Beispiel #1
        private string GetColor(byte[] image)
            // Lock Bits would be quicker
            TypeConverter tc     = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(typeof(Bitmap));
            Bitmap        bitmap = (Bitmap)tc.ConvertFrom(image);

            using (bitmap)
                List <Color> colors = new List <Color>(bitmap.Width * bitmap.Height);
                for (int x = 0; x < bitmap.Width; x++)
                    for (int y = 0; y < bitmap.Height; y++)
                        colors.Add(bitmap.GetPixel(x, y));

                List <Color> filtered = colors
                                        .Where(c => (KCluster.EuclideanDistance(c, Color.Black) >= 200) && (KCluster.EuclideanDistance(c, Color.White) >= 200))

                KMeansClusteringCalculator clustering = new KMeansClusteringCalculator();
                IList <Color> dominantColours         = clustering.Calculate(10, filtered, 20.0d);

                int index = closestColor(dominantColours.Skip(1).ToList(), dominantColours.First());
                if (index == 0)
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the <paramref name="k"/> clusters for <paramref name="colours"/>. Iterations continues until clusters move by less than <paramref name="threshold"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="k">The number of clusters to calculate (eg. The number of results to return)</param>
        /// <param name="colours">The list of colours to calculate <paramref name="k"/> for</param>
        /// <param name="threshold">Threshold for iteration. A lower value should produce more correct results but requires more iterations and for some <paramref name="colours"/> may never produce a result</param>
        /// <returns>The <paramref name="k"/> colours for the image in descending order from most common to least common</returns>
        public IList <Color> Calculate(int k, IList <Color> colours, double threshold = 0.0d)
            List <KCluster> clusters = new List <KCluster>();

            // 1. Initialisation.
            //   Create K clusters with a random data point from our input.
            //   We make sure not to use the same index twice for two inputs
            Random     random      = new Random();
            List <int> usedIndexes = new List <int>();

            while (clusters.Count < k)
                int index = random.Next(0, colours.Count);
                if (usedIndexes.Contains(index) == true)

                KCluster cluster = new KCluster(colours[index]);

            bool updated = false;

                updated = false;
                // 2. For each colour in our input determine which cluster's centre point is the closest and add the colour to the cluster
                foreach (Color colour in colours)
                    double   shortestDistance = float.MaxValue;
                    KCluster closestCluster   = null;

                    foreach (KCluster cluster in clusters)
                        double distance = cluster.DistanceFromCentre(colour);
                        if (distance < shortestDistance)
                            shortestDistance = distance;
                            closestCluster   = cluster;


                // 3. Recalculate the clusters centre.
                foreach (KCluster cluster in clusters)
                    if (cluster.RecalculateCentre(threshold) == true)
                        updated = true;

                // 4. If we updated any centre point this iteration then iterate again
            } while (updated == true);

            return(clusters.OrderByDescending(c => c.PriorCount).Select(c => c.Centre).ToList());