public Task Connect (NUnitVersion version, IExecutionHandler executionHandler = null, OperationConsole console = null)
			var exePath = Path.Combine (Path.GetDirectoryName (GetType ().Assembly.Location), version.ToString (), "NUnitRunner.exe");
			connection = new RemoteProcessConnection (exePath, executionHandler, console, Runtime.MainSynchronizationContext);
			connection.AddListener (this);
			return connection.Connect ();
		public ProcessAsyncOperation Execute (ExecutionCommand command, OperationConsole console)
			DotNetExecutionCommand cmd = (DotNetExecutionCommand) command;
			if (cmd.TargetRuntime == null)
				cmd.TargetRuntime = Runtime.SystemAssemblyService.DefaultRuntime;
			return cmd.TargetRuntime.GetExecutionHandler ().Execute (cmd, console);
		internal ProcessAsyncOperation InternalExecute (CommandExecutionContext ctx, IExecutionMode mode, ExecutionCommand command, OperationConsole console)
			CustomExecutionMode cmode = ExecutionModeCommandService.ShowParamtersDialog (ctx, mode, null);
			if (cmode == null)
				return new CancelledProcessAsyncOperation ();
			return cmode.Execute (command, console, false, false);
		public override ProcessAsyncOperation Execute (ExecutionCommand command, OperationConsole console)
			DotNetExecutionCommand dotcmd = (DotNetExecutionCommand) command;
			string runtimeArgs = string.IsNullOrEmpty (dotcmd.RuntimeArguments) ? "--debug" : dotcmd.RuntimeArguments;
			string args = string.Format ("{2} \"{0}\" {1}", dotcmd.Command, dotcmd.Arguments, runtimeArgs);
			NativeExecutionCommand cmd = new NativeExecutionCommand (monoPath, args, dotcmd.WorkingDirectory, dotcmd.EnvironmentVariables);
			return base.Execute (cmd, console);
		public virtual ProcessAsyncOperation Execute (ExecutionCommand command, OperationConsole console)
			ProcessExecutionCommand cmd = (ProcessExecutionCommand) command;
			IDictionary<string, string> vars;
			if (defaultEnvironmentVariables != null && defaultEnvironmentVariables.Count > 0) {
				if (cmd.EnvironmentVariables.Count == 0) {
					vars = defaultEnvironmentVariables;
				} else {
					// Merge the variables.
					vars = new Dictionary<string, string> (defaultEnvironmentVariables);
					foreach (KeyValuePair<string,string> evar in cmd.EnvironmentVariables)
						vars [evar.Key] = evar.Value;
			} else
				vars = cmd.EnvironmentVariables;
			return Runtime.ProcessService.StartConsoleProcess (cmd.Command, cmd.Arguments, cmd.WorkingDirectory, console, vars);
		public ProcessMonitor (OperationConsole console, ProcessAsyncOperation operation, EventHandler exited)
			this.exited = exited;
			this.operation = operation;
			this.console = console;
			operation.Task.ContinueWith (t => OnOperationCompleted ());
			cancelRegistration = console.CancellationToken.Register (operation.Cancel);
		public ProcessAsyncOperation StartConsoleProcess (string command, string arguments, string workingDirectory, OperationConsole console,
			IDictionary<string, string> environmentVariables = null, EventHandler exited = null)
			var externalConsole = console as ExternalConsole;

			if ((console == null || externalConsole != null) && externalConsoleHandler != null) {

				var dict = new Dictionary<string,string> ();
				if (environmentVariables != null)
					foreach (var kvp in environmentVariables)
						dict[kvp.Key] = kvp.Value;
				if (environmentVariableOverrides != null)
					foreach (var kvp in environmentVariableOverrides)
						dict[kvp.Key] = kvp.Value;
				var p = externalConsoleHandler (command, arguments, workingDirectory, dict,
					GettextCatalog.GetString ("{0} External Console", BrandingService.ApplicationName),
					externalConsole != null ? !externalConsole.CloseOnDispose : false);

