Inheritance: MS3DSingleModelComponent
        public override void Walk(MS3DTile[,] mapArray, List<MSUnit> units)
            base.Walk(mapArray, units);

            if (DestinationReached)
Beispiel #2
        public override void Walk(MS3DTile[,] mapArray, List<MSUnit> units)
            base.Walk(mapArray, units);

            if (DestinationReached)

Beispiel #3
        public override void Walk(MS3DTile[,] map_array, List<MSUnit> units )
            base.Walk(map_array, units);

            if (isGoingToMobber &&
                ( target.TileCoordinate == MSDistrictHall.getInstance().TileCoordinate|| target.DestinationReached) )
                this.path = map.GetPath(this.TileCoordinate, office.TileCoordinate);
                this.destination = Vector2.Zero;
                isGoingToMobber = false;
                if ( isGoingToMobber && this.TileCoordinate == target.TileCoordinate)
                    destination = new Vector2(target.Position.X, target.Position.Y);
                    targetRotation = (float)Math.Atan2(destination.Y - position.Y, destination.X - position.X);
                if ( isGoingToMobber && Vector3.Distance(position, target.Position) <= minChaseDistance)
                    isGoingToMobber = false;
                    this.path = map.GetPath(this.TileCoordinate, office.TileCoordinate);
                    this.destination = Vector2.Zero;
                    for (int i = 0; i < MSUnitHandler.GetInstance().Units.Count; i++)
                        MSUnit unit =  MSUnitHandler.GetInstance().Units[i];
                        if (unit == target)
                            MSUnitHandler.GetInstance().Units[i] = new MSCitizen
                            MSUnitHandler.GetInstance().Units[i].Speed = this.Speed;

                else if (DestinationReached && !isGoingToMobber)

        public MSChangeableBuilding(String model, String texture, String effect, Vector3 position, float rotation, int row, int column, int height)
            : base(model, texture, effect, position, rotation, row, column, height)
            futureSelf = null;
            buildTime = 1;
            timeCount = 0;
            Texture2D borderTexture = MoodSwing.GetInstance().Content.Load<Texture2D>("BorderTexture");
            Texture2D loadingTexture = MoodSwing.GetInstance().Content.Load<Texture2D>("LoadingTexture");

            progressBar = new MSProgressBar(new Rectangle((int)Position.X, (int)Position.Y, 50, 10),
                borderTexture, loadingTexture, null, MSProgressBar.Orientation.HORIZONTAL);

            State = MSChangeableBuildingState.IDLE;
Beispiel #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the nearest volunteer center with respect to a specific tile.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="reference">Tile used as a reference point to find the nearest volunteer center</param>
 /// <returns>The nearest volunteer center. Return null if there is no volunteer center</returns>
 public MSVolunteerCenter GetNearestVolunteerCenter(MS3DTile reference)
     float? minDist = null;
     MSVolunteerCenter center = null;
     foreach (MS3DTile tile in MapArray)
         if (tile is MSVolunteerCenter)
             MSVolunteerCenter vc = tile as MSVolunteerCenter;
             float distance = Vector3.Distance(vc.Position, reference.Position);
             if (minDist == null || minDist > distance)
                 minDist = distance;
                 center = vc;
     return center;
Beispiel #6
        public override void Walk(MS3DTile[,] mapArray, List<MSUnit> units )
            if (!IsStopped)
                Vector2 pos = new Vector2(Position.X, Position.Y);
                Vector2 toFollowVector = Vector2.Zero;

                //looks for a Mobber to follow
                foreach( MSMobber mobber in this.mobList )
                    Vector2 mobPos = new Vector2(mobber.Position.X, mobber.Position.Y);
                    float dist = Vector2.Distance(mobPos, pos);
                    if (dist < maxFollowDistance && dist > minFollowDistance )
                        float deltaAngle = Math.Abs(mobber.Rotation - this.Rotation);
                        if (deltaAngle <= MathHelper.ToRadians(10) &&
                            MSRandom.Instance.GetUniformInt(4) == 1 )
                            toFollowVector = mobPos;


