public void AddWrongTypeSampleToTrack()
     Track t = new Track(8, "guitar", 0);
     Sample s = new Sample("./GuitarG.wav", "guitarChord", "banjo");
     t.AddSample(3, s);
     Assert.AreNotEqual(s, t.samples[3]);
 public void CompareTracksDifferentLengths()
     Track t1 = new Track(8, "guitar", 0);
     Track t2 = new Track(10, "guitar", 4);
     Sample s = new Sample("./GuitarG.wav", "guitarChord", "guitar");
     t1.AddSample(3, s);
     t2.AddSample(3, s);
     Assert.IsFalse(CompareTracks(t1, t2));
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// The constructor takes the length the track needs to be, the type of track, and which order number it is. This is used to set the UI  
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="len"></param>
        /// <param name="trackType">What type the track is(guitar/bass/drums)</param>
        /// <param name="trackNo">The order number in the collection of tracks</param>
        public Track(int len, String trackType, int trackNo)
            samples=new Sample[len];


            //Set up the UI Elements
            slots = new Rectangle[len];
            trackUI = new Canvas {
            Margin=new System.Windows.Thickness(0,101*trackNo,0,0)

            //Add the UI Rectangle for each slot in the track
            for (int i = 0; i < trackLength; i++)
            slots[i] = new Rectangle
                Width = 100,
                Height = 100,
                Margin = new System.Windows.Thickness(101 * i, 0, 0, 0),
                Fill = Brushes.PaleGreen,
                Name = "slot" + (i + 1)

            //Add a mute button to each track
            muteIcon = new Image();
            volumeIcon = new Image();
            muteIcon.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri("Assets/Icons/muteIconWhite.png", UriKind.Relative));
            volumeIcon.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri("Assets/Icons/volumeIconWhite.png", UriKind.Relative));

            mute = new Microsoft.Kinect.Toolkit.Controls.KinectTileButton
            Margin = new System.Windows.Thickness(101 * trackLength, 0, 0, 0),
            Width = 100,
            Height = 100,
            Foreground = Brushes.White,
            Background = Brushes.RoyalBlue,


            mute.Content = volumeIcon;
            mute.Click+=new System.Windows.RoutedEventHandler(MuteButtonClick);
        public void CompareTracksDifferentTypes()
            Track t1 = new Track(8, "guitar", 0);
            Track t2 = new Track(8, "drums", 4);
            Sample s = new Sample("./GuitarG.wav", "guitarChord", "guitar");

            t1.AddSample(3, s);
            //Sample won't be added as it is a different type
            t2.AddSample(5, s);
            Assert.IsFalse(CompareTracks(t1, t2));
 public void SwapSample()
     Track t1 = new Track(8, "guitar", 0);
     Sample s1 = new Sample("./GuitarG.wav", "guitarChord", "guitar");
     Sample s2 = new Sample("./GuitarD.wav", "guitarD", "guitar");
     t1.AddSample(5, s1);
     t1.AddSample(2, s2);
     t1.SwapSamples(5, 2);
     Assert.AreEqual(s1, t1.samples[2]);
 public void SetSampleType()
     String type = "GuItAr";
     Sample s = new Sample("Assets/Sounds/GuitarG.wav", "GuitarThing", type);
     Assert.AreEqual(type, s.type);
 public void SetSampleSound()
     String soundFile = "./GuitarG.wav";
     WMPLib.WindowsMediaPlayer player = new WMPLib.WindowsMediaPlayer();
     player.URL = soundFile;;
     Sample s = new Sample(soundFile, "Test", "guitar");
 public void SetSampleName()
     string name = "drums beat";
     Sample s = new Sample("Assets/Sounds/GuitarG.wav", name, "guitar");
 public void RemoveSample()
     Track t1 = new Track(8, "guitar", 0);
     Sample s1 = new Sample("./GuitarG.wav", "guitarChord", "guitar");
     Sample s2 = new Sample("./GuitarD.wav", "guitarD", "guitar");
     t1.AddSample(5, s1);
     Assert.AreNotEqual(s1, t1.samples[5]);
Beispiel #10
 public void MoveSample()
     Track t1 = new Track(8, "guitar", 0);
     Sample s = new Sample("./GuitarG.wav", "guitarChord", "guitar");
     t1.AddSample(5, s);
     t1.MoveSample(5, 2);
     Assert.AreEqual(s, t1.samples[2]);
Beispiel #11
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds an array of samples to a track in random positions
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="samps">Array of samples</param>
 public void AddSamplesRandomly(Sample[] samps)
     Random r=new Random();
       foreach (var samp in samps)
       //Check if the samples in the array are of the same type
       if (samp.type == type)
           int i = r.Next(0, 7);
           bool x = true;
           while (x)
               if (samples[i] == null)
                   AddSample(i, samp);
                   x = false;
               else i = r.Next(0, 7);
           //Don't add it to the track
Beispiel #12
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds the given Sample to the given slot
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="i">The slot to insert the sample</param>
 /// <param name="s">The sample object that contains audio data</param>
 public void AddSample(int i, Sample s)
     if (s.type == type)
       samples[i] = s;
       s.isMoving = false;
 /// <summary>
 /// Activates the win state. Updates the UI with a congratulatory message and starts an audience applause playing
 /// </summary>
 public void Win()
     consoleUI.Text = "Congrats you won!!";
     applause = new Sample("Assets/Sounds/applause.wav", "Applause", "cheer");
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads all the animation, tracks, samples and Kinect objects into the game
        /// </summary>
        public void OnLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs routedEventArgs)

