Beispiel #1
 public StatusIcon(StatusArea statusBar, Gdk.Pixbuf icon)
     this.statusBar    = statusBar;
     this.icon         = icon;
     box               = new EventBox();
     box.VisibleWindow = false;
     image             = new Image(icon);
     image.SetPadding(0, 0);
     box.Child             = image;
     box.Events           |= Gdk.EventMask.EnterNotifyMask | Gdk.EventMask.LeaveNotifyMask;
     box.EnterNotifyEvent += HandleEnterNotifyEvent;
     box.LeaveNotifyEvent += HandleLeaveNotifyEvent;
Beispiel #2
            public StatusIcon(StatusArea statusBar, Xwt.Drawing.Image icon)
                if (!icon.HasFixedSize)
                    icon = icon.WithSize(IconSize.Menu);

                this.statusBar        = statusBar;
                this.icon             = icon;
                box                   = new EventBox();
                box.VisibleWindow     = false;
                image                 = new Xwt.ImageView(icon);
                box.Child             = image.ToGtkWidget();
                box.Events           |= Gdk.EventMask.EnterNotifyMask | Gdk.EventMask.LeaveNotifyMask;
                box.EnterNotifyEvent += HandleEnterNotifyEvent;
                box.LeaveNotifyEvent += HandleLeaveNotifyEvent;
Beispiel #3
            public StatusIcon(StatusArea statusBar, Xwt.Drawing.Image icon)
                if (!icon.HasFixedSize)
                    icon = icon.WithSize(IconSize.Menu);

                this.statusBar        = statusBar;
                this.icon             = icon;
                box                   = new EventBox();
                box.VisibleWindow     = false;
                image                 = new Xwt.ImageView(icon);
                box.Child             = image.ToGtkWidget();
                box.Events           |= Gdk.EventMask.EnterNotifyMask | Gdk.EventMask.LeaveNotifyMask;
                box.EnterNotifyEvent += HandleEnterNotifyEvent;
                box.LeaveNotifyEvent += HandleLeaveNotifyEvent;
                box.ButtonPressEvent += (o, e) => {
                    // TODO: Refactor this in Xwt as an extension method.
                    var m = Xwt.ModifierKeys.None;
                    if ((e.Event.State & Gdk.ModifierType.ShiftMask) != 0)
                        m |= Xwt.ModifierKeys.Shift;
                    if ((e.Event.State & Gdk.ModifierType.ControlMask) != 0)
                        m |= Xwt.ModifierKeys.Control;
                    if ((e.Event.State & Gdk.ModifierType.Mod1Mask) != 0)
                        m |= Xwt.ModifierKeys.Alt;
                    // TODO: Backport this one.
                    if ((e.Event.State & Gdk.ModifierType.Mod2Mask) != 0)
                        m |= Xwt.ModifierKeys.Command;

                    Clicked(o, new StatusBarIconClickedEventArgs {
                        Button    = (Xwt.PointerButton)e.Event.Button,
                        Modifiers = m,
		void DrawErrorAnimation (Cairo.Context context, StatusArea.RenderArg arg)
			const int surfaceWidth = 2000;
			double opacity;
			int progress;

			if (arg.ErrorAnimationProgress < .5f) {
				progress = (int) (arg.ErrorAnimationProgress * arg.Allocation.Width * 2.4);
				opacity = 1.0d;
			} else {
				progress = (int) (arg.ErrorAnimationProgress * arg.Allocation.Width * 2.4);
				opacity = 1.0d - (arg.ErrorAnimationProgress - .5d) * 2;

			LayoutRoundedRectangle (context, arg.Allocation);

			context.Clip ();
			context.CachedDraw (surface: ref errorSurface,
			                    position: new Gdk.Point (arg.Allocation.X - surfaceWidth + progress, arg.Allocation.Y),
			                    size: new Gdk.Size (surfaceWidth, arg.Allocation.Height),
			                    opacity: (float)opacity,
			                    draw: (c, o) => {
				// The smaller the pixel range of our gradient the less error there will be in it.
				using (var lg = new LinearGradient (surfaceWidth - 250, 0, surfaceWidth, 0)) {
					lg.AddColorStop (0.00, Styles.WithAlpha (Styles.StatusBarErrorColor, 0.15 * o));
					lg.AddColorStop (0.10, Styles.WithAlpha (Styles.StatusBarErrorColor, 0.15 * o));
					lg.AddColorStop (0.88, Styles.WithAlpha (Styles.StatusBarErrorColor, 0.30 * o));
					lg.AddColorStop (1.00, Styles.WithAlpha (Styles.StatusBarErrorColor, 0.00 * o));

					c.Pattern = lg;
					c.Paint ();
			context.ResetClip ();
        public MainToolbar()
            executionTargetsChanged = DispatchService.GuiDispatch(new EventHandler(HandleExecutionTargetsChanged));

            IdeApp.Workspace.ActiveConfigurationChanged += (sender, e) => UpdateCombos();
            IdeApp.Workspace.ConfigurationsChanged      += (sender, e) => UpdateCombos();

            IdeApp.Workspace.SolutionLoaded   += (sender, e) => UpdateCombos();
            IdeApp.Workspace.SolutionUnloaded += (sender, e) => UpdateCombos();

            IdeApp.ProjectOperations.CurrentSelectedSolutionChanged += HandleCurrentSelectedSolutionChanged;

