// protected methods
 protected override void WriteBody(BsonBuffer buffer)
     buffer.WriteCString(new UTF8Encoding(false, true), _collectionFullName);
     _firstDocumentStartPosition = buffer.Position;
     // documents to be added later by calling AddDocument
 public static BsonWriter Create(
     BsonBuffer buffer,
     BsonBinaryWriterSettings settings
     return new BsonBinaryWriter(null, buffer, settings);
 internal void ResetBatch(BsonBuffer buffer, byte[] lastDocument)
     buffer.Position = _firstDocumentStartPosition;
     buffer.Length = _firstDocumentStartPosition;
 internal virtual void WriteHeaderTo(BsonBuffer buffer)
     buffer.WriteInt32(0); // messageLength will be backpatched later
     buffer.WriteInt32(0); // responseTo not used in requests sent by client
        // public methods
        public WriteConcernResult Execute(MongoConnection connection)
            var serverInstance = connection.ServerInstance;
            if (serverInstance.Supports(FeatureId.WriteCommands) && _args.WriteConcern.Enabled)
                var emulator = new UpdateOpcodeOperationEmulator(_args);
                return emulator.Execute(connection);

            SendMessageWithWriteConcernResult sendMessageResult;
            using (var buffer = new BsonBuffer(new MultiChunkBuffer(BsonChunkPool.Default), true))
                var requests = _args.Requests.ToList();
                if (requests.Count != 1)
                    throw new NotSupportedException("Update opcode only supports a single update request.");
                var updateRequest = (UpdateRequest)requests[0];

                var flags = UpdateFlags.None;
                if (updateRequest.IsMultiUpdate ?? false) { flags |= UpdateFlags.Multi; }
                if (updateRequest.IsUpsert ?? false) { flags |= UpdateFlags.Upsert; }

                var maxDocumentSize = connection.ServerInstance.MaxDocumentSize;
                var query = updateRequest.Query ?? new QueryDocument();

                var message = new MongoUpdateMessage(WriterSettings, CollectionFullName, _args.CheckElementNames, flags, maxDocumentSize, query, updateRequest.Update);

                sendMessageResult =  SendMessageWithWriteConcern(connection, buffer, message.RequestId, ReaderSettings, WriterSettings, WriteConcern);

            return WriteConcern.Enabled ? ReadWriteConcernResult(connection, sendMessageResult) : null;
 // protected methods
 protected override void WriteBody(BsonBuffer buffer)
     buffer.WriteInt32(0); // reserved
     buffer.WriteCString(new UTF8Encoding(false, true), _collectionFullName);
 public static BsonReader Create(
     BsonBuffer buffer,
     BsonBinaryReaderSettings settings
     return new BsonBinaryReader(buffer, settings);
        public void Test20KDocument()
            // manufacture an approximately 20K document using 200 strings each 100 characters long
            // it's enough to cause the document to straddle a chunk boundary
            var document = new BsonDocument();
            var value = new string('x', 100);
            for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++)
                var name = i.ToString();
                document.Add(name, value);

            // round trip tests
            var bson = document.ToBson();
            var rehydrated = BsonSerializer.Deserialize<BsonDocument>(bson);

            // test failure mode when 20 bytes are truncated from the buffer
            using (var buffer = new BsonBuffer())
                buffer.LoadFrom(new MemoryStream(bson));
                buffer.Length -= 20;
                using (var bsonReader = BsonReader.Create(buffer))
                    Assert.Throws<EndOfStreamException>(() => BsonSerializer.Deserialize<BsonDocument>(bsonReader));
        // internal methods
        internal override void WriteBodyTo(BsonBuffer buffer)
            var processedRequests = new List<InsertRequest>();

            var continuationBatch = _batch as ContinuationBatch<InsertRequest, byte[]>;
            if (continuationBatch != null)
                AddOverflow(buffer, continuationBatch.PendingState);
                continuationBatch.ClearPending(); // so pending objects can be garbage collected sooner

