public void TestMarekReportedBug()
            var result = PangoHelper.ColorMarkupBackground(
                "<span foreground=\"#000000\">ec.Report.Error (</span><span foreground=\"#A40000\">29</span><span foreground=\"#000000\">, loc, </span><span foreground=\"#A40000\">\"Cannot implicitly convert type `{0}' to `{1}'\"</span><span foreground=\"#000000\">,</span>",
                new Mono.TextEditor.HslColor(1d, 1d, 1d)

            Assert.AreEqual("<span foreground=\"#000000\">ec.Report.Error <span background=\"#FFFFFF\">(</span></span><span foreground=\"#A40000\"><span background=\"#FFFFFF\">29</span></span><span foreground=\"#000000\"><span background=\"#FFFFFF\">,</span> loc, </span><span foreground=\"#A40000\">\"Cannot implicitly convert type `{0}' to `{1}'\"</span><span foreground=\"#000000\">,</span>", result);
        public void TestBug25836()
            var result = PangoHelper.ColorMarkupBackground(
                "<span foreground=\"#000000\">List&lt;RevisionPath&gt; foo;</span>",
                new Mono.TextEditor.HslColor(1d, 1d, 1d)

            Assert.AreEqual("<span foreground=\"#000000\">List&lt;<span background=\"#FFFFFF\">RevisionPath</span>&gt; foo;</span>", result);
        public void TestBug25110()
            var result = PangoHelper.ColorMarkupBackground(
                "<span foreground=\"#000000\">Console.WriteLine (</span><span foreground=\"#3364A4\">base</span><span foreground=\"#000000\">.ToString());</span>",
                new Mono.TextEditor.HslColor(1d, 1d, 1d)

            Assert.AreEqual("<span foreground=\"#000000\">Console.WriteLine (</span><span foreground=\"#3364A4\"><span background=\"#FFFFFF\">base</span></span><span foreground=\"#000000\"><span background=\"#FFFFFF\">.</span>ToString());</span>", result);
        public void TestSimple()
            var result = PangoHelper.ColorMarkupBackground(
                new Mono.TextEditor.HslColor(1d, 1d, 1d)

            Assert.AreEqual("s<span background=\"#FFFFFF\">impl</span>e", result);
        public void TestSpanClosingIssue()
            var result = PangoHelper.ColorMarkupBackground(
                "<span foreground=\"#000000\">&lt;</span><span foreground=\"#204987\">Begin</span><span foreground=\"#000000\">&gt;/*&lt;/</span><span foreground=\"#204987\">Begin</span><span foreground=\"#000000\">&gt;</span>",
                new HslColor(1d, 1d, 1d)

            Assert.AreEqual("<span foreground=\"#000000\"><span background=\"#FFFFFF\">&lt;</span></span><span foreground=\"#204987\"><span background=\"#FFFFFF\">Begin</span></span><span foreground=\"#000000\"><span background=\"#FFFFFF\">&gt;/*&lt;/</span></span><span foreground=\"#204987\"><span background=\"#FFFFFF\">Begin</span></span><span foreground=\"#000000\"><span background=\"#FFFFFF\">&gt;</span></span>", result);
        void ResultTextDataFunc(TreeViewColumn column, CellRenderer cell, TreeModel model, TreeIter iter)
            if (TreeIter.Zero.Equals(iter))
            var textRenderer = (CellRendererText)cell;
            var searchResult = (SearchResult)store.GetValue(iter, SearchResultColumn);

            if (searchResult == null || searchResult.Offset < 0)
                textRenderer.Markup = "Invalid search result";
            string textMarkup = markupCache.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Item1 == searchResult)?.Item2;
            bool   isSelected = treeviewSearchResults.Selection.IterIsSelected(iter);

            if (isSelected)
                textMarkup = null;
            if (textMarkup == null)
                var doc = GetDocument(searchResult);
                if (doc == null)
                    textMarkup = "Can't create document for:" + searchResult.FileName;
                    goto end;
                int lineNumber, startIndex = 0, endIndex = 0;
                try {
                    lineNumber = doc.OffsetToLineNumber(searchResult.Offset);
                } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) {
                    lineNumber = -1;
                    textMarkup = "Invalid search result offset";
                    goto end;

                var line = doc.GetLine(lineNumber);
                if (line == null)
                    textMarkup = "Invalid line number " + lineNumber + " from offset: " + searchResult.Offset;
                    goto end;
                int indent   = line.GetIndentation(doc).Length;
                var lineText = doc.GetTextAt(line.Offset + indent, line.Length - indent);
                int col      = searchResult.Offset - line.Offset - indent;
                // search result contained part of the indent.
                if (col + searchResult.Length < lineText.Length)
                    lineText = doc.GetTextAt(line.Offset, line.Length);