            WidgetFlags |= Gtk.WidgetFlags.AppPaintable;


            configurationCombo       = new Gtk.ComboBox();
            configurationCombo.Model = configurationStore;
            var ctx = new Gtk.CellRendererText();

            configurationCombo.PackStart(ctx, true);
            configurationCombo.AddAttribute(ctx, "text", 0);

            configurationCombosBox = new HBox(false, 8);

            var configurationComboVBox = new VBox();

            configurationComboVBox.PackStart(configurationCombo, true, false, 0);
            configurationCombosBox.PackStart(configurationComboVBox, false, false, 0);

            runtimeCombo       = new Gtk.ComboBox();
            runtimeCombo.Model = runtimeStore;
            ctx = new Gtk.CellRendererText();
            runtimeCombo.PackStart(ctx, true);
            runtimeCombo.SetCellDataFunc(ctx, RuntimeRenderCell);
            runtimeCombo.RowSeparatorFunc = RuntimeIsSeparator;

            var runtimeComboVBox = new VBox();

            runtimeComboVBox.PackStart(runtimeCombo, true, false, 0);
            configurationCombosBox.PackStart(runtimeComboVBox, false, false, 0);

            buttonBarBox             = new Alignment(0.5f, 0.5f, 0, 0);
            buttonBarBox.LeftPadding = (uint)7;
            buttonBarBox.NoShowAll = true;

            statusArea = new StatusArea();

            var statusAreaAlign = new Alignment(0, 0, 1, 1);

            contentBox.PackStart(statusAreaAlign, true, true, 0);

            statusAreaAlign.SizeAllocated += (object o, SizeAllocatedArgs args) => {
                Gtk.Widget toplevel = this.Toplevel;
                if (toplevel == null)

                var pixel_scale = GtkWorkarounds.GetPixelScale();

                int  windowWidth   = toplevel.Allocation.Width;
                int  center        = windowWidth / 2;
                int  left          = Math.Max(center - (int)(300 * pixel_scale), args.Allocation.Left);
                int  right         = Math.Min(left + (int)(600 * pixel_scale), args.Allocation.Right);
                uint left_padding  = (uint)(left - args.Allocation.Left);
                uint right_padding = (uint)(args.Allocation.Right - right);

                if (left_padding != statusAreaAlign.LeftPadding || right_padding != statusAreaAlign.RightPadding)
                    statusAreaAlign.SetPadding(0, 0, (uint)left_padding, (uint)right_padding);

            matchEntry = new SearchEntry();

            var searchFiles = this.matchEntry.AddMenuItem(GettextCatalog.GetString("Search Files"));

            searchFiles.Activated += delegate {
            var searchTypes = this.matchEntry.AddMenuItem(GettextCatalog.GetString("Search Types"));

            searchTypes.Activated += delegate {
            var searchMembers = this.matchEntry.AddMenuItem(GettextCatalog.GetString("Search Members"));

            searchMembers.Activated += delegate {

            matchEntry.ForceFilterButtonVisible = true;
            matchEntry.Entry.FocusOutEvent     += delegate {
                matchEntry.Entry.Text = "";
            var cmd = IdeApp.CommandService.GetCommand(Commands.NavigateTo);

            cmd.KeyBindingChanged += delegate {

            matchEntry.Ready       = true;
            matchEntry.Visible     = true;
            matchEntry.IsCheckMenu = true;
            matchEntry.Entry.ModifyBase(StateType.Normal, Style.White);
            matchEntry.WidthRequest = 240;
            if (!Platform.IsMac && !Platform.IsWindows)
                matchEntry.Entry.ModifyFont(Pango.FontDescription.FromString("Sans 9"));                   // TODO: VV: "Segoe UI 9"
            matchEntry.RoundedShape   = true;
            matchEntry.Entry.Changed += HandleSearchEntryChanged;
            matchEntry.Activated     += (sender, e) => {
                var pattern = SearchPopupSearchPattern.ParsePattern(matchEntry.Entry.Text);
                if (pattern.Pattern == null && pattern.LineNumber > 0)
                    var doc = IdeApp.Workbench.ActiveDocument;
                    if (doc != null && doc.Editor != null)
                        doc.Editor.Caret.Location = new Mono.TextEditor.DocumentLocation(pattern.LineNumber, pattern.Column > 0 ? pattern.Column : 1);
                if (popup != null)
            matchEntry.Entry.KeyPressEvent += (o, args) => {
                if (args.Event.Key == Gdk.Key.Escape)
                    var doc = IdeApp.Workbench.ActiveDocument;
                    if (doc != null)
                        if (popup != null)
                if (popup != null)
                    args.RetVal = popup.ProcessKey(args.Event.Key, args.Event.State);
            IdeApp.Workbench.RootWindow.WidgetEvent += delegate(object o, WidgetEventArgs args) {
                if (args.Event is Gdk.EventConfigure)
            SizeAllocated += delegate {


            AddinManager.ExtensionChanged += OnExtensionChanged;

            contentBox.PackStart(matchEntry, false, false, 0);

            var align = new Gtk.Alignment(0, 0, 1f, 1f);

            align.TopPadding    = (uint)5;
            align.LeftPadding   = (uint)9;
            align.RightPadding  = (uint)18;
            align.BottomPadding = (uint)10;

            SetDefaultSizes(-1, 21);

            configurationCombo.Changed += HandleConfigurationChanged;
            runtimeCombo.Changed       += HandleRuntimeChanged;

            button.Clicked += HandleStartButtonClicked;

            IdeApp.CommandService.ActiveWidgetChanged += (sender, e) => {
                lastCommandTarget = new WeakReference(e.OldActiveWidget);

Beispiel #6
        public MainToolbar()
            WidgetFlags |= Gtk.WidgetFlags.AppPaintable;


            configurationCombo       = new Gtk.ComboBox();
            configurationCombo.Model = configurationStore;
            var ctx = new Gtk.CellRendererText();

            configurationCombo.PackStart(ctx, true);
            configurationCombo.AddAttribute(ctx, "text", 0);

            configurationCombosBox = new HBox(false, 8);

            var configurationComboVBox = new VBox();

            configurationComboVBox.PackStart(configurationCombo, true, false, 0);
            configurationCombosBox.PackStart(configurationComboVBox, false, false, 0);

