private void OnDialogueResume(DialogueItem dialogue, Subject <DialogueEvent> events)
            var story = dialogue.story;

            // If there was a previous event, we should re-run it with null continue. This puts the choices back in the
            // right place but doesn't mess with the state of the conversation
            if (dialogue.lastEvent != null)
                // Mark the event as silent, even if it's not, to prevent it from rendering another box
                var wasSilent = dialogue.lastEvent.silent;
                dialogue.lastEvent.silent = true;
                OnDialogueEvent(dialogue, dialogue.lastEvent, events, null);
                dialogue.lastEvent.silent = wasSilent;

            // Advance the story at least once. This way, if the other character talks first, the message will
            // be there. Otherwise, if there are choices after continuing at least once, the chat box will
            // default to open, making conversations where the player starts less confusing.
            if (story.canContinue)
                OnNextStory(dialogue, events);

            if (story.currentChoices?.Count > 0)
                // We open with choices, so pop open the chat box controller for us
        private void OnDialogueEnded(DialogueItem dialogue, CompositeDisposable subscriptions)
            dialogue.ended = true;

            m_DialogueEnded.OnNext(new DialogEndedEvent
                item      = selectedDialogue.Value,
                profile   = profile.Value,
                succeeded = dialogue.succeeded


            AnalyticsEvent.LevelComplete(, new Dictionary <string, object>()
                { "succeeded", dialogue.succeeded }
            var eventHitBuilder1 = new EventHitBuilder()
                                   .SetEventValue(dialogue.succeeded ? 1L : 0L);

        private void OnNextStory(DialogueItem dialogue, Subject <DialogueEvent> events, Choice choice = null,
                                 string overrideMessage = null, bool silent = false)
            var story    = dialogue.story;
            var self     = false;
            var noDelay  = false;
            var noBubble = false;
            var success  = false;

            if (choice != null)
                var substring = choice.text?.Substring(0, Mathf.Min(choice.text?.Length ?? 0, 8));
                AnalyticsEvent.Custom("choice", new Dictionary <string, object>()
                    { "path", story.state?.currentPathString },
                    { "profile", profile.Value?.name },
                    { "text", substring },
                    { "index", choice.index }
                var eventHitBuilder1 = new EventHitBuilder()
                                       .SetCustomDimension(0, story.state?.currentPathString)
                                       .SetCustomDimension(1, profile.Value?.name);

                self    = true;
                noDelay = true;

            var eventHitBuilder2 = new EventHitBuilder()
                                   .SetCustomDimension(0, story.state?.currentPathString)
                                   .SetCustomDimension(1, profile.Value?.name);


            if (story.canContinue)
                var message = story.Continue();
                success  = story.currentTags.Any(s => s.ToLower() == DialogueConversationController.success);
                noBubble = story.currentTags.Any(s => s.ToLower() == DialogueConversationController.noBubble);
                self    |= story.currentTags.Any(s => s.ToLower() == DialogueConversationController.self);
                silent  |= story.currentTags.Any(s => s.ToLower() == DialogueConversationController.silent);
                if (success)
                    dialogue.succeeded = true;

                // Remove starting and ending quotation marks, extraneous line returns
                message = message.Trim('\n', '"');

                if (message.StartsWith(m_StartOfSelfConversation))
                    self   |= true;
                    message = message.Substring(1);

                // If this is the last message of the dialogue, no delay
                if (!story.canContinue && (story.currentChoices?.Count ?? 0) == 0)
                    noDelay = true;

                var dialogueEvent = new DialogueEvent
                    text     = overrideMessage ?? message,
                    noBubble = noBubble,
                    choices  = story.currentChoices,
                    self     = self,
                    noDelay  = noDelay,
                    success  = success,
                    silent   = silent
                dialogue.lastEvent = dialogueEvent;
                var dialogueEvent = new DialogueEvent
                    finished = true,
                    success  = dialogue.succeeded
                dialogue.lastEvent = dialogueEvent;
        private void OnDialogueEvent(DialogueItem dialogue, DialogueEvent data, Subject <DialogueEvent> events,
                                     Subject <DialogueEvent> dialogueContinue)
            // Handle the function call for riddles here. This flag prevents also fake choices used to implement
            // the "Future<int>" that we're doing here from appearing inside the chat box.
            var story      = dialogue.story;
            var dataRiddle = data.riddle;

            if (dataRiddle != null)
                dialogue.suppressChoices = true;
                m_ChatBoxController.RequestInput(res =>
                    // ReSharper disable once SpecifyStringComparison
                    var answerWasCorrect = res.Trim().ToLower() == dataRiddle.Trim().ToLower();
                    var answerWasCorrect = string.Equals(res, riddle, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase);
                    AnalyticsEvent.Custom("riddle_input", new Dictionary <string, object>()
                        { "answer", res }

                    var eventHitBuilder1 = new EventHitBuilder()

