Beispiel #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Builder
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="tools">List of tools to display in the panel</param>
 /// <param name="settings">Configuration of the group for the visual part</param>
 public ToolGroupPanel(List <Tool> tools, CategoryColorSettings settings)
     this.BackColor   = settings.BackColor;
     this.borderColor = settings.ActionButtonOverColor;
     //To avoid the effect of the button being selected
     this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint, true);
     //Shows 1 button for each tool
     for (int i = 0; i < tools.Count; i++)
         ToolButton button = new ToolButton(tools[i], settings);
         button.InitInsert   += new ToolEventHandler(Button_InitInsert);
         button.DoInsert     += new PointEventHandler(Button_DoInsert);
         button.CancelInsert += new EventHandler(Button_CancelInsert);
         button.MouseEnter   += new EventHandler(Button_MouseEnter);
         button.MouseLeave   += new EventHandler(Button_MouseLeave);
         button.Location      = new Point(INIT_X, INIT_Y + (i * ToolPanel.BUTTON_SEPARATION));
         button.Size          = new Size(BUTTON_WIDTH, button.Height);
         this.toolTip.SetToolTip(button, tools[i].ToolTipText);
     //The size of the panel is dynamically calculated
     this.Size = new Size(this.Width, INIT_Y + 3 + (tools.Count * ToolPanel.BUTTON_SEPARATION));
        /// <summary>
        /// Group Panel Builder
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="category">Group to which it represents</param>
        /// <param name="tools">List of actions of the group</param>
        /// <param name="parentLocation">Location of the container</param>
        public ToolPanel(Category category, List <Tool> tools, Point parentLocation)
            this.BackColor   = category.GuiSetting.BackColor;
            this.borderColor = category.GuiSetting.BorderColor;
            //The category title and background color are set
            this.lCategory.Text      = category.Label;
            this.lCategory.BackColor = category.GuiSetting.BorderColor;
            //To avoid the focus effect
            this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint, true);
            //The position of the container is saved
            this.parentLocation = parentLocation;
            //The action buttons are created
            int       toolLevel1Counter = 0;
            Hashtable groupButtons      = new Hashtable();

            foreach (Tool tool in tools)
                //Check whether the action should be contained in a group
                Group group = Group.GetGroup(tool.Group);
                if (group == null)
                    //A normal tool button is created
                    ToolButton toolButton = new ToolButton(tool, category.GuiSetting);
                    toolButton.InitInsert   += new ToolEventHandler(toolButton_InitInsert);
                    toolButton.DoInsert     += new PointEventHandler(toolButton_DoInsert);
                    toolButton.CancelInsert += new EventHandler(toolButton_CancelInsert);
                    toolButton.Location      = new Point(INIT_X, INIT_Y + (toolLevel1Counter * BUTTON_SEPARATION));
                    this.toolTip.SetToolTip(toolButton, tool.ToolTipText);
                    //Check if the group button already exists
                    ToolGroupButton groupButton = (ToolGroupButton)groupButtons[group];
                    if (groupButton == null)
                        //Creates a new button group and is saved so that it does not create two equal
                        groupButton = new ToolGroupButton(group, category.GuiSetting);
                        groupButtons.Add(group, groupButton);
                        groupButton.InitInsert   += new ToolEventHandler(toolButton_InitInsert);
                        groupButton.DoInsert     += new PointEventHandler(toolButton_DoInsert);
                        groupButton.CancelInsert += new EventHandler(toolButton_CancelInsert);
                        groupButton.ShowPanel    += new GroupPanelEventHandler(button_ShowPanel);
                        groupButton.ClosePanel   += new EventHandler(button_ClosePanel);
                        //The tool is added to the group
                        groupButton.Location = new Point(INIT_X, INIT_Y + (toolLevel1Counter * BUTTON_SEPARATION));
                        this.toolTip.SetToolTip(groupButton, group.ToolTipText);
                        //A new action is added to the group button
            this.Size = new Size(this.Width, INIT_Y + 3 + (toolLevel1Counter * BUTTON_SEPARATION));