public bool Validate(CodeGenerationOptions opt, GenericParameterDefinitionList in_params)
            if (validated)

            validated   = true;
            is_concrete = true;
            type_params = new  ISymbol [java_params.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < java_params.Length; i++)
                string tp  = java_params [i].TrimStart();
                var    gpd = in_params != null?in_params.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Name == tp) : null;

                if (in_params != null && gpd != null)
                    type_params [i] = new GenericTypeParameter(gpd);
                    is_concrete     = false;
                else if (tp == "?")
                    if (in_params != null && in_params.Count == 1)
                        type_params [i] = new GenericTypeParameter(in_params [0]);
                        is_concrete     = false;
                        type_params [i] = new SimpleSymbol("null", "java.lang.Object", "object", "Ljava/lang/Object;");

                ISymbol psym = opt.SymbolTable.Lookup(tp, in_params);
                if (psym == null || !psym.Validate(opt, in_params))

                if (psym is GenericSymbol && !(psym as GenericSymbol).IsConcrete)
                    is_concrete = false;
                type_params [i] = /*psym is IGeneric ? (psym as IGeneric).GetGenericType (null) :*/ psym;
            managed  = "<" + String.Join(", ", (from tp in type_params select tp.FullName).ToArray()) + ">";
            is_valid = true;
Beispiel #2
        public static ISymbol Lookup(string java_type, GenericParameterDefinitionList in_params)
            string type_params;
            int    arrayRank;
            bool   has_ellipsis;
            string key = GetSymbolInfo(java_type, out type_params, out arrayRank, out has_ellipsis);

            // FIXME: we should make sure to differentiate those ref types IF we use those modifiers in the future.
            switch (key [key.Length - 1])
            case '&':             // managed ref type
            case '*':             // managed (well, unmanaged...) pointer type
                key = key.Substring(0, key.Length - 1);
            key = FilterPrimitiveFullName(key) ?? key;

            switch (key)
            case "android.content.res.XmlResourceParser":
                return(CreateArray(xmlresourceparser_sym, arrayRank, has_ellipsis));

            case "org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParser":
                return(CreateArray(xmlpullparser_sym, arrayRank, has_ellipsis));

            case "":
                return(CreateArray(fileinstream_sym, arrayRank, has_ellipsis));

            case "":
                return(CreateArray(fileoutstream_sym, arrayRank, has_ellipsis));

            case "":
                return(CreateArray(instream_sym, arrayRank, has_ellipsis));

            case "":
                return(CreateArray(outstream_sym, arrayRank, has_ellipsis));

            case "java.lang.CharSequence":
                return(CreateArray(char_seq, arrayRank, has_ellipsis));

            case "java.lang.String":
                return(CreateArray(string_sym, arrayRank, has_ellipsis));

            case "java.util.List":
            case "java.util.ArrayList":
            case "System.Collections.IList":
                return(CreateArray(new CollectionSymbol(key, "IList", "Android.Runtime.JavaList", type_params), arrayRank, has_ellipsis));

            case "java.util.Map":
            case "java.util.HashMap":
            case "java.util.SortedMap":
            case "System.Collections.IDictionary":
                return(CreateArray(new CollectionSymbol(key, "IDictionary", "Android.Runtime.JavaDictionary", type_params), arrayRank, has_ellipsis));

            case "java.util.Set":
                return(CreateArray(new CollectionSymbol(key, "ICollection", "Android.Runtime.JavaSet", type_params), arrayRank, has_ellipsis));

            case "java.util.Collection":
            case "System.Collections.ICollection":
                return(CreateArray(new CollectionSymbol(key, "ICollection", "Android.Runtime.JavaCollection", type_params), arrayRank, has_ellipsis));


            ISymbol result;
            var     gpd = in_params != null?in_params.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Name == key) : null;

            if (gpd != null)
                result = new GenericTypeParameter(gpd);
                result = Lookup(key + type_params);

            return(CreateArray(result, arrayRank, has_ellipsis));