Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Get value of a specific individual
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>value</returns>
        public double ValueofIndividual(Ruminant ind, PurchaseOrSalePricingStyleType purchaseStyle)
            if (PricingAvailable())
                List <Ruminant> animalList = new List <Ruminant>()

                // search through RuminantPriceGroups for first match with desired purchase or sale flag

                foreach (AnimalPriceGroup item in priceGroups.Where(a => a.PurchaseOrSale == purchaseStyle || a.PurchaseOrSale == PurchaseOrSalePricingStyleType.Both))
                    if (animalList.Filter(item).Count() == 1)
                        return(item.Value * ((item.PricingStyle == PricingStyleType.perKg) ? ind.Weight : 1.0));

                // no price match found.
                string warningString = $"No [{purchaseStyle.ToString()}] price entry was found for [r={ind.Breed}] meeting the required criteria [f=age: {ind.Age}] [f=gender: {ind.GenderAsString}] [f=weight: {ind.Weight.ToString("##0")}]";

                if (!Warnings.Exists(warningString))
                    Summary.WriteWarning(this, warningString);
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Add individual/cohort to the the herd
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ind">Individual Ruminant to add</param>
        /// <param name="model">Model adding individual</param>
        public void AddRuminant(Ruminant ind, IModel model)
            if (ind.ID == 0)
                ind.ID = this.NextUniqueID;
            LastIndividualChanged = ind;

            ResourceTransaction details = new ResourceTransaction();

            details.Gain             = 1;
            details.Activity         = model.Name;
            details.ActivityType     = model.GetType().Name;
            details.Reason           = ind.SaleFlag.ToString();
            details.ResourceType     = this.Name;
            details.ExtraInformation = ind;
            LastTransaction          = details;
            TransactionEventArgs te = new TransactionEventArgs()
                Transaction = details


            // remove change flag
            ind.SaleFlag = HerdChangeReason.None;
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Provides the closing html tags for object
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override string ModelSummaryInnerClosingTags(bool formatForParentControl)
            string html = "";

            if (formatForParentControl)
                RuminantType rumtype      = FindAncestor <RuminantType>();
                Ruminant     newInd       = null;
                string       normWtString = "Unavailable";
                double       normalisedWt = 0;

                if (rumtype != null)
                    newInd       = new Ruminant(this.Age, this.Gender, 0, FindAncestor <RuminantType>());
                    normWtString = newInd.NormalisedAnimalWeight.ToString("#,##0");
                    normalisedWt = newInd.NormalisedAnimalWeight;
                    if (Math.Abs(this.Weight - newInd.NormalisedAnimalWeight) / newInd.NormalisedAnimalWeight > 0.2)
                        normWtString = "<span class=\"errorlink\">" + normWtString + "</span>";
                        (this.Parent as RuminantInitialCohorts).WeightWarningOccurred = true;

                    html += "\n<tr><td>" + this.Name + "</td><td><span class=\"setvalue\">" + this.Gender + "</span></td><td><span class=\"setvalue\">" + this.Age.ToString() + "</span></td><td><span class=\"setvalue\">" + this.Weight.ToString() + ((this.WeightSD > 0) ? " (" + this.WeightSD.ToString() + ")" : "") + "</spam></td><td>" + normWtString + "</td><td><span class=\"setvalue\">" + this.Number.ToString() + "</span></td><td" + ((this.Suckling) ? " class=\"fill\"" : "") + "></td><td" + ((this.Sire) ? " class=\"fill\"" : "") + "></td></tr>";
                html += "\n</div>";
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Get value of a specific individual
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>value</returns>
        public AnimalPriceGroup ValueofIndividual(Ruminant ind, PurchaseOrSalePricingStyleType purchaseStyle, string warningMessage = "")
            if (PricingAvailable())
                if (ind.CurrentPrice == null || !ind.CurrentPrice.Filter(ind))
                    // search through RuminantPriceGroups for first match with desired purchase or sale flag
                    foreach (AnimalPriceGroup priceGroup in priceGroups.Where(a => a.PurchaseOrSale == purchaseStyle || a.PurchaseOrSale == PurchaseOrSalePricingStyleType.Both))
                        if (priceGroup.Filter(ind))
                            ind.CurrentPrice = priceGroup;

                    // no price match found.
                    string warningString = warningMessage;
                    if (warningString == "")
                        warningString = $"No [{purchaseStyle}] price entry was found for [r={ind.Breed}] meeting the required criteria [f=age: {ind.Age}] [f=sex: {ind.Sex}] [f=weight: {ind.Weight:##0}]";
                    Warnings.CheckAndWrite(warningString, Summary, this);
Beispiel #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Get value of a specific individual
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>value</returns>
 public double ValueofIndividual(Ruminant ind, bool PurchasePrice)
     if (PricingAvailable())
         // ordering now done when the list is created for speed
         //AnimalPriceValue getvalue = PriceList.Where(a => a.Age < ind.Age).OrderBy(a => a.Age).LastOrDefault();
         AnimalPriceValue getvalue = PriceList.Where(a => a.Age <= ind.Age).LastOrDefault();
         if (getvalue == null)
             getvalue = PriceList.OrderBy(a => a.Age).FirstOrDefault();
             Summary.WriteWarning(this, "No pricing was found for indiviudal [" + ind.HerdName + "] of age [" + ind.Age + "]");
             Summary.WriteWarning(this, "Using pricing for individual of age [" + getvalue.Age + "]");
         if (PurchasePrice)
             return(getvalue.PurchaseValue * ((getvalue.Style == PricingStyleType.perKg) ? ind.Weight : 1.0));
             return(getvalue.SellValue * ((getvalue.Style == PricingStyleType.perKg) ? ind.Weight : 1.0));
Beispiel #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Add individual/cohort to the the herd
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ind">Individual Ruminant to add</param>
        /// <param name="model">Model adding individual</param>
        public void AddRuminant(Ruminant ind, IModel model)
            if (ind.ID == 0)
                ind.ID = this.NextUniqueID;

            LastIndividualChanged = ind;

            // check mandatory attributes
            ind.BreedParams.CheckMandatoryAttributes(ind, model);

            ResourceTransaction details = new ResourceTransaction
                TransactionType   = TransactionType.Gain,
                Amount            = 1,
                Activity          = model as CLEMModel,
                Category          = ind.SaleFlag.ToString(),
                ResourceType      = ind.BreedParams,
                RelatesToResource = ind.BreedParams.NameWithParent,
                ExtraInformation  = ind

            LastTransaction = details;
            TransactionEventArgs te = new TransactionEventArgs()
                Transaction = details


