATOR", null)).InnerText = separator;                         // Add separator mark up
            InitializeHeaderAndFooter(d.OuterXml, separator);                                                                   // Get header and footer using separator
            rowopen1 = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes("<row r=\"");                                                               // <row r="
            sstpart  = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes("\" t=\"s");                                                                // " t="s
            rowopen2 = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes("\">\n");                                                                   // ">
            rowclose = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes("</row>\n");                                                                // </row>

            srsheet = sheet;                                                                                                    // Sheet this stream is linked to
            onrow   = dr;                                                                                                       // On data callback
 public ExcelReader(string filename)
     source = new OoXml(filename);                                                                           // Open the excel file
     sheet = source.sheets.Values.First<gSheet>();                                                           // Get the first sheet