            //Load the animation timer, get the frames and start displaying it
            animationCurrentFrame = 0;
            animation = GetAnimationFrames();
            animationTimer = new Timer(33);
            animationTimer.Elapsed += AnimationTimer_Tick;

            //Instantiate the tracks and the solution tracks array
            tracks = new Track[numberOfTracks];
            solutionTracks = new Track[numberOfTracks];

            //create all the samples in the game
            guitar[0] = new Sample("Assets/Sounds/GuitarC.wav", "C-Chord", "guitar");
            guitar[1] = new Sample("Assets/Sounds/GuitarD.wav", "D-Chord", "guitar");
            guitar[2] = new Sample("Assets/Sounds/GuitarG.wav", "G-Chord", "guitar");
            guitar[3] = new Sample("Assets/Sounds/GuitarG.wav", "G-Chord", "guitar");

            drums[0] = new Sample("Assets/Sounds/hihat.wav", "Hi-Hat", "drums");
            drums[1] = new Sample("Assets/Sounds/hihat.wav", "Hi-Hat", "drums");
            drums[2] = new Sample("Assets/Sounds/hihat.wav", "Hi-Hat", "drums");
            drums[3] = new Sample("Assets/Sounds/hihat.wav", "Hi-Hat", "drums");
            drums[4] = new Sample("Assets/Sounds/snare.wav", "Snare", "drums");
            drums[5] = new Sample("Assets/Sounds/snare.wav", "Snare", "drums");

            //Add the samples to the tracks at random
            tracks[0] = new Track(len, "guitar",0);

            tracks[1] = new Track(len, "drums", 1);

            //Add the samples to the solution tracks in the correct order
            solutionTracks[0] = new Track(len, "guitar",0);
            solutionTracks[0].AddSample(0, guitar[0]);
            solutionTracks[0].AddSample(2, guitar[1]);
            solutionTracks[0].AddSample(4, guitar[2]);
            solutionTracks[0].AddSample(6, guitar[3]);

            solutionTracks[1] = new Track(len, "drums", 1);
            solutionTracks[1].AddSample(0, drums[0]);
            solutionTracks[1].AddSample(1, drums[1]);
            solutionTracks[1].AddSample(3, drums[4]);
            solutionTracks[1].AddSample(4, drums[2]);
            solutionTracks[1].AddSample(5, drums[3]);
            solutionTracks[1].AddSample(7, drums[5]);

            //Instantiate the solution tracks timer and it's tick event
            solutionTimer = new Timer(timerSpeed);
            solutionTimer.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(SolutionTimer_Tick);

            //Update the UI to draw the icons for each regular non-solution track
            foreach (Track t in tracks)

            //Start the regular tracks timer
            time = new Timer(timerSpeed);
            time.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(Time_Tick);