Remove() public method

public Remove ( Section s ) : void
s Section
return void
		public override void LoadView ()
			base.LoadView ();

			var root = new RootElement ("TARP Banks");

			var section = new Section ()
				(usOnlyToggle = new BooleanElement("Show only US banks", false))
			root.Add (section);

			//make a section from the banks. Keep a reference to it
			root.Add ((bankListSection = BuildBankSection (usOnlyToggle.Value)));

			//if the toggle changes, reload the items
			usOnlyToggle.ValueChanged += (sender, e) => {
				var newListSection = BuildBankSection(usOnlyToggle.Value);

				root.Remove(bankListSection, UITableViewRowAnimation.Fade);
				root.Insert(1, UITableViewRowAnimation.Fade, newListSection);
				bankListSection = newListSection;


			Root = root;
Beispiel #2
        private RootElement RenderEditItem(Item item, bool renderListInfo)
            // get itemType for this item
            ItemType itemType = null;
                itemType = App.ViewModel.ItemTypes.Single(it => it.ID == item.ItemTypeID);
            catch (Exception)
                // if can't find the folder type, use the first
                itemType = App.ViewModel.ItemTypes[0];

            // render the primary fields
            Section primarySection = RenderEditItemFields(item, itemType, true);

            // HACK: insert a dummy element inside the primary section.  This dummy element
            // implements IElementSizing and returns a 0-sized cell (so it is invisible).
            // This is to work around an issue in MT.Dialog where it doesn't honor IElementSizing
            // on elements that are added after a dialog is already drawn.  This element must be
            // inserted after the first element but before the last element, to avoid losing the
            // rounded rectangle look of the first and last elements of a Section.
            if (primarySection.Count > 0)
                primarySection.Insert(1, new DummyElement());

            // render more button
            var moreButton = new Button() { Background = "Images/darkgreybutton.png", Caption = "more details" };
            var sse = new ButtonListElement() { Margin = 0f };
            var moreSection = new Section() { sse };

            // render save/delete buttons
            var actionButtons = new ButtonListElement()
                //new Button() { Caption = "Save", Background = "Images/greenbutton.png", Clicked = SaveButton_Click },
                new Button() { Caption = "Delete", Background = "Images/redbutton.png", Clicked = DeleteButton_Click },
            actionButtons.Margin = 0f;

            // create the dialog with the primary section
            RootElement editRoot = new RootElement(item.Name)
                new Section() { actionButtons },

            moreButton.Clicked += (s, e) =>
                // remove the "more" button

                // render the non-primary fields as a new section
                editRoot.Insert(1, RenderEditItemFields(item, itemType, false));

                // create a separate section with the advanced information (parent, type)
                var advancedSection = new Section();

                Field field = new Field() { Name = "ParentID", DisplayName = "List", DisplayType = DisplayTypes.Lists };
                advancedSection.Add(RenderEditItemField(item, field));

                field = new Field() { Name = "ItemTypeID", DisplayName = "Type", DisplayType = DisplayTypes.ItemTypes };
                advancedSection.Add(RenderEditItemField(item, field));

                editRoot.Insert(2, advancedSection);

            return editRoot;
        void CreateUI()
            System.Threading.Thread.Sleep (2000);
            if (spinner != null){
                spinner.RemoveFromSuperview ();
                spinner = null;

            var profileRect = new RectangleF (PadX, 0, View.Bounds.Width-PadX, 100);
            var shortProfileView = new ShortProfileView (profileRect, user.Id, false);
            shortProfileView.PictureTapped += delegate { PictureViewer.Load (this, user.Id); };
            shortProfileView.UrlTapped += delegate { WebViewController.OpenUrl (this, user.Url); };

            var main = new Section (shortProfileView);
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (user.Description)){
                main.Add (new StyledMultilineElement (user.Description) {
                    Lines = 0,
                    LineBreakMode = UILineBreakMode.WordWrap,
                    Font = UIFont.SystemFontOfSize (14),

            var tweetsUrl = String.Format ("{0}", user.Id);
            var favoritesUrl = String.Format ("{0}", user.Id);
            var followersUrl = String.Format ("{0}", user.Id);
            var friendsUrl = String.Format ("{0}", user.Id);

            #if false
            followButton = new StyledStringElement (FollowText, ToggleFollow){
                Alignment = UITextAlignment.Center,
                TextColor = UIColor.FromRGB (0x32, 0x4f, 0x85)
            var sfollow = new Section () {
                new ActivityElement ()

            Root = new RootElement (user.Screenname){
                new Section () {
                    TimelineRootElement.MakeTimeline (user.Screenname, Locale.Format ("{0:#,#} tweets", user.StatusesCount), tweetsUrl, user),
                    TimelineRootElement.MakeFavorites (user.Screenname, Locale.Format ("{0:#,#} favorites", user.FavCount), favoritesUrl, null),
                    new UserRootElement (user, Locale.Format ("{0:#,#} friends", user.FriendsCount), friendsUrl),
                    new UserRootElement (user, Locale.Format ("{0:#,#} followers", user.FollowersCount), followersUrl),
            var created = user.CreatedAt;
            if (created.HasValue){
                Root.Add (new Section (null, Locale.Format ("Joined on {0}", created.Value.ToLongDateString ())));

            string url = String.Format ("{0}&source_screen_name={1}",
                                        OAuth.PercentEncode (TwitterAccount.CurrentAccount.Username));
            TwitterAccount.CurrentAccount.Download (url, res => {
                TableView.BeginUpdates ();
                Root.Remove (sfollow);
                if (res != null)
                    ParseFollow (res);

                TableView.EndUpdates ();