/// <summary>
        ///     Patches the current assembly with your patching assembly.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="yourAssembly">Your patching assembly.</param>
        /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentException">The assembly MUST have the PatchAssemblyAttribute attribute. Sorry.</exception>
        public void PatchAssembly(AssemblyDefinition yourAssembly)
            try {
                /*	The point of this method is to introduce all the patched elements in the correct order,
             * 	so the user doesn't have to worry about dependencies between code elements, and can have circular  dependencies.
             * 	The order is the following:
             *  1. Declare all the new types, in the order of their nesting level (.e.g topmost types, nested types, types nested in those, etc),
                 *  But don't set anything that references other things, like BaseType, interfaces, custom attributes, etc.
                 *  Type parameters *are* added at this stage, but no constraints are specified.
             *  2. Remove any methods that need removing.
             *	3. Declare all the new methods, including signatures and type parameters + constraints, but without setting their bodies.
                 *	This is performed now because types can reference attribute constructors that don't exist until we create them,
                 *	but method definitions alone just reference types, and don't need to know about inheritance or constraints.
                 *	Don't set custom attributes in this stage.
             *  4. Add any custom attributes for things that aren't part of the method/type hierarchy, such as assemblies.
             *  5.  Set the type information we didn't set in (1), according to the same order, including custom attributes.
                 *  When/if modifying type inheritance is allowed, this process will occur at this stage.
             * 	6.	remove/define/modify fields. This is where most enum processing happens. Custom attributes are set at this stage.
             * 	7.	Remove/define/modify properties. This doesn't change anything about methods. Custom attributes are set at this stage.
             * 	8.	Fill/modify the bodies of all remaining methods, and also modify accessibility/attributes of existing ones.
             * 			Note that methods that are the source of DuplicatesBody will be resolved in their unmodified version,
             * 			so the modifications won't influence this functionality.
                   		Custom attributes are set at this stage.
                 *		Also, explicit overrides (what in C# is explicit interface implementation) are specified here.

            Standard order of business for order between modify/remove/update:
            1. Remove Xs
            2. Create new Xs
            3. Update existing Xs (+ those we just created)
                    "Patching assembly {PatchName:l} [{PatchPath:l}] => {OrigName:l} [{OrigPath:l}]",

                if (!yourAssembly.IsPatchingAssembly()) {
                    throw new PatchDeclerationException(
                        "The assembly MUST have the PatchAssemblyAttribute attribute. Sorry.");

                var allTypesInOrder = GetAllTypesInNestingOrder(yourAssembly.MainModule.Types).ToList();
                //+ Organizing types by action attribute
                var typesByActionSeq =
                    from type in allTypesInOrder
                    let typeActionAttr = GetTypeActionAttribute(type)
                    where typeActionAttr != null && Filter(type)
                    orderby type.UserFriendlyName()
                    group new {
                        yourType = type,
                    } by typeActionAttr.GetType();

                var typesByAction = typesByActionSeq.ToSimpleTypeLookup();

                Log.Information("Type Tasks: {@Tasks}",
                    new {
                        ByTask = new {
                            Replace = typesByAction[typeof (ReplaceTypeAttribute)].Count(),
                            Modify = typesByAction[typeof (ModifiesTypeAttribute)].Count(),
                            Create = typesByAction[typeof (NewTypeAttribute)].Count()
                        Total = typesByAction.Count

                //++ 1. Creating new types
                Log.Information("Creating new types");
                foreach (var newTypeAction in typesByAction[typeof (NewTypeAttribute)]) {
                    var status = CreateNewType(newTypeAction.yourType,
                        (NewTypeAttribute) newTypeAction.typeActionAttr);
                    if (status == NewMemberStatus.InvalidItem) {

