private void OnSerializeNetworkView(BitStream stream, NetworkMessageInfo info)
            Vector3    position      = observedTransform.position;
            Quaternion rotation      = observedTransform.rotation;
            int        animFlagIndex = -1;

            if (stream.isWriting)    // Executed by owner of the network view
                stream.Serialize(ref position);
                stream.Serialize(ref rotation);

                if (sendAnimationFlags == true)
                    if (controllerScript.animatorStates.Any(s => s.Value.State == true))
                        var animState = controllerScript.animatorStates.First(s => s.Value.State == true);
                        animFlagIndex = animState.Key;
                stream.Serialize(ref animFlagIndex);
            else    // Executed by everyone else receiving the data
                stream.Serialize(ref position);
                stream.Serialize(ref rotation);
                stream.Serialize(ref animFlagIndex);

                //Shift buffer
                for (int i = stateBuffer.Length - 1; i >= 1; i--)
                    stateBuffer[i] = stateBuffer[i - 1];

                // Insert latest data at the front of buffer
                stateBuffer[0] = new PlayerPayload()
                    Position = position, Rotation = rotation, ActiveAnimatorFlagIndex = animFlagIndex, Timestamp = (float)info.timestamp
        // Update the Player basing on data received from the server
        private void Update()
            if (!networkView.isMine && Network.connections.Length > 0) // If this is remote side receiving the data and connection exists
                #region RemoteClientReplication
                if (Network.isClient)
                    clientPing = (Network.GetAveragePing(Network.connections[0]) / 100) + pingMargin;   // on client the only connection [0] is the server

                    float interpolationTime = (float)Network.time - clientPing;

                    // make sure there is at least one entry in the buffer
                    if (stateBuffer[0] == null)
                        stateBuffer[0] = new PlayerPayload()
                            Position = observedTransform.position, Rotation = observedTransform.rotation, ActiveAnimatorFlagIndex = -1, Timestamp = 0

                    // Interpolation
                    if (stateBuffer[0].Timestamp > interpolationTime)
                        for (int i = 0; i < stateBuffer.Length; i++)
                            if (stateBuffer[i] == null)

                            // Find best fitting state or use the last one available
                            if (stateBuffer[i].Timestamp <= interpolationTime || i == stateBuffer.Length - 1)
                                PlayerPayload bestTarget = stateBuffer[Mathf.Max(i - 1, 0)];
                                PlayerPayload bestStart  = stateBuffer[i];

                                float timeDiff = bestTarget.Timestamp - bestStart.Timestamp;
                                float lerpTime = 0f;

                                if (timeDiff > 0.0001)
                                    lerpTime = ((interpolationTime - bestStart.Timestamp) / timeDiff);

                                observedTransform.position = Vector3.Lerp(bestStart.Position, bestTarget.Position, lerpTime);
                                observedTransform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(bestStart.Rotation, bestTarget.Rotation, lerpTime);

                        float extrapolationTime = (interpolationTime - stateBuffer[0].Timestamp);

                        if (stateBuffer[0] != null && stateBuffer[1] != null)
                            PlayerPayload lastSample = stateBuffer[0];
                            PlayerPayload prevSample = stateBuffer[1];

                            float timeDiff = lastSample.Timestamp - prevSample.Timestamp;
                            float lerpTime = 0f;

                            if (timeDiff > 0.0001)
                                lerpTime = ((extrapolationTime - lastSample.Timestamp) / timeDiff);

                            Vector3 predictedPosition = lastSample.Position + prevSample.Position;

                            observedTransform.position = Vector3.Lerp(lastSample.Position, predictedPosition, lerpTime);
                            observedTransform.rotation = lastSample.Rotation;

                        // Updates to latest state - no extrapolation
                        //PlayerPayload latest = stateBuffer[0];
                        //observedTransform.position = Vector3.Lerp(observedTransform.position, latest.Position, 0.5f);
                        //observedTransform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(observedTransform.rotation, latest.Rotation, 0.5f);

                #region ServerReplication
                else if (Network.isServer)
                    PlayerPayload latest = stateBuffer[0];

                    // Check if we managed to get a PlayerPayLoad.
                    if (latest != null)
                        observedTransform.position = latest.Position;
                        observedTransform.rotation = latest.Rotation;
                        // Ignore the animation as it has no bearing on server behaviour