// this knows for sure that it gets the right event type.
        void CeilingOff(CeilingOffEventInfo ceilingOffEventInfo)
            Debug.Log("Recieved Event On Listener: " + gameObject.name);
            Debug.Log("Event Description: " + ceilingOffEventInfo.EventDescription);

            // do things
        //void Update()
        //    if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.D))
        //    {
        //        Die();
        //    }

        // void Die()
        public void CeilingOff()
            // get a new instance of the death info to pass into the event.
            //UnitDeathEventInfo udei = new UnitDeathEventInfo();
            //udei.EventDescription = "Unit " + gameObject.name + " has died.";
            //udei.DeadUnitGO = gameObject;

            CeilingOffEventInfo coi = new CeilingOffEventInfo();

            coi.EventDescription = "Button Was Pressed to Turn the Ceiling Off";
            //coi.ModParent = gameObject;

            // udei tells you what kind of event that it is and has all of the data associated.
