protected override PackageManagementEventsMonitor CreateEventMonitor (
			ProgressMonitor monitor,
			IPackageManagementEvents packageManagementEvents)
			EventsMonitor = new TestablePackageManagementEventsMonitor (monitor, packageManagementEvents);
			return EventsMonitor;
		static void GenerateInternal (ProgressMonitor monitor, ProjectFile file, SingleFileCustomToolResult result)
			if (file.Project.SupportedLanguages.All (l => l != "C#")) {
				string msg = GettextCatalog.GetString ("Razor templates are only supported in C# projects");
				result.Errors.Add (new CompilerError (file.Name, -1, -1, null, msg));
				monitor.Log.WriteLine (msg);

			var host = new PreprocessedRazorHost (file.FilePath);

			var defaultOutputName = file.FilePath.ChangeExtension (".cs");

			var ns = CustomToolService.GetFileNamespace (file, defaultOutputName);
			host.DefaultNamespace = ns;

			CompilerErrorCollection errors;
			var code = host.GenerateCode (out errors);
			result.Errors.AddRange (errors);

			var writer = new MonoDevelop.DesignerSupport.CodeBehindWriter ();
			writer.WriteFile (defaultOutputName, code);
			writer.WriteOpenFiles ();

			result.GeneratedFilePath = defaultOutputName;

			foreach (var err in result.Errors) {
				monitor.Log.WriteLine (err);
    protected override Task OnExecute(ProgressMonitor monitor, ExecutionContext context, ConfigurationSelector configuration)
      if (base.OnGetCanExecute(context, configuration))
        return base.OnExecute(monitor, context, configuration);

        var project = Project as DotNetProject;
        if (project != null && IsSupportedProject)
          const string SoftDebuggerName = RhinoSoftDebuggerEngine.DebuggerName;
          var config = project.GetConfiguration(configuration) as DotNetProjectConfiguration;
          var cmd = new RhinoCommonExecutionCommand(project.GetOutputFileName(configuration), project);
          cmd.Arguments = config.CommandLineParameters;
          cmd.WorkingDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(config.CompiledOutputName);
          cmd.EnvironmentVariables = config.GetParsedEnvironmentVariables();
          cmd.TargetRuntime = project.TargetRuntime;
          cmd.UserAssemblyPaths = project.GetUserAssemblyPaths(configuration);

          var executionModes = Runtime.ProcessService.GetExecutionModes();
          var executionMode = executionModes.SelectMany(r => r.ExecutionModes).FirstOrDefault(r => r.Id == SoftDebuggerName);
          var console = context.ConsoleFactory.CreateConsole(new OperationConsoleFactory.CreateConsoleOptions(true));
          var operation = executionMode.ExecutionHandler.Execute(cmd, console);
          monitor.CancellationToken.Register(() => operation.Cancel());
          return operation.Task;
      catch (Exception ex)
        monitor.ReportError($"An error occurred starting Rhino.\n{ex}", ex);
      return null;
		public async Task<BuildResult> Build (ProgressMonitor monitor, ConfigurationSelector configuration, bool buildReferencedTargets = false, OperationContext operationContext = null)
			var res = new BuildResult { BuildCount = 0 };
			foreach (var bt in Items.OfType<IBuildTarget> ())
				res.Append (await bt.Build (monitor, configuration, operationContext:operationContext));
			return res;
		public TestablePackageManagementEventsMonitor (
			ProgressMonitor progressMonitor,
			IPackageManagementEvents packageManagementEvents,
			IProgressProvider progressProvider)
			: base (progressMonitor, packageManagementEvents, progressProvider)
		public virtual bool BuildPackage (ProgressMonitor monitor, PackageBuilder builder)
			if (Next != null)
				return Next.BuildPackage (monitor, builder);
				return builder.Build (monitor);
		public void Start() {
			tracker = CreateProgressMonitor ();
			tracker.BeginTask(GetDescription(), 1);