            // remove change flag
            ind.SaleFlag = HerdChangeReason.None;
Beispiel #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Remove individual/cohort from the herd
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ind">Individual Ruminant to remove</param>
        public void RemoveRuminant(Ruminant ind)
            // Remove mother ID from any suckling offspring
            if (ind.Gender == Sex.Female)
                foreach (var offspring in (ind as RuminantFemale).SucklingOffspring)
                    offspring.Mother = null;
            LastIndividualChanged = ind;

            ResourceTransaction details = new ResourceTransaction();

            details.Debit            = -1;
            details.Activity         = "Unknown";
            details.Reason           = "Unknown";
            details.ResourceType     = this.Name;
            details.ExtraInformation = ind;
            LastTransaction          = details;
            TransactionEventArgs te = new TransactionEventArgs()
                Transaction = details


            // remove change flag
            ind.SaleFlag = HerdChangeReason.None;
Beispiel #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Add individual/cohort to the the herd
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ind">Individual Ruminant to add</param>
        public void AddRuminant(Ruminant ind)
            if (ind.ID == 0)
                ind.ID = this.NextUniqueID;
            LastIndividualChanged = ind;

            ResourceTransaction details = new ResourceTransaction();

            details.Credit           = 1;
            details.Activity         = "Unknown";
            details.Reason           = "Unknown";
            details.ResourceType     = this.Name;
            details.ExtraInformation = ind;
            LastTransaction          = details;
            TransactionEventArgs te = new TransactionEventArgs()
                Transaction = details


            // remove change flag
            ind.SaleFlag = HerdChangeReason.None;
Beispiel #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Get value of a specific individual
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>value</returns>
        public double ValueofIndividual(Ruminant ind, PurchaseOrSalePricingStyleType purchaseStyle)
            if (PricingAvailable())
                List <Ruminant> animalList = new List <Ruminant>()

                // search through RuminantPriceGroups for first match with desired purchase or sale flag
                foreach (AnimalPriceGroup item in Apsim.Children(PriceList, typeof(AnimalPriceGroup)).Cast <AnimalPriceGroup>().Where(a => a.PurchaseOrSale == purchaseStyle || a.PurchaseOrSale == PurchaseOrSalePricingStyleType.Both))
                    if (animalList.Filter(item).Count() == 1)
                        return(item.Value * ((item.PricingStyle == PricingStyleType.perKg) ? ind.Weight : 1.0));
                // no price match found.
                string warning = "No " + purchaseStyle.ToString() + " price entry was found for an indiviudal with details ([f=age: " + ind.Age + "] [f=herd: " + ind.HerdName + "] [f=gender: " + ind.GenderAsString + "] [f=weight: " + ind.Weight.ToString("##0") + "])";
                if (!Warnings.Exists(warning))
                    Summary.WriteWarning(this, warning);
Beispiel #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Add individual/cohort to the the herd
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ind">Individual Ruminant to add</param>
        /// <param name="model">Model adding individual</param>
        public void AddRuminant(Ruminant ind, IModel model)
            if (ind.ID == 0)
                ind.ID = this.NextUniqueID;
            LastIndividualChanged = ind;

            ResourceTransaction details = new ResourceTransaction
                Gain             = 1,
                Activity         = model as CLEMModel,
                Reason           = ind.SaleFlag.ToString(),
                ResourceType     = ind.BreedParams,
                ExtraInformation = ind

            LastTransaction = details;
            TransactionEventArgs te = new TransactionEventArgs()
                Transaction = details


            // remove change flag
            ind.SaleFlag = HerdChangeReason.None;
Beispiel #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Remove individual/cohort from the herd
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ind">Individual Ruminant to remove</param>
        /// <param name="model">Model removing individual</param>
        public void RemoveRuminant(Ruminant ind, IModel model)
            // Remove mother ID from any suckling offspring
            if (ind.Sex == Sex.Female)
                foreach (var offspring in (ind as RuminantFemale).SucklingOffspringList)
                    offspring.Mother = null;

            // if sold and unweaned set mothers weaning count + 1 as effectively weaned in process and not death
            if (!ind.Weaned & !ind.SaleFlag.ToString().Contains("Died"))
                if (ind.Mother != null)

            LastIndividualChanged = ind;

            // report transaction of herd change
            ResourceTransaction details = new ResourceTransaction
                TransactionType   = TransactionType.Loss,
                Amount            = 1,
                Activity          = model as CLEMModel,
                Category          = ind.SaleFlag.ToString(),
                ResourceType      = ind.BreedParams,
                RelatesToResource = ind.BreedParams.NameWithParent,
                ExtraInformation  = ind

            LastTransaction = details;
            TransactionEventArgs te = new TransactionEventArgs()
                Transaction = details


            // report female breeding stats if needed
            if (ind.Sex == Sex.Female & ind.Age >= ind.BreedParams.MinimumAge1stMating)
                RuminantReportItemEventArgs args = new RuminantReportItemEventArgs
                    RumObj   = ind,
                    Category = "breeding stats"

            // remove change flag
            ind.SaleFlag = HerdChangeReason.None;
Beispiel #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Provides the description of the model settings for summary (GetFullSummary)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="formatForParentControl">Use full verbose description</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override string ModelSummary(bool formatForParentControl)
            string html = "";

            if (!formatForParentControl)
                html += "\n<div class=\"activityentry\">";
                if (Number <= 0)
                    html += "<span class=\"errorlink\">" + Number.ToString() + "</span> x ";
                else if (Number > 1)
                    html += "<span class=\"setvalue\">" + Number.ToString() + "</span> x ";
                    html += "A ";
                html += "<span class=\"setvalue\">";
                html += Age.ToString("0") + "</span> month old ";
                html += "<span class=\"setvalue\">" + Gender.ToString() + "</span></div>";
                if (Suckling)
                    html += "\n<div class=\"activityentry\">" + ((Number > 1)?"These individuals are suckling":"This individual is a suckling") + "</div>";
                if (Sire)
                    html += "\n<div class=\"activityentry\">" + ((Number > 1) ? "These individuals are breeding sires" : "This individual is a breeding sire") + "</div>";