                string markup;
                if (isSelected)
                    markup = Ambience.EscapeText(doc.GetTextAt(line.Offset + indent, line.Length - indent));
                    markup = doc.GetMarkup(line.Offset + indent, line.Length - indent, new MarkupOptions(MarkupFormat.Pango));
                    markup = AdjustColors(markup);

                if (col >= 0)
                    uint start;
                    uint end;
                    try {
                        start = (uint)TranslateIndexToUTF8(lineText, col);
                        end   = (uint)TranslateIndexToUTF8(lineText, Math.Min(lineText.Length, col + searchResult.Length));
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        LoggingService.LogError("Exception while translating index to utf8 (column was:" + col + " search result length:" + searchResult.Length + " line text:" + lineText + ")", e);
                    startIndex = (int)start;
                    endIndex   = (int)end;

                try {
                    textMarkup = markup;

                    if (!isSelected)
                        var    searchColor = searchResult.GetBackgroundMarkerColor(highlightStyle);
                        double b1          = HslColor.Brightness(searchColor);

                        double b2    = HslColor.Brightness(AdjustColor(Style.Base(StateType.Normal), SyntaxHighlightingService.GetColor(highlightStyle, EditorThemeColors.Foreground)));
                        double delta = Math.Abs(b1 - b2);
                        if (delta < 0.1)
                            var color1 = SyntaxHighlightingService.GetColor(highlightStyle, EditorThemeColors.FindHighlight);
                            if (color1.L + 0.5 > 1.0)
                                color1.L -= 0.5;
                                color1.L += 0.5;
                            searchColor = color1;
                        if (startIndex != endIndex)
                            textMarkup = PangoHelper.ColorMarkupBackground(textMarkup, (int)startIndex, (int)endIndex, searchColor);
                        var searchColor = this.treeviewSearchResults.Style.Base(StateType.Selected);
                        searchColor = searchColor.AddLight(-0.2);
                        textMarkup  = PangoHelper.ColorMarkupBackground(textMarkup, (int)startIndex, (int)endIndex, searchColor);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    LoggingService.LogError("Error whil setting the text renderer markup to: " + markup, e);
                textMarkup = textMarkup.Replace("\t", new string (' ', doc.Options.TabSize));
                if (!isSelected)
                    markupCache.Add(Tuple.Create(searchResult, textMarkup));
                    if (markupCache.Count > 100)
            textRenderer.Markup = textMarkup;
Beispiel #7
        async Task <string> CreateMarkupAsync(SearchResultWidget widget, TextEditor doc, Editor.IDocumentLine line)
            int startIndex = 0, endIndex = 0;

            int    indent = line.GetIndentation(doc).Length;
            string lineText;
            int    col = Offset - line.Offset;
            int    markupStartOffset = 0;
            bool   trimStart = false, trimEnd = false;
            int    length;

            if (col < indent)
                trimEnd = line.Length > maximumMarkupLength;
                length  = Math.Min(maximumMarkupLength, line.Length);
                // search result contained part of the indent.
                lineText = doc.GetTextAt(line.Offset, length);
                // if not crop the indent
                length = line.Length - indent;
                if (length > maximumMarkupLength)
                    markupStartOffset = Math.Min(Math.Max(0, col - indent - maximumMarkupLength / 2), line.Length - maximumMarkupLength);
                    trimEnd           = markupStartOffset + maximumMarkupLength < line.Length;
                    trimStart         = markupStartOffset > 0;
                    length            = maximumMarkupLength;
                lineText = doc.GetTextAt(line.Offset + markupStartOffset + indent, length);
                col     -= indent;
            if (col >= 0)
                uint start;
                uint end;
                try {
                    start = (uint)TranslateIndexToUTF8(lineText, col - markupStartOffset);
                    end   = (uint)TranslateIndexToUTF8(lineText, Math.Min(lineText.Length, col - markupStartOffset + Length));
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    LoggingService.LogError("Exception while translating index to utf8 (column was:" + col + " search result length:" + Length + " line text:" + lineText + ")", e);
                startIndex = (int)start;
                endIndex   = (int)end;

            var tabSize = doc.Options.TabSize;

            this.markup = this.selectedMarkup = markup = Ambience.EscapeText(lineText);

            var searchColor = GetBackgroundMarkerColor(widget.HighlightStyle);

            var selectedSearchColor = widget.Style.Base(Gtk.StateType.Selected);

            selectedSearchColor = searchColor.AddLight(-0.2);
            double b1 = HslColor.Brightness(searchColor);
            double b2 = HslColor.Brightness(SearchResultWidget.AdjustColor(widget.Style.Base(Gtk.StateType.Normal), SyntaxHighlightingService.GetColor(widget.HighlightStyle, EditorThemeColors.Foreground)));