            // bold attributes for running runtime targets / (emulators)
            boldAttributes.Insert(new Pango.AttrWeight(Pango.Weight.Bold));

            runtimeCombo       = new Gtk.ComboBox();
            runtimeCombo.Model = runtimeStore;
            ctx = new Gtk.CellRendererText();
            if (Platform.IsWindows)
                ctx.Ellipsize = Pango.EllipsizeMode.Middle;
            runtimeCombo.PackStart(ctx, true);
            runtimeCombo.SetCellDataFunc(ctx, RuntimeRenderCell);
            runtimeCombo.RowSeparatorFunc = RuntimeIsSeparator;

            var runtimeComboVBox = new VBox();

            runtimeComboVBox.PackStart(runtimeCombo, true, false, 0);
            configurationCombosBox.PackStart(runtimeComboVBox, false, false, 0);

            buttonBarBox             = new Alignment(0.5f, 0.5f, 0, 0);
            buttonBarBox.LeftPadding = (uint)7;
            buttonBarBox.NoShowAll = true;

            statusArea = new StatusArea();

            var statusAreaAlign = new Alignment(0, 0, 1, 1);

            contentBox.PackStart(statusAreaAlign, true, true, 0);

            statusAreaAlign.SizeAllocated += (object o, SizeAllocatedArgs args) => {
                Gtk.Widget toplevel = this.Toplevel;
                if (toplevel == null)

                var pixel_scale = GtkWorkarounds.GetPixelScale();

                int  windowWidth   = toplevel.Allocation.Width;
                int  center        = windowWidth / 2;
                int  left          = Math.Max(center - (int)(300 * pixel_scale), args.Allocation.Left);
                int  right         = Math.Min(left + (int)(600 * pixel_scale), args.Allocation.Right);
                uint left_padding  = (uint)(left - args.Allocation.Left);
                uint right_padding = (uint)(args.Allocation.Right - right);

                if (left_padding != statusAreaAlign.LeftPadding || right_padding != statusAreaAlign.RightPadding)
                    statusAreaAlign.SetPadding(0, 0, (uint)left_padding, (uint)right_padding);

            matchEntry = new SearchEntry();

            matchEntry.ForceFilterButtonVisible = true;
            matchEntry.Entry.FocusOutEvent     += (o, e) => {
                if (SearchEntryLostFocus != null)
                    SearchEntryLostFocus(o, e);

            matchEntry.Ready       = true;
            matchEntry.Visible     = true;
            matchEntry.IsCheckMenu = true;
            matchEntry.Entry.ModifyBase(StateType.Normal, Style.White);
            matchEntry.WidthRequest = 240;
            if (!Platform.IsMac && !Platform.IsWindows)
                matchEntry.Entry.ModifyFont(Pango.FontDescription.FromString("Sans 9"));                   // TODO: VV: "Segoe UI 9"
            matchEntry.RoundedShape         = true;
            matchEntry.Entry.Changed       += HandleSearchEntryChanged;
            matchEntry.Activated           += HandleSearchEntryActivated;
            matchEntry.Entry.KeyPressEvent += HandleSearchEntryKeyPressed;
            SizeAllocated += (o, e) => {
                if (SearchEntryResized != null)
                    SearchEntryResized(o, e);

            contentBox.PackStart(matchEntry, false, false, 0);

            var align = new Gtk.Alignment(0, 0, 1f, 1f);

            align.TopPadding    = (uint)5;
            align.LeftPadding   = (uint)9;
            align.RightPadding  = (uint)18;
            align.BottomPadding = (uint)10;

            SetDefaultSizes(-1, (int)(21 * GtkWorkarounds.GetPixelScale()));

            configurationCombo.Changed += (o, e) => {
                if (ConfigurationChanged != null)
                    ConfigurationChanged(o, e);
            runtimeCombo.Changed += (o, e) => {
                var ea = new HandledEventArgs();
                if (RuntimeChanged != null)
                    RuntimeChanged(o, ea);

                TreeIter it;
                if (runtimeCombo.GetActiveIter(out it))
                    if (ea.Handled)
                    lastSelection = it;

            button.Clicked += HandleStartButtonClicked;

            IdeApp.CommandService.ActiveWidgetChanged += (sender, e) => {
                lastCommandTarget = new WeakReference(e.OldActiveWidget);

Beispiel #7
 public MainStatusBarContextImpl(StatusArea statusBar) : base(statusBar)
     StatusChanged = true;
		public void Render (Cairo.Context context, StatusArea.RenderArg arg)
			context.CachedDraw (surface: ref backgroundSurface, 
			                    region: arg.Allocation,
			                    draw: (c, o) => DrawBackground (c, new Gdk.Rectangle (0, 0, arg.Allocation.Width, arg.Allocation.Height)));

			if (arg.BuildAnimationOpacity > 0.001f)
				DrawBuildEffect (context, arg.Allocation, arg.BuildAnimationProgress, arg.BuildAnimationOpacity);

			if (arg.ErrorAnimationProgress > 0.001 && arg.ErrorAnimationProgress < .999) {
				DrawErrorAnimation (context, arg);

			DrawBorder (context, arg.Allocation);

			if (arg.HoverProgress > 0.001f)
				context.Clip ();
				int x1 = arg.Allocation.X + arg.MousePosition.X - 200;
				int x2 = x1 + 400;
				using (Cairo.LinearGradient gradient = new LinearGradient (x1, 0, x2, 0))
					Cairo.Color targetColor = Styles.StatusBarFill1Color;
					Cairo.Color transparentColor = targetColor;
					targetColor.A = .7;
					transparentColor.A = 0;

					targetColor.A = .7 * arg.HoverProgress;

					gradient.AddColorStop (0.0, transparentColor);
					gradient.AddColorStop (0.5, targetColor);
					gradient.AddColorStop (1.0, transparentColor);

					context.Pattern = gradient;

					context.Rectangle (x1, arg.Allocation.Y, x2 - x1, arg.Allocation.Height);
					context.Fill ();
				context.ResetClip ();
			} else {
				context.NewPath ();

			int progress_bar_x = arg.ChildAllocation.X;
			int progress_bar_width = arg.ChildAllocation.Width;

			if (arg.CurrentPixbuf != null) {
				int y = arg.Allocation.Y + (arg.Allocation.Height - arg.CurrentPixbuf.Height) / 2;
				Gdk.CairoHelper.SetSourcePixbuf (context, arg.CurrentPixbuf, arg.ChildAllocation.X, y);
				context.Paint ();
				progress_bar_x += arg.CurrentPixbuf.Width + Styles.ProgressBarOuterPadding;
				progress_bar_width -= arg.CurrentPixbuf.Width + Styles.ProgressBarOuterPadding;

			int center = arg.Allocation.Y + arg.Allocation.Height / 2;

