/// <summary>
        /// Create flat associations from the serialized models
        /// </summary>
        private IEnumerable<Association> CreateFlatAssociations(List<SerializedAssociationEnd> associations, GlobalStaticModel ownedModel)
            List<Association> retVal = new List<Association>(associations.Count);
            foreach (var assoc in associations)
                // Conver the serialized association to flat association
                Association flatAssoc = new Association()
                    Annotations = assoc.Annotations,
                    SortKey = assoc.SortKey
                flatAssoc.Ends = new List<Relationship>() { assoc.SourceConnection.Content };

                // Since a flat association simply points to a class name, we need to add the serialized class to the
                // owned model as a class and reference it by name
                var classItem = CreateFlatModelElement(assoc.TargetConnection.ParticipantClass.Content as ModelElement, ownedModel);
                string assocName = null;
                if (classItem is Class)
                    assocName = (classItem as Class).Name;
                else if(classItem is CommonModelElementRef)
                    assocName = (classItem as CommonModelElementRef).Name;

                flatAssoc.Ends.Add(new AssociationEnd()
                    Annotations = assoc.TargetConnection.Annotations,
                    BusinessName = assoc.TargetConnection.BusinessName,
                    ChoiceItem = assoc.TargetConnection.ChoiceItem,
                    Conformance = assoc.TargetConnection.Conformance,
                    DerivedFrom = assoc.TargetConnection.DerivedFrom,
                    IsMandatory = assoc.TargetConnection.IsMandatory,
                    MaximumMultiplicity = assoc.TargetConnection.MaximumMultiplicity,
                    MinimumMultiplicity = assoc.TargetConnection.MinimumMultiplicity,
                    Name = assoc.TargetConnection.Name,
                    ParticipantClassName = assocName,
                    ReferenceHistory = assoc.TargetConnection.ReferenceHistory,
                    SortKey = assoc.TargetConnection.SortKey,
                    UpdateModeDefault = assoc.TargetConnection.UpdateModeDefault,
                    UpdateModesAllowed = assoc.TargetConnection.UpdateModesAllowed
                ownedModel.OwnedClass.Add(new ClassElement() { Choice = classItem });
            return retVal;
        public void ParseAssociation(Association asc, Dictionary<string, Package> derivationSuppliers)

            // There are two scenarios
            // A: Two traversable connections
            // B: A traversable and non traversable end

            // Case A: Two traversable connections, this means that the connection appears in both classes
            if (asc.Ends[0] is AssociationEnd && asc.Ends[1] is AssociationEnd)
                // Make processing a little easier
                AssociationEnd[] ends = new AssociationEnd[] { 
                    asc.Ends[0] as AssociationEnd,
                    asc.Ends[1] as AssociationEnd

                // Loop so we write the code once
                for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                    Property p = new Property();
                    p.Name = ends[i].Name;

                    // Business Name
                    foreach(BusinessName bn in ends[i].BusinessName ?? new List<BusinessName>())
                        if(bn.Language == MifCompiler.Language || bn.Language == null)
                            p.BusinessName = bn.Name;

                    // The multiplicity of the opposing end influences the property on this end of the 
                    // association
                    p.MinOccurs = ends[1 - i].MinimumMultiplicity;
                    p.MaxOccurs = ends[1 - i].MaximumMultiplicity;
                    p.Conformance = ends[1 - i].IsMandatory ? ClassContent.ConformanceKind.Mandatory :
                        ends[1 - i].Conformance == ConformanceKind.Required ? ClassContent.ConformanceKind.Required :
                        ends[1 - i].MinimumMultiplicity == "1" ? ClassContent.ConformanceKind.Populated :

                    // The type of this end is the type of the association
                    p.Type = CreateTypeReference(ends[i], p);

                    if (p.Type.Name == null)
                        if (p.Documentation == null) p.Documentation = new MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Documentation();
                        if (p.Documentation.Description == null) p.Documentation.Description = new List<string>();