                Ruminant newInd = new Ruminant(this.Age, this.Gender, 0, Apsim.Parent(this, typeof(RuminantType)) as RuminantType);

                string normWtString = newInd.NormalisedAnimalWeight.ToString("#,##0");
                double weightToUse  = newInd.Weight;

                if (WeightSD > 0)
                    html += "\n<div class=\"activityentry\">Individuals will be randomally assigned a weight based on a mean " + ((Weight == 0) ? "(using the normalised weight) " : "") + "of <span class=\"setvalue\">" + Weight.ToString("#,##0") + "</span> kg with a standard deviation of <span class=\"setvalue\">" + WeightSD.ToString() + "</span></div>";
                    if (Math.Abs(Weight - newInd.NormalisedAnimalWeight) / newInd.NormalisedAnimalWeight > 0.2)
                        html += "<div class=\"activityentry\">These individuals should weigh close to the normalised weight of <span class=\"errorlink\">" + normWtString + "</span> kg for their age</div>";
                    html += "\n<div class=\"activityentry\">" + ((Number > 1) ? "These individuals " : "This individual ") + "weigh" + ((Number > 1) ? "" : "s") + ((Weight == 0)?" the normalised weight of ":"") + " <span class=\"setvalue\">" + Weight.ToString("#,##0") + "</span> kg";
                    if (Math.Abs(Weight - newInd.NormalisedAnimalWeight) / newInd.NormalisedAnimalWeight > 0.2)
                        html += ", but should weigh close to the normalised weight of <span class=\"errorlink\">" + normWtString + "</span> kg for their age";
                    html += "</div>";
                html += "</div>";
Beispiel #13
 /// <summary>
 /// Check whether an individual has all mandotory attributes
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ind">Individual ruminant to check</param>
 /// <param name="model">Model adding individuals</param>
 public void CheckMandatoryAttributes(Ruminant ind, IModel model)
     foreach (var attribute in mandatoryAttributes)
         if (!ind.Attributes.Exists(attribute))
             string warningString = $"No mandatory attribute [{attribute.ToUpper()}] present for individual added by [a={model.Name}]";
             Warnings.CheckAndWrite(warningString, Summary, this, MessageType.Error);
Beispiel #14
 /// <summary>
 /// Check whether an individual has all mandotory attributes
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ind">Individual ruminant to check</param>
 /// <param name="model">Model adding individuals</param>
 public void CheckMandatoryAttributes(Ruminant ind, IModel model)
     foreach (var attribute in mandatoryAttributes)
         if (!ind.AttributeExists(attribute))
             string warningString = $"No mandatory attribute [{attribute.ToUpper()}] present for individual added by [a={model.Name}]";
             if (!Warnings.Exists(warningString))
                 Summary.WriteWarning(this, warningString);
Beispiel #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Provides the closing html tags for object
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override string ModelSummaryInnerClosingTags(bool formatForParentControl)
            string html = "";

            if (formatForParentControl)
                Ruminant newInd       = new Ruminant(this.Age, this.Gender, 0, Apsim.Parent(this, typeof(RuminantType)) as RuminantType);
                double   normalisedWt = newInd.NormalisedAnimalWeight;

                string normWtString = normalisedWt.ToString("#,##0");
                if (Math.Abs(this.Weight - newInd.NormalisedAnimalWeight) / newInd.NormalisedAnimalWeight > 0.2)
                    normWtString = "<span class=\"errorlink\">" + normWtString + "</span>";

                html += "\n<tr><td>" + this.Name + "</td><td><span class=\"setvalue\">" + this.Gender + "</span></td><td><span class=\"setvalue\">" + this.Age.ToString() + "</span></td><td><span class=\"setvalue\">" + this.Weight.ToString() + ((this.WeightSD > 0) ? " (" + this.WeightSD.ToString() + ")" : "") + "</spam></td><td>" + normWtString + "</td><td><span class=\"setvalue\">" + this.Number.ToString() + "</span></td><td" + ((this.Suckling) ? " class=\"fill\"" : "") + "></td><td" + ((this.Sire) ? " class=\"fill\"" : "") + "></td></tr>";
                html += "\n</div>";
Beispiel #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Get value of a specific individual with special requirements check (e.g. breeding sire or draught purchase)
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>value</returns>
        public double ValueofIndividual(Ruminant ind, PurchaseOrSalePricingStyleType purchaseStyle, RuminantFilterParameters property, string value)
            double price = 0;

            if (PricingAvailable())
                string          criteria   = property.ToString().ToUpper() + ":" + value.ToUpper();
                List <Ruminant> animalList = new List <Ruminant>()

                //find first pricing entry matching specific criteria
                AnimalPriceGroup matchIndividual = null;
                AnimalPriceGroup matchCriteria   = null;
                foreach (AnimalPriceGroup item in PriceList.FindAllChildren <AnimalPriceGroup>().Cast <AnimalPriceGroup>().Where(a => a.PurchaseOrSale == purchaseStyle || a.PurchaseOrSale == PurchaseOrSalePricingStyleType.Both))
                    if (animalList.Filter(item).Count() == 1 && matchIndividual == null)
                        matchIndividual = item;

                    // check that pricing item meets the specified criteria.
                    if (item.FindAllChildren <RuminantFilter>().Cast <RuminantFilter>().Where(a => (a.Parameter.ToString().ToUpper() == property.ToString().ToUpper() && a.Value.ToUpper() == value.ToUpper())).Count() > 0)
                        if (matchCriteria == null)
                            matchCriteria = item;
                            // multiple price entries were found. using first. value = xxx.
                            if (!WarningsMultipleEntry.Contains(criteria))
                                Summary.WriteWarning(this, "Multiple specific [" + purchaseStyle.ToString() + "] price entries were found for [r=" + ind.Breed + "] where [" + property + "]" + (value.ToUpper() != "TRUE" ? " = [" + value + "]." : ".") + "\nOnly the first entry will be used. Price [" + matchCriteria.Value.ToString("#,##0.##") + "] [" + matchCriteria.PricingStyle.ToString() + "].");

                if (matchCriteria == null)
                    // report specific criteria not found in price list
                    string warningString = "No [" + purchaseStyle.ToString() + "] price entry was found for [r=" + ind.Breed + "] meeting the required criteria [" + property + "]" + (value.ToUpper() != "TRUE" ? " = [" + value + "]." : ".");

                    if (matchIndividual != null)
                        // add using the best pricing available for [][] purchases of xx per head
                        warningString += "\nThe best available price [" + matchIndividual.Value.ToString("#,##0.##") + "] [" + matchIndividual.PricingStyle.ToString() + "] will be used.";
                        price          = matchIndividual.Value * ((matchIndividual.PricingStyle == PricingStyleType.perKg) ? ind.Weight : 1.0);
                        warningString += "\nNo alternate price for individuals could be found for the individuals. Add a new [r=AnimalPriceGroup] entry in the [r=AnimalPricing] for [" + ind.Breed + "]";
                    if (!WarningsNotFound.Contains(criteria))
                        Summary.WriteWarning(this, warningString);
                    price = matchCriteria.Value * ((matchCriteria.PricingStyle == PricingStyleType.perKg) ? ind.Weight : 1.0);
Beispiel #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Create the individual ruminant animals using the Cohort parameterisations.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="number">The number of individuals to create</param>
        /// <param name="initialAttributes">The initial attributes found from parent and this cohort</param>
        /// <param name="ruminantType">The breed parameters if overwritten</param>
        /// <returns>List of ruminants</returns>
        public List <Ruminant> CreateIndividuals(int number, List <ISetAttribute> initialAttributes, RuminantType ruminantType = null)
            List <Ruminant> individuals = new List <Ruminant>();

            if (number > 0)
                RuminantType parent = ruminantType;
                if (parent is null)
                    parent = FindAncestor <RuminantType>();