			Gdk.Rectangle progressArea = new Gdk.Rectangle (progress_bar_x, center - Styles.ProgressBarHeight / 2, progress_bar_width, Styles.ProgressBarHeight);
			if (arg.ShowProgressBar || arg.ProgressBarAlpha > 0) {
				DrawProgressBar (context, arg.ProgressBarFraction, progressArea, arg);
				ClipProgressBar (context, progressArea);

			int text_x = progress_bar_x + Styles.ProgressBarInnerPadding;
			int text_width = progress_bar_width - (Styles.ProgressBarInnerPadding * 2);

			double textTweenValue = arg.TextAnimationProgress;

			if (arg.LastText != null) {
				double opacity = Math.Max (0.0f, 1.0f - textTweenValue);
				DrawString (arg.LastText, arg.LastTextIsMarkup, context, text_x, 
				            center - (int)(textTweenValue * arg.Allocation.Height * 0.3), text_width, opacity, arg.Pango, arg);

			if (arg.CurrentText != null) {
				DrawString (arg.CurrentText, arg.CurrentTextIsMarkup, context, text_x, 
				            center + (int)((1.0f - textTweenValue) * arg.Allocation.Height * 0.3), text_width, Math.Min (textTweenValue, 1.0), arg.Pango, arg);

			if (arg.ShowProgressBar || arg.ProgressBarAlpha > 0)
				context.ResetClip ();
Beispiel #9
            public StatusIcon(StatusArea statusBar, Xwt.Drawing.Image icon)
                if (!icon.HasFixedSize)
                    icon = icon.WithSize (IconSize.Menu);

                this.statusBar = statusBar;
                this.icon = icon;
                box = new EventBox ();
                box.VisibleWindow = false;
                image = new Xwt.ImageView (icon);
                box.Child = image.ToGtkWidget ();
                box.Events |= Gdk.EventMask.EnterNotifyMask | Gdk.EventMask.LeaveNotifyMask;
                box.EnterNotifyEvent += HandleEnterNotifyEvent;
                box.LeaveNotifyEvent += HandleLeaveNotifyEvent;
		public MainStatusBarContextImpl (StatusArea statusBar): base (statusBar)
			StatusChanged = true;
Beispiel #11
			public StatusIcon (StatusArea statusBar, Gdk.Pixbuf icon)
				this.statusBar = statusBar;
				this.icon = icon;
				box = new EventBox ();
				box.VisibleWindow = false;
				image = new Image (icon);
				image.SetPadding (0, 0);
				box.Child = image;
				box.Events |= Gdk.EventMask.EnterNotifyMask | Gdk.EventMask.LeaveNotifyMask;
				box.EnterNotifyEvent += HandleEnterNotifyEvent;
				box.LeaveNotifyEvent += HandleLeaveNotifyEvent;
			public StatusIcon (StatusArea statusBar, Xwt.Drawing.Image icon)
				if (!icon.HasFixedSize)
					icon = icon.WithSize (IconSize.Menu);

				this.statusBar = statusBar;
				this.icon = icon;
				box = new EventBox ();
				box.VisibleWindow = false;
				image = new Xwt.ImageView (icon);
				box.Child = image.ToGtkWidget ();
				box.Events |= Gdk.EventMask.EnterNotifyMask | Gdk.EventMask.LeaveNotifyMask;
				box.EnterNotifyEvent += HandleEnterNotifyEvent;
				box.LeaveNotifyEvent += HandleLeaveNotifyEvent;
				box.ButtonPressEvent += (o, e) => {
					// TODO: Refactor this in Xwt as an extension method.
					var m = Xwt.ModifierKeys.None;
					if ((e.Event.State & Gdk.ModifierType.ShiftMask) != 0)
						m |= Xwt.ModifierKeys.Shift;
					if ((e.Event.State & Gdk.ModifierType.ControlMask) != 0)
						m |= Xwt.ModifierKeys.Control;
					if ((e.Event.State & Gdk.ModifierType.Mod1Mask) != 0)
						m |= Xwt.ModifierKeys.Alt;
					// TODO: Backport this one.
					if ((e.Event.State & Gdk.ModifierType.Mod2Mask) != 0)
						m |= Xwt.ModifierKeys.Command;

					Clicked (o, new StatusBarIconClickedEventArgs {
						Button = (Xwt.PointerButton)e.Event.Button,
						Modifiers = m,
 internal StatusBarContextImpl(StatusArea statusBar)
     this.statusBar = statusBar;
Beispiel #14
        public MainToolbar()
            WidgetFlags |= Gtk.WidgetFlags.AppPaintable;


            configurationCombosBox = new HBox(false, 8);

            var ctx = new Gtk.CellRendererText();

            runConfigurationCombo       = new Gtk.ComboBox();
            runConfigurationCombo.Model = runConfigurationStore;
            runConfigurationCombo.PackStart(ctx, true);
            runConfigurationCombo.AddAttribute(ctx, "text", 0);
            runConfigurationCombo.TooltipText = GettextCatalog.GetString("A project or named set of projects and execution options that should be launched when running or debugging the solution.");

            var runConfigurationComboVBox = new VBox();

            runConfigurationComboVBox.PackStart(runConfigurationCombo, true, false, 0);
            configurationCombosBox.PackStart(runConfigurationComboVBox, false, false, 0);

            configurationCombo       = new Gtk.ComboBox();
            configurationCombo.Model = configurationStore;
            configurationCombo.PackStart(ctx, true);
            configurationCombo.AddAttribute(ctx, "text", 0);
            configurationCombo.TooltipText = GettextCatalog.GetString("A named set of projects and their configurations to be built when building the solution.");

            var configurationComboVBox = new VBox();

            configurationComboVBox.PackStart(configurationCombo, true, false, 0);
            configurationCombosBox.PackStart(configurationComboVBox, false, false, 0);

