Beispiel #1
        private void BuildCalendarUI()
            int iDaysInMonth = sysCal.GetDaysInMonth(_DisplayStartDate.Year, _DisplayStartDate.Month);
            int iOffsetDays  = Convert.ToInt32(System.Enum.ToObject(typeof(System.DayOfWeek), _DisplayStartDate.DayOfWeek));
            int iWeekCount   = 0;
            WeekOfDaysControl weekRowCtrl = new WeekOfDaysControl();

            AddRowsToMonthGrid(iDaysInMonth, iOffsetDays);
            MonthYearLabel.Content = (new DateTimeFormatInfo()).GetMonthName(_DisplayMonth) + " " + _DisplayYear;

            for (int i = 1; i <= iDaysInMonth; i++)
                if ((i != 1) && System.Math.IEEERemainder((i + iOffsetDays - 1), 7) == 0)
                    //-- add existing weekrowcontrol to the monthgrid
                    Grid.SetRow(weekRowCtrl, iWeekCount);
                    //-- make a new weekrowcontrol
                    weekRowCtrl = new WeekOfDaysControl();
                    iWeekCount += 1;

                //-- load each weekrow with a DayBoxControl whose label is set to day number
                DayBoxControl dayBox = new DayBoxControl();
                dayBox.DayNumberLabel.Content = i.ToString();
                dayBox.Tag = i;
                dayBox.MouseDoubleClick += DayBox_DoubleClick;

                //-- customize daybox for today:
                if ((new System.DateTime(_DisplayYear, _DisplayMonth, i)) == System.DateTime.Today)
                    dayBox.DayLabelRowBorder.Background    = (Brush)dayBox.TryFindResource("OrangeGradientBrush");
                    dayBox.DayAppointmentsStack.Background = Brushes.Wheat;

                //-- for design mode, add appointments to random days for show...
                if (System.ComponentModel.DesignerProperties.GetIsInDesignMode(this))
                    if (Math.Round(1d) < 0.25)
                        DayBoxAppointmentControl apt = new DayBoxAppointmentControl();
                        apt.DisplayText.Text = "Apt on " + i + "th";
                else if (_monthAppointments != null)
                    //-- Compiler warning about unpredictable results if using i (the iterator) in lambda, the
                    //   "hint" suggests declaring another var and set equal to iterator var
                    int iday = i;
                    List <Appointment> aptInDay = _monthAppointments.FindAll(new System.Predicate <Appointment>((Appointment apt) => Convert.ToDateTime(apt.StartTime).Day == iday));
                    foreach (Appointment a in aptInDay)
                        DayBoxAppointmentControl apt = new DayBoxAppointmentControl();
                        apt.DisplayText.Text = a.Subject;
                        apt.Tag = a.AppointmentID;
                        apt.MouseDoubleClick += Appointment_DoubleClick;

                Grid.SetColumn(dayBox, (i - (iWeekCount * 7)) + iOffsetDays);
            Grid.SetRow(weekRowCtrl, iWeekCount);
        private void BuildCalendarUI()
            int iDaysInMonth = sysCal.GetDaysInMonth(_DisplayStartDate.Year, _DisplayStartDate.Month);
            int iOffsetDays = Convert.ToInt32(System.Enum.ToObject(typeof(System.DayOfWeek), _DisplayStartDate.DayOfWeek));
            int iWeekCount = 0;
            WeekOfDaysControl weekRowCtrl = new WeekOfDaysControl();

            AddRowsToMonthGrid(iDaysInMonth, iOffsetDays);
            MonthYearLabel.Content = (new DateTimeFormatInfo()).GetMonthName(_DisplayMonth) + " " + _DisplayYear;

            for (int i = 1; i <= iDaysInMonth; i++) {
            if ((i != 1) && System.Math.IEEERemainder((i + iOffsetDays - 1), 7) == 0) {
                //-- add existing weekrowcontrol to the monthgrid
                Grid.SetRow(weekRowCtrl, iWeekCount);
                //-- make a new weekrowcontrol
                weekRowCtrl = new WeekOfDaysControl();
                iWeekCount += 1;

            //-- load each weekrow with a DayBoxControl whose label is set to day number
            DayBoxControl dayBox = new DayBoxControl();
            dayBox.DayNumberLabel.Content = i.ToString();
            dayBox.Tag = i;
            dayBox.MouseDoubleClick += DayBox_DoubleClick;

            //-- customize daybox for today:
            if ((new System.DateTime(_DisplayYear, _DisplayMonth, i)) == System.DateTime.Today) {
                dayBox.DayLabelRowBorder.Background = (Brush)dayBox.TryFindResource("OrangeGradientBrush");
                dayBox.DayAppointmentsStack.Background = Brushes.Wheat;

            //-- for design mode, add appointments to random days for show...
            if (System.ComponentModel.DesignerProperties.GetIsInDesignMode(this)) {
                if (Math.Round(1d) < 0.25) {
                    DayBoxAppointmentControl apt = new DayBoxAppointmentControl();
                    apt.DisplayText.Text = "Apt on " + i + "th";

            } else if (_monthAppointments != null) {
                //-- Compiler warning about unpredictable results if using i (the iterator) in lambda, the
                //   "hint" suggests declaring another var and set equal to iterator var
                int iday = i;
                List<Appointment> aptInDay = _monthAppointments.FindAll(new System.Predicate<Appointment>((Appointment apt) => Convert.ToDateTime(apt.StartTime).Day == iday));
                foreach (Appointment a in aptInDay) {
                    DayBoxAppointmentControl apt = new DayBoxAppointmentControl();
                    apt.DisplayText.Text = a.Subject;
                    apt.Tag = a.AppointmentID;
                    apt.MouseDoubleClick += Appointment_DoubleClick;


            Grid.SetColumn(dayBox, (i - (iWeekCount * 7)) + iOffsetDays);
            Grid.SetRow(weekRowCtrl, iWeekCount);