                // get Ruminant Herd resource for unique ids
                RuminantHerd ruminantHerd = parent.Parent as RuminantHerd; // Resources.FindResourceGroup<RuminantHerd>();

                for (int i = 1; i <= number; i++)
                    double weight = 0;
                    if (Weight > 0)
                        // avoid accidental small weight if SD provided but weight is 0
                        // if weight is 0 then the normalised weight will be applied in Ruminant constructor.
                        double u1            = RandomNumberGenerator.Generator.NextDouble();
                        double u2            = RandomNumberGenerator.Generator.NextDouble();
                        double randStdNormal = Math.Sqrt(-2.0 * Math.Log(u1)) *
                                               Math.Sin(2.0 * Math.PI * u2);
                        weight = Weight + WeightSD * randStdNormal;

                    Ruminant ruminant = Ruminant.Create(Sex, parent, Age, weight);

                    ruminant.ID       = ruminantHerd.NextUniqueID;
                    ruminant.Breed    = parent.Breed;
                    ruminant.HerdName = parent.Name;
                    ruminant.SaleFlag = HerdChangeReason.None;

                    if (Suckling)

                    if (Sire)
                        if (this.Sex == Sex.Male)
                            RuminantMale ruminantMale = ruminant as RuminantMale;
                            Summary.WriteWarning(this, "Breeding sire switch is not valid for individual females [r=" + parent.Name + "].[r=" + this.Parent.Name + "].[r=" + this.Name + "]");

                    // if weight not provided use normalised weight
                    ruminant.PreviousWeight = ruminant.Weight;

                    if (this.Sex == Sex.Female)
                        RuminantFemale ruminantFemale = ruminant as RuminantFemale;
                        ruminantFemale.WeightAtConception = ruminant.Weight;
                        ruminantFemale.NumberOfBirths     = 0;

                        if (setPreviousConception != null)

                    // initialise attributes
                    foreach (ISetAttribute item in initialAttributes)
                        ruminant.Attributes.Add(item.AttributeName, item.GetAttribute(true));


                // add any mandatory attributes to the list on the ruminant type
                foreach (var mattrib in initialAttributes.Where(a => a.Mandatory))

Beispiel #18
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public override string ModelSummaryInnerClosingTags()
            using (StringWriter htmlWriter = new StringWriter())
                if (FormatForParentControl)
                    if (!(CurrentAncestorList.Count >= 3 && CurrentAncestorList[CurrentAncestorList.Count - 1] == typeof(RuminantInitialCohorts).Name))
                        RuminantType rumtype = FindAncestor <RuminantType>();
                        if (rumtype != null)
                            var newInd = Ruminant.Create(Sex, rumtype, Age);

                            string normWtString = newInd.NormalisedAnimalWeight.ToString("#,##0");
                            if (this.Weight != 0 && Math.Abs(this.Weight - newInd.NormalisedAnimalWeight) / newInd.NormalisedAnimalWeight > 0.2)
                                normWtString = "<span class=\"errorlink\">" + normWtString + "</span>";
                                (this.Parent as RuminantInitialCohorts).WeightWarningOccurred = true;
                            string weightstring = "";
                            if (this.Weight > 0)
                                weightstring = $"<span class=\"setvalue\">{this.Weight.ToString() + ((this.WeightSD > 0) ? " (" + this.WeightSD.ToString() + ")" : "")}</span>";

                            htmlWriter.Write($"\r\n<tr{(this.Enabled ? "" : " class=\"disabled\"")}><td>{this.Name}</td><td><span class=\"setvalue\">{this.Sex}</span></td><td><span class=\"setvalue\">{this.Age.ToString()}</span></td><td>{weightstring}</td><td>{normWtString}</td><td><span class=\"setvalue\">{this.Number.ToString()}</span></td><td{((this.Suckling) ? " class=\"fill\"" : "")}></td><td{((this.Sire) ? " class=\"fill\"" : "")}></td>");

                            if ((Parent as RuminantInitialCohorts).ConceptionsFound)
                                var setConceptionFound = this.FindChild <SetPreviousConception>();
                                if (setConceptionFound != null)
                                    htmlWriter.Write($"<td class=\"fill\"><span class=\"setvalue\">{setConceptionFound.NumberMonthsPregnant}</span> mths</td>");

                            if ((Parent as RuminantInitialCohorts).AttributesFound)
                                var setAttributesFound = this.FindAllChildren <SetAttributeWithValue>();
                                if (setAttributesFound.Any())
                                    htmlWriter.Write($"<td class=\"fill\">");
                                    foreach (var attribute in setAttributesFound)
                                        htmlWriter.Write($"<span class=\"setvalue\">{attribute.AttributeName}</span> ");


Beispiel #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Create the individual ruminant animals using the Cohort parameterisations.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <Ruminant> CreateIndividuals()
            List <Ruminant> Individuals = new List <Ruminant>();

            RuminantType parent = this.Parent.Parent as RuminantType;

            // get Ruminant Herd resource for unique ids
            RuminantHerd ruminantHerd = Resources.RuminantHerd();

            if (Number > 0)
                for (int i = 1; i <= Number; i++)
                    object ruminantBase = null;
                    if (this.Gender == Sex.Male)
                        ruminantBase = new RuminantMale();
                        ruminantBase = new RuminantFemale();

                    Ruminant ruminant = ruminantBase as Ruminant;

                    ruminant.ID          = ruminantHerd.NextUniqueID;
                    ruminant.BreedParams = parent;
                    ruminant.Breed       = parent.Breed;
                    ruminant.HerdName    = parent.Name;
                    ruminant.Gender      = Gender;
                    ruminant.Age         = Age;
                    ruminant.SaleFlag    = HerdChangeReason.None;
                    if (Suckling)
                    if (Sire)
                        if (this.Gender == Sex.Male)
                            RuminantMale ruminantMale = ruminantBase as RuminantMale;
                            ruminantMale.BreedingSire = true;
                            Summary.WriteWarning(this, "Breeding sire switch is not valid for individual females");

                    double u1            = ZoneCLEM.RandomGenerator.NextDouble();
                    double u2            = ZoneCLEM.RandomGenerator.NextDouble();
                    double randStdNormal = Math.Sqrt(-2.0 * Math.Log(u1)) *
                                           Math.Sin(2.0 * Math.PI * u2);
                    ruminant.Weight         = Weight + WeightSD * randStdNormal;
                    ruminant.PreviousWeight = ruminant.Weight;

                    if (this.Gender == Sex.Female)
                        RuminantFemale ruminantFemale = ruminantBase as RuminantFemale;
                        ruminantFemale.DryBreeder         = true;
                        ruminantFemale.WeightAtConception = ruminant.Weight;
                        ruminantFemale.NumberOfBirths     = 0;