            // always go one document too far so that we can set IsDone as early as possible
            var enumerator = _batch.Enumerator;
            while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                var request = enumerator.Current;
                AddRequest(buffer, request);

                if ((_batchCount > _maxBatchCount || _batchLength > _maxBatchLength) && _batchCount > 1)
                    var serializedDocument = RemoveLastDocument(buffer);
                    var nextBatch = new ContinuationBatch<InsertRequest, byte[]>(enumerator, request, serializedDocument);
                    _batchProgress = new BatchProgress<InsertRequest>(_batchCount, _batchLength, processedRequests, nextBatch);


            _batchProgress = new BatchProgress<InsertRequest>(_batchCount, _batchLength, processedRequests, null);
 internal override void WriteHeaderTo(BsonBuffer buffer)
     buffer.WriteInt32(0); // reserved
     buffer.WriteCString(new UTF8Encoding(false, true), _collectionFullName);
 protected void WriteMessageHeaderTo(
     BsonBuffer buffer
 ) {
     buffer.WriteInt32(0); // messageLength will be backpatched later
     buffer.WriteInt32(0); // responseTo not used in requests sent by client
     buffer.WriteInt32((int) opcode);
 // internal methods
 internal override void WriteBodyTo(BsonBuffer buffer)
     foreach (long cursorId in _cursorIds)
 public void Dispose() {
     if (!disposed) {
         if (disposeBuffer) {
         buffer = null;
         disposed = true;
 internal byte[] RemoveLastDocument(BsonBuffer buffer)
     var lastDocumentLength = buffer.Position - _lastDocumentStartPosition;
     buffer.Position = _lastDocumentStartPosition;
     var lastDocument = buffer.ReadBytes(lastDocumentLength);
     buffer.Length = _lastDocumentStartPosition;
     return lastDocument;
 public BsonBinaryReader(
     BsonBuffer buffer,
     BsonBinaryReaderSettings settings
 ) {
     this.buffer = buffer ?? new BsonBuffer();
     this.disposeBuffer = buffer == null; // only call Dispose if we allocated the buffer
     this.settings = settings;
     context = null;
 // protected methods
 protected override void WriteBody(BsonBuffer buffer)
     buffer.WriteInt32(0); // reserved
     foreach (long cursorId in _cursorIds)
 public override void Dispose() {
     if (!disposed) {
         if (disposeBuffer) {
             buffer = null;
         disposed = true;
 // protected methods
 protected void ReadMessageHeaderFrom(BsonBuffer buffer)
     messageLength = buffer.ReadInt32();
     requestId = buffer.ReadInt32();
     responseTo = buffer.ReadInt32();
     if ((MessageOpcode)buffer.ReadInt32() != opcode)
         throw new FileFormatException("Message header opcode is not the expected one.");
 // internal methods
 internal virtual void ReadHeaderFrom(BsonBuffer buffer)
     _messageLength = buffer.ReadInt32();
     _requestId = buffer.ReadInt32();
     _responseTo = buffer.ReadInt32();
     if ((MessageOpcode)buffer.ReadInt32() != _opcode)
         throw new FileFormatException("Message header opcode is not the expected one.");
 internal MongoQueryMessage(BsonBuffer buffer, BsonBinaryWriterSettings writerSettings, string collectionFullName, QueryFlags flags, int numberToSkip, int numberToReturn, IMongoQuery query, IMongoFields fields)
     : base(MessageOpcode.Query, buffer, writerSettings)
     this.collectionFullName = collectionFullName;
     this.flags = flags;
     this.numberToSkip = numberToSkip;
     this.numberToReturn = numberToReturn;
     this.query = query;
     this.fields = fields;
 // internal methods
 internal void AddDocument(BsonBuffer buffer, Type nominalType, object document)
     _lastDocumentStartPosition = buffer.Position;
     using (var bsonWriter = new BsonBinaryWriter(buffer, false, WriterSettings))
         bsonWriter.CheckElementNames = _checkElementNames;
         BsonSerializer.Serialize(bsonWriter, nominalType, document, DocumentSerializationOptions.SerializeIdFirstInstance);
 public BsonBinaryReader(
     BsonBuffer buffer,
     BsonBinaryReaderSettings settings
 ) {
     this.buffer = buffer ?? new BsonBuffer();
     this.disposeBuffer = buffer == null; // only call Dispose if we allocated the buffer
     this.settings = settings;
     context = null;
     state = BsonReadState.Initial;
     currentBsonType = BsonType.Document;
 protected MongoRequestMessage(
     MongoServer server,
     MessageOpcode opcode,
     BsonBuffer buffer // not null if piggybacking this message onto an existing buffer
     : base(server, opcode)
     this.buffer = buffer ?? new BsonBuffer();
     this.disposeBuffer = buffer == null; // only call Dispose if we allocated the buffer
     this.requestId = Interlocked.Increment(ref lastRequestId);
        public void TestBenchmarks()
            int iterations;
            DateTime start;
            DateTime end;
            TimeSpan duration;

