Beispiel #1
        const int AUDITORIUMS = 3; // controls the amount of auditoriums
        static void Main(string[] args)
            int         userNum  = 0;
            bool        audiFlag = true;
            List <Audi> audis    = new List <Audi>();

            for (int count = 0; count < AUDITORIUMS && audiFlag; count++) //Intilizes auditoriums
                Audi auditorium = new Audi(count + 1);
                audiFlag = auditorium.setAudi(count + 1);
            if (audiFlag) //If all auditoriums were correctly set
                while (audiFlag)
                    Console.WriteLine("Enter a number...\n1.Reserve Seat\n2.View Auditorium\n3.Report\n4.End Program");
                    userNum = convertInt(Console.ReadLine());
                    switch (userNum)
                    case 1:                              //Reserve Seat
                        userNum = userMenu2();
                        reservation(audis[userNum - 1]); //Reservation process begins here

                    case 2:     //Display Auditorium
                        userNum = userMenu2();
                        audis[userNum - 1].displayAudi();

                    case 3:     // Report

                    case 4:     //End Program
                        audiFlag = false;
                /*** Output new auditorium information goes here ***/
                for (int count = 0; count < AUDITORIUMS; count++)
                    audis[count].audiOut(count + 1);
Beispiel #2
        static int getSeat(Audi _audi, int count)
            int seatIndex = 0;
            int seatX;
            int seatY;

                Console.Write("Enter Row number of seat number {0}: ", count);
                seatY = convertInt(Console.ReadLine());
            } while (seatY < 1 || seatY > _audi.getMaxY());
                Console.Write("Enter column number of seat number {0}: ", count);
                seatX = convertInt(Console.ReadLine());
            } while (seatX < 1 || seatX > _audi.getMaxX());
            seatIndex = (_audi.getMaxX() * (seatY - 1) + seatX) - 1;// Formula to get seat index I.E X(y-1) + x
            //Where X is the constant row length of an audi, y,x are user inputs
            Console.WriteLine("{0},{1}", _audi.getX(seatIndex), _audi.getY(seatIndex));
Beispiel #3
        static int reservation(Audi _audi)
            int        ticketNum = 0;
            bool       userFlag  = false;
            string     userInput = " ";
            List <int> seatIndex = new List <int>(); //Contains seat indexes for reservations

            while (!userFlag)
                Console.WriteLine("Enter number of tickets being bought");
                ticketNum = convertInt(Console.ReadLine());
                if (ticketNum != -1)
                    if (ticketNum > 0 && ticketNum <= _audi.getSeatCount())
                        userFlag = true;
                        Console.WriteLine("Not a valid number...(Number is less the zero or greater then seat number)");
            if (ticketNum <= _audi.getMaxX()) // if user bought more tickets then seats in a row skip consec step
                Console.WriteLine("Consecutive seats? (Y for yes)");
                userInput = Console.ReadLine();
                userFlag  = false;
            if (userInput == "y" || userInput == "Y") //Consec reserve process
                while (!userFlag)
                    seatIndex.Add(getSeat(_audi, 1));
                    if ((_audi.getX(seatIndex[0]) + ticketNum) - 1 > _audi.getMaxX())
                        //If not enough seats from first seat - 1 ensures no overflow
                        Console.WriteLine("Not enough consecutive seats from first seat...");
                        for (int count = 1; count < ticketNum; count++) //Add seats consecutively via + 1 on each index
                            seatIndex.Add(seatIndex[0] + count);
                        userFlag = true;
            { // Scatter reserve process
                for (int count = 0; count < ticketNum; count++)
                    seatIndex.Add(getSeat(_audi, count + 1)); //Adds a singular index, bounds checked in getSeat()

            /*for (int count = 0; count < seatIndex.Count; count++) //***DEBUG CODE*** // 110-111
            *   Console.Write("{0},{1} ", obj.getX(seatIndex[count]), obj.getY(seatIndex[count])); */

            //Check if seats are open and then reserves them/Suggests best seat
            userFlag = false;
            for (int count = 0; count < seatIndex.Count; count++)
                if (_audi.getSeatChar(seatIndex[count]) == '*')
                    userFlag = true;
            if (!userFlag)
                //Reserve process
                for (int count = 0; count < seatIndex.Count; count++)
            else  //Add a best seat suggestion
                Console.WriteLine("Seat/Seats already reserved...");

            for (int count = seatIndex.Count - 1; count >= 0; count--) //Clears seatIndex List