                    Individuals.Add(ruminantBase as Ruminant);

Beispiel #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Create the individual ruminant animals using the Cohort parameterisations.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="number">The number of individuals to create</param>
        /// <param name="initialAttributes">The initial attributes found from parent and this cohort</param>
        /// <param name="ruminantType">The breed parameters if overwritten</param>
        /// <returns>List of ruminants</returns>
        public List <Ruminant> CreateIndividuals(int number, List <ISetAttribute> initialAttributes, RuminantType ruminantType = null)
            List <Ruminant> individuals = new List <Ruminant>();

            if (number > 0)
                RuminantType parent = ruminantType;
                if (parent is null)
                    parent = FindAncestor <RuminantType>();

                // get Ruminant Herd resource for unique ids
                RuminantHerd ruminantHerd = parent.Parent as RuminantHerd; // Resources.FindResourceGroup<RuminantHerd>();

                for (int i = 1; i <= number; i++)
                    double weight = 0;
                    if (Weight > 0)
                        // avoid accidental small weight if SD provided but weight is 0
                        // if weight is 0 then the normalised weight will be applied in Ruminant constructor.
                        double u1            = RandomNumberGenerator.Generator.NextDouble();
                        double u2            = RandomNumberGenerator.Generator.NextDouble();
                        double randStdNormal = Math.Sqrt(-2.0 * Math.Log(u1)) *
                                               Math.Sin(2.0 * Math.PI * u2);
                        weight = Weight + WeightSD * randStdNormal;

                    Ruminant ruminant = Ruminant.Create(Sex, parent, Age, weight);

                    ruminant.ID       = ruminantHerd.NextUniqueID;
                    ruminant.Breed    = parent.Breed;
                    ruminant.HerdName = parent.Name;
                    ruminant.SaleFlag = HerdChangeReason.None;

                    if (Suckling)
                        if (Age >= ((parent.NaturalWeaningAge == 0)?parent.GestationLength: parent.NaturalWeaningAge))
                            string limitstring = (parent.NaturalWeaningAge == 0) ? $"gestation length [{parent.GestationLength}]" : $"natural weaning age [{parent.NaturalWeaningAge}]";
                            string warn        = $"Individuals older than {limitstring} cannot be assigned as suckling [r={parent.Name}][r={this.Parent.Name}][r={this.Name}]{Environment.NewLine}These individuals have not been assigned suckling.";
                            Warnings.CheckAndWrite(warn, Summary, this, MessageType.Warning);

                    if (Sire)
                        if (this.Sex == Sex.Male)
                            RuminantMale ruminantMale = ruminant as RuminantMale;
                            string warn = $"Breeding sire switch is not valid for individual females [r={parent.Name}][r={this.Parent.Name}][r={this.Name}]{Environment.NewLine}These individuals have not been assigned sires. Change Sex to Male to create sires in initial herd.";
                            Warnings.CheckAndWrite(warn, Summary, this, MessageType.Warning);

                    // if weight not provided use normalised weight
                    ruminant.PreviousWeight = ruminant.Weight;

                    if (this.Sex == Sex.Female)
                        RuminantFemale ruminantFemale = ruminant as RuminantFemale;
                        ruminantFemale.WeightAtConception = ruminant.Weight;
                        ruminantFemale.NumberOfBirths     = 0;

                        if (setPreviousConception != null)

                    // initialise attributes
                    foreach (ISetAttribute item in initialAttributes)
                        ruminant.Attributes.Add(item.AttributeName, item.GetAttribute(true));


                // add any mandatory attributes to the list on the ruminant type
                foreach (var mattrib in initialAttributes.Where(a => a.Mandatory))

Beispiel #21
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public override string ModelSummary()
            RuminantType rumType;
            bool         specifyRuminantParent = false;

            using (StringWriter htmlWriter = new StringWriter())
                if (!FormatForParentControl)
                    rumType = FindAncestor <RuminantType>();
                    if (rumType is null)
                        // look for rum type in SpecifyRuminant
                        var specParent = this.FindAllAncestors <SpecifyRuminant>().FirstOrDefault();
                        if (specParent != null)
                            var resHolder = this.FindAncestor <ZoneCLEM>().FindDescendant <ResourcesHolder>();
                            rumType = resHolder.FindResourceType <RuminantHerd, RuminantType>(this, specParent.RuminantTypeName, OnMissingResourceActionTypes.Ignore, OnMissingResourceActionTypes.Ignore);
                            specifyRuminantParent = true;

                    htmlWriter.Write("\r\n<div class=\"activityentry\">");
                    if (!specifyRuminantParent & Number <= 0)
                        htmlWriter.Write("<span class=\"errorlink\">" + Number.ToString() + "</span> x ");
                    else if (!specifyRuminantParent & Number > 1)
                        htmlWriter.Write("<span class=\"setvalue\">" + Number.ToString() + "</span> x ");
                        htmlWriter.Write("A ");

                    htmlWriter.Write($"<span class=\"setvalue\">{Age}</span> month old ");
                    htmlWriter.Write("<span class=\"setvalue\">" + Sex.ToString() + "</span></div>");
                    if (Suckling)
                        htmlWriter.Write("\r\n<div class=\"activityentry\">" + ((Number > 1) ? "These individuals are suckling" : "This individual is a suckling") + "</div>");

                    if (Sire)
                        htmlWriter.Write("\r\n<div class=\"activityentry\">" + ((Number > 1) ? "These individuals are breeding sires" : "This individual is a breeding sire") + "</div>");

                    Ruminant newInd       = null;
                    string   normWtString = "Unavailable";

                    if (rumType != null)
                        newInd       = Ruminant.Create(Sex, rumType, Age);
                        normWtString = newInd.NormalisedAnimalWeight.ToString("#,##0");

                    if (WeightSD > 0)
                        htmlWriter.Write("\r\n<div class=\"activityentry\">Individuals will be randomly assigned a weight based on a mean " + ((Weight == 0) ? "(using the normalised weight) " : "") + "of <span class=\"setvalue\">" + Weight.ToString("#,##0") + "</span> kg with a standard deviation of <span class=\"setvalue\">" + WeightSD.ToString() + "</span></div>");
                        if (newInd != null && Math.Abs(Weight - newInd.NormalisedAnimalWeight) / newInd.NormalisedAnimalWeight > 0.2)
                            htmlWriter.Write("<div class=\"activityentry\">These individuals should weigh close to the normalised weight of <span class=\"errorlink\">" + normWtString + "</span> kg for their age</div>");
                        htmlWriter.Write("\r\n<div class=\"activityentry\">" + ((Number > 1) ? "These individuals " : "This individual ") + "weigh" + ((Number > 1) ? "" : "s") + ((Weight == 0) ? " the normalised weight of " : "") + " <span class=\"setvalue\">" + Weight.ToString("#,##0") + "</span> kg");
                        if (newInd != null && Math.Abs(Weight - newInd.NormalisedAnimalWeight) / newInd.NormalisedAnimalWeight > 0.2)
                            htmlWriter.Write(", but should weigh close to the normalised weight of <span class=\"errorlink\">" + normWtString + "</span> kg for their age");
                    if (this.Parent is CLEMActivityBase | this.Parent is SpecifyRuminant)
                        bool parentIsSpecify = (Parent is SpecifyRuminant);