			// Sync invoke background worker which will end up doing async invoke on the internal run.
			BackgroundWorker ();
		internal protected virtual Task Execute (ProgressMonitor monitor, ExecutionContext context, ConfigurationSelector configuration, SolutionRunConfiguration runConfiguration)
			context.RunConfiguration = runConfiguration;
#pragma warning disable 618 // Type or member is obsolete
			return Execute (monitor, context, configuration);
#pragma warning restore 618 // Type or member is obsolete
        protected override async Task OnExecute(MonoDevelop.Core.ProgressMonitor monitor, MonoDevelop.Projects.ExecutionContext context, ConfigurationSelector configuration)
            bool defaultCanExecute;

            lock (canExecuteCheckLock) {
                try {
                    checkingCanExecute = true;
                    defaultCanExecute  = Project.CanExecute(context, configuration);
                } finally {
                    checkingCanExecute = false;
            if (defaultCanExecute)
                // It is executable by default
                await base.OnExecute(monitor, context, configuration);

            UnitTest test = FindRootTest();

            if (test != null)
                var cs = new CancellationTokenSource();
                using (monitor.CancellationToken.Register(cs.Cancel))
                    await NUnitService.Instance.RunTest(test, context.ExecutionHandler, false, false, cs);
		internal protected override void OnWriteProject (ProgressMonitor monitor, MSBuildProject project)
			base.OnWriteProject (monitor, project);