                        p.Documentation.Description.Add(String.Format("GPMR: Association to type '{0}' was ignored and set as nothing as '{0}' could not be found. You should consider revising this", ends[i].ParticipantClassName));

                    // Traversable association
                    p.PropertyType = Property.PropertyTypes.TraversableAssociation;

                    // Annotations
                    if (asc.Annotations != null)
                        p.Documentation = MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.Pipeline.Compiler.Mif20.Parsers.DocumentationParser.Parse(asc.Annotations.Documentation);

                    // Find the class this end belongs in
                    if (!ClassRepository.ContainsKey(string.Format("{0}.{1}", staticModel.PackageLocation.Artifact == ArtifactKind.RIM ? "RIM" : staticModel.PackageLocation.ToString(MifCompiler.NAME_FORMAT),
                        ends[1 - i].ParticipantClassName)))
                        throw new Exception(string.Format("Can't bind property '{0}' to class '{1}'... Class does not exist", p.Name, ends[1 - i].ParticipantClassName));

                    // Set derivation
                    p.DerivedFrom = asc;
                    p.SortKey = asc.SortKey;

                        if (ends[i].DerivedFrom != null)
                            p.Realization = new List<ClassContent>();
                            foreach (var dei in ends[i].DerivedFrom)
                                MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Feature f = null;
                                if (!ClassRepository.TryGetValue(string.Format("{0}.{1}", derivationSuppliers[dei.StaticModelDerivationId].PackageLocation.Artifact == ArtifactKind.RIM ? "RIM" : derivationSuppliers[dei.StaticModelDerivationId].PackageLocation.ToString(MifCompiler.NAME_FORMAT),
                                    dei.ClassName), out f))
                                    System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Can't find derivation class '{0}' for association '{1}'", dei.ClassName, ends[i].Name), "debug");
                                    ClassContent cc = (f as MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Class).GetFullContent().Find(o => o.Name == dei.AssociationEndName);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Cannot append derivation information to {0} (reason:{1})", ends[i].Name, ex.ToString()), "error");

                    // Add to repository
                    if(ends[1 - i].Conformance != ConformanceKind.NotPermitted)
                        (ClassRepository[string.Format("{0}.{1}", staticModel.PackageLocation.Artifact == ArtifactKind.RIM ? "RIM" : staticModel.PackageLocation.ToString(MifCompiler.NAME_FORMAT),
                            ends[1 - i].ParticipantClassName)] as MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Class).AddContent(p);

            else // Case 2: A traversable and non-traversable connection, 
                AssociationEnd ae = (asc.Ends[0] as AssociationEnd) ?? (asc.Ends[1] as AssociationEnd);
                NonTraversableAssociationEnd ntae = (asc.Ends[0] as NonTraversableAssociationEnd) ?? (asc.Ends[1] as NonTraversableAssociationEnd);

                // Start to process the property.
                ClassContent cc;
                if (ae.ChoiceItem != null && ae.ChoiceItem.Count > 0)
                    cc = new Choice();
                    cc = new Property();

                cc.Name = ae.Name;
                // Business Name
                foreach(BusinessName bn in ae.BusinessName ?? new List<BusinessName>())
                    if(bn.Language == MifCompiler.Language || bn.Language == null)
                        cc.BusinessName = bn.Name;
                // The multiplicity of the opposing end influences the property on this end of the 
                // association
                cc.MinOccurs = ae.MinimumMultiplicity;
                cc.MaxOccurs = ae.MaximumMultiplicity;
                cc.Conformance = ae.IsMandatory ? ClassContent.ConformanceKind.Mandatory :
                    ae.Conformance == ConformanceKind.Required  && ae.MinimumMultiplicity == "1" ? ClassContent.ConformanceKind.Populated :
                    ae.Conformance == ConformanceKind.Required ? ClassContent.ConformanceKind.Required :