            // selected
            markup         = FormatMarkup(PangoHelper.ColorMarkupBackground(selectedMarkup, (int)startIndex, (int)endIndex, searchColor), trimStart, trimEnd, tabSize);
            selectedMarkup = FormatMarkup(PangoHelper.ColorMarkupBackground(selectedMarkup, (int)startIndex, (int)endIndex, selectedSearchColor), trimStart, trimEnd, tabSize);

            string newMarkup;

            using (var markupTimeoutSource = new CancellationTokenSource(150)) {
                newMarkup = await doc.GetMarkupAsync(line.Offset + markupStartOffset + indent, length, new MarkupOptions (MarkupFormat.Pango), markupTimeoutSource.Token).ConfigureAwait(false);

                newMarkup = widget.AdjustColors(newMarkup);

            try {
                double delta = Math.Abs(b1 - b2);
                if (delta < 0.1)
                    var color1 = SyntaxHighlightingService.GetColor(widget.HighlightStyle, EditorThemeColors.FindHighlight);
                    if (color1.L + 0.5 > 1.0)
                        color1.L -= 0.5;
                        color1.L += 0.5;
                    searchColor = color1;
                if (startIndex != endIndex)
                    newMarkup = PangoHelper.ColorMarkupBackground(newMarkup, (int)startIndex, (int)endIndex, searchColor);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                LoggingService.LogError("Error while setting the text renderer markup to: " + newMarkup, e);

            return(FormatMarkup(newMarkup, trimStart, trimEnd, tabSize));
        void ResultTextDataFunc(TreeViewColumn column, CellRenderer cell, TreeModel model, TreeIter iter)
            if (TreeIter.Zero.Equals(iter))
            var textRenderer = (CellRendererText)cell;
            var searchResult = (SearchResult)store.GetValue(iter, SearchResultColumn);

            if (searchResult == null || searchResult.Offset < 0)
                textRenderer.Markup = "Invalid search result";
            string textMarkup = searchResult.TextMarkup;

            if (textMarkup == null)
                var doc = GetDocument(searchResult);
                if (doc == null)
                    textMarkup = "Can't create document for:" + searchResult.FileName;
                    goto end;
                bool isSelected = treeviewSearchResults.Selection.IterIsSelected(iter);

                if (searchResult.Markup == null)
                    if (searchResult.LineNumber <= 0)
                        searchResult.LineNumber = doc.OffsetToLineNumber(searchResult.Offset);
                    DocumentLine line = doc.GetLine(searchResult.LineNumber);
                    if (line == null)
                        textMarkup = "Invalid line number " + searchResult.LineNumber + " from offset: " + searchResult.Offset;
                        goto end;
                    int indent = line.GetIndentation(doc).Length;
                    var data   = new Mono.TextEditor.TextEditorData(doc);
                    data.ColorStyle = highlightStyle;
                    var lineText = doc.GetTextAt(line.Offset + indent, line.Length - indent);
                    int col      = searchResult.Offset - line.Offset - indent;
                    // search result contained part of the indent.
                    if (col + searchResult.Length < lineText.Length)
                        lineText = doc.GetTextAt(line.Offset, line.Length);

                    var markup = doc.SyntaxMode != null?
                                 data.GetMarkup(line.Offset + indent, line.Length - indent, true, !isSelected, false) :

                    searchResult.Markup = AdjustColors(markup.Replace("\t", new string (' ', TextEditorOptions.DefaultOptions.TabSize)));

                    if (col >= 0)
                        uint start;
                        uint end;
                        try {
                            start = (uint)TextViewMargin.TranslateIndexToUTF8(lineText, col);
                            end   = (uint)TextViewMargin.TranslateIndexToUTF8(lineText, Math.Min(lineText.Length, col + searchResult.Length));
                        } catch (Exception e) {
                            LoggingService.LogError("Exception while translating index to utf8 (column was:" + col + " search result length:" + searchResult.Length + " line text:" + lineText + ")", e);
                        searchResult.StartIndex = start;
                        searchResult.EndIndex   = end;

                try {
                    textMarkup = searchResult.Markup;