			HashSet<string> validProjitems = new HashSet<string> ();
			foreach (var r in Project.References.Where (rp => rp.ReferenceType == ReferenceType.Project)) {
				var ip = r.GetItemsProjectPath ();
				if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (ip)) {
					ip = MSBuildProjectService.ToMSBuildPath (Project.ItemDirectory, ip);
					validProjitems.Add (ip);
					if (!project.Imports.Any (im => im.Project == ip)) {
						// If there is already a Shared import, place the new import in the same location
						MSBuildObject before = project.Imports.FirstOrDefault (i => i.Label == "Shared" && i.Project.EndsWith (".projitems"));
						if (before == null) {
							var fsharpProject = project.ProjectTypeGuids.Contains("{F2A71F9B-5D33-465A-A702-920D77279786}");
							if (fsharpProject)
								//For F# use the first item group as the shared project files have to be listed first
								before = project.ItemGroups.FirstOrDefault (i => i.Label != "Shared");
								before = project.Imports.FirstOrDefault (i => i.Label != "Shared");
						var im = project.AddNewImport (ip, beforeObject: before);
						im.Label = "Shared";
						im.Condition = "Exists('" + ip + "')";
			foreach (var im in project.Imports.ToArray ()) {
				if (im.Label == "Shared" && im.Project.EndsWith (".projitems") && !(validProjitems.Contains (im.Project)))
					project.RemoveImport (im.Project);
		protected async override Task<BuildResult> OnBuild (ProgressMonitor monitor, ConfigurationSelector configuration, OperationContext operationContext)
			foreach (Package p in packages)
				if (!await p.Build (monitor))
			return BuildResult.CreateSuccess ();
		protected override Task<BuildResult> OnBuild (ProgressMonitor monitor, ConfigurationSelector configuration, OperationContext operationContext)
			Task restoreTask = PackageRestoreTask;
			if (restoreTask != null) {
				return WaitForRestoreThenBuild (restoreTask, monitor, configuration, operationContext);
			return base.OnBuild (monitor, configuration, operationContext);
		public ProgressMonitorWrapperJob (IAnalysisJob wrappedJob, string message)
			this.wrappedJob = wrappedJob;
			monitor = IdeApp.Workbench.ProgressMonitors.GetStatusProgressMonitor (message, null, false);
			var work = wrappedJob.GetFiles ().Sum (f => wrappedJob.GetIssueProviders (f).Count ());
			monitor.BeginTask (message, work);
		/// <summary>
		/// If the project is a NuGet packaging project then just use the normal build target.
		/// This ensures that the dependent projects are built.
		/// Otherwise the Pack target is called.
		/// </summary>
		public async Task<BuildResult> Build (ProgressMonitor monitor, ConfigurationSelector configuration, bool buildReferencedTargets = false, OperationContext operationContext = null)
			if (project is PackagingProject) {
				return await project.Build (monitor, configuration, buildReferencedTargets, new TargetEvaluationContext (operationContext));
			} else {
				return await Pack (monitor, configuration, buildReferencedTargets, operationContext);
		public override Task<WorkspaceItem> LoadWorkspaceItem (ProgressMonitor monitor, string fileName)
			return Task.Run (async () => {
				var workspaceItem = ReadWorkspaceItemFile (fileName, monitor);
				await workspaceItem.LoadUserProperties ();
				return workspaceItem;
		public void Install (ProgressMonitor monitor, SolutionFolderItem entry, string appName, string prefix, ConfigurationSelector configuration)
			this.appName = appName;
			using (DeployContext ctx = new DeployContext (this, DeployService.CurrentPlatform, prefix)) {
				InstallEntry (monitor, ctx, entry, configuration);
		public BuildEventArgs (ProgressMonitor monitor, bool success)
			this.monitor = monitor;
			this.success = success;
			this.WarningCount = -1;
			this.ErrorCount = -1;
			this.BuildCount = -1;
			this.FailedBuildCount = -1;
		protected override Task<TargetEvaluationResult> OnRunTarget(ProgressMonitor monitor, string target, ConfigurationSelector configuration, TargetEvaluationContext context)
			if (Commands.SelectActiveCompilerHandler.IsRoslynCompilerSet) {
				context.GlobalProperties.SetValue("CscToolExe", "csc.exe");
				context.GlobalProperties.SetValue("CscToolPath", Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(typeof(ProjectExtension).Assembly.Location), "RoslynCompilerFiles"));
				context.GlobalProperties.SetValue("DebugType", "portable");
			return base.OnRunTarget(monitor, target, configuration, context);
		public Task Generate (ProgressMonitor monitor, ProjectFile file, SingleFileCustomToolResult result)
			return Task.Run (delegate {
				try {
					GenerateInternal (monitor, file, result);
				} catch (Exception ex) {
					result.UnhandledException = ex;
		public override Task<SolutionItem> LoadSolutionItem (ProgressMonitor monitor, SolutionLoadContext ctx, string fileName, MSBuildFileFormat expectedFormat, string typeGuid, string itemGuid)
			return Task.Run (() => {
				foreach (var f in MSBuildFileFormat.GetSupportedFormats ()) {
					if (f.CanReadFile (fileName, typeof(SolutionItem)))
						return MSBuildProjectService.LoadItem (monitor, fileName, f, typeGuid, itemGuid, ctx);
				throw new NotSupportedException ();
		public override Task<WorkspaceItem> LoadWorkspaceItem (ProgressMonitor monitor, string fileName)
			return Task.Run (async () => {
				foreach (var f in MSBuildFileFormat.GetSupportedFormats ()) {
					if (f.CanReadFile (fileName, typeof(WorkspaceItem)))
						return (WorkspaceItem) await f.ReadFile (fileName, typeof(WorkspaceItem), monitor);
				throw new NotSupportedException ();
		public async Task Generate (ProgressMonitor monitor, ProjectFile file, SingleFileCustomToolResult result)
			var buildResult = await file.Project.PerformGeneratorAsync (monitor, IdeApp.Workspace.ActiveConfiguration, this.targetName);