                //+ Pairing types, organizing for modification
                //we pair off each yourType with the targetType it modifies (note that a targetType is also one we created just now)
                //we'll use these pairings throughout the rest of the method.
                var typePairingsSeq =
                    from typeGroup in typesByAction
                    from typeAction in typeGroup
                    group new {
                        targetType = GetPatchedTypeByName(typeAction.yourType)
                    } by typeAction.typeActionAttr.GetType();

                var typePairings = typePairingsSeq.ToSimpleTypeLookup(); //cache them
                foreach (var pairing in typePairings.SelectMany(x => x)) {
                    if (pairing.targetType == null) {
                        throw Errors.Missing_member("type",
                    if (pairing.targetType.IsInterface && !(pairing.typeActionAttr is NewTypeAttribute)) {
                        throw Errors.Invalid_member("type",
                            "You cannot modify existing interfaces.");
                //+ Organizing methods
                Log.Information("Organizing methods.");
                var methodActionsSeq =
                    from pair in typePairings.SelectMany(x => x)
                    from yourMethod in pair.yourType.Methods
                    where !yourMethod.HasCustomAttribute<DisablePatchingAttribute>()
                    let actionAttr = GetMemberActionAttribute(yourMethod, pair.typeActionAttr)
                    where actionAttr != null
                    group new {
                        methodActionAttr = actionAttr
                    } by actionAttr.GetType();

                var methodActions = methodActionsSeq.ToSimpleTypeLookup();

                Log.Information("Method Tasks: {@Tasks}",
                    new {
                        ByTask = new {
                            CreateAndModify = methodActions[typeof (NewMemberAttribute)].Count(),
                            Remove = methodActions[typeof (RemoveThisMemberAttribute)].Count(),
                            Modify = methodActions[typeof (ModifiesMemberAttribute)].Count()
                        Total = methodActions.Count

                //+ Organizing fields
                var fieldActionsSeq =
                    //we create a list of all fields, as well as the action to perform with each field
                    from typeAction in typePairings.SelectMany(x => x)
                    from yourField in typeAction.yourType.Fields
                    where !yourField.HasCustomAttribute<DisablePatchingAttribute>()
                    let fieldActionAttr = GetMemberActionAttribute(yourField, typeAction.typeActionAttr)
                    where fieldActionAttr != null
                    group //grouping the fields is mostly for debugging purposes
                        new {
                        } by fieldActionAttr.GetType();

                var fieldActions = fieldActionsSeq.ToSimpleTypeLookup();
                Log.Information("Field Tasks: {@Tasks}",
                    new {
                        ByTask = new {
                            CreateAndModify = fieldActions[typeof (NewMemberAttribute)].Count(),
                            Remove = fieldActions[typeof (RemoveThisMemberAttribute)].Count(),
                            Modify = fieldActions[typeof (ModifiesMemberAttribute)].Count()
                        Total = fieldActions.Count

                //+ Organizing properties
                var propActionsSeq =
                    from pair in typePairings.SelectMany(x => x)
                    from yourProp in pair.yourType.Properties
                    where !yourProp.HasCustomAttribute<DisablePatchingAttribute>()
                    let propActionAttr = GetMemberActionAttribute(yourProp, pair.typeActionAttr)
                    where propActionAttr != null
                    group new {
                    } by propActionAttr.GetType();

                var propActions = propActionsSeq.ToSimpleTypeLookup();

                Log.Information("Property Tasks: {@Tasks}",
                    new {
                        ByTask = new {
                            CreateAndModify = propActions[typeof (NewMemberAttribute)].Count(),
                            Remove = propActions[typeof (RemoveThisMemberAttribute)].Count(),
                            Modify = propActions[typeof (ModifiesTypeAttribute)].Count()
                        Total = propActions.Count

                //++ 2. Removing methods
                //remove all the methods
                Log.Header("Removing methods");
                foreach (var actionParams in methodActions[typeof (RemoveThisMemberAttribute)]) {
                    var result = actionParams.targetType.GetMethodsLike(actionParams.yourMethod).ToList().Any(x => actionParams.targetType.Methods.Remove(x));
                    if (!result) {
                        LogFailedToRemove("method", actionParams.yourMethod);

