Beispiel #1
        static void GetTypePaths(MDocToHtmlConverterOptions opts, XmlElement type, out string typename, out string srcfile, out string destfile)
            srcfile  = null;
            destfile = null;

            string nsname       = type.ParentNode.Attributes ["Name"].Value;
            string typefilebase = type.GetAttribute("Name");
            string sourceDir    = type.GetAttribute("SourceDirectory");

            typename = type.GetAttribute("DisplayName");
            if (typename.Length == 0)
                typename = typefilebase;

            if (opts.onlytype != null && !(nsname + "." + typename).StartsWith(opts.onlytype))

            srcfile = CombinePath(sourceDir, nsname, typefilebase + ".xml");
            if (srcfile == null)

            destfile = CombinePath(opts.dest, nsname, typefilebase + "." + opts.ext);
Beispiel #2
        static bool ShouldRegenIndexes(MDocToHtmlConverterOptions opts, XmlDocument overview, List <string> sourceDirectories)
            string overviewDest = opts.dest + "/index." + opts.ext;

            if (sourceDirectories.Any(
                    d => !DestinationIsNewer(Path.Combine(d, "index.xml"), overviewDest)))

            foreach (XmlElement type in overview.SelectNodes("Overview/Types/Namespace/Type"))
                string _, srcfile, destfile;
                GetTypePaths(opts, type, out _, out srcfile, out destfile);

                if (srcfile == null || destfile == null)
                if (DestinationIsNewer(srcfile, destfile))

	public override void Run (IEnumerable<string> args)
		opts = new MDocToHtmlConverterOptions ();
		var p = new OptionSet () {
			{ "default-template",
				"Writes the default XSLT to stdout.",
				v => opts.dumptemplate = v != null },
			{ "ext=",
				"The file {EXTENSION} to use for created files.  "+
					"This defaults to \"html\".",
				v => opts.ext = v },
			{ "force-update",
				"Always generate new files.  If not specified, will only generate a " + 
					"new file if the source .xml file is newer than the current output " +
				v => opts.forceUpdate = v != null },
			{ "o|out=",
				"The {DIRECTORY} to place the generated files and directories.",
				v => opts.dest = v },
			{ "template=",
				"An XSLT {FILE} to use to generate the created " + 
					"files.If not specified, uses the template generated by " + 
				v => opts.template = v },
			{ "with-profile=",
				"The .NET {PROFILE} to generate documentation for.  This is " + 
					"equivalent to using --with-version for all of the " +
					"versions that a profile uses.  Valid profiles are:\n  " +
					string.Join ("\n  ", profiles.Keys.OrderBy (v => v).ToArray ()),
				v => {
					if (!profiles.ContainsKey (v))
						throw new ArgumentException (string.Format ("Unsupported profile '{0}'.", v));
					foreach (var ver in profiles [v.ToLowerInvariant ()])
						opts.versions.Add (ver);
				} },
			{ "with-version=",
				"The assembly {VERSION} to generate documentation for.  This allows " + 
					"display of a subset of types/members that correspond to the given " +
					"assembly version.  May be specified multiple times.  " + 
					"If not specified, all versions are displayed.",
				v => opts.versions.Add (v) }
		List<string> extra = Parse (p, args, "export-html", 
				"Export mdoc documentation within DIRECTORIES to HTML.");
		if (extra == null)
		if (opts.dumptemplate)
			DumpTemplate ();
			ProcessDirectories (extra);
		opts.onlytype = "ignore"; // remove warning about unused member
Beispiel #4
        public override void Run(IEnumerable <string> args)
            opts = new MDocToHtmlConverterOptions();
            var p = new OptionSet()
                { "default-template",
                  "Writes the default XSLT to stdout.",
                  v => opts.dumptemplate = v != null },
                { "ext=",
                  "The file {EXTENSION} to use for created files.  " +
                  "This defaults to \"html\".",
                  v => opts.ext = v },
                { "force-update",
                  "Always generate new files.  If not specified, will only generate a " +
                  "new file if the source .xml file is newer than the current output " +
                  v => opts.forceUpdate = v != null },
                { "o|out=",
                  "The {DIRECTORY} to place the generated files and directories.",
                  v => opts.dest = v },
                { "template=",
                  "An XSLT {FILE} to use to generate the created " +
                  "files.If not specified, uses the template generated by " +
                  v => opts.template = v },
                { "with-profile=",
                  "The .NET {PROFILE} to generate documentation for.  This is " +
                  "equivalent to using --with-version for all of the " +
                  "versions that a profile uses.  Valid profiles are:\n  " +
                  string.Join("\n  ", profiles.Keys.OrderBy(v => v).ToArray()),
                  v => {
                      if (!profiles.ContainsKey(v))
                          throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Unsupported profile '{0}'.", v));
                      foreach (var ver in profiles[v.ToLowerInvariant()])
                  } },
                { "with-version=",
                  "The assembly {VERSION} to generate documentation for.  This allows " +
                  "display of a subset of types/members that correspond to the given " +
                  "assembly version.  May be specified multiple times.  " +
                  "If not specified, all versions are displayed.",
                  v => opts.versions.Add(v) }
            List <string> extra = Parse(p, args, "export-html",
                                        "[OPTIONS]+ DIRECTORIES",
                                        "Export mdoc documentation within DIRECTORIES to HTML.");

            if (extra == null)
            if (opts.dumptemplate)
            opts.onlytype = "ignore";     // remove warning about unused member
Beispiel #5
	static void GetTypePaths (MDocToHtmlConverterOptions opts, XmlElement type, out string typename, out string srcfile, out string destfile)
		srcfile   = null;
		destfile  = null;

		string nsname       = type.ParentNode.Attributes ["Name"].Value;
		string typefilebase = type.GetAttribute("Name");
		string sourceDir    = type.GetAttribute("SourceDirectory");
		typename            = type.GetAttribute("DisplayName");
		if (typename.Length == 0)
			typename = typefilebase;
		if (opts.onlytype != null && !(nsname + "." + typename).StartsWith(opts.onlytype))

		srcfile = CombinePath (sourceDir, nsname, typefilebase + ".xml");
		if (srcfile == null)

		destfile = CombinePath (opts.dest, nsname, typefilebase + "." + opts.ext);
Beispiel #6
	static bool ShouldRegenIndexes (MDocToHtmlConverterOptions opts, XmlDocument overview, List<string> sourceDirectories)
		string overviewDest   = opts.dest + "/index." + opts.ext;
		if (sourceDirectories.Any (
					d => !DestinationIsNewer (Path.Combine (d, "index.xml"), overviewDest)))
			return true;

		foreach (XmlElement type in overview.SelectNodes("Overview/Types/Namespace/Type")) {
			string _, srcfile, destfile;
			GetTypePaths (opts, type, out _, out srcfile, out destfile);

			if (srcfile == null || destfile == null)
			if (DestinationIsNewer (srcfile, destfile))
				return true;

		return false;