Beispiel #1
        NUnitTestRunner GetRunner(string assemblyPath, bool forQuery)
            string basePath = Path.GetDirectoryName(GetType().Assembly.Location);

            TestPackage package = new TestPackage(assemblyPath);

            package.Settings ["ShadowCopyFiles"] = false;

            // This is a workaround for what could be a Mono bug (hard to tell).
            // For the test runner to be able to load the app.config file,
            // the BasePath of the domain needs to be set to the location
            // of the test assembly (see bug #41541 - App Config is not read in Unit Tests).
            // However, when doing that, the test runner crashes in some cases
            // (for example when loading the MD unit tests). It crashes because
            // Mono gets confused and tries to load assemblies from two different
            // locations. As a workaround, we set the test assebmly directory
            // as base path only when running, which seems to work.

            if (forQuery)
                package.BasePath = basePath;
                package.BasePath = Path.GetDirectoryName(assemblyPath);

            AppDomain domain = Services.DomainManager.CreateDomain(package);
            string    asm    = Path.Combine(basePath, "NUnitRunner.exe");

            runner = (NUnitTestRunner)domain.CreateInstanceFromAndUnwrap(asm, "MonoDevelop.UnitTesting.NUnit.External.NUnitTestRunner");
Beispiel #2
        public GetTestInfoResponse GetTestInfo(GetTestInfoRequest req)
            NUnitTestRunner runner = GetRunner(req.Path);
            var             r      = runner.GetTestInfo(req.Path, req.SupportAssemblies);

            return(new GetTestInfoResponse {
                Result = r
Beispiel #3
        NUnitTestRunner GetRunner(string assemblyPath)
            string basePath = Path.GetDirectoryName(GetType().Assembly.Location);

            TestPackage package = new TestPackage(assemblyPath);

            package.Settings ["ShadowCopyFiles"] = false;
            package.BasePath = Path.GetDirectoryName(assemblyPath);

            AppDomain domain = Services.DomainManager.CreateDomain(package);
            string    asm    = Path.Combine(basePath, "NUnitRunner.exe");

            runner = (NUnitTestRunner)domain.CreateInstanceFromAndUnwrap(asm, "MonoDevelop.UnitTesting.NUnit.External.NUnitTestRunner");
Beispiel #4
        public RemoteTestResult Run(string[] nameFilter, string path, string suiteName, string[] supportAssemblies, string testRunnerType, string testRunnerAssembly, string crashLogFile)
            NUnitTestRunner      runner          = GetRunner(path);
            EventListenerWrapper listenerWrapper = new EventListenerWrapper(server);

            UnhandledExceptionEventHandler exceptionHandler = (object sender, UnhandledExceptionEventArgs e) => {
                var ex = e.ExceptionObject;
                File.WriteAllText(crashLogFile, e.ToString());

            AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += exceptionHandler;
            try {
                TestResult res = runner.Run(listenerWrapper, nameFilter, path, suiteName, supportAssemblies, testRunnerType, testRunnerAssembly);
            } finally {
                AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException -= exceptionHandler;
		NUnitTestRunner GetRunner (string assemblyPath)
			string basePath = Path.GetDirectoryName (GetType ().Assembly.Location);

			TestPackage package = new TestPackage (assemblyPath);
			package.Settings ["ShadowCopyFiles"] = false;
			package.BasePath = Path.GetDirectoryName(assemblyPath);
			AppDomain domain = Services.DomainManager.CreateDomain (package);
			string asm = Path.Combine (basePath, "NUnitRunner.exe");
			runner = (NUnitTestRunner)domain.CreateInstanceFromAndUnwrap (asm, "MonoDevelop.UnitTesting.NUnit.External.NUnitTestRunner");
			runner.Initialize ();
			return runner;