			foreach (var err in buildResult.BuildResult.Errors) {
				result.Errors.Add (new CompilerError (err.FileName, err.Line, err.Column, err.ErrorNumber, err.ErrorText) {
					IsWarning = err.IsWarning
Beispiel #23
		public static CodeBehindWriter CreateForProject (ProgressMonitor monitor, DotNetProject project)
			var pol = project.Policies.Get<TextStylePolicy> ();
			var options = new CodeGeneratorOptions () {
				IndentString = pol.TabsToSpaces? new string (' ', pol.TabWidth) : "\t",
				BlankLinesBetweenMembers = true,
			var provider = project.LanguageBinding.GetCodeDomProvider ();
			return new CodeBehindWriter (monitor, provider, options);
		protected override void OnWriteProject (ProgressMonitor monitor, MSBuildProject msproject)
			base.OnWriteProject (monitor, msproject);

			UpdateRequiresMSBuildSetting (msproject, true);

			if (InstallBuildPackagingNuGetAfterWrite) {
				InstallBuildPackagingNuGetAfterWrite = false;
				Project.InstallBuildPackagingNuGetPackage ();
 internal async Task <object> ReadFile(FilePath file, Type expectedType, MonoDevelop.Core.ProgressMonitor monitor)
     if (slnFileFormat.CanReadFile(file, this))
         return(await slnFileFormat.ReadFile(file, monitor));
         throw new NotSupportedException();
		async Task<BuildResult> WaitForRestoreThenBuild (Task restoreTask, ProgressMonitor monitor, ConfigurationSelector configuration, OperationContext operationContext)
			try {
				await restoreTask;
			} catch (Exception ex) {
				var result = new BuildResult ();
				result.AddError (GettextCatalog.GetString ("{0}. Please see the Package Console for more details.", ex.Message));
				return result;
			return await base.OnBuild (monitor, configuration, operationContext);
		public async Task<BuildResult> RunTarget (ProgressMonitor monitor, string target, ConfigurationSelector configuration)
			switch (target)
			case "Build":
				return await OnBuild (monitor, configuration);
			case "Clean":
				return await OnClean (monitor, configuration);
			return new BuildResult (new CompilerResults (null), "");
		protected override bool OnBuild (ProgressMonitor monitor, DeployContext ctx)
			string tmpFolder = null;

			try {
				SolutionConfigurationSelector conf = (SolutionConfigurationSelector) configuration;
				var bt = RootSolutionItem as IBuildTarget;
				if (bt != null) {
					BuildResult res = bt.Build (monitor, conf).Result;
					if (res.ErrorCount > 0) {
						foreach (BuildError e in res.Errors)
							monitor.ReportError (e.ToString (), null);
						monitor.ReportError (GettextCatalog.GetString ("The source project failed to build."), null);
						return false;
				tmpFolder = FileService.CreateTempDirectory ();
				string tf = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (targetFile);
				if (tf.EndsWith (".tar")) tf = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (tf);
				string folder = FileService.GetFullPath (Path.Combine (tmpFolder, tf));
				// Export the binary files
				DeployFileCollection deployFiles = GetDeployFiles (ctx, conf);
				foreach (DeployFile file in deployFiles) {
					string tfile = Path.Combine (folder, file.ResolvedTargetFile);
					string tdir = FileService.GetFullPath (Path.GetDirectoryName (tfile));
					if (!Directory.Exists (tdir))
						Directory.CreateDirectory (tdir);
					File.Copy (file.SourcePath, tfile, true);
				// Create the archive
				string td = Path.GetDirectoryName (targetFile);
				if (!Directory.Exists (td))
					Directory.CreateDirectory (td);
				DeployService.CreateArchive (monitor, tmpFolder, targetFile);
			catch (Exception ex) {
				monitor.ReportError ("Package creation failed", ex);
				LoggingService.LogError ("Package creation failed", ex);
				return false;
			finally {
				if (tmpFolder != null)
					Directory.Delete (tmpFolder, true);
			monitor.Log.WriteLine (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Created file: {0}", targetFile));
			return true;
		void RunInternal ()
			progressMessage = CreateCheckingPackageCompatibilityMessage ();