                    OnNextStory(dialogue, events,
                                story.currentChoices[answerWasCorrect ? 1 : 0], overrideMessage: res);
            else if (data.text != null && !data.silent)
                var self = data.self;
                var text = data.text;
                // Render images if one was specified
                var spriteName = ParseSpriteName(text);
                // Retrieves all the sprites that have been referenced SOMEWHERE in the scene. See m_Sprites on this
                // instance and add the sprites to make sure the image can render in the chat.
                var sprite = spriteName == null ? null : Drawing.sprites[spriteName];

                    new ChatMessage
                        noBubble = data.noBubble,
                        message  = spriteName != null ? "" : data.text, image = sprite,
                        self     = self

            // This is definitely no longer the first message.
            dialogue.first = false;

            // Show the choices if there are any to show AND we're not awaiting an input
            if (data.choices?.Count == 0 && dataRiddle == null)
            else if (data.choices?.Count > 0 && dataRiddle == null)
                if (dialogue.suppressChoices)
                    dialogue.suppressChoices = false;
                    foreach (var choice in data.choices)
        /// <summary>
        /// Rigs the views in this screen to start showing the specified dialogue
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dialogue"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private CompositeDisposable ResumeStory(DialogueItem dialogue, DialogueItem oldDialogue = null)
            var subscriptions = new CompositeDisposable();

            if (oldDialogue != null)


            // Disable the exit button
            // Make sure the chat box is enabled
            // Tracks all the dialogue events in the story
            var events = new Subject <DialogueEvent>();
            // A subject that's used to delay incoming chats
            var dialogueContinue = new Subject <DialogueEvent>();
            // Get the actual story
            var story = dialogue.story;

            // Gives the player's name and gender a variable
            if (story.variablesState.ContainsDefaultGlobalVariable(playerName))
                story.variablesState[playerName] = PlayerProfileController.instance.playerName;

            if (story.variablesState.ContainsDefaultGlobalVariable(gender))
                story.variablesState[gender] = PlayerProfileController.instance.playerGender;

            if (!story.ContainsExternalBinding(riddle))
                                           (string riddle) =>
                    // This prevents the function from causing side effects when one of the story threads is
                    // unparking. For example, during a reset state or going to a specific knot.
                    if (dialogue.unparking)

                    events.OnNext(new DialogueEvent()
                        riddle  = riddle,
                        noDelay = true

            // Start the story when this screen comes into view
            IObservable <int> transition;

            if (m_UiScreenView.currentScreen == m_Screen.screenIndex &&
                m_UiScreenView.screensTransitioning == 0)
                transition = Observable.Return(m_Screen.screenIndex);
                transition = m_UiScreenView.onScreenBeginTransition.AsObservable()
                             .Where(index => index == m_Screen.screenIndex);

            // Triggers the transition to the scene based on the current activity.
            .Subscribe(ignored => { OnDialogueResume(dialogue, events); })

            // When the dialogue ends, fire a dialogue ended event for the current dialogue
            .Where(d => d.finished)
            .Subscribe(ignored => { OnDialogueEnded(dialogue, subscriptions); })

            // Show messages and choices from the dialogue system
            .Do(d2 =>
                if (!d2.noBubble)
            .Where(data => data != null)
            // Include a typing delay
            .SelectMany(data => Observable.Return(data)
                        // Show the typing box right away, before the delay
                        .Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(data.noBubble && dialogue.first || data.noDelay
                        ? 0
                        : (data.text ?? "").StartsWith("!")
                            ? m_SecondsPerImageWriting
                            : (m_SecondsPerCharacterWriting * data.text?.Length ?? 0))))
            .Subscribe(data => { OnDialogueEvent(dialogue, data, events, dialogueContinue); })

            // Continue with a choice whenever one is given
            .Subscribe(choice => { OnNextStory(dialogue, events, story.currentChoices[choice.index]); })

            // Continue after a short delay when a continue is requested without choices
            .Where(ignored => !dialogue.ended)
            .SelectMany(data => Observable.Return(data)
                        .Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(data.text == null
                        ? 0
                        : data.text.StartsWith("!")
                            ? m_SecondsPerImageReading
                            : (m_SecondsPerCharacterReading * data.text.Length))))
            .Subscribe(ignored => { OnNextStory(dialogue, events); })