            // bold attributes for running runtime targets / (emulators)
            boldAttributes.Insert(new Pango.AttrWeight(Pango.Weight.Bold));

            runtimeCombo       = new Gtk.ComboBox();
            runtimeCombo.Model = runtimeStore;
            ctx = new Gtk.CellRendererText();
            if (Platform.IsWindows)
                ctx.Ellipsize = Pango.EllipsizeMode.Middle;
            runtimeCombo.PackStart(ctx, true);
            runtimeCombo.SetCellDataFunc(ctx, RuntimeRenderCell);
            runtimeCombo.RowSeparatorFunc = RuntimeIsSeparator;
            runtimeCombo.TooltipText      = GettextCatalog.GetString("The device on which to deploy and launch the projects when running or debugging.");

            var runtimeComboVBox = new VBox();

            runtimeComboVBox.PackStart(runtimeCombo, true, false, 0);
            configurationCombosBox.PackStart(runtimeComboVBox, false, false, 0);

            buttonBarBox             = new Alignment(0.5f, 0.5f, 0, 0);
            buttonBarBox.LeftPadding = (uint)7;
            buttonBarBox.NoShowAll = true;

            statusArea = new StatusArea();

            var statusAreaAlign = new Alignment(0, 0, 1, 1);

            contentBox.PackStart(statusAreaAlign, true, true, 0);

            statusAreaAlign.SizeAllocated += (object o, SizeAllocatedArgs args) => {
                Gtk.Widget toplevel = this.Toplevel;
                if (toplevel == null)

                int  windowWidth   = toplevel.Allocation.Width;
                int  center        = windowWidth / 2;
                int  left          = Math.Max(center - 300, args.Allocation.Left);
                int  right         = Math.Min(left + 600, args.Allocation.Right);
                uint left_padding  = (uint)(left - args.Allocation.Left);
                uint right_padding = (uint)(args.Allocation.Right - right);

                if (left_padding != statusAreaAlign.LeftPadding || right_padding != statusAreaAlign.RightPadding)
                    statusAreaAlign.SetPadding(0, 0, (uint)left_padding, (uint)right_padding);

            matchEntry = new SearchEntry();

            matchEntry.ForceFilterButtonVisible = true;
            matchEntry.Entry.FocusOutEvent     += (o, e) => {
                if (SearchEntryLostFocus != null)
                    SearchEntryLostFocus(o, e);

            matchEntry.Ready        = true;
            matchEntry.Visible      = true;
            matchEntry.IsCheckMenu  = true;
            matchEntry.WidthRequest = 240;
            if (!Platform.IsMac && !Platform.IsWindows)
                matchEntry.Entry.ModifyFont(Pango.FontDescription.FromString("Sans 9"));                   // TODO: VV: "Segoe UI 9"
            matchEntry.RoundedShape         = true;
            matchEntry.Entry.Changed       += HandleSearchEntryChanged;
            matchEntry.Activated           += HandleSearchEntryActivated;
            matchEntry.Entry.KeyPressEvent += HandleSearchEntryKeyPressed;
            SizeAllocated += (o, e) => {
                if (SearchEntryResized != null)
                    SearchEntryResized(o, e);

            contentBox.PackStart(matchEntry, false, false, 0);

            var align = new Gtk.Alignment(0, 0, 1f, 1f);

            align.TopPadding    = (uint)5;
            align.LeftPadding   = (uint)9;
            align.RightPadding  = (uint)18;
            align.BottomPadding = (uint)10;

            SetDefaultSizes(-1, 21);

            configurationCombo.Changed += (o, e) => {
                if (ConfigurationChanged != null)
                    ConfigurationChanged(o, e);
            runConfigurationCombo.Changed += (o, e) => {
                if (RunConfigurationChanged != null)
                    RunConfigurationChanged(o, e);
            runtimeCombo.Changed += (o, e) => {
                var ea = new HandledEventArgs();
                if (RuntimeChanged != null)
                    RuntimeChanged(o, ea);

                TreeIter it;
                if (runtimeCombo.GetActiveIter(out it))
                    if (ea.Handled)
                    lastSelection = it;

            button.Clicked += HandleStartButtonClicked;

		void DrawProgressBar (Cairo.Context context, double progress, Gdk.Rectangle bounding, StatusArea.RenderArg arg)
			LayoutRoundedRectangle (context, new Gdk.Rectangle (bounding.X, bounding.Y, (int) (bounding.Width * progress), bounding.Height));
			context.Clip ();

			LayoutRoundedRectangle (context, bounding);
			context.Color = Styles.WithAlpha (Styles.StatusBarProgressBackgroundColor, Styles.StatusBarProgressBackgroundColor.A * arg.ProgressBarAlpha);
			context.FillPreserve ();

			context.ResetClip ();

			context.Color = Styles.WithAlpha (Styles.StatusBarProgressOutlineColor, Styles.StatusBarProgressOutlineColor.A * arg.ProgressBarAlpha);
			context.LineWidth = 1;
			context.Stroke ();
		void DrawString (string text, bool isMarkup, Cairo.Context context, int x, int y, int width, double opacity, Pango.Context pango, StatusArea.RenderArg arg)
			Pango.Layout pl = new Pango.Layout (pango);
			if (isMarkup)
				pl.SetMarkup (text);
				pl.SetText (text);
			pl.FontDescription = Styles.StatusFont;
			pl.FontDescription.AbsoluteSize = Pango.Units.FromPixels (Styles.StatusFontPixelHeight);
			pl.Ellipsize = Pango.EllipsizeMode.End;
			pl.Width = Pango.Units.FromPixels(width);

			int w, h;
			pl.GetPixelSize (out w, out h);

			context.Save ();
			// use widget height instead of message box height as message box does not have a true height when no widgets are packed in it
			// also ensures animations work properly instead of getting clipped
			context.Rectangle (new Rectangle (x, arg.Allocation.Y, width, arg.Allocation.Height));
			context.Clip ();