                #region Bind To Class
                // Find the class on the traversable end, we'll need to append the property to it
                if (!ClassRepository.ContainsKey(string.Format("{0}.{1}", staticModel.PackageLocation.Artifact == ArtifactKind.RIM ? "RIM" : staticModel.PackageLocation.ToString(MifCompiler.NAME_FORMAT),
                    System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Can't bind property '{0}' to class '{1}'... Class does not exist", cc.Name, ntae.ParticipantClassName), "error");
                //throw new Exception(string.Format("Can't bind property '{0}' to class '{1}'... Class does not exist", p.Name, ae.ParticipantClassName));
                else if (ae.Conformance != ConformanceKind.NotPermitted) // Append the property to the class
                    MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Class cls = ClassRepository[string.Format("{0}.{1}", staticModel.PackageLocation.Artifact == ArtifactKind.RIM ? "RIM" : staticModel.PackageLocation.ToString(MifCompiler.NAME_FORMAT),
                    ntae.ParticipantClassName)] as MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Class;
                    // Add template parameter
                    if (templateParameters.ContainsKey(ae.ParticipantClassName))


                // Choice or property?
                if (cc is Property)
                    Property p = cc as Property;
                    p.Type = CreateTypeReference(ae, p);
                    if (p.Type.Name == null)
                        if (p.Documentation == null) p.Documentation = new MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Documentation();
                        if (p.Documentation.Description == null) p.Documentation.Description = new List<string>();
                        p.Documentation.Description.Add(String.Format("GPMR: Association to type '{0}' was ignored and set as nothing as '{0}' could not be found. You should consider revising this", ae.ParticipantClassName));
                    // Traversable association
                    p.PropertyType = Property.PropertyTypes.TraversableAssociation;
                else // Choice
                    Choice chc = cc as Choice;
                    chc.MemberOf = ClassRepository;
                    chc.Content = new List<ClassContent>();

                    // Get a type reference to the CMET or main type to be used
                    TypeReference trf = CreateTypeReference(ae, cc);

                    // Cannot find association
                    if (trf.Name == null)
                        if (chc.Documentation == null) chc.Documentation = new MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Documentation();
                        if (chc.Documentation.Description == null) chc.Documentation.Description = new List<string>();

                        chc.Documentation.Description.Add(String.Format("GPMR: Association to type '{0}' was ignored and set as nothing as '{0}' could not be found. You should consider revising this", ae.ParticipantClassName));

                    // Warn
                    if (trf.Class == null)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException(String.Format("Cannot make association to class '{0}' as it was not defined!", ae.ParticipantClassName));
                    if (ae.ChoiceItem.Count != trf.Class.SpecializedBy.Count)
                        System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Number of choices on property does not match the number of child classes for its data type for association '{0}'", cc.Name), "warn");

                    chc.Content.AddRange(ProcessAssociations(ae, ae.ChoiceItem, trf, chc));

                    // Specializations
                    List<TypeReference> specializations = new List<TypeReference>(trf.Class.SpecializedBy);

                    // Flatten choice members
                    for (int i = 0; i < ae.ChoiceItem.Count ; i++)
                        if (ae.ChoiceItem[i].Specialization != null && ae.ChoiceItem[i].Specialization.Count > 0)
                            AssociationEndSpecialization aes = ae.ChoiceItem[i]; // Get local reference
                            // Remove redundant data
                            ae.ChoiceItem.RemoveAt(i); // Remove the redundant choice item
                            i--; // redo this item
                            // is this a cmet?
                            if (ClassRepository.ContainsKey(aes.ClassName) && ClassRepository[aes.ClassName] is CommonTypeReference)
                                specializations.RemoveAll(o => o.Name == (ClassRepository[aes.ClassName] as CommonTypeReference).Class.Name);
                                specializations.AddRange((ClassRepository[aes.ClassName] as CommonTypeReference).Class.Class.SpecializedBy);
                            ae.ChoiceItem.AddRange(aes.Specialization); // Now add the choices

                    int ip = 0;

                    // Add choice members
                    foreach (AssociationEndSpecialization aes in ae.ChoiceItem)
                        Property p = new Property();

                        // Now, construct the properties from the CMET entries
                        // Try ...

