Beispiel #1
        public int addPacking(int userid, string wordDate, string barcode, string tisaneNum, string imgname, string userName)
            string sql  = "insert into packing(employeeId,Starttime,barcode,DecoctingNum,imgname,Fpactate,Pacpersonnel) values('" + userid + "','" + wordDate + "','" + barcode + "','" + tisaneNum + "','" + imgname + "','0" + "','" + userName + "')";
            string sql2 = "update prescription set doperson ='" + userName + "',curstate = '开始包装'  where id = '" + tisaneNum + "'";

            int count = db.cmd_Execute(sql);

            if (count > 0)
                BaseInfo.Insert_PackCmd(Convert.ToDateTime(wordDate), db, tisaneNum);//开始包装
                string sqlStr = "update machine set status='空闲',pid='' where id=(select machineid from tisaneunit where pid='" + tisaneNum + "')";
                sqlStr = "update machine set status='忙碌',pid='" + tisaneNum + "' where id=(SELECT FROM machine AS c INNER JOIN (SELECT, a.roomnum, a.mark, a.unitnum FROM      machine AS a INNER JOIN (SELECT machineid FROM tisaneunit WHERE   (pid = '" + tisaneNum + "')) AS b ON = b.machineid) AS d ON d.roomnum = c.roomnum AND d.unitnum = c.unitnum AND c.mark = 1)";
 public int addPacking(int userid, string wordDate, string barcode, string tisaneNum, string imgname, string userName)
     #region 当没有收到煎药完成指令和开始排液指令,触发判断煎药是否完成未完成将煎药时间设置为开始煎药时间+25MIN+煎药方案时间
         string        str11    = "select top 1 package_machine_nums from dbo.tb_sys_add_setting";
         SqlDataReader sr11     = db.get_Reader(str11);
         int           more_num = 0;
         if (sr11.Read())
             more_num = Convert.ToInt32(sr11["package_machine_nums"].ToString());
             string sql12 = "update prescription set packstatus=packstatus+more_num   where id = '" + tisaneNum.ToString().Trim() + "'";
         db.sp_Execute_no_return("sp_auto_tisane", Convert.ToInt32(tisaneNum));
     string sql  = "insert into packing(employeeId,Starttime,barcode,DecoctingNum,imgname,Fpactate,Pacpersonnel) values('" + userid + "','" + wordDate + "','" + barcode + "','" + tisaneNum + "','" + imgname + "','0" + "','" + userName + "')";
     string sql2 = "update prescription set doperson ='" + userName + "',curstate = '开始包装'  where id = '" + tisaneNum + "'";
     int count = db.cmd_Execute(sql);
     if (count > 0)
         BaseInfo.Insert_PackCmd(Convert.ToDateTime(wordDate), db, tisaneNum);//开始包装
         string sqlStr = "update machine set status='空闲',pid='' where id=(select machineid from tisaneunit where pid='" + tisaneNum + "')";
         sqlStr = "update machine set status='忙碌',pid='" + tisaneNum + "' where id=(SELECT FROM machine AS c INNER JOIN (SELECT, a.roomnum, a.mark, a.unitnum FROM      machine AS a INNER JOIN (SELECT machineid FROM tisaneunit WHERE   (pid = '" + tisaneNum + "')) AS b ON = b.machineid) AS d ON d.roomnum = c.roomnum AND d.unitnum = c.unitnum AND c.mark = 1)";
Beispiel #3
        public int AddPacking(int DecoctingNum, string PackPer)
            /// <summary>
            /// 添加包装信息
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="einfo"></param>
            /// <returns></returns>
            String        sql        = "";
            int           end        = 0;
            string        per        = PackPer.Substring(6);
            string        employeeid = "";
            string        str7       = "select id from employee where EmNumAName ='" + PackPer + "'";
            SqlDataReader sr7        = db.get_Reader(str7);

            if (sr7.Read())
                employeeid = sr7["id"].ToString();

            string        str = "select pid from tisaneinfo where  tisanestatus = 1 and pid not in (select pid from InvalidPrescription) and  pid = '" + DecoctingNum + "'";
            SqlDataReader sr  = db.get_Reader(str);

            System.DateTime now = new System.DateTime();
            now = System.DateTime.Now;
            if (sr.Read())
                string result = sr["pid"].ToString();
                int    a      = Convert.ToInt32(result);

                string        str1 = "select * from Packing where DecoctingNum = '" + a + "'";
                SqlDataReader sr1  = db.get_Reader(str1);

                if (sr1.Read())
                    string        start     = "select Starttime from Packing where DecoctingNum = '" + a + "'";
                    SqlDataReader starttime = db.get_Reader(start);

                    string starttime2 = "";
                    if (starttime.Read())
                        string        tate  = "select Fpactate from Packing where DecoctingNum = '" + a + "'";
                        SqlDataReader tate1 = db.get_Reader(tate);

                        if (tate1.Read())
                            if (tate1["Fpactate"].ToString() == "0")
                                starttime2 = starttime["Starttime"].ToString();
                                DateTime starttime1 = Convert.ToDateTime(starttime2);                                                                                                 //开始时间
                                string   now1       = now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
                                DateTime d3         = Convert.ToDateTime(now1);                                                                                                       //把当前时间转变为datetime
                                TimeSpan d4         = d3.Subtract(starttime1);                                                                                                        //开始时间-当前时间