            iterations = 1;
            start = DateTime.UtcNow;
            for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++)
                // about 2.06 on my machine
                //var doc = new BsonDocument {
                //    { "a", 1 },
                //    { "b", 2.0 },
                //    { "c", "hello" },
                //    { "d", DateTime.UtcNow },
                //    { "e", true }
                // };
                byte[] value = { 1, 2, 3, 4 };
                MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();
                for (int n = 0; n < 100000; n++)
                    stream.Write(value, 0, 4);
            end = DateTime.UtcNow;
            duration = end - start;

            start = DateTime.UtcNow;
            for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++)
                // about 2.22 on my machine
                //var doc = new BsonDocument {
                //    { "a", BsonValue.Create((object) 1) },
                //    { "b", BsonValue.Create((object) 2.0) },
                //    { "c", BsonValue.Create((object) "hello") },
                //    { "d", BsonValue.Create((object) DateTime.UtcNow) },
                //    { "e", BsonValue.Create((object) true) }
                byte[] value = { 1, 2, 3, 4 };
                using (var buffer = new BsonBuffer())
                    for (int n = 0; n < 100000; n++)
            end = DateTime.UtcNow;
            duration = end - start;
 public WriteConcernResult Execute(MongoConnection connection)
     using (var buffer = new BsonBuffer(new MultiChunkBuffer(BsonChunkPool.Default), true))
         var readerSettings = GetNodeAdjustedReaderSettings(connection.ServerInstance);
         var writerSettings = GetNodeAdjustedWriterSettings(connection.ServerInstance);
         var message = new MongoDeleteMessage(writerSettings, CollectionFullName, _flags, _query);
         return SendMessageWithWriteConcern(connection, buffer, message.RequestId, readerSettings, writerSettings, WriteConcern);
        protected WriteConcernResult SendMessageWithWriteConcern(
            MongoConnection connection,
            BsonBuffer buffer,
            int requestId,
            BsonBinaryReaderSettings readerSettings,
            BsonBinaryWriterSettings writerSettings,
            WriteConcern writeConcern)
            CommandDocument getLastErrorCommand = null;
            if (writeConcern.Enabled)
                var fsync = (writeConcern.FSync == null) ? null : (BsonValue)writeConcern.FSync;
                var journal = (writeConcern.Journal == null) ? null : (BsonValue)writeConcern.Journal;
                var w = (writeConcern.W == null) ? null : writeConcern.W.ToGetLastErrorWValue();
                var wTimeout = (writeConcern.WTimeout == null) ? null : (BsonValue)(int)writeConcern.WTimeout.Value.TotalMilliseconds;

                getLastErrorCommand = new CommandDocument
                    { "getlasterror", 1 }, // use all lowercase for backward compatibility
                    { "fsync", fsync, fsync != null },
                    { "j", journal, journal != null },
                    { "w", w, w != null },
                    { "wtimeout", wTimeout, wTimeout != null }

                // piggy back on network transmission for message
                var getLastErrorMessage = new MongoQueryMessage(writerSettings, DatabaseName + ".$cmd", QueryFlags.None, 0, 1, getLastErrorCommand, null);

            connection.SendMessage(buffer, requestId);

