Beispiel #1
        public string ProcessOrders(NopCommerceDataReader dataReader, NopImportContext nopImportContext)
            HashSet<OrderData> orders = dataReader.GetOrderData();
            HashSet<OrderLineData> orderLines = dataReader.GetOrderLineData();

            using (EventContext.Instance.Disable<GenerateGiftCards>())
                _session.Transact(session =>
                    foreach (OrderData data in orders)
                        Guid guid = data.Guid;
                        if (session.QueryOver<Order>().Where(o => o.Guid == guid).Any())

                        var billingAddress = nopImportContext.FindNew<Address>(data.BillingAddressId);
                        var shippingAddress =
                        var order = new Order
                            BillingAddress = billingAddress.ToAddressData(),
                            ShippingAddress = shippingAddress != null ? shippingAddress.ToAddressData() : null,
                            CustomerIP = data.CustomerIp,
                            DiscountAmount = data.OrderDiscount,
                            Id = data.Id,
                            OrderEmail = data.Email,
                            PaidDate = data.PaidDate,
                            PaymentStatus = GetPaymentStatus(data.PaymentStatus),
                            ShippingStatus = GetShippingStatus(data.ShippingStatus),
                            ShippingMethodName = data.ShippingMethodName,
                            ShippingSubtotal = data.OrderShippingExclTax,
                            ShippingTax = data.OrderShippingInclTax - data.OrderShippingExclTax,
                            ShippingTotal = data.OrderShippingInclTax,
                            Subtotal = data.OrderSubtotalInclTax,
                            Tax = data.OrderTax,
                            Total = data.OrderTotal,
                            TotalPaid = data.OrderTotal,
                            User = nopImportContext.FindNew<User>(data.CustomerId),
                            SalesChannel = EcommerceApp.NopCommerceSalesChannel,
                            PaymentMethod = data.PaymentMethod,
                            OrderDate = data.OrderDate

                        if (order.OrderNotes == null)
                            order.OrderNotes = new List<OrderNote>();
                        data.Notes.Add(new OrderNoteData
                            Note = "Previous order id: " + data.Id,
                            ShowToCustomer = false
                        foreach (OrderNoteData note in data.Notes)
                            var orderNote = new OrderNote
                                ShowToClient = note.ShowToCustomer,
                                Note = note.Note,
                                Order = order
                            if (note.Date.HasValue)
                                orderNote.CreatedOn = note.Date.Value;
                        int orderId = data.Id;
                        HashSet<OrderLineData> lineDatas = orderLines.FindAll(x => x.OrderId == orderId);
                        foreach (OrderLineData lineData in lineDatas)
                            var orderLine = new OrderLine
                                Discount = lineData.DiscountAmountInclTax,
                                Id = lineData.Id,
                                Order = order,
                                Quantity = lineData.Quantity,
                                Name = lineData.ProductName,
                                Price = lineData.PriceInclTax,
                                UnitPrice = lineData.UnitPriceInclTax,
                                UnitPricePreTax = lineData.DiscountAmountExclTax,
                                PricePreTax = lineData.PriceExclTax,
                                Tax = lineData.PriceInclTax - lineData.PriceExclTax,
                                Weight = lineData.ItemWeight.GetValueOrDefault(),
                                SKU = lineData.SKU,
                                RequiresShipping = lineData.RequiresShipping
                        nopImportContext.AddEntry(data.Id, order);

            return string.Format("{0} orders processed", orders.Count);
        public Order PlaceOrder(CartModel cartModel, Action<Order> postCreationActions)
            // this code is here to try and take into account a 3rd party posting back more than once for whatever reason (see bug #2754). 
            // If the order with the guid has already been placed, we'll just return that placed order
            var existingOrders = _session.QueryOver<Order>().Where(order => order.Guid == cartModel.CartGuid).List();
            if (existingOrders.Any())
                return existingOrders.First();
            var placedOrder = _session.Transact(session =>
                var order = new Order
                    ShippingAddress = cartModel.RequiresShipping ? cartModel.ShippingAddress.ToAddressData() : null,
                    BillingAddress = cartModel.BillingAddress.ToAddressData(),
                    ShippingMethodName = cartModel.RequiresShipping ? cartModel.ShippingMethod.Name : "No shipping required",
                    Subtotal = cartModel.Subtotal,
                    DiscountAmount = cartModel.OrderTotalDiscount,
                    ShippingDiscountAmount = cartModel.ShippingDiscount,
                    //DiscountCode = cartModel.DiscountCodes,
                    RewardPointsAppliedAmount = cartModel.AppliedRewardPointsAmount,
                    Tax = cartModel.Tax,
                    Total = cartModel.Total,
                    TotalPaid = cartModel.TotalToPay,
                    ShippingSubtotal = cartModel.ShippingTotalPreDiscount,
                    ShippingTotal = cartModel.ShippingTotal,
                    ShippingTax = cartModel.ShippingTax,
                    RequestedShippingDate = cartModel.RequestedShippingDate,
                    User = cartModel.User,
                    Weight = cartModel.Weight,
                    OrderEmail = cartModel.OrderEmail,
                    GiftMessage = cartModel.GiftMessage,
                    CustomerIP = RequestHelper.GetIP(),
                    HttpData = RequestHelper.GetRawHttpData(),
                    PaymentMethod = cartModel.PaymentMethodSystemName,
                    ShippingStatus = cartModel.RequiresShipping ? ShippingStatus.Pending : ShippingStatus.ShippingNotRequired,
                    ShippingTaxPercentage = cartModel.ShippingTaxPercentage,
                    SalesChannel = EcommerceApp.DefaultSalesChannel,
                    OrderDate = CurrentRequestData.Now
                foreach (var discount in cartModel.Discounts)
                    var discountUsage = new DiscountUsage
                        Discount = discount.Discount,
                        Order = order

                foreach (var orderLine in cartModel.Items.Select(item => _orderLineCreator.GetOrderLine(item)))
                    orderLine.Order = order;

                order = _giftCardApplier.Apply(cartModel.AppliedGiftCards, order);

                if (postCreationActions != null)

                // Similarly, we check again just before we save - we should be fine as we are inside of a transaction
                // but we will err on the side of catching duplicates
                existingOrders = _session.QueryOver<Order>().Where(o => o.Guid == cartModel.CartGuid).List();
                if (existingOrders.Any())
                    return existingOrders.First();


                return order;

            EventContext.Instance.Publish<IOnOrderPlaced, OrderPlacedArgs>(new OrderPlacedArgs { Order = placedOrder });
            return placedOrder;