                        // when formatted for parent control. i.e. child fo trade
                        htmlWriter.Write("\r\n<div class=\"resourcebanneralone clearfix\">");
                        if (!parentIsSpecify)
                            htmlWriter.Write("Buy ");
                            if (Number > 0)
                                htmlWriter.Write("<span class=\"setvalue\">");
                                htmlWriter.Write("<span class=\"errorlink\">");
                                htmlWriter.Write("NOT SET");
                            htmlWriter.Write("</span> x ");
                        if (Age > 0)
                            htmlWriter.Write("<span class=\"setvalue\">");
                            htmlWriter.Write("<span class=\"errorlink\">");
                            htmlWriter.Write("NOT SET");
                        htmlWriter.Write("</span> month old ");
                        htmlWriter.Write("<span class=\"setvalue\">");
                        htmlWriter.Write(Sex.ToString() + ((Number > 1 | parentIsSpecify) ? "s" : ""));
                        htmlWriter.Write("</span> weighing ");
                        if (Weight > 0)
                            htmlWriter.Write("<span class=\"setvalue\">");
                            htmlWriter.Write("</span> kg ");
                            if (WeightSD > 0)
                                htmlWriter.Write("with a standard deviation of <span class=\"setvalue\">");
                            htmlWriter.Write("<span class=\"setvalue\">");
                            htmlWriter.Write("Normalised weight");
                        if (Sire || Suckling)
                            htmlWriter.Write(" and ");
                            htmlWriter.Write(Sire ? "<span class=\"setvalue\">Sires</span>" : "");
                            if (Suckling)
                                htmlWriter.Write($"<span class=\"{(Sire ? "errorlink":"setvalue")}\">Suckling</span>");
Beispiel #22
        /// <summary>
        /// Get value of a specific individual with special requirements check (e.g. breeding sire or draught purchase)
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>value</returns>
        public AnimalPriceGroup GetPriceGroupOfIndividual(Ruminant ind, PurchaseOrSalePricingStyleType purchaseStyle, string property, string value, string warningMessage = "")
            double price = 0;

            if (PricingAvailable())
                AnimalPriceGroup animalPrice = (purchaseStyle == PurchaseOrSalePricingStyleType.Purchase) ? ind.CurrentPriceGroups.Buy : ind.CurrentPriceGroups.Sell;
                if (animalPrice == null || !animalPrice.Filter(ind))
                    string criteria = property.ToUpper() + ":" + value.ToUpper();

                    //find first pricing entry matching specific criteria
                    AnimalPriceGroup matchIndividual = null;
                    AnimalPriceGroup matchCriteria   = null;

                    var priceGroups = PriceList.FindAllChildren <AnimalPriceGroup>()
                                      .Where(a => a.PurchaseOrSale == purchaseStyle || a.PurchaseOrSale == PurchaseOrSalePricingStyleType.Both);

                    foreach (AnimalPriceGroup priceGroup in priceGroups)
                        if (priceGroup.Filter(ind) && matchIndividual == null)
                            matchIndividual = priceGroup;

                        var suitableFilters = priceGroup.FindAllChildren <FilterByProperty>()
                                              .Where(a => (a.PropertyOfIndividual == property) &
                                                         (a.Operator == System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType.Equal && a.Value.ToString().ToUpper() == value.ToUpper()) |
                                                         (a.Operator == System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType.NotEqual && a.Value.ToString().ToUpper() != value.ToUpper()) |
                                                         (a.Operator == System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType.IsTrue && value.ToUpper() == "TRUE") |
                                                         (a.Operator == System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType.IsFalse && value.ToUpper() == "FALSE")

                        // check that pricing item meets the specified criteria.
                        if (suitableFilters)
                            if (matchCriteria == null)
                                matchCriteria = priceGroup;
                            // multiple price entries were found. using first. value = xxx.
                            if (!warningsMultipleEntry.Contains(criteria))
                                Summary.WriteMessage(this, "Multiple specific [" + purchaseStyle.ToString() + "] price entries were found for [r=" + ind.Breed + "] where [" + property + "]" + (value.ToUpper() != "TRUE" ? " = [" + value + "]." : ".") + "\r\nOnly the first entry will be used. Price [" + matchCriteria.Value.ToString("#,##0.##") + "] [" + matchCriteria.PricingStyle.ToString() + "].", MessageType.Warning);

                    if (matchCriteria == null)
                        string warningString = warningMessage;
                        if (warningString != "")
                            // no warning string passed to method so calculate one
                            // report specific criteria not found in price list
                            warningString = "No [" + purchaseStyle.ToString() + "] price entry was found for [r=" + ind.Breed + "] meeting the required criteria [" + property + "]" + (value.ToUpper() != "TRUE" ? " = [" + value + "]." : ".");

                            if (matchIndividual != null)
                                // add using the best pricing available for [][] purchases of xx per head
                                warningString += "\r\nThe best available price [" + matchIndividual.Value.ToString("#,##0.##") + "] [" + matchIndividual.PricingStyle.ToString() + "] will be used.";
                                price          = matchIndividual.Value * ((matchIndividual.PricingStyle == PricingStyleType.perKg) ? ind.Weight : 1.0);
                                warningString += "\r\nNo alternate price for individuals could be found for the individuals. Add a new [r=AnimalPriceGroup] entry in the [r=AnimalPricing] for [" + ind.Breed + "]";

