Beispiel #1
		public HoistedParameter (AnonymousMethodStorey scope, ParameterReference par)
			: base (scope, par.Name, par.Type)
			this.parameter = par;
Beispiel #2
		public HoistedParameter (HoistedParameter hp, string name)
			: base (hp.storey, name, hp.parameter.Type)
			this.parameter = hp.parameter;
Beispiel #3
		public void CaptureParameter (ResolveContext ec, ParametersBlock.ParameterInfo parameterInfo, ParameterReference parameterReference)
			if (!(this is StateMachine)) {
				ec.CurrentBlock.Explicit.HasCapturedVariable = true;

			var hoisted = parameterInfo.Parameter.HoistedVariant;

			if (parameterInfo.Block.StateMachine != null) {
				// Another storey in same block exists but state machine does not
				// have parameter captured. We need to add it there as well to
				// proxy parameter value correctly.
				if (hoisted == null && parameterInfo.Block.StateMachine != this) {
					var storey = parameterInfo.Block.StateMachine;

					hoisted = new HoistedParameter (storey, parameterReference);
					parameterInfo.Parameter.HoistedVariant = hoisted;

					if (storey.hoisted_params == null)
						storey.hoisted_params = new List<HoistedParameter> ();

					storey.hoisted_params.Add (hoisted);

				// Lift captured parameter from value type storey to reference type one. Otherwise
				// any side effects would be done on a copy
				if (hoisted != null && hoisted.Storey != this && hoisted.Storey is StateMachine) {
					if (hoisted_local_params == null)
						hoisted_local_params = new List<HoistedParameter> ();

					hoisted_local_params.Add (hoisted);
					hoisted = null;

			if (hoisted == null) {
				hoisted = new HoistedParameter (this, parameterReference);
				parameterInfo.Parameter.HoistedVariant = hoisted;

				if (hoisted_params == null)
					hoisted_params = new List<HoistedParameter> ();

				hoisted_params.Add (hoisted);

			// Register link between current block and parameter storey. It will
			// be used when setting up storey definition to deploy storey reference
			// when parameters are used from multiple blocks
			if (ec.CurrentBlock.Explicit != parameterInfo.Block) {
				hoisted.Storey.AddReferenceFromChildrenBlock (ec.CurrentBlock.Explicit);
Beispiel #4
		public void CaptureParameter (ResolveContext ec, ParameterReference param_ref)
			ec.CurrentBlock.Explicit.HasCapturedVariable = true;
			AddReferenceFromChildrenBlock (ec.CurrentBlock.Explicit);

			if (param_ref.GetHoistedVariable (ec) != null)

			if (hoisted_params == null)
				hoisted_params = new List<HoistedParameter> (2);

			var expr = new HoistedParameter (this, param_ref);
			param_ref.Parameter.HoistedVariant = expr;
			hoisted_params.Add (expr);
Beispiel #5
		// Creates an arguments set from all parameters, useful for method proxy calls
		public Arguments GetAllParametersArguments ()
			int count = parameters.Count;
			Arguments args = new Arguments (count);
			for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
				var arg_expr = new ParameterReference (parameter_info[i], parameters[i].Location);
				args.Add (new Argument (arg_expr));

			return args;
Beispiel #6
		public void CaptureParameter (ResolveContext ec, ParametersBlock.ParameterInfo parameterInfo, ParameterReference parameterReference)
			if (!(this is StateMachine)) {
				ec.CurrentBlock.Explicit.HasCapturedVariable = true;

			var hoisted = parameterInfo.Parameter.HoistedVariant;
			if (hoisted == null) {
				var storey = parameterInfo.Block.StateMachine ?? this;
				var hp = new HoistedParameter (storey, parameterReference);
				hoisted = hp;
				parameterInfo.Parameter.HoistedVariant = hoisted;

				if (storey.hoisted_params == null)
					storey.hoisted_params = new List<HoistedParameter> (2);

				storey.hoisted_params.Add (hp);

			// Register link between current block and parameter storey. It will
			// be used when setting up storey definition to deploy storey reference
			// when parameters are used from multiple blocks
			if (ec.CurrentBlock.Explicit != parameterInfo.Block) {
				hoisted.Storey.AddReferenceFromChildrenBlock (ec.CurrentBlock.Explicit);
Beispiel #7
		public void CaptureParameter (EmitContext ec, ParameterReference param_ref)
			if (param_ref.HoistedVariable != null)

			if (hoisted_params == null)
				hoisted_params = new ArrayList (2);

			HoistedVariable expr = new HoistedParameter (this, param_ref);
			param_ref.Parameter.HoistedVariableReference = expr;
			hoisted_params.Add (expr);