			// Subtract off remainder instead of drop to prefer higher centering when centering an odd number of pixels
			context.MoveTo (x, y - h / 2 - (h % 2));
			context.Color = Styles.WithAlpha (FontColor (), opacity);

			Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout (context, pl);
			pl.Dispose ();
			context.Restore ();
		public MainToolbar ()
			WidgetFlags |= Gtk.WidgetFlags.AppPaintable;

			AddWidget (button);
			AddSpace (8);

			configurationCombo = new Gtk.ComboBox ();
			configurationCombo.Model = configurationStore;
			var ctx = new Gtk.CellRendererText ();
			configurationCombo.PackStart (ctx, true);
			configurationCombo.AddAttribute (ctx, "text", 0);

			configurationCombosBox = new HBox (false, 8);

			var configurationComboVBox = new VBox ();
			configurationComboVBox.PackStart (configurationCombo, true, false, 0);
			configurationCombosBox.PackStart (configurationComboVBox, false, false, 0);

			// bold attributes for running runtime targets / (emulators)
			boldAttributes.Insert (new Pango.AttrWeight (Pango.Weight.Bold));

			runtimeCombo = new Gtk.ComboBox ();
			runtimeCombo.Model = runtimeStore;
			ctx = new Gtk.CellRendererText ();
			if (Platform.IsWindows)
				ctx.Ellipsize = Pango.EllipsizeMode.Middle;
			runtimeCombo.PackStart (ctx, true);
			runtimeCombo.SetCellDataFunc (ctx, RuntimeRenderCell);
			runtimeCombo.RowSeparatorFunc = RuntimeIsSeparator;

			var runtimeComboVBox = new VBox ();
			runtimeComboVBox.PackStart (runtimeCombo, true, false, 0);
			configurationCombosBox.PackStart (runtimeComboVBox, false, false, 0);
			AddWidget (configurationCombosBox);

			buttonBarBox = new Alignment (0.5f, 0.5f, 0, 0);
			buttonBarBox.LeftPadding = (uint) 7;
			buttonBarBox.Add (buttonBar);
			buttonBarBox.NoShowAll = true;
			AddWidget (buttonBarBox);
			AddSpace (24);

			statusArea = new StatusArea ();
			statusArea.ShowMessage (BrandingService.ApplicationName);

			var statusAreaAlign = new Alignment (0, 0, 1, 1);
			statusAreaAlign.Add (statusArea);
			contentBox.PackStart (statusAreaAlign, true, true, 0);
			AddSpace (24);

			statusAreaAlign.SizeAllocated += (object o, SizeAllocatedArgs args) => {
				Gtk.Widget toplevel = this.Toplevel;
				if (toplevel == null)

				int windowWidth = toplevel.Allocation.Width;
				int center = windowWidth / 2;
				int left = Math.Max (center - 300, args.Allocation.Left);
				int right = Math.Min (left + 600, args.Allocation.Right);
				uint left_padding = (uint) (left - args.Allocation.Left);
				uint right_padding = (uint) (args.Allocation.Right - right);

				if (left_padding != statusAreaAlign.LeftPadding || right_padding != statusAreaAlign.RightPadding)
					statusAreaAlign.SetPadding (0, 0, (uint) left_padding, (uint) right_padding);

			matchEntry = new SearchEntry ();

			matchEntry.ForceFilterButtonVisible = true;
			matchEntry.Entry.FocusOutEvent += (o, e) => {
				if (SearchEntryLostFocus != null)
					SearchEntryLostFocus (o, e);

			matchEntry.Ready = true;
			matchEntry.Visible = true;
			matchEntry.IsCheckMenu = true;
			matchEntry.WidthRequest = 240;
			if (!Platform.IsMac && !Platform.IsWindows)
				matchEntry.Entry.ModifyFont (Pango.FontDescription.FromString ("Sans 9")); // TODO: VV: "Segoe UI 9"
			matchEntry.RoundedShape = true;
			matchEntry.Entry.Changed += HandleSearchEntryChanged;
			matchEntry.Activated += HandleSearchEntryActivated;
			matchEntry.Entry.KeyPressEvent += HandleSearchEntryKeyPressed;
			SizeAllocated += (o, e) => {
				if (SearchEntryResized != null)
					SearchEntryResized (o, e);

			contentBox.PackStart (matchEntry, false, false, 0);

			var align = new Gtk.Alignment (0, 0, 1f, 1f);
			align.Show ();
			align.TopPadding = (uint) 5;
			align.LeftPadding = (uint) 9;
			align.RightPadding = (uint) 18;
			align.BottomPadding = (uint) 10;
			align.Add (contentBox);

			Add (align);
			SetDefaultSizes (-1, 21);

			configurationCombo.Changed += (o, e) => {
				if (ConfigurationChanged != null)
					ConfigurationChanged (o, e);
			runtimeCombo.Changed += (o, e) => {
				var ea = new HandledEventArgs ();
				if (RuntimeChanged != null)
					RuntimeChanged (o, ea);

				TreeIter it;
				if (runtimeCombo.GetActiveIter (out it)) {
					if (ea.Handled) {
						runtimeCombo.SetActiveIter (lastSelection);
					lastSelection = it;

			button.Clicked += HandleStartButtonClicked;

			IdeApp.CommandService.ActiveWidgetChanged += (sender, e) => {
				lastCommandTarget = new WeakReference (e.OldActiveWidget);

			this.ShowAll ();
			this.statusArea.statusIconBox.HideAll ();
Beispiel #18
		public MainToolbar ()
			executionTargetsChanged = DispatchService.GuiDispatch (new EventHandler (HandleExecutionTargetsChanged));