                if (destination == Vector2.Zero && toFollowVector == Vector2.Zero )
                    Vector3 targetVector3 = (mapArray[(int)path.Position.X, (int)path.Position.Y] as MS3DTile).Position;
                    if ( != null || path.parent != null)
                        destination = new Vector2(targetVector3.X + MSRandom.Instance.GetUniformInt(MSMap.tileDimension / 2),
                                                      targetVector3.Y + MSRandom.Instance.GetUniformInt(MSMap.tileDimension / 2));
                        destination = new Vector2(targetVector3.X, targetVector3.Y);

                    targetRotation = (float)Math.Atan2(destination.Y - position.Y, destination.X - position.X);

                //change target to position of mobber to follow
                else if( toFollowVector != Vector2.Zero )
                    destination = toFollowVector;
                    targetRotation = (float)Math.Atan2(destination.Y - position.Y, destination.X - position.X);


                //destination reached
                if (Vector2.Distance(pos, destination) < 1)
                    this.position = new Vector3(destination.X, destination.Y, position.Z);

                    //check if original destination is on-route
                    if (this.TileCoordinate != path.Position )
                        Vector3 origDestVector3 = (mapArray[(int)path.Position.X, (int)path.Position.Y] as MS3DTile).Position;
                        Vector2 origDestination = new Vector2(origDestVector3.X, origDestVector3.Y);
                        float toCheckAngle = (float)Math.Atan2(origDestination.X - position.X, origDestination.Y - position.Y);
                        destination = origDestination;
                        targetRotation = toCheckAngle;
                    //if it entails going back, check next path instead.
                        if ( != null)
                            path =;
                            Vector3 targetVector3 = (mapArray[(int)path.Position.X, (int)path.Position.Y] as MS3DTile).Position;
                            destination = new Vector2(targetVector3.X + MSRandom.Instance.GetUniformInt(MSMap.tileDimension / 2) - MSMap.tileDimension / 4,
                                                          targetVector3.Y + MSRandom.Instance.GetUniformInt(MSMap.tileDimension / 2) - MSMap.tileDimension / 4);

                            Vector2 direction = destination - new Vector2(position.X, position.Y);
                            float angle = (float)Math.Atan2(direction.Y, direction.X);
                            targetRotation = angle;
                        else destinationReached = true;

                    Vector2 unit = destination - pos;
                    unit = Vector2.Normalize(unit);
                    this.position += new Vector3(unit.X * Speed, unit.Y * Speed, 0);

                //smooth rotation
                if (Math.Abs(targetRotation - Rotation) > 0.01)
                    float delta = targetRotation - Rotation;
                    while (delta < -MathHelper.Pi)
                        delta += MathHelper.TwoPi;
                    while (delta > MathHelper.Pi)
                        delta -= MathHelper.TwoPi;
                    Rotation += delta * rotationSpeed;





            Vector3 screenProjection = Game.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Project(Position, MSCamera.GetInstance().ProjectionMatrix, MSCamera.GetInstance().GetView(), Matrix.Identity);
            moodFace.Position = new Vector2(screenProjection.X - 50, screenProjection.Y - 50);
 public void StartBuildProcess(int number, MS3DTile tile)
     expectedWorkers = number;
     futureSelf = tile;
     State = MSChangeableBuildingState.WAITING;
        public override void load(StreamReader sr)
            string state = sr.ReadLine();
            if (state.Equals("DONE")) this.State = MSChangeableBuildingState.DONE;
            else if (state.Equals("IDLE")) this.State = MSChangeableBuildingState.IDLE;
            else if (state.Equals("TRANSFORMING")) this.State = MSChangeableBuildingState.TRANSFORMING;
            else if (state.Equals("WAITING")) this.State = MSChangeableBuildingState.WAITING;

            startTime = Int32.Parse(sr.ReadLine());
            timeCount = Int32.Parse(sr.ReadLine());
            expectedWorkers = Int32.Parse(sr.ReadLine());
            buildTime = Int32.Parse(sr.ReadLine());

            string checker = sr.ReadLine();
            if (checker.Equals("go"))
                futureSelf = MSTileFactory.loadMSTile(sr);