                        if (!warningsNotFound.Contains(criteria))
                            Summary.WriteMessage(this, warningString, MessageType.Warning);
                    if (purchaseStyle == PurchaseOrSalePricingStyleType.Purchase)
                        ind.CurrentPriceGroups = (matchCriteria, ind.CurrentPriceGroups.Sell);
                        ind.CurrentPriceGroups = (ind.CurrentPriceGroups.Buy, matchCriteria);
Beispiel #23
        /// <summary>
        /// Remove individual/cohort from the herd
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ind">Individual Ruminant to remove</param>
        /// <param name="model">Model removing individual</param>
        public void RemoveRuminant(Ruminant ind, IModel model)
            // Remove mother ID from any suckling offspring
            if (ind is RuminantFemale)
                string reason;
                switch (ind.SaleFlag)
                case HerdChangeReason.Consumed:
                case HerdChangeReason.DiedUnderweight:
                case HerdChangeReason.DiedMortality:
                    reason = "MotherDied";

                case HerdChangeReason.MarkedSale:
                case HerdChangeReason.TradeSale:
                case HerdChangeReason.ExcessBreederSale:
                case HerdChangeReason.MaxAgeSale:
                    reason = "MotherSold";

                    reason = "Unknown";

                while ((ind as RuminantFemale).SucklingOffspringList.Any())
                    Ruminant offspring = (ind as RuminantFemale).SucklingOffspringList.FirstOrDefault();
                    offspring.Wean(true, reason);
                    offspring.Mother = null;

            // if sold and unweaned set mothers weaning count + 1 as effectively weaned in process and not death
            if (!ind.Weaned & !ind.SaleFlag.ToString().Contains("Died"))
                if (ind.Mother != null)

            LastIndividualChanged = ind;

            // report transaction of herd change
            ResourceTransaction details = new ResourceTransaction
                TransactionType   = TransactionType.Loss,
                Amount            = 1,
                Activity          = model as CLEMModel,
                Category          = ind.SaleFlag.ToString(),
                ResourceType      = ind.BreedParams,
                RelatesToResource = ind.BreedParams.NameWithParent,
                ExtraInformation  = ind

            LastTransaction = details;
            TransactionEventArgs te = new TransactionEventArgs()
                Transaction = details


            // report female breeding stats if needed
            if (ind.Sex == Sex.Female & ind.Age >= ind.BreedParams.MinimumAge1stMating)
                RuminantReportItemEventArgs args = new RuminantReportItemEventArgs
                    RumObj   = ind,
                    Category = "breeding stats"

            // remove change flag
            ind.SaleFlag = HerdChangeReason.None;
Beispiel #24
        /// <summary>
        /// Provides the description of the model settings for summary (GetFullSummary)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="formatForParentControl">Use full verbose description</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override string ModelSummary(bool formatForParentControl)
            RuminantType rumType;

            using (StringWriter htmlWriter = new StringWriter())
                if (!formatForParentControl)
                    rumType = FindAncestor <RuminantType>();

                    htmlWriter.Write("\r\n<div class=\"activityentry\">");
                    if (Number <= 0)
                        htmlWriter.Write("<span class=\"errorlink\">" + Number.ToString() + "</span> x ");
                    else if (Number > 1)
                        htmlWriter.Write("<span class=\"setvalue\">" + Number.ToString() + "</span> x ");
                        htmlWriter.Write("A ");
                    htmlWriter.Write($"<span class=\"setvalue\">{Age}</span> month old ");
                    htmlWriter.Write("<span class=\"setvalue\">" + Gender.ToString() + "</span></div>");
                    if (Suckling)
                        htmlWriter.Write("\r\n<div class=\"activityentry\">" + ((Number > 1) ? "These individuals are suckling" : "This individual is a suckling") + "</div>");
                    if (Sire)
                        htmlWriter.Write("\r\n<div class=\"activityentry\">" + ((Number > 1) ? "These individuals are breeding sires" : "This individual is a breeding sire") + "</div>");

                    Ruminant newInd       = null;
                    string   normWtString = "Unavailable";

                    if (rumType != null)
                        newInd       = new Ruminant(this.Age, this.Gender, 0, rumType);
                        normWtString = newInd.NormalisedAnimalWeight.ToString("#,##0");

                    if (WeightSD > 0)
                        htmlWriter.Write("\r\n<div class=\"activityentry\">Individuals will be randomly assigned a weight based on a mean " + ((Weight == 0) ? "(using the normalised weight) " : "") + "of <span class=\"setvalue\">" + Weight.ToString("#,##0") + "</span> kg with a standard deviation of <span class=\"setvalue\">" + WeightSD.ToString() + "</span></div>");

                        if (newInd != null && Math.Abs(Weight - newInd.NormalisedAnimalWeight) / newInd.NormalisedAnimalWeight > 0.2)
                            htmlWriter.Write("<div class=\"activityentry\">These individuals should weigh close to the normalised weight of <span class=\"errorlink\">" + normWtString + "</span> kg for their age</div>");
                        htmlWriter.Write("\r\n<div class=\"activityentry\">" + ((Number > 1) ? "These individuals " : "This individual ") + "weigh" + ((Number > 1) ? "" : "s") + ((Weight == 0) ? " the normalised weight of " : "") + " <span class=\"setvalue\">" + Weight.ToString("#,##0") + "</span> kg");
                        if (newInd != null && Math.Abs(Weight - newInd.NormalisedAnimalWeight) / newInd.NormalisedAnimalWeight > 0.2)
                            htmlWriter.Write(", but should weigh close to the normalised weight of <span class=\"errorlink\">" + normWtString + "</span> kg for their age");
                    if (this.Parent is CLEMActivityBase | this.Parent is SpecifyRuminant)
                        bool parentIsSpecify = (Parent is SpecifyRuminant);

                        // when formatted for parent control. i.e. child fo trade
                        htmlWriter.Write("\r\n<div class=\"resourcebanneralone clearfix\">");
                        if (!parentIsSpecify)
                            htmlWriter.Write("Buy ");
                            if (Number > 0)
                                htmlWriter.Write("<span class=\"setvalue\">");
                                htmlWriter.Write("<span class=\"errorlink\">");
                                htmlWriter.Write("NOT SET");
                            htmlWriter.Write("</span> x ");
                        if (Age > 0)
                            htmlWriter.Write("<span class=\"setvalue\">");
                            htmlWriter.Write("<span class=\"errorlink\">");
                            htmlWriter.Write("NOT SET");
                        htmlWriter.Write("</span> month old ");
                        htmlWriter.Write("<span class=\"setvalue\">");
                        htmlWriter.Write(Gender.ToString() + ((Number > 1 | parentIsSpecify) ? "s" : ""));
                        htmlWriter.Write("</span> weighing ");
                        if (Weight > 0)
                            htmlWriter.Write("<span class=\"setvalue\">");
                            htmlWriter.Write("</span> kg ");
                            if (WeightSD > 0)
                                htmlWriter.Write("with a standard deviation of <span class=\"setvalue\">");
                            htmlWriter.Write("<span class=\"setvalue\">");
                            htmlWriter.Write("Normalised weight");
                        if (Sire || Suckling)
                            htmlWriter.Write(" and ");
                            htmlWriter.Write(Sire ? "<span class=\"setvalue\">Sires</span>" : "");
                            if (Suckling)
                                htmlWriter.Write($"<span class=\"{(Sire ? "errorlink":"setvalue")}\">Suckling</span>");
Beispiel #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Provides the description of the model settings for summary (GetFullSummary)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="formatForParentControl">Use full verbose description</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override string ModelSummary(bool formatForParentControl)
            string html = "";