			IdeApp.Workspace.ActiveConfigurationChanged += (sender, e) => UpdateCombos ();
			IdeApp.Workspace.ConfigurationsChanged += (sender, e) => UpdateCombos ();

			IdeApp.Workspace.SolutionLoaded += (sender, e) => UpdateCombos ();
			IdeApp.Workspace.SolutionUnloaded += (sender, e) => UpdateCombos ();

			IdeApp.ProjectOperations.CurrentSelectedSolutionChanged += HandleCurrentSelectedSolutionChanged;

			WidgetFlags |= Gtk.WidgetFlags.AppPaintable;

			AddWidget (button);
			AddSpace (8);

			configurationCombo = new Gtk.ComboBox ();
			configurationCombo.Model = configurationStore;
			var ctx = new Gtk.CellRendererText ();
			configurationCombo.PackStart (ctx, true);
			configurationCombo.AddAttribute (ctx, "text", 0);

			configurationCombosBox = new HBox (false, 8);

			var configurationComboVBox = new VBox ();
			configurationComboVBox.PackStart (configurationCombo, true, false, 0);
			configurationCombosBox.PackStart (configurationComboVBox, false, false, 0);

			runtimeCombo = new Gtk.ComboBox ();
			runtimeCombo.Model = runtimeStore;
			ctx = new Gtk.CellRendererText ();
			runtimeCombo.PackStart (ctx, true);
			runtimeCombo.SetCellDataFunc (ctx, RuntimeRenderCell);
			runtimeCombo.RowSeparatorFunc = RuntimeIsSeparator;

			var runtimeComboVBox = new VBox ();
			runtimeComboVBox.PackStart (runtimeCombo, true, false, 0);
			configurationCombosBox.PackStart (runtimeComboVBox, false, false, 0);
			AddWidget (configurationCombosBox);

			buttonBarBox = new Alignment (0.5f, 0.5f, 0, 0);
			buttonBarBox.LeftPadding = (uint) 7;
			buttonBarBox.Add (buttonBar);
			buttonBarBox.NoShowAll = true;
			AddWidget (buttonBarBox);
			AddSpace (24);

			statusArea = new StatusArea ();
			statusArea.ShowMessage (BrandingService.ApplicationName);

			var statusAreaAlign = new Alignment (0, 0, 1, 1);
			statusAreaAlign.Add (statusArea);
			contentBox.PackStart (statusAreaAlign, true, true, 0);
			AddSpace (24);

			statusAreaAlign.SizeAllocated += (object o, SizeAllocatedArgs args) => {
				Gtk.Widget toplevel = this.Toplevel;
				if (toplevel == null)

				int windowWidth = toplevel.Allocation.Width;
				int center = windowWidth / 2;
				int left = Math.Max (center - 300, args.Allocation.Left);
				int right = Math.Min (left + 600, args.Allocation.Right);
				uint left_padding = (uint) (left - args.Allocation.Left);
				uint right_padding = (uint) (args.Allocation.Right - right);

				if (left_padding != statusAreaAlign.LeftPadding || right_padding != statusAreaAlign.RightPadding)
					statusAreaAlign.SetPadding (0, 0, (uint) left_padding, (uint) right_padding);

			matchEntry = new SearchEntry ();

			var searchFiles = this.matchEntry.AddMenuItem (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Search Files"));
			searchFiles.Activated += delegate {
				SetSearchCategory ("files");
			var searchTypes = this.matchEntry.AddMenuItem (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Search Types"));
			searchTypes.Activated += delegate {
				SetSearchCategory ("type");
			var searchMembers = this.matchEntry.AddMenuItem (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Search Members"));
			searchMembers.Activated += delegate {
				SetSearchCategory ("member");

			matchEntry.ForceFilterButtonVisible = true;
			matchEntry.Entry.FocusOutEvent += delegate {
				matchEntry.Entry.Text = "";
			var cmd = IdeApp.CommandService.GetCommand (Commands.NavigateTo);
			cmd.KeyBindingChanged += delegate {
				UpdateSearchEntryLabel ();
			UpdateSearchEntryLabel ();

			matchEntry.Ready = true;
			matchEntry.Visible = true;
			matchEntry.IsCheckMenu = true;
			matchEntry.Entry.ModifyBase (StateType.Normal, Style.White);
			matchEntry.WidthRequest = 240;
			matchEntry.RoundedShape = true;
			matchEntry.Entry.Changed += HandleSearchEntryChanged;
			matchEntry.Activated += (sender, e) => {
				var pattern = SearchPopupSearchPattern.ParsePattern (matchEntry.Entry.Text);
				if (pattern.Pattern == null && pattern.LineNumber > 0) {
					popup.Destroy ();
					var doc = IdeApp.Workbench.ActiveDocument;
					if (doc != null && doc != null) {
						doc.Select ();
						doc.Editor.Caret.Location = new Mono.TextEditor.DocumentLocation (pattern.LineNumber, pattern.Column > 0 ? pattern.Column : 1);
						doc.Editor.CenterToCaret ();
						doc.Editor.Parent.StartCaretPulseAnimation ();
				if (popup != null)
					popup.OpenFile ();
			matchEntry.Entry.KeyPressEvent += (o, args) => {
				if (args.Event.Key == Gdk.Key.Escape) {
					var doc = IdeApp.Workbench.ActiveDocument;
					if (doc != null) {
						if (popup != null)
							popup.Destroy ();
						doc.Select ();
				if (popup != null) {
					args.RetVal = popup.ProcessKey (args.Event.Key, args.Event.State);
			IdeApp.Workbench.RootWindow.WidgetEvent += delegate(object o, WidgetEventArgs args) {
				if (args.Event is Gdk.EventConfigure)
					PositionPopup ();

			BuildToolbar ();
			IdeApp.CommandService.RegisterCommandBar (buttonBar);