			using (progressMonitor = CreateProgressMonitor ()) {
				using (PackageManagementEventsMonitor eventMonitor = CreateEventMonitor (progressMonitor)) {
					try {
						CheckCompatibility ();
					} catch (Exception ex) {
						eventMonitor.ReportError (progressMessage, ex);
		void CheckForPackageUpdates (
			ProgressMonitor progressMonitor,
			ProgressMonitorStatusMessage progressMessage,
			PackageUpdatesEventMonitor eventMonitor)
			updatedPackagesInSolution.CheckForUpdates ();
			if (updatedPackagesInSolution.AnyUpdates ()) {
				progressMonitor.ReportSuccess (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Package updates are available."));
			} else if (eventMonitor.WarningReported) {
				progressMonitor.ReportWarning (progressMessage.Warning);
			} else {
				progressMonitor.ReportSuccess (progressMessage.Success);
		public override void MoveFile (FilePath source, FilePath dest)
			ProgressMonitor monitor = new ProgressMonitor ();

			Repository srcRepo = GetRepository (source);
			Repository dstRepo = GetRepository (dest);
			if (dstRepo != null && dstRepo.CanMoveFilesFrom (srcRepo, source, dest))
				srcRepo.MoveFile (source, dest, true, monitor);
			else {
				CopyFile (source, dest, true);
				srcRepo.DeleteFile (source, true, monitor, false);
		public async Task<bool> Run (ProgressMonitor monitor, DotNetProject project, ConfigurationSelector configuration)
			try {
				Stetic.CodeGenerationResult res = await GuiBuilderService.GenerateSteticCode (monitor, project, configuration);
				if (res != null)
					Messages = res.Warnings;
				return true;
			} catch (Exception ex) {
				Error = ex;
				LoggingService.LogError (ex.ToString ());
				Messages = new  [] { Error.Message };
				return false;
 protected override async Task OnExecute(MonoDevelop.Core.ProgressMonitor monitor, MonoDevelop.Projects.ExecutionContext context, ConfigurationSelector configuration, SolutionItemRunConfiguration runConfiguration)
     if (runConfiguration == unitTestingRunConfigurationInstance)
         // The user selected to run the tests
         UnitTest test = FindRootTest();
         if (test != null)
             using (var cs = CancellationTokenSource.CreateLinkedTokenSource(monitor.CancellationToken))
                 await UnitTestService.RunTest(test, context, false, false, cs);
         await base.OnExecute(monitor, context, configuration, runConfiguration);
 protected override BuildResult OnCompileSources(ProjectItemCollection items, DotNetProjectConfiguration configuration, ConfigurationSelector configSelector, MonoDevelop.Core.ProgressMonitor monitor)
     return(VBBindingCompilerServices.InternalCompile(items, configuration, configSelector, monitor));
Beispiel #35
 protected override Task <BuildResult> OnBuild(MonoDevelop.Core.ProgressMonitor monitor, ConfigurationSelector configuration, OperationContext operationContext)
 protected override BuildResult OnCompileSources(ProjectItemCollection items, DotNetProjectConfiguration configuration, ConfigurationSelector configSelector, MonoDevelop.Core.ProgressMonitor monitor)
     Debug.Assert(compilerServices != null);
     return(compilerServices.Compile(items, configuration, configSelector, monitor));
Beispiel #37
        protected override BuildResult OnCompileSources(ProjectItemCollection items, DotNetProjectConfiguration configuration, ConfigurationSelector configSelector, MonoDevelop.Core.ProgressMonitor monitor)
            var fileNames = items.OfType <ProjectFile>().Select((ProjectFile arg) => arg.FilePath.ToString()).ToArray();
            var options   = new System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerParameters();

            options.OutputAssembly = configuration.CompiledOutputName.ToString();
            var compileResult = OneScriptCompilerService.CompileAssemblyFromFile(options, fileNames);


            return(new BuildResult(compileResult, null));