                    if (!isSelected)
                        var    searchColor = searchResult.GetBackgroundMarkerColor(highlightStyle).Color;
                        double b1          = Mono.TextEditor.HslColor.Brightness(searchColor);
                        double b2          = Mono.TextEditor.HslColor.Brightness(AdjustColor(Style.Base(StateType.Normal), (Mono.TextEditor.HslColor)highlightStyle.PlainText.Foreground));
                        double delta       = Math.Abs(b1 - b2);
                        if (delta < 0.1)
                            Mono.TextEditor.HslColor color1 = highlightStyle.SearchResult.Color;
                            if (color1.L + 0.5 > 1.0)
                                color1.L -= 0.5;
                                color1.L += 0.5;
                            searchColor = color1;
                        if (searchResult.StartIndex != searchResult.EndIndex)
                            textMarkup = PangoHelper.ColorMarkupBackground(textMarkup, (int)searchResult.StartIndex, (int)searchResult.EndIndex, searchColor);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    LoggingService.LogError("Error whil setting the text renderer markup to: " + searchResult.Markup, e);
                searchResult.TextMarkup = textMarkup;
            textRenderer.Markup = textMarkup;
Beispiel #9
        void CreateMarkup(SearchResultWidget widget, TextEditor doc, Editor.IDocumentLine line)
            int startIndex = 0, endIndex = 0;

            int    indent = line.GetIndentation(doc).Length;
            string lineText;
            int    col = Offset - line.Offset;
            int    markupStartOffset = 0;
            bool   trimStart = false, trimEnd = false;

            if (col < indent)
                trimEnd = line.Length > maximumMarkupLength;
                // search result contained part of the indent.
                lineText = doc.GetTextAt(line.Offset, Math.Min(maximumMarkupLength, line.Length));
                markup   = doc.GetMarkup(line.Offset, Math.Min(maximumMarkupLength, line.Length), new MarkupOptions(MarkupFormat.Pango));
                // if not crop the indent
                var length = line.Length - indent;
                if (length > maximumMarkupLength)
                    markupStartOffset = Math.Min(Math.Max(0, col - indent - maximumMarkupLength / 2), line.Length - maximumMarkupLength);
                    trimEnd           = markupStartOffset + maximumMarkupLength < line.Length;
                    trimStart         = markupStartOffset > 0;
                    length            = maximumMarkupLength;
                lineText = doc.GetTextAt(line.Offset + markupStartOffset + indent, length);
                markup   = doc.GetMarkup(line.Offset + markupStartOffset + indent, length, new MarkupOptions(MarkupFormat.Pango));
                col     -= indent;

            selectedMarkup = Ambience.EscapeText(lineText);
            markup         = widget.AdjustColors(markup);

            if (col >= 0)
                uint start;
                uint end;
                try {
                    start = (uint)TranslateIndexToUTF8(lineText, col - markupStartOffset);
                    end   = (uint)TranslateIndexToUTF8(lineText, Math.Min(lineText.Length, col - markupStartOffset + Length));
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    LoggingService.LogError("Exception while translating index to utf8 (column was:" + col + " search result length:" + Length + " line text:" + lineText + ")", e);
                startIndex = (int)start;
                endIndex   = (int)end;

            try {
                var    searchColor = GetBackgroundMarkerColor(widget.HighlightStyle);
                double b1          = HslColor.Brightness(searchColor);

                double b2    = HslColor.Brightness(SearchResultWidget.AdjustColor(widget.Style.Base(Gtk.StateType.Normal), SyntaxHighlightingService.GetColor(widget.HighlightStyle, EditorThemeColors.Foreground)));
                double delta = Math.Abs(b1 - b2);
                if (delta < 0.1)
                    var color1 = SyntaxHighlightingService.GetColor(widget.HighlightStyle, EditorThemeColors.FindHighlight);
                    if (color1.L + 0.5 > 1.0)
                        color1.L -= 0.5;
                        color1.L += 0.5;
                    searchColor = color1;
                if (startIndex != endIndex)
                    markup = PangoHelper.ColorMarkupBackground(markup, (int)startIndex, (int)endIndex, searchColor);

                // selected
                var selectedSearchColor = widget.Style.Base(Gtk.StateType.Selected);
                selectedSearchColor = searchColor.AddLight(-0.2);
                selectedMarkup      = PangoHelper.ColorMarkupBackground(selectedMarkup, (int)startIndex, (int)endIndex, selectedSearchColor);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                LoggingService.LogError("Error while setting the text renderer markup to: " + markup, e);

            markup         = markup.Replace("\t", new string (' ', doc.Options.TabSize));
            selectedMarkup = selectedMarkup.Replace("\t", new string (' ', doc.Options.TabSize));
            if (trimStart)
                markup         = "…" + markup;
                selectedMarkup = "…" + selectedMarkup;
            if (trimEnd)
                markup         += "…";
                selectedMarkup += "…";