			AddinManager.ExtensionChanged += delegate(object sender, ExtensionEventArgs args) {
				if (args.PathChanged (ToolbarExtensionPath))
					BuildToolbar ();

			contentBox.PackStart (matchEntry, false, false, 0);

			var align = new Gtk.Alignment (0, 0, 1f, 1f);
			align.Show ();
			align.TopPadding = (uint) 5;
			align.LeftPadding = (uint) 9;
			align.RightPadding = (uint) 18;
			align.BottomPadding = (uint) 10;
			align.Add (contentBox);

			Add (align);
			SetDefaultSizes (-1, 21);
			UpdateCombos ();

			button.Clicked += HandleStartButtonClicked;
			IdeApp.CommandService.RegisterCommandBar (this);

			IdeApp.CommandService.ActiveWidgetChanged += (sender, e) => {
				lastCommandTarget = e.OldActiveWidget;

			this.ShowAll ();
			this.statusArea.statusIconBox.HideAll ();
        public MainToolbar()
            IdeApp.Workspace.ActiveConfigurationChanged += (sender, e) => UpdateCombos();
            IdeApp.Workspace.ConfigurationsChanged      += (sender, e) => UpdateCombos();

            IdeApp.Workspace.SolutionLoaded   += (sender, e) => UpdateCombos();
            IdeApp.Workspace.SolutionUnloaded += (sender, e) => UpdateCombos();

            IdeApp.ProjectOperations.CurrentSelectedSolutionChanged += HandleCurrentSelectedSolutionChanged;

            WidgetFlags |= Gtk.WidgetFlags.AppPaintable;


            configurationCombo       = new Gtk.ComboBox();
            configurationCombo.Model = configurationStore;
            var ctx = new Gtk.CellRendererText();

            configurationCombo.PackStart(ctx, true);
            configurationCombo.AddAttribute(ctx, "text", 0);

            configurationCombosBox = new HBox(false, 8);

            var configurationComboVBox = new VBox();

            configurationComboVBox.PackStart(configurationCombo, true, false, 0);
            configurationCombosBox.PackStart(configurationComboVBox, false, false, 0);

            runtimeCombo       = new Gtk.ComboBox();
            runtimeCombo.Model = runtimeStore;
            runtimeCombo.PackStart(ctx, true);
            runtimeCombo.AddAttribute(ctx, "text", 0);

            var runtimeComboVBox = new VBox();

            runtimeComboVBox.PackStart(runtimeCombo, true, false, 0);
            configurationCombosBox.PackStart(runtimeComboVBox, false, false, 0);

            buttonBarBox             = new Alignment(0.5f, 0.5f, 0, 0);
            buttonBarBox.LeftPadding = 7;
            buttonBarBox.NoShowAll = true;

            statusArea = new StatusArea();

            var statusAreaAlign = new Alignment(0, 0, 1, 1);

            contentBox.PackStart(statusAreaAlign, true, true, 0);

            statusAreaAlign.SizeAllocated += (object o, SizeAllocatedArgs args) => {
                Gtk.Widget toplevel = this.Toplevel;
                if (toplevel == null)

                int  windowWidth   = toplevel.Allocation.Width;
                int  center        = windowWidth / 2;
                int  left          = Math.Max(center - 300, args.Allocation.Left);
                int  right         = Math.Min(left + 600, args.Allocation.Right);
                uint left_padding  = (uint)(left - args.Allocation.Left);
                uint right_padding = (uint)(args.Allocation.Right - right);

                if (left_padding != statusAreaAlign.LeftPadding || right_padding != statusAreaAlign.RightPadding)
                    statusAreaAlign.SetPadding(0, 0, (uint)left_padding, (uint)right_padding);

            matchEntry = new SearchEntry();

            var searchFiles = this.matchEntry.AddMenuItem(GettextCatalog.GetString("Search Files"));

            searchFiles.Activated += delegate {
            var searchTypes = this.matchEntry.AddMenuItem(GettextCatalog.GetString("Search Types"));

            searchTypes.Activated += delegate {
            var searchMembers = this.matchEntry.AddMenuItem(GettextCatalog.GetString("Search Members"));

            searchMembers.Activated += delegate {

            matchEntry.ForceFilterButtonVisible = true;
            matchEntry.Entry.FocusOutEvent     += delegate {
                matchEntry.Entry.Text = "";
            var cmd = IdeApp.CommandService.GetCommand(Commands.NavigateTo);

            cmd.KeyBindingChanged += delegate {

            matchEntry.Ready       = true;
            matchEntry.Visible     = true;
            matchEntry.IsCheckMenu = true;
            matchEntry.Entry.ModifyBase(StateType.Normal, Style.White);
            matchEntry.WidthRequest   = 240;
            matchEntry.RoundedShape   = true;
            matchEntry.Entry.Changed += HandleSearchEntryChanged;
            matchEntry.Activated     += (sender, e) => {
                if (popup != null)
            matchEntry.Entry.KeyPressEvent += (o, args) => {
                if (args.Event.Key == Gdk.Key.Escape)
                    var doc = IdeApp.Workbench.ActiveDocument;
                    if (doc != null)
                        if (popup != null)
                if (popup != null)
                    args.RetVal = popup.ProcessKey(args.Event.Key, args.Event.State);
            IdeApp.Workbench.RootWindow.WidgetEvent += delegate(object o, WidgetEventArgs args) {
                if (args.Event is Gdk.EventConfigure)


            AddinManager.ExtensionChanged += delegate(object sender, ExtensionEventArgs args) {
                if (args.PathChanged(ToolbarExtensionPath))

            contentBox.PackStart(matchEntry, false, false, 0);

            var align = new Gtk.Alignment(0, 0, 1f, 1f);

            align.TopPadding    = 5;
            align.LeftPadding   = 9;
            align.RightPadding  = 18;
            align.BottomPadding = 10;


            button.Clicked += HandleStartButtonClicked;