Beispiel #1
        private CvLineSegmentPoint[] detectLinesFromCanny(CvMat roi)
            CvMat edgesMat = MatOps.CopySize(roi, MatrixType.U8C1);

            roi.Canny(edgesMat, 10, 200, ApertureSize.Size3); // Size5 also works good; 7 not; rest crash!
            // these values work fine with "box7.png"
            double rho       = 1;                             // 1
            double theta     = 1 * Cv.PI / 180;               // 1*Cv.PI/180
            int    threshold = 75;                            // 75 (quality)
            double minLength = 1;                             // 1
            double maxGap    = 10000;                         // 1000000, but not Infinity, for some dumb reason

            CvLineSegmentPoint[] lines = edgesMat.HoughLinesProbabilistic(rho, theta, threshold, minLength, maxGap);
            CvMat linesMat             = MatOps.CopySize(edgesMat, MatrixType.U8C3, 0);

            for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; ++i)
                linesMat.Line(lines[i].P1, lines[i].P2, Const.ScalarRandom(), 3, LineType.AntiAlias);

            //MatOps.NewWindowShow( edgesMat, "edgesMat Canny-Hough" );
            MatOps.NewWindowShow(linesMat, "linesMat");
            Console.WriteLine("lines=" + lines.Length);

Beispiel #2
        private CvLineSegmentPoint[] detectLinesFromFeatures(CvMat hue, CvMat roi)
            // IDEA 3 :
            // Extract features (actual box corners?!) from ROI with corner detection
            CvPoint2D32f[] corners;                // extracted features
            int            cornerCount;            // not exactly "count", but rather "maximum number of corners to return"
            double         qualityLevel    = 0.05; // this changes to 0.1 if NOT using ROI as mask!
            double         minimumDistance = 25;   // maybe this has to be a percentage of the input-size, rather than an absolute value?!?!?
            bool           useHarris       = false;
            int            blockSize       = 3;

            // NOTE : roi is not as good to check for features as the hue itself!!!
#if false
            cornerCount = 100;
                roi, MatOps.CopySize(roi, MatrixType.F32C1, Const.ScalarBlack), MatOps.CopySize(roi, MatrixType.F32C1, Const.ScalarBlack),
                out corners, ref cornerCount, qualityLevel, minimumDistance, null, blockSize, useHarris);
            CvMat roiClone = roi.Clone();
            for (int i = 0; i < cornerCount; ++i)
                // remove "isolated" features : gave back some good results, but it still wasn't as good as actual HUE feature discovery
                CvPoint2D32f feature = corners[i];
                if (checkFeatureArea(roiClone, feature))
                    roiClone.Circle(feature, 10, 127);
            MatOps.NewWindowShow(roiClone, "ROI!");
            Console.WriteLine("corners=" + cornerCount);

            // TODO : determine if it's a good idea to use ROI as a mask.
            // NOTE : Abandoning this idea for now. Good features are truly found, but they give worse lines than [IDEA 4]!
            cornerCount = 100;
                hue, MatOps.CopySize(roi, MatrixType.F32C1, Const.ScalarBlack), MatOps.CopySize(roi, MatrixType.F32C1, Const.ScalarBlack),
                out corners, ref cornerCount, qualityLevel, minimumDistance, roi, blockSize, useHarris);
            //CvMat hueClone = hue.Clone();
            CvMat hueClone = MatOps.CopySize(hue, MatrixType.U8C1, 0);
            for (int i = 0; i < cornerCount; ++i)
                hueClone.Circle(corners[i], 10, 127, -1);
            CvLineSegmentPoint[] lines2 = hueClone.HoughLinesProbabilistic(1, 1 * Cv.PI / 180, 75, 1, 10000);
            for (int i = 0; i < lines2.Length; ++i)
                hueClone.Line(lines2[i].P1, lines2[i].P2, Const.ScalarRandom(), 3, LineType.AntiAlias);
            MatOps.NewWindowShow(hueClone, "Lines from Features");

            Console.WriteLine("corners=" + cornerCount);
            Console.WriteLine("lines=" + lines2.Length);

Beispiel #3
        static public CvMat BGRtoHueCV(CvMat input)
            CvMat hsl = MatOps.ConvertChannels(input, MatrixType.U8C3, ColorConversion.BgrToHsv_Full);
            CvMat hue = MatOps.CopySize(input, MatrixType.U8C1);

            //CvMat lum = hue.EmptyClone();
            //hsl.Split( hue, null, lum, null );
            hsl.Split(hue, null, null, null);
Beispiel #4
        // => hue and normalize, if null, may be created and assigned
        // <= ROI
        private CvMat detectROI(CvMat input, ref CvMat hue, ref CvMat normalize)
            // TODO : Like I said above, if I get the minimum/maximum values, I have an accurate lowerBound/upperBound pair to work with!!!
            CvMat    roi;
            CvScalar lowerBound;
            CvScalar upperBound;

            // IDEA 3:
            // Determine if I should check for "features" in the "thresholded" image, or in a cropped grayscale version of the original one!!
            // For now, lets search the thresholded one...
            if (boxEstimationType == BoxEstimationType.HUE)
                roi        = MatOps.CopySize(input, MatrixType.U8C1);
                lowerBound = boxEstimatedValue - floodHueTolerance / 1;                 // TODO : this should be +-(MAX VALUE)
                upperBound = boxEstimatedValue + floodHueTolerance / 1;
                if (hue == null)
                    hue = MatOps.BGRtoHue(input);
                hue.InRangeS(lowerBound, upperBound, roi);
            else if (boxEstimationType == BoxEstimationType.NORMALIZE)
                // TODO : must investigate, range doesn't return anything
                roi        = MatOps.CopySize(input, MatrixType.U8C1);
                lowerBound = boxEstimatedValue - floodNormTolerance;
                upperBound = boxEstimatedValue + floodNormTolerance;
                if (normalize == null)
                    normalize = MatOps.MyNormalize(input);
                normalize.InRangeS(lowerBound, upperBound, roi);
                // Couldn't estimate either way? We are off to a bad start, but lets try to see if features can be extracted anyway.
                roi = MatOps.ConvertChannels(input);                   // we are already losing valuable info here!!
