Beispiel #1
        public override void DrawRect(RectangleF dirtyRect)

            NSBezierPath path = new NSBezierPath
                LineWidth = 1,

            var square = GetSquare(Bounds, 6);


            var radius = square.Width / 2;
            var center = new PointF
                X = Bounds.Width / 2,
                Y = Bounds.Height / 2,

            DrawHand(path, center, GetRadians(date_time.Hour, 24), radius * hour_hand_radius);
            DrawHand(path, center, GetRadians(date_time.Minute, 60), radius * minute_hand_radius);
            DrawHand(path, center, GetRadians(date_time.Second, 60), radius);
Beispiel #2
		public MyView (RectangleF frame) : base (frame)
			lineColor = NSColor.Blue;
			path = new NSBezierPath ();
			path.MoveTo (Bounds.Location);
			path.LineTo (new PointF (Bounds.GetMaxX (),Bounds.GetMaxY ()));
		public void DrawRect(RectangleF aRect, bool selected)
			NSGraphics.RectClip (aRect);
			aRect.Intersect (Frame);
			Color.Set ();
			NSGraphics.RectFill (aRect);
		    if (selected) {
		        NSColor.Black.Set ();
		        NSGraphics.FrameRectWithWidth (Frame, 4.0f);
			if (IsLocked){
				float xSize = (Frame.Width > 10.0f) ? 5.0f : 3.0f;
				NSBezierPath path = new NSBezierPath ();
				NSColor.Black.Set ();
				path.LineWidth = 3.0f;
				path.MoveTo (new PointF (MidX (Frame) - xSize, MidY (Frame) - xSize));
				path.LineTo (new PointF (MidX (Frame) + xSize, MidY (Frame) + xSize));
				path.MoveTo (new PointF (MidX (Frame) - xSize, MidY (Frame) + xSize));
				path.LineTo (new PointF (MidX (Frame) + xSize, MidY (Frame) - xSize));
				path.Stroke ();
Beispiel #4
        private static void DrawHand(NSBezierPath path, PointF center, double radians, float radius)
            path.LineTo(new PointF
                X = center.X + (float)Math.Sin(radians) * radius,
                Y = center.Y + (float)Math.Cos(radians) * radius,

Beispiel #5
 public void ResetClip(object backend)
     GetContext (backend);
     var path = new NSBezierPath ();
     path.AppendPathWithRect (new System.Drawing.RectangleF (0, 0, float.MaxValue, float.MaxValue));
     path.SetClip ();
Beispiel #6
        public override void DrawRect(RectangleF dirtyRect)
            var context = NSGraphicsContext.CurrentContext.GraphicsPort;

            var innerBoxShadowColor = NSColor.FromCalibratedRgba (0.896f, 0.896f, 0.896f, 1.0f);
            var darkHighlight = NSColor.FromCalibratedRgba (0.931f, 0.931f, 0.931f, 1.0f);
            var boxBackgroundColor = NSColor.FromCalibratedRgba (1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.5f);

            var headingGradient = new NSGradient (
                new NSColor[] { NSColor.White, darkHighlight },
                new float[] { 0.50f, 1.0f });

            var shadow = new NSShadow ();
            shadow.ShadowColor = innerBoxShadowColor;
            shadow.ShadowOffset = new SizeF (0.1f, 0.1f);
            shadow.ShadowBlurRadius = 8.0f;

            var headerShadow = new NSShadow ();
            headerShadow.ShadowColor = innerBoxShadowColor;
            headerShadow.ShadowOffset = new SizeF(1.1f, -1.1f);
            headerShadow.ShadowBlurRadius = 5.0f;

            var drawFrame = Bounds;

            // Main Box Drawing
            var mainBoxRect = new RectangleF(drawFrame.X + 4.5f, (float)(drawFrame.Y + Math.Floor((drawFrame.Height - 36.0f) * 0.02976f) + 0.5f),
                                         	 drawFrame.Width - 9.0f, (float)(drawFrame.Height - 36.5f - Math.Floor((drawFrame.Height - 36) * 0.02976f)));

            var mainBoxCornerRadius = 4.0f;
            var mainBoxInnerRect = new RectangleF(mainBoxRect.X, mainBoxRect.Y, mainBoxRect.Width, mainBoxRect.Height);
            mainBoxInnerRect.Offset (mainBoxCornerRadius, mainBoxCornerRadius);

            var mainBoxPath = new NSBezierPath ();
            mainBoxPath.AppendPathWithArc (new PointF (mainBoxInnerRect.X, mainBoxInnerRect.Y), mainBoxCornerRadius, 180.0f, 270.0f);
            mainBoxPath.AppendPathWithArc (new PointF (mainBoxInnerRect.Width, mainBoxInnerRect.Y), mainBoxCornerRadius, 270.0f, 360.0f);
            mainBoxPath.LineTo (new PointF (mainBoxRect.Right, mainBoxRect.Bottom));
            mainBoxPath.LineTo (new PointF (mainBoxRect.X, mainBoxRect.Bottom));
            mainBoxPath.ClosePath ();

            boxBackgroundColor.SetFill ();
            mainBoxPath.Fill ();