            if (!formatForParentControl)
                html += "\n<div class=\"activityentry\">";
                if (Number <= 0)
                    html += "<span class=\"errorlink\">" + Number.ToString() + "</span> x ";
                else if (Number > 1)
                    html += "<span class=\"setvalue\">" + Number.ToString() + "</span> x ";
                    html += "A ";
                html += "<span class=\"setvalue\">";
                html += Age.ToString("0") + "</span> month old ";
                html += "<span class=\"setvalue\">" + Gender.ToString() + "</span></div>";
                if (Suckling)
                    html += "\n<div class=\"activityentry\">" + ((Number > 1)?"These individuals are suckling":"This individual is a suckling") + "</div>";
                if (Sire)
                    html += "\n<div class=\"activityentry\">" + ((Number > 1) ? "These individuals are breeding sires" : "This individual is a breeding sire") + "</div>";

                RuminantType rumtype      = FindAncestor <RuminantType>();
                Ruminant     newInd       = null;
                string       normWtString = "Unavailable";

                if (rumtype != null)
                    newInd       = new Ruminant(this.Age, this.Gender, 0, FindAncestor <RuminantType>());
                    normWtString = newInd.NormalisedAnimalWeight.ToString("#,##0");

                if (WeightSD > 0)
                    html += "\n<div class=\"activityentry\">Individuals will be randomally assigned a weight based on a mean " + ((Weight == 0) ? "(using the normalised weight) " : "") + "of <span class=\"setvalue\">" + Weight.ToString("#,##0") + "</span> kg with a standard deviation of <span class=\"setvalue\">" + WeightSD.ToString() + "</span></div>";

                    if (newInd != null && Math.Abs(Weight - newInd.NormalisedAnimalWeight) / newInd.NormalisedAnimalWeight > 0.2)
                        html += "<div class=\"activityentry\">These individuals should weigh close to the normalised weight of <span class=\"errorlink\">" + normWtString + "</span> kg for their age</div>";
                    html += "\n<div class=\"activityentry\">" + ((Number > 1) ? "These individuals " : "This individual ") + "weigh" + ((Number > 1) ? "" : "s") + ((Weight == 0)?" the normalised weight of ":"") + " <span class=\"setvalue\">" + Weight.ToString("#,##0") + "</span> kg";
                    if (newInd != null && Math.Abs(Weight - newInd.NormalisedAnimalWeight) / newInd.NormalisedAnimalWeight > 0.2)
                        html += ", but should weigh close to the normalised weight of <span class=\"errorlink\">" + normWtString + "</span> kg for their age";
                    html += "</div>";
                html += "</div>";
                if (this.Parent is CLEMActivityBase)
                    // when formatted for parent control. i.e. child fo trade
                    html += "\n<div class=\"resourcebanneralone clearfix\">";
                    html += "Buy ";
                    if (Number > 0)
                        html += "<span class=\"setvalue\">";
                        html += Number.ToString();
                        html += "<span class=\"errorlink\">";
                        html += "NOT SET";
                    html += "</span> x ";
                    if (Age > 0)
                        html += "<span class=\"setvalue\">";
                        html += Number.ToString();
                        html += "<span class=\"errorlink\">";
                        html += "NOT SET";
                    html += "</span> month old ";
                    html += "<span class=\"setvalue\">";
                    html += Gender.ToString() + ((Number > 1) ? "s" : "");
                    html += "</span> weighing ";
                    if (Weight > 0)
                        html += "<span class=\"setvalue\">";
                        html += Weight.ToString();
                        html += "</span> kg ";
                        if (WeightSD > 0)
                            html += "with a standard deviation of <span class=\"setvalue\">";
                            html += WeightSD.ToString();
                            html += "</span>";
                        html += "<span class=\"setvalue\">";
                        html += "Normalised weight";
                        html += "</span>";
                    html += "\n</div>";
Beispiel #26
        /// <summary>
        /// Create the individual ruminant animals using the Cohort parameterisations.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="number">The number of individuals to create</param>
        /// <returns>List of ruminants</returns>
        public List <Ruminant> CreateIndividuals(int number)
            List <Ruminant> individuals = new List <Ruminant>();

            if (number > 0)
                RuminantType parent = FindAncestor <RuminantType>();

                // get Ruminant Herd resource for unique ids
                RuminantHerd ruminantHerd = Resources.RuminantHerd();

                for (int i = 1; i <= number; i++)
                    double weight = 0;
                    if (Weight > 0)
                        // avoid accidental small weight if SD provided but weight is 0
                        // if weight is 0 then the normalised weight will be applied in Ruminant constructor.
                        double u1            = RandomNumberGenerator.Generator.NextDouble();
                        double u2            = RandomNumberGenerator.Generator.NextDouble();
                        double randStdNormal = Math.Sqrt(-2.0 * Math.Log(u1)) *
                                               Math.Sin(2.0 * Math.PI * u2);
                        weight = Weight + WeightSD * randStdNormal;

                    object ruminantBase;
                    if (this.Gender == Sex.Male)
                        ruminantBase = new RuminantMale(Age, Gender, weight, parent);
                        ruminantBase = new RuminantFemale(Age, Gender, weight, parent);

                    Ruminant ruminant = ruminantBase as Ruminant;
                    ruminant.ID       = ruminantHerd.NextUniqueID;
                    ruminant.Breed    = parent.Breed;
                    ruminant.HerdName = parent.Name;
                    ruminant.SaleFlag = HerdChangeReason.None;
                    if (Suckling)

                    if (Sire)
                        if (this.Gender == Sex.Male)
                            RuminantMale ruminantMale = ruminantBase as RuminantMale;
                            ruminantMale.IsSire = true;
                            Summary.WriteWarning(this, "Breeding sire switch is not valid for individual females [r=" + parent.Name + "].[r=" + this.Parent.Name + "].[r=" + this.Name + "]");

                    // if weight not provided use normalised weight
                    ruminant.PreviousWeight = ruminant.Weight;

                    if (this.Gender == Sex.Female)
                        RuminantFemale ruminantFemale = ruminantBase as RuminantFemale;
                        ruminantFemale.DryBreeder         = true;
                        ruminantFemale.WeightAtConception = ruminant.Weight;
                        ruminantFemale.NumberOfBirths     = 0;

                    individuals.Add(ruminantBase as Ruminant);