                //++ 3. Creating new methods
                Log.Header("Creating new methods");
                //create all the new methods
                foreach (var actionParams in methodActions[typeof (NewMemberAttribute)]) {
                    var status = CreateNewMethod(actionParams.targetType,
                        (NewMemberAttribute) actionParams.methodActionAttr);
                    if (status == NewMemberStatus.InvalidItem) {

                //++ 4. Adding custom attributes to module/assembly.
                var assemblyImportAttribute = yourAssembly.GetCustomAttribute<ImportCustomAttributesAttribute>();
                var moduleImportAttribute = yourAssembly.MainModule.GetCustomAttribute<ImportCustomAttributesAttribute>();
                CopyCustomAttributesByImportAttribute(TargetAssembly, yourAssembly, assemblyImportAttribute);
                CopyCustomAttributesByImportAttribute(TargetAssembly.MainModule, yourAssembly.MainModule, moduleImportAttribute);

                //++ 5. Modifying type declerations
                Log.Information("Updating Type Ceclerations");
                foreach (var modType in typesByAction[typeof (NewTypeAttribute)]) {

                //++ 6. Updating Fields
                Log.Header("Clearing fields in replaced types");
                //+ Removing fields in replaced types
                foreach (var pairing in typePairings[typeof (ReplaceTypeAttribute)]) {
                    Log.Information("Clearing fields in {0:l}", pairing.targetType.UserFriendlyName());

                //+ Removing fields
                Log.Header("Removing fields");
                foreach (var fieldAction in fieldActions[typeof (RemoveThisMemberAttribute)]) {
                    var removed =
                        fieldAction.targetType.Fields.RemoveWhere(x => x.Name == fieldAction.yourField.Name);
                    if (!removed) {
                        LogFailedToRemove("field", fieldAction.yourField);

                //+ Creating new fields
                Log.Header("Creating new fields");
                foreach (var fieldAction in fieldActions[typeof (NewMemberAttribute)]) {
                    var status = CreateNewField(fieldAction.targetType,
                        (NewMemberAttribute) fieldAction.fieldActionAttr);
                    if (status == NewMemberStatus.InvalidItem) {

                //+ Modifying existing fields
                Log.Header("Modifying fields");
                foreach (
                    var fieldAction in fieldActions[typeof (ModifiesMemberAttribute), typeof (NewMemberAttribute)]) {
                    AutoModifyField(fieldAction.targetType, fieldAction.fieldActionAttr, fieldAction.yourField);

                //++ 7. Updating properties
                Log.Header("Removing properties");
                //+ Removing properties
                foreach (var propAction in propActions[typeof (RemoveThisMemberAttribute)]) {
                    var removed =
                        propAction.targetType.Properties.RemoveWhere(x => x.Name == propAction.yourProp.Name);
                    if (!removed) {
                        LogFailedToRemove("field", propAction.yourProp);

                Log.Header("Creating properties");
                //+ Creating properties
                foreach (var propAction in propActions[typeof (NewMemberAttribute)]) {
                    var status = CreateNewProperty(propAction.targetType,
                        (NewMemberAttribute) propAction.propActionAttr);
                    if (status == NewMemberStatus.InvalidItem) {

                Log.Header("Modifying properties");
                //+ Modifying properties
                foreach (
                    var propAction in propActions[typeof (ModifiesMemberAttribute), typeof (NewMemberAttribute)]) {
                    AutoModifyProperty(propAction.targetType, propAction.propActionAttr, propAction.yourProp);
                //++ 8. Finalizing methods, generating method bodies.
                Log.Header("Modifying/generating method bodies");
                foreach (var methodAction in methodActions[typeof (ModifiesMemberAttribute), typeof (NewMemberAttribute)]) {

                Log.Information("Patching {@PatchName:l} => {@OrigName:l} completed",
            catch (Exception ex) {
                    "An exception was unhandled. Since execution was halted mid-way, this means that this AssemblyPatcher has been corrupted.");