public void PopulateList ()
			// Retrieve all our notes and put them in the list
			var notes = NoteRepository.GetAllNotes ();
			//var adapter = new ArrayAdapter<Note> (this, Resource.Layout.noteslist_item, notes.ToList ());
			var adapter = new NoteAdapter (this, this, Resource.Layout.NoteListRow, notes.ToArray ());
			ListAdapter = adapter;
        public void PopulateList()
            // Retrieve all our notes and put them in the list
            var notes = NoteRepository.GetAllNotes();
            //var adapter = new ArrayAdapter<Note> (this, Resource.Layout.noteslist_item, notes.ToList ());
            var adapter = new NoteAdapter(this, this, Resource.Layout.NoteListRow, notes.ToArray());

            ListAdapter = adapter;