Beispiel #1
		private void ExtractFormAndHiddenControls (Response response, string formId)
			HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument htmlDoc = new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument ();
			htmlDoc.LoadHtml (response.Body);

			StringBuilder tempxml = new StringBuilder ();
			StringWriter tsw = new StringWriter (tempxml);
			htmlDoc.OptionOutputAsXml = true;
			htmlDoc.Save (tsw);

			XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument ();
			doc.LoadXml (tempxml.ToString ());

			const string HTML_NAMESPACE = "";

			XmlNamespaceManager nsmgr = new XmlNamespaceManager (doc.NameTable);
			nsmgr.AddNamespace ("html", HTML_NAMESPACE);

			XmlNode formNode = doc.SelectSingleNode ("//html:form[@name='" + formId + "']", nsmgr);
			XmlNode formNode = doc.SelectSingleNode ("//html:form", nsmgr);
			if (formNode == null)
				throw new ArgumentException ("Form with id='" + formId +
					"' was not found in document: " + response.Body);

			string actionUrl = formNode.Attributes["action"].Value;
			if (actionUrl != null && actionUrl != string.Empty)
				base.Url = actionUrl;
			XmlNode method = formNode.Attributes["method"];
			if (method != null && "POST" == method.Value.ToUpper(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))
				base.IsPost = true;
				base.IsPost = false;

			foreach (XmlNode inputNode in formNode.SelectNodes ("//html:input", nsmgr))
			foreach (XmlNode inputNode in doc.SelectNodes ("//html:input[@type='hidden']", nsmgr))
				BaseControl bc = new BaseControl ();
				bc.Name = inputNode.Attributes["name"].Value;
				if (bc.Name == null || bc.Name == string.Empty)
				if (inputNode.Attributes["value"] != null)
					bc.Value = inputNode.Attributes["value"].Value;
					bc.Value = "";

				Controls[bc.Name] = bc;
Beispiel #2
		private void CopyFrom (WebTest newTestInstance)
			this._invoker = newTestInstance._invoker;
			this._request = newTestInstance._request;
			this._response = newTestInstance._response;
			this._userData = newTestInstance._userData;
Beispiel #3
		/// <summary>
		/// Create <see cref="FormRequest"/> instance from the given
		/// <paramref name="response">response</paramref> extracting
		/// form attributes and hidden controls from the form element
		/// with given id.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="response">The response to extract values from.</param>
		/// <param name="formId">The id of the form to use.</param>
		/// <remarks>Currently, the <paramref name="formId"/> is ignored, and the
		/// first form is used.</remarks>
		public FormRequest (Response response, string formId)
			_controls = new BaseControlCollection ();
			ExtractFormAndHiddenControls (response, formId);
Beispiel #4
		string[] ExtractFormAndHiddenControls (Response response)
                        HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument htmlDoc = new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument ();
                        htmlDoc.LoadHtml (response.Body);

                        var tempxml = new StringBuilder ();
                        var tsw = new StringWriter (tempxml);
                        htmlDoc.OptionOutputAsXml = true;
                        htmlDoc.Save (tsw);

                        var doc = new XmlDocument ();
                        doc.LoadXml (tempxml.ToString ());

                        XmlNamespaceManager nsmgr = new XmlNamespaceManager (doc.NameTable);
                        nsmgr.AddNamespace ("html", HTML_NAMESPACE);

                        XmlNode formNode = doc.SelectSingleNode ("//html:form", nsmgr);
                        if (formNode == null)
                                throw new ArgumentException ("Form was not found in document: " + response.Body);

                        string actionUrl = formNode.Attributes ["action"].Value;
                        XmlNode method = formNode.Attributes ["method"];
			var data = new List <string> ();
			string name, value;
                        foreach (XmlNode inputNode in doc.SelectNodes ("//html:input[@type='hidden']", nsmgr)) {
				name = inputNode.Attributes["name"].Value;
                                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (name))

				XmlAttribute attr = inputNode.Attributes["value"];
                                if (attr != null)
                                        value = attr.Value;
                                        value = String.Empty;

				data.Add (name);
				data.Add (value);

			return data.ToArray ();