				if (p != null) {
					if (exited != null)
						p.Task.ContinueWith (t => exited (p, EventArgs.Empty), Runtime.MainTaskScheduler);
					return p;
				} else {
					LoggingService.LogError ("Could not create external console for command: " + command + " " + arguments);
			ProcessStartInfo psi = CreateProcessStartInfo (command, arguments, workingDirectory, false);
			if (environmentVariables != null)
				foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> kvp in environmentVariables)
					psi.EnvironmentVariables [kvp.Key] = kvp.Value;
			try {
				ProcessWrapper pw = StartProcess (psi, console.Out, console.Error, null);
				new ProcessMonitor (console, pw.ProcessAsyncOperation, exited);
				return pw.ProcessAsyncOperation;
			} catch (Exception ex) {
				// If the process can't be started, dispose the console now since ProcessMonitor won't do it
				console.Error.WriteLine (GettextCatalog.GetString ("The application could not be started"));
				LoggingService.LogError ("Could not start process for command: " + psi.FileName + " " + psi.Arguments, ex);
				console.Dispose ();
				return NullProcessAsyncOperation.Failure;
		public IDisposable CreateExternalProcessObject (Type type, IExecutionHandler executionHandler, IList<string> userAssemblyPaths = null, OperationConsole console = null)
			CheckRemoteType (type);
			var hc = GetHost (type.ToString (), false, executionHandler);
			return (IDisposable)hc.CreateInstance (type.Assembly.Location, type.FullName, GetRequiredAddins (type), userAssemblyPaths, console);
Beispiel #9
        public ProcessAsyncOperation StartConsoleProcess(string command, string arguments, string workingDirectory, OperationConsole console,
                                                         IDictionary <string, string> environmentVariables = null, EventHandler exited = null)
            var externalConsole = console as ExternalConsole;

            if ((console == null || externalConsole != null) && externalConsoleHandler != null)
                var dict = new Dictionary <string, string> ();
                if (environmentVariables != null)
                    foreach (var kvp in environmentVariables)
                        dict[kvp.Key] = kvp.Value;
                if (environmentVariableOverrides != null)
                    foreach (var kvp in environmentVariableOverrides)
                        dict[kvp.Key] = kvp.Value;

                var p = externalConsoleHandler(command, arguments, workingDirectory, dict,
                                               externalConsole?.Title ?? GettextCatalog.GetString("{0} External Console", BrandingService.ApplicationName),
                                               externalConsole != null ? !externalConsole.CloseOnDispose : false);

                if (p != null)
                    if (exited != null)
                        p.Task.ContinueWith(t => exited(p, EventArgs.Empty), Runtime.MainTaskScheduler);
                    LoggingService.LogError("Could not create external console for command: " + command + " " + arguments);
            ProcessStartInfo psi = CreateProcessStartInfo(command, arguments, workingDirectory, false);

            if (environmentVariables != null)
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> kvp in environmentVariables)
                    psi.EnvironmentVariables [kvp.Key] = kvp.Value;
            try {
                ProcessWrapper pw = StartProcess(psi, console.Out, console.Error, null);
                new ProcessMonitor(console, pw.ProcessAsyncOperation, exited);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                // If the process can't be started, dispose the console now since ProcessMonitor won't do it
                console.Error.WriteLine(GettextCatalog.GetString("The application could not be started"));
                LoggingService.LogError("Could not start process for command: " + psi.FileName + " " + psi.Arguments, ex);
Beispiel #10
        public IDisposable CreateExternalProcessObject(Type type, IExecutionHandler executionHandler, IList <string> userAssemblyPaths = null, OperationConsole console = null)
            var hc = GetHost(type.ToString(), false, executionHandler);

