public void Model ()
			MetaModel m = Utils.CommonInitialize ();
			var route = RouteTable.Routes[0] as DynamicDataRoute;

			Assert.IsNotNull (route, "#A1");
			Assert.IsNotNull (route.Model, "#A1-1");
			var handler = route.RouteHandler;

			Assert.IsNotNull (handler, "#A2");
			Assert.IsTrue (handler.GetType () == typeof (MyDynamicDataRouteHandler), "#A2-1");
			Assert.IsNull (handler.Model, "#A2-2");

			var req = new FakeHttpWorkerRequest ();
			var ctx = new HttpContext (req);

			RequestContext rc = DynamicDataRouteHandler.GetRequestContext (ctx);
			Assert.IsNotNull (rc, "#B1");
			Assert.IsNull (handler.Model, "#B1-2");

			var wrapper = new MyHttpContextWrapper ();
			var request = wrapper.Request as MyHttpRequestWrapper;

			// It appears .NET checks whether the indicated table exists - if not, GetRouteData will return
			// null (even though the Route class will find a match)
			request.SetProperty ("AppRelativeCurrentExecutionFilePath", "~/NoSuchTable/List.aspx");
			request.SetProperty ("PathInfo", String.Empty);

			// This must be non-null because DynamicData doesn't care to check whether the returned
			// value is null or not...
			request.SetProperty ("QueryString", new NameValueCollection ());
			// No table FooTable in the context - returns null
			RouteData rd = route.GetRouteData (wrapper);
			Assert.IsNull (rd, "#C1");

			// Apparently Model is set in the above call even though it returns null
			Assert.IsNotNull (handler.Model, "#C1-1");
			Assert.AreEqual (route.Model, handler.Model, "#C1-2");

			request.SetProperty ("AppRelativeCurrentExecutionFilePath", "~/BarTable/List.aspx");
			rd = route.GetRouteData (wrapper);
			Assert.IsNotNull (rd, "#D1");
			Assert.IsNotNull (handler.Model, "#D1-1");
			Assert.AreEqual (route.Model, handler.Model, "#D1-2");
		// Probably need to simulate a full reqest using similar environment as System.Web tests
		public void CreateHandler ()
			MetaModel m = Utils.CommonInitialize ();

			var route = RouteTable.Routes[0] as DynamicDataRoute;
			MetaTable t = m.Tables[TestDataContext.TableFooEmpty];
			Assert.IsNotNull (t, "#A1");

			var handler = route.RouteHandler = new DynamicDataRouteHandler ();
			var wrapper = new MyHttpContextWrapper ();
			var request = wrapper.Request as MyHttpRequestWrapper;
			request.SetProperty ("AppRelativeCurrentExecutionFilePath", "~/FooEmptyTable/List.aspx");
			request.SetProperty ("PathInfo", String.Empty);

			// This must be non-null because DynamicData doesn't care to check whether the returned
			// value is null or not...
			request.SetProperty ("QueryString", new NameValueCollection ());

			// This will assign the route handler's Model property
			RouteData rd = route.GetRouteData (wrapper);
			Assert.IsNotNull (handler.Model, "#A2");

			// Throws a NREX from some internal method - no slightest idea why, as none of the parameters
			// passed are null
			IHttpHandler h = handler.CreateHandler (route, t, PageAction.Details);
			Assert.IsNotNull (h, "#A3");
			Assert.AreEqual (typeof (Page), h.GetType (), "#A3-1");

			var page = h as Page;
			Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, page.AppRelativeVirtualPath, "#A3-2");
		public void GetScaffoldPageVirtualPath ()
			MetaModel m = Utils.CommonInitialize ();
			var route = RouteTable.Routes[0] as DynamicDataRoute;

			MetaTable t = m.Tables[TestDataContext.TableFooDisplayName];
			Assert.IsNotNull (t, "#A1");

			// We neeed the handler to have its Model property set
			route.RouteHandler = new MyDynamicDataRouteHandler ();
			var handler = route.RouteHandler as MyDynamicDataRouteHandler;
			Assert.IsNotNull (handler, "#A2");

			// Lack of null check (for table)
			AssertExtensions.Throws<NullReferenceException> (() => {
				handler.DoGetScaffoldPageVirtualPath (null, null);
			}, "#A2-1");

			// Another missing null check (this time for Model)... Are null checks
			// out of fashion?
			AssertExtensions.Throws<NullReferenceException> (() => {
				handler.DoGetScaffoldPageVirtualPath (t, String.Empty);
			}, "#A2-2");

			var wrapper = new MyHttpContextWrapper ();
			var request = wrapper.Request as MyHttpRequestWrapper;
			request.SetProperty ("AppRelativeCurrentExecutionFilePath", "~/FooDisplayNameTable/List.aspx");
			request.SetProperty ("PathInfo", String.Empty);

			// This must be non-null because DynamicData doesn't care to check whether the returned
			// value is null or not...
			request.SetProperty ("QueryString", new NameValueCollection ());

			// This will assign the route handler's Model property
			RouteData rd = route.GetRouteData (wrapper);
			Assert.IsNotNull (handler.Model, "#A3");

			Assert.AreEqual (handler.Model.DynamicDataFolderVirtualPath + "PageTemplates/" + "MyCustomPage.aspx",
				handler.DoGetScaffoldPageVirtualPath (t, "MyCustomPage"), "#A4");

			handler.Model.DynamicDataFolderVirtualPath = "~/MyFolder";
			Assert.AreEqual (handler.Model.DynamicDataFolderVirtualPath + "PageTemplates/" + "MyCustomPage.aspx",
				handler.DoGetScaffoldPageVirtualPath (t, "MyCustomPage"), "#A5");

			// doh!
			Assert.AreEqual (handler.Model.DynamicDataFolderVirtualPath + "PageTemplates/" + ".aspx",
				handler.DoGetScaffoldPageVirtualPath (t, null), "#A6");

			Assert.AreEqual (handler.Model.DynamicDataFolderVirtualPath + "PageTemplates/" + ".aspx",
				handler.DoGetScaffoldPageVirtualPath (t, String.Empty), "#A7");
Beispiel #4
		public void GetRouteData ()
			var r = new DynamicDataRoute ("{table}/{action}.aspx");

			// We need one which overloads CreateHandler
			r.RouteHandler = new MyDynamicDataRouteHandler ();

			var wrapper = new MyHttpContextWrapper ();
			var request = wrapper.Request as MyHttpRequestWrapper;
			request.SetProperty ("AppRelativeCurrentExecutionFilePath", "~/NoSuchTable/List.aspx");
			request.SetProperty ("PathInfo", String.Empty);

			// This must be non-null because DynamicData doesn't care to check whether the returned
			// value is null or not...
			request.SetProperty ("QueryString", new NameValueCollection ());

			// It appears .NET checks whether the indicated table exists - if not, GetRouteData will return
			// null (even though the Route class will find a match)
			RouteData rd = r.GetRouteData (wrapper);
			Assert.IsNull (rd, "#A1");

			request.SetProperty ("AppRelativeCurrentExecutionFilePath", "~/BazTable/List.aspx");
			rd = r.GetRouteData (wrapper);
			Assert.IsNotNull (rd, "#B1");