            WriteConcernResult writeConcernResult = null;
            if (writeConcern.Enabled)
                var writeConcernResultSerializer = BsonSerializer.LookupSerializer(typeof(WriteConcernResult));
                var replyMessage = connection.ReceiveMessage<WriteConcernResult>(readerSettings, writeConcernResultSerializer, null);
                if (replyMessage.NumberReturned == 0)
                    throw new MongoCommandException("Command 'getLastError' failed. No response returned");
                writeConcernResult = replyMessage.Documents[0];
                writeConcernResult.Command = getLastErrorCommand;

                var mappedException = ExceptionMapper.Map(writeConcernResult);
                if (mappedException != null)
                    throw mappedException;

            return writeConcernResult;
 // public methods
 public void Dispose()
     if (!_disposed)
         if (_disposeBuffer)
         _buffer = null;
         _disposed = true;
 // internal methods
 internal void WriteToBuffer(BsonBuffer buffer)
     // normally this method is only called once (from MongoConnection.SendMessage)
     // but in the case of InsertBatch it is called before SendMessage is called to initialize the message so that AddDocument can be called
     // therefore we need the if statement to ignore subsequent calls from SendMessage
     if (_messageStartPosition == -1)
         _messageStartPosition = buffer.Position;
        internal override void WriteHeaderTo(BsonBuffer buffer)
            if ((_flags & QueryFlags.Exhaust) != 0)
                throw new NotSupportedException("The Exhaust QueryFlag is not yet supported.");

            buffer.WriteCString(new UTF8Encoding(false, true), _collectionFullName);
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the BsonBinaryReader class.
 /// <param name="buffer">A BsonBuffer.</param>
 /// <param name="settings">A BsonBinaryReaderSettings.</param>
 /// </summary>
 public BsonBinaryReader(
     BsonBuffer buffer,
     BsonBinaryReaderSettings settings
 ) {
     if (buffer == null) {
         this.buffer = new BsonBuffer();
         this.disposeBuffer = true; // only call Dispose if we allocated the buffer
     } else {
         this.buffer = buffer;
         this.disposeBuffer = false;
     this.settings = settings.Freeze();
     context = new BsonBinaryReaderContext(null, ContextType.TopLevel, 0, 0);
Beispiel #31
 // constructors
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the BsonBinaryReader class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="buffer">A BsonBuffer.</param>
 /// <param name="settings">A BsonBinaryReaderSettings.</param>
 public BsonBinaryReader(BsonBuffer buffer, BsonBinaryReaderSettings settings)
     : this(buffer ?? new BsonBuffer(), buffer == null, settings)
 // public static methods
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a BsonReader for a BsonBuffer.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="buffer">The BsonBuffer.</param>
 /// <returns>A BsonReader.</returns>
 public static BsonReader Create(BsonBuffer buffer)
     return(Create(buffer, BsonBinaryReaderSettings.Defaults));
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a BsonReader for a BsonBuffer.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="buffer">The BsonBuffer.</param>
 /// <param name="settings">Optional reader settings.</param>
 /// <returns>A BsonReader.</returns>
 public static BsonReader Create(BsonBuffer buffer, BsonBinaryReaderSettings settings)
     return(new BsonBinaryReader(buffer, false, settings));
 // constructors
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the BsonBinaryWriter class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="stream">A stream.</param>
 /// <param name="buffer">A BsonBuffer.</param>
 /// <param name="settings">Optional BsonBinaryWriter settings.</param>
 public BsonBinaryWriter(Stream stream, BsonBuffer buffer, BsonBinaryWriterSettings settings)
     : this(buffer ?? new BsonBuffer(), buffer == null, settings)
     _stream = stream;
Beispiel #35
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a BsonWriter to a BsonBuffer.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="buffer">A BsonBuffer.</param>
 /// <returns>A BsonWriter.</returns>
 public static BsonWriter Create(
     BsonBuffer buffer
     return(new BsonBinaryWriter(null, buffer, BsonBinaryWriterSettings.Defaults));