                        var rClassName = specializations.Find(o => o.Class != null && o.Class.Name.Equals(aes.ClassName));

                        // Determine if this is a CMET
                        if (ClassRepository.ContainsKey(aes.ClassName) && ClassRepository[aes.ClassName] is CommonTypeReference)
                            p.Type = (ClassRepository[aes.ClassName] as CommonTypeReference).Class;
                        else if (rClassName != null) // Try using the inheritence method
                            p.Type = rClassName;
                        else if (ClassRepository.ContainsKey(String.Format("{0}.{1}", staticModel.PackageLocation.ToString(MifCompiler.NAME_FORMAT), aes.ClassName)))
                            p.Type = ((ClassRepository[String.Format("{0}.{1}", staticModel.PackageLocation.ToString(MifCompiler.NAME_FORMAT), aes.ClassName)] as MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Class).CreateTypeReference());
                            System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Class '{2}' of CMET '{1}' could not be found or was not processed. The processing of the property '{0}' in '{3}.{4}' will NOT continue", cc.Name, aes.ClassName, ae.ParticipantClassName, staticModel.PackageLocation.ToString(MifCompiler.NAME_FORMAT), ntae.ParticipantClassName), "error");

                        p.PropertyType = Property.PropertyTypes.TraversableAssociation;

                        // Fix bug with optional choice
                        p.MinOccurs = chc.MinOccurs;
                        p.MaxOccurs = chc.MaxOccurs;
                        p.Conformance = chc.Conformance;

                        p.DerivedFrom = aes;
                        p.Documentation = p.Type.ClassDocumentation;

                        p.MemberOf = ClassRepository;
                        p.Container = chc;

                        // Traversal names
                        p.Name = aes.TraversalName;


                // Annotations
                if (asc.Annotations != null)
                    cc.Documentation = MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.Pipeline.Compiler.Mif20.Parsers.DocumentationParser.Parse(asc.Annotations.Documentation);

                // Set derivation
                cc.DerivedFrom = asc;
                cc.SortKey = ae.SortKey;

                    if (ae.DerivedFrom != null)
                        cc.Realization = new List<ClassContent>();
                        foreach (var dei in ae.DerivedFrom)
                            MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Feature ss = null;
                            Package derivationPkg = null;
                            if (!derivationSuppliers.TryGetValue(dei.StaticModelDerivationId, out derivationPkg) || derivationPkg == null)

                            // Has the package been compiled?
                            if (!ClassRepository.TryGetValue(string.Format("{0}", derivationPkg.PackageLocation.Artifact == ArtifactKind.RIM ? "RIM" : derivationPkg.PackageLocation.ToString(MifCompiler.NAME_FORMAT)), out ss))
                                // Attempt to parse 
                                PackageParser.Parse(derivationPkg.PackageLocation.ToString(MifCompiler.NAME_FORMAT), derivationPkg.MemberOfRepository, ClassRepository);
                                // Ditch if still can't find
                                if (!ClassRepository.TryGetValue(string.Format("{0}", derivationPkg.PackageLocation.Artifact == ArtifactKind.RIM ? "RIM" : derivationPkg.PackageLocation.ToString(MifCompiler.NAME_FORMAT)), out ss))
                                    System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Can't find derivation class '{0}' for association '{1}' (derivation supplier {2})", dei.ClassName, dei.AssociationEndName, dei.StaticModelDerivationId), "warn");

                            // Feature was found
                            var f = (ss as MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.SubSystem).FindClass(dei.ClassName);
                            if (f != null)
                                // Realized Class content
                                ClassContent rcc = f.GetFullContent().Find(o => o.Name == dei.AssociationEndName);
                                System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Can't find derivation class '{0}' for association '{1}' (derivation supplier {2})", dei.ClassName, dei.AssociationEndName, dei.StaticModelDerivationId), "warn");

               catch (Exception ex)
                    Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Cannot append derivation information to {0} (reason:{1})", ae.Name, ex.ToString()), "error");

                (cc.Container as MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Class).Content.Sort(new ClassContent.Comparator());