            // Main Box Inner Shadow
            var mainBoxBorderRect = mainBoxPath.Bounds;
            mainBoxBorderRect.Inflate(shadow.ShadowBlurRadius, shadow.ShadowBlurRadius);
            mainBoxBorderRect.Offset(-shadow.ShadowOffset.Width, -shadow.ShadowOffset.Height);
            mainBoxBorderRect = RectangleF.Union(mainBoxBorderRect, mainBoxPath.Bounds);
            mainBoxBorderRect.Inflate(1, 1);

            var mainBoxNegativePath = NSBezierPath.FromRect (mainBoxBorderRect);
            mainBoxNegativePath.AppendPath (mainBoxPath);
            mainBoxNegativePath.WindingRule = NSWindingRule.EvenOdd;

            context.SaveState ();
            NSShadow shadowWithOffset = (NSShadow)shadow.Copy ();
            var xOffset = shadowWithOffset.ShadowOffset.Width + Math.Round (mainBoxBorderRect.Size.Width);
            var yOffset = shadowWithOffset.ShadowOffset.Height;
            shadowWithOffset.ShadowOffset = new SizeF ((float)(xOffset + (xOffset >= 0 ? 0.1f : -0.1f)), (float)(yOffset + (yOffset >= 0 ? 0.1f : -0.1f)));
            shadowWithOffset.Set ();

            NSColor.Gray.SetFill ();
            mainBoxPath.AddClip ();

            var transform = new NSAffineTransform ();
            transform.Translate (-(float)Math.Round (mainBoxBorderRect.Size.Width), 0);
            transform.TransformBezierPath (mainBoxNegativePath).Fill ();
            context.RestoreState ();

            NSColor.Gray.SetStroke ();
            mainBoxPath.LineWidth = 0.5f;
            mainBoxPath.Stroke ();

            // Box Head Drawing
            var headingBoxCornerRadius = 4.0f;
            var headingBoxRect = new RectangleF (drawFrame.X + 4.5f, drawFrame.Y + drawFrame.Height - 36.0f, drawFrame.Width - 9.0f, 25.0f);
            var headingBoxInnerRect = new RectangleF (headingBoxRect.X, headingBoxRect.Y, headingBoxRect.Width, headingBoxRect.Height);
            headingBoxInnerRect.Offset (headingBoxCornerRadius, headingBoxCornerRadius);

            var headingBoxPath = new NSBezierPath ();
            headingBoxPath.MoveTo (new PointF (headingBoxRect.X, headingBoxRect.Y));
            headingBoxPath.LineTo (new PointF (headingBoxRect.Right, headingBoxRect.Y));
            headingBoxPath.AppendPathWithArc (new PointF (headingBoxInnerRect.Width, headingBoxInnerRect.Bottom), headingBoxCornerRadius, 0.0f, 90.0f);
            headingBoxPath.AppendPathWithArc (new PointF (headingBoxInnerRect.X, headingBoxInnerRect.Bottom), headingBoxCornerRadius, 90.0f, 180.0f);
            headingBoxPath.ClosePath ();

            context.SaveState ();
            headerShadow.Set ();
            context.BeginTransparencyLayer (null);
            headingGradient.DrawInBezierPath (headingBoxPath, -90);
            context.EndTransparencyLayer ();
            context.RestoreState ();

            NSColor.Gray.SetStroke ();
            headingBoxPath.LineWidth = 0.5f;
            headingBoxPath.Stroke ();
        public override void DrawRect(RectangleF dirtyRect)
            var contentRect = new RectangleF(Bounds.X + LineThickness, Bounds.Y + LineThickness, Bounds.Width - (LineThickness * 2), Bounds.Height - (LineThickness * 2));

            // Mac coords are reversed vs. .Net / MonoTouch coords, so we just reverse the top/bottom coords to compensate
            var top = contentRect.Bottom;
            var bottom = contentRect.Top;

            var left = contentRect.Left;
            var right = contentRect.Right;
            var path = new NSBezierPath();

            // Draw the 'arrow' at the top
            path.MoveTo(new PointF(ArrowX, top));
            path.LineTo(new PointF(ArrowX + ArrowWidth / 2, top - ArrowHeight));
            path.LineTo(new PointF(right - CornerRadius, top - ArrowHeight));

            // Right right
            var topRightCorner = new PointF(right, top - ArrowHeight);
            path.CurveTo(new PointF(right, top - ArrowHeight - CornerRadius), topRightCorner, topRightCorner);

            // Right line
            path.LineTo(new PointF(right, bottom + CornerRadius));

            // Bottom right
            var bottomRightCorner = new PointF(right, bottom);
            path.CurveTo(new PointF(right - CornerRadius, bottom), bottomRightCorner, bottomRightCorner);

            // Bottom line
            path.LineTo(new PointF(left + CornerRadius, bottom));

            // Bottom left
            var bottomLeftCorner = new PointF(left, bottom);
            path.CurveTo(new PointF(left, bottom + CornerRadius), bottomLeftCorner, bottomLeftCorner);

            // Left line
            path.LineTo(new PointF(left, top - ArrowHeight - CornerRadius));

            // Top left
            var topLeftCorner = new PointF(left, top - ArrowHeight);
            path.CurveTo(new PointF(left + CornerRadius, top - ArrowHeight), topLeftCorner, topLeftCorner);

            // Line up to start of 'arrow' & finish
            path.LineTo(new PointF(ArrowX - ArrowWidth / 2, top - ArrowHeight));

            // Fill the path with a semi-transparent white
            NSColor.FromDeviceWhite(1.0f, FillOpacity).SetFill();


            // Clip all rendering of controls within view to within the path outline we specified earlier
            var clip = NSBezierPath.FromRect(Bounds);

            // Draw the border
            path.LineWidth = LineThickness * 2;
