Beispiel #1
        private static void place_house(Property property, ref string[] board_art, int row, int col)
            // create string of players at space
            string current = board_art[row].Substring(col, 5); // take 5-length substring in case of max. 5 houses
            string updated = "";

            if (property.owned())
                if (property.get_houses() == 5) // hotel
                    updated = "Hotel";
                else if (property.mortgaged())
                    updated = "mmmmm";
                else // everything else
                    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                        if (i < (property.get_houses()))
                            updated += "h";
                            updated += "-";
                updated = current;

            // update board
            board_art[row] = board_art[row].Substring(0, col) + updated + board_art[row].Substring(col + 5);