            return((IDisposable)hc.CreateInstance(type.Assembly.Location, type.FullName, GetRequiredAddins(type), userAssemblyPaths, console));
		public ProcessAsyncOperation Execute (ExecutionCommand command, OperationConsole console)
			return Handler.InternalExecute (Context, ParentMode, command, console);
		public ProcessAsyncOperation Execute (ExecutionCommand command, OperationConsole console)
			return InternalExecute (new CommandExecutionContext (null, command), new ExecutionMode ("", "", this), command, console);
        public ProcessAsyncOperation Execute(ExecutionCommand command, OperationConsole console)
            IExecutionHandler handler = Runtime.ProcessService.GetDefaultExecutionHandler(command);

            return(handler.Execute(command, console));
 public ProcessAsyncOperation Execute(MonoDevelop.Core.Execution.ExecutionCommand command, MonoDevelop.Core.Execution.OperationConsole console)
     throw new InvalidOperationException();
		public void Start (IList<string> userAssemblyPaths = null, OperationConsole console = null)
			lock (this) {
				if (starting)
				starting = true;
				exitRequestEvent.Reset ();

				RemotingService.RegisterRemotingChannel ();

				BinaryFormatter bf = new BinaryFormatter ();
				ObjRef oref = RemotingServices.Marshal (this);
				MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream ();
				bf.Serialize (ms, oref);
				string sref = Convert.ToBase64String (ms.ToArray ());
				string tmpFile = null;

				if (executionHandlerFactory == null)
					executionHandlerFactory = Runtime.SystemAssemblyService.CurrentRuntime.GetExecutionHandler ();

				try {
					string location = Path.GetDirectoryName (System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly ().Location);
					location = Path.Combine (location, "mdhost.exe");

					tmpFile = Path.GetTempFileName ();
					StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter (tmpFile);
					sw.WriteLine (sref);
					sw.WriteLine (Process.GetCurrentProcess ().Id);
					sw.WriteLine (Runtime.SystemAssemblyService.CurrentRuntime.RuntimeId);

					// Explicitly load Mono.Addins since the target runtime may not have it installed
					sw.WriteLine (2);
					sw.WriteLine (typeof(AddinManager).Assembly.Location);
					sw.WriteLine (typeof(Mono.Addins.Setup.SetupService).Assembly.Location);
					sw.Close ();

					string arguments = string.Format ("{0} \"{1}\"", id, tmpFile);
					DotNetExecutionCommand cmd = new DotNetExecutionCommand (location, arguments, AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory);
					if (userAssemblyPaths != null)
						cmd.UserAssemblyPaths = userAssemblyPaths;
					cmd.DebugMode = isDebugMode;
					OperationConsole cons = console ?? new ProcessHostConsole ();
					var p = process = executionHandlerFactory.Execute (cmd, cons);

					process.Task.ContinueWith ((t) => ProcessExited (p));

				} catch (Exception ex) {
					if (tmpFile != null) {
						try {
							File.Delete (tmpFile);
						} catch {
					LoggingService.LogError (ex.ToString ());
Beispiel #16
 public OperationConsoleWrapper(OperationConsole console, Action cancelAction)
     this.console      = console;
     this.cancelAction = cancelAction;
		public object CreateInstance (string assemblyPath, string typeName, string[] addins, IList<string> userAssemblyPaths = null, OperationConsole console = null)
			lock (this) {
				if (processHost == null)
					Start (userAssemblyPaths, console);

			if (!runningEvent.WaitOne (15000, false)) {
				throw new ApplicationException ("Couldn't create a remote process.");

