Beispiel #1
 private void AddSubtype(ClassDataType subtype)
     if (subtypes == null)
         subtypes = new List <ClassDataType> ();
        public void RegisterProperty(Type targetType, ItemProperty property)
            if (!typeof(IExtendedDataItem).IsAssignableFrom(targetType))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("The type '" + targetType + "' does not implement the IExtendedDataItem interface and cannot be extended with new properties");

            ClassDataType ctype = (ClassDataType)GetConfigurationDataType(targetType);

        public void RegisterProperty(Type targetType, string name, Type propertyType, bool isExternal, bool skipEmpty)
            if (!typeof(IExtendedDataItem).IsAssignableFrom(targetType))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("The type '" + targetType + "' does not implement the IExtendedDataItem interface and cannot be extended with new properties");

            ClassDataType ctype = (ClassDataType)GetConfigurationDataType(targetType);
            ItemProperty  prop  = new ItemProperty(name, propertyType);

            prop.Unsorted   = true;
            prop.IsExternal = isExternal;
            prop.SkipEmpty  = skipEmpty;
Beispiel #4
 internal ClassTypeHandler(SerializationContext ctx, ClassDataType cdt)
     this.ctx = ctx;
     this.cdt = cdt;
Beispiel #5
        protected override void Initialize()
            IDataItemAttribute atd = (IDataItemAttribute)Context.AttributeProvider.GetCustomAttribute(ValueType, typeof(IDataItemAttribute), false);

            if (atd != null)
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(atd.Name))
                    Name = atd.Name;
                if (atd.FallbackType != null)
                    fallbackType = atd.FallbackType;
                    if (!typeof(IExtendedDataItem).IsAssignableFrom(fallbackType))
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Fallback type '" + fallbackType + "' must implement IExtendedDataItem");
                    if (!ValueType.IsAssignableFrom(fallbackType))
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Fallback type '" + fallbackType + "' must be a subclass of '" + ValueType + "'");

            object[] incs = Attribute.GetCustomAttributes(ValueType, typeof(DataIncludeAttribute), true);
            foreach (DataIncludeAttribute incat in incs)

            if (ValueType.BaseType != null)
                ClassDataType baseType = (ClassDataType)Context.GetConfigurationDataType(ValueType.BaseType);
                int n = 0;
                foreach (ItemProperty prop in baseType.Properties)
                    properties.Add(prop.Name, prop);
                    sortedPoperties.Insert(n++, prop);

                // Inherit the fallback type
                if (fallbackType == null && baseType.fallbackType != null)
                    fallbackType = baseType.fallbackType;

            foreach (Type interf in ValueType.GetInterfaces())
                ClassDataType baseType = (ClassDataType)Context.GetConfigurationDataType(interf);

            MemberInfo[] members = ValueType.GetMembers(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
            foreach (MemberInfo member in members)
                if ((member is FieldInfo || member is PropertyInfo) && member.DeclaringType == ValueType)
                    Type memberType = member is FieldInfo ? ((FieldInfo)member).FieldType : ((PropertyInfo)member).PropertyType;
                    AddProperty(member, member.Name, memberType);

            foreach (ItemMember member in Context.AttributeProvider.GetItemMembers(ValueType))
                AddProperty(member, member.Name, member.Type);

            if (fallbackType != null)
        public IEnumerable <ItemProperty> GetProperties(SerializationContext serCtx, object instance)
            ClassDataType ctype = (ClassDataType)GetConfigurationDataType(instance.GetType());

            return(ctype.GetProperties(serCtx, instance));
        public void UnregisterProperty(Type targetType, string name)
            ClassDataType ctype = (ClassDataType)GetConfigurationDataType(targetType);

        public void SetConfigurationItemData(SerializationContext serCtx, object obj, DataItem data)
            ClassDataType dataType = (ClassDataType)GetConfigurationDataType(obj.GetType());

            dataType.Deserialize(serCtx, null, data, obj);
		internal ClassTypeHandler (SerializationContext ctx, ClassDataType cdt)
			this.ctx = ctx;
			this.cdt = cdt;
		private void AddSubtype (ClassDataType subtype)
			if (subtypes == null)
				subtypes = new List<ClassDataType> ();
			subtypes.Add (subtype); 