			try {
				// Before creating the instance, load the add-ins on which it depends
				if (addins != null && addins.Length > 0)
					processHost.LoadAddins (addins);
				RemotingService.RegisterAssemblyForSimpleResolve (Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (assemblyPath));
				object obj = processHost.CreateInstance (assemblyPath, typeName);
				RemotingService.RegisterMethodCallback (obj, "Dispose", RemoteProcessObjectDisposing, null);
				RemotingService.RegisterMethodCallback (obj, "Shutdown", RemoteProcessObjectShuttingDown, null);
				remoteObjects.Add (obj);
				return obj;
			} catch {
				ReleaseInstance (null);
		/// <summary>
		/// Runs a command
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="command">
		/// Command to run
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="console">
		/// The console where to redirect the output
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="ctx">
		/// Context with execution information
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="configurationData">
		/// Configuration information. Created by the IExecutionConfigurationEditor object.
		/// </param>
		public abstract ProcessAsyncOperation Execute (ExecutionCommand command, OperationConsole console, CommandExecutionContext ctx, object configurationData);
		public ProcessAsyncOperation Execute (ExecutionCommand command, OperationConsole console)
			return Handler.Execute (command, console);
Beispiel #20
 public RemoteProcessConnection(string exePath, IExecutionHandler executionHandler = null, OperationConsole console = null, SynchronizationContext syncContext = null)
     if (executionHandler == null)
         executionHandler = Runtime.ProcessService.DefaultExecutionHandler;
     if (console == null)
         console = new ProcessHostConsole();
     this.executionHandler = executionHandler;
     this.exePath          = exePath;
     this.syncContext      = syncContext;
     this.console          = console;
     mainCancelSource      = new CancellationTokenSource();
		public OperationConsoleWrapper (OperationConsole console, Action cancelAction)
			this.console = console;
			this.cancelAction = cancelAction;
			console.CancellationToken.Register (cancelAction);
		public ProcessAsyncOperation Execute (ExecutionCommand command, OperationConsole console)
			if (Mode is CustomExecutionMode)
				return ((CustomExecutionMode)Mode).Execute (command, console, true, true);
			else {
				CustomExecutionMode cmode = new CustomExecutionMode ();
				cmode.Mode = Mode;
				cmode.Project = Context.Project;
				cmode.PromptForParameters = true;
				return cmode.ExecutionHandler.Execute (command, console);
Beispiel #23
        public void Start(IList <string> userAssemblyPaths = null, OperationConsole console = null)
            lock (this) {
                if (starting)
                starting = true;


                BinaryFormatter bf   = new BinaryFormatter();
                ObjRef          oref = RemotingServices.Marshal(this);
                MemoryStream    ms   = new MemoryStream();
                bf.Serialize(ms, oref);
                string sref    = Convert.ToBase64String(ms.ToArray());
                string tmpFile = null;

                if (executionHandlerFactory == null)
                    executionHandlerFactory = Runtime.SystemAssemblyService.CurrentRuntime.GetExecutionHandler();

                try {
                    string location = Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location);
                    location = Path.Combine(location, "mdhost.exe");

                    tmpFile = Path.GetTempFileName();
                    StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(tmpFile);

                    // Explicitly load Mono.Addins since the target runtime may not have it installed

                    string arguments           = string.Format("{0} \"{1}\"", id, tmpFile);
                    DotNetExecutionCommand cmd = new DotNetExecutionCommand(location, arguments, AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory);
                    if (userAssemblyPaths != null)
                        cmd.UserAssemblyPaths = userAssemblyPaths;
                    cmd.DebugMode = isDebugMode;
                    OperationConsole cons = console ?? new ProcessHostConsole();
                    var p = process = executionHandlerFactory.Execute(cmd, cons);

                    process.Task.ContinueWith((t) => ProcessExited(p));
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    if (tmpFile != null)
                        try {
                        } catch {
		public ProcessAsyncOperation Execute (ExecutionCommand command, OperationConsole console)
			IExecutionHandler handler = Runtime.ProcessService.GetDefaultExecutionHandler (command);
			return handler.Execute (command, console);
		public XspBrowserLauncherConsole (OperationConsole real, Action <string> launchBrowser)
			this.real = real;
			this.launchBrowser = launchBrowser;
			cancelReg = real.CancellationToken.Register (CancellationSource.Cancel);
		public ProcessAsyncOperation Execute (ExecutionCommand command, OperationConsole console)
			if (!CanExecute (command))
			    return null;
			return DebuggingService.Run (command, console);
		internal LogViewProgressMonitor (LogView pad): base (Runtime.MainSynchronizationContext)
			outputPad = pad;
			outputPad.Clear ();
			internalLogger.TextWritten += outputPad.WriteConsoleLogText;
			console = new LogViewProgressConsole (this);
		public ProcessAsyncOperation Execute (ExecutionCommand command, OperationConsole console, bool allowPrompt, bool forcePrompt)
			if ((PromptForParameters || forcePrompt) && allowPrompt) {
				var ctx = new CommandExecutionContext (Project, command);
				CustomExecutionMode customMode = ExecutionModeCommandService.ShowParamtersDialog (ctx, Mode, this);
				if (customMode == null)
					return new CancelledProcessAsyncOperation ();
				return customMode.Execute (command, console, false, false);

			foreach (var cc in GetCachedCustomizers ()) {
				cc.Item1.Customize (command, cc.Item2);

			var cmode = Mode.ExecutionHandler as ParameterizedExecutionHandler;
			if (cmode != null) {
				CommandExecutionContext ctx = new CommandExecutionContext (Project, command);
				return cmode.Execute (command, console, ctx, Data);

			return Mode.ExecutionHandler.Execute (command, console);
Beispiel #29
        public object CreateInstance(string assemblyPath, string typeName, string[] addins, IList <string> userAssemblyPaths = null, OperationConsole console = null)
            lock (this) {
                if (processHost == null)
                    Start(userAssemblyPaths, console);

            if (!runningEvent.WaitOne(15000, false))
                throw new ApplicationException("Couldn't create a remote process.");

            try {
                // Before creating the instance, load the add-ins on which it depends
                if (addins != null && addins.Length > 0)
                object obj = processHost.CreateInstance(assemblyPath, typeName);
                RemotingService.RegisterMethodCallback(obj, "Dispose", RemoteProcessObjectDisposing, null);
                RemotingService.RegisterMethodCallback(obj, "Shutdown", RemoteProcessObjectShuttingDown, null);
            } catch {
		public ProcessAsyncOperation Execute (ExecutionCommand command, OperationConsole console)
			var cmd = (AspNetExecutionCommand) command;
			var xspPath = GetXspPath (cmd);

			var evars = new Dictionary<string, string>(cmd.EnvironmentVariables);

			foreach (var v in cmd.TargetRuntime.GetToolsExecutionEnvironment (cmd.TargetFramework).Variables)
				if (!evars.ContainsKey (v.Key))
					evars.Add (v.Key, v.Value);

			//HACK: work around Mono trying to create registry in non-writable location
			if (cmd.TargetRuntime is MonoTargetRuntime && !Platform.IsWindows) {
				evars ["MONO_REGISTRY_PATH"] = UserProfile.Current.TempDir.Combine ("aspnet-registry");

			//if it's a script, use a native execution handler
			if (xspPath.Extension != ".exe") {
				//set mono debug mode if project's in debug mode
				if (cmd.DebugMode) {
					evars ["MONO_OPTIONS"] = "--debug";
				var ncmd = new NativeExecutionCommand (
					xspPath, cmd.XspParameters.GetXspParameters () + " --nonstop",
					cmd.BaseDirectory, evars);
				return Runtime.ProcessService.GetDefaultExecutionHandler (ncmd).Execute (ncmd, console);

			// Set DEVPATH when running on Windows (notice that this has no effect unless
			// <developmentMode developerInstallation="true" /> is set in xsp2.exe.config

			if (cmd.TargetRuntime is MsNetTargetRuntime)
				evars["DEVPATH"] = Path.GetDirectoryName (xspPath);
			var netCmd = new DotNetExecutionCommand (
				xspPath, cmd.XspParameters.GetXspParameters () + " --nonstop",
				cmd.BaseDirectory, evars);
			netCmd.DebugMode = cmd.DebugMode;
			return cmd.TargetRuntime.GetExecutionHandler ().Execute (netCmd, console);
		public ProcessAsyncOperation Execute (ExecutionCommand command, OperationConsole console)
			return Execute (command, console, true, false);