                                int    fpack    = Convert.ToInt32(d4.Days.ToString()) * 24 * 60 + Convert.ToInt32(d4.Hours.ToString()) * 60 + Convert.ToInt32(d4.Minutes.ToString()); //差值转换为分钟数
                                string packtime = fpack.ToString();
                                //sql = "INSERT INTO [Packing](DecoctingNum,packtime,Fpactate) VALUES('" + a + "','" + fpack + "','" + 2 + "')";
                                sql = "Update Packing set PacTime='" + now + "',  Fpactate ='1' where  DecoctingNum =  '" + a + "'";
                                if (db.cmd_Execute(sql) == 1)
                                    string sql1 = "update prescription set curstate = '包装完成'  where id = '" + a + "'";
                                    if (db.cmd_Execute(sql1) == 1)
                                        string sql2 = "INSERT INTO [Delivery](DecoctingNum,Sendstate) VALUES('" + a + "','0')";
                                        if (db.cmd_Execute(sql2) == 1)
                                            string        str5 = "select machineid from tisaneunit where pid = '" + DecoctingNum + "'";
                                            SqlDataReader sr01 = db.get_Reader(str5);
                                            if (sr01.Read())
                                                string machineid = sr01["machineid"].ToString();
                                                string        sq6 = "select unitnum from machine where id = '" + machineid + "'";
                                                SqlDataReader sr6 = db.get_Reader(sq6);
                                                if (sr6.Read())
                                                    string unitnum = sr6["unitnum"].ToString();
                                                    string sq7     = "update machine set status ='空闲' where unitnum = '" + unitnum + "' and mark =1";
                                sql = "";
                    string sql2 = "INSERT INTO [Packing](DecoctingNum,Starttime,Fpactate,Pacpersonnel,employeeid) VALUES('" + a + "','" + now + "','" + 0 + "','" + per + "','" + employeeid + "')";
                    BaseInfo.Insert_PackCmd(now, db, DecoctingNum.ToString());
                    //SqlDataReader tate13 = db.get_Reader(sql2);
                    if (db.cmd_Execute(sql2) == 1)
                        sql = "update prescription set doperson ='" + per + "',curstate = '开始包装'  where id = '" + a + "'";
                        // sql = "update prescription set doperson ='" + per + "',curstate = '开始包装'  where id = '" + a + "'";

                        string   now1 = now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
                        DateTime d3   = Convert.ToDateTime(now1);//把当前时间转变为datetime

                        sql = "update tisaneunit set packstatus = 1,endDate ='" + d3 + "' where pid ='" + a + "'";

                        //string changetisanestatu = "update machine set status ='空闲' where id = (select machineid from tisaneunit where pid = '"+a+"')";
                        // db.cmd_Execute(changetisanestatu);

                        //  string changepackstatu = "update machine set status ='忙碌' where id = (select machineid from tisaneunit where pid = '" + a + "')";
                        // db.cmd_Execute(changepackstatu);

                        string        machineid = "";
                        string        unitnum   = "";
                        string        str5      = "select machineid from tisaneunit where pid = '" + DecoctingNum + "'";
                        SqlDataReader sr5       = db.get_Reader(str5);

                        if (sr5.Read())
                            machineid = sr5["machineid"].ToString();
                            string        sq6 = "select unitnum from machine where id = '" + machineid + "'";
                            SqlDataReader sr6 = db.get_Reader(sq6);
                            if (sr6.Read())
                                unitnum = sr6["unitnum"].ToString();
                                string sq7 = "update machine set status ='忙碌' where unitnum = '" + unitnum + "'and mark =1";

                        string sql9 = "update machine set status ='空闲' where id = '" + machineid + "'";
                sql = "";

            if (sql == "")
                end = 0;
                end = db.cmd_Execute(sql);
        public int AddPacking(int DecoctingNum, string PackPer)
            int end = 0;

            /// <summary>
            /// 添加包装信息
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="einfo"></param>
            /// <returns></returns>
            #region 当没有收到煎药完成指令和开始排液指令,触发判断煎药是否完成未完成将煎药时间设置为开始煎药时间+25MIN+煎药方案时间
                string        str11    = "select top 1 package_machine_nums from dbo.tb_sys_add_setting";
                SqlDataReader sr11     = db.get_Reader(str11);
                int           more_num = 0;
                if (sr11.Read())
                    more_num = Convert.ToInt32(sr11["package_machine_nums"].ToString());
                    //  string sql12 = "update prescription set packagenum =packagenum+" + more_num.ToString() + " where id = '" + DecoctingNum.ToString().Trim() + "'";//+" and "+"'"++"'";
                    //  db.cmd_Execute(sql12);
                    string sql13 = "update  tisaneinfo  set tisanestatus ='1' where pid ='" + DecoctingNum.ToString().Trim() + "'";
                db.sp_Execute_no_return("sp_auto_tisane", DecoctingNum);
                end = 0;

            String sql = "";

            string        per        = PackPer.Substring(6);
            string        employeeid = "";
            string        str7       = "select id from employee where EmNumAName ='" + PackPer + "'";
            SqlDataReader sr7        = db.get_Reader(str7);

            if (sr7.Read())
                employeeid = sr7["id"].ToString();

            string str = "select pid from tisaneinfo where  tisanestatus = 1 and  pid = '" + DecoctingNum + "'";
            //and pid not in (select pid from InvalidPrescription)
            SqlDataReader   sr  = db.get_Reader(str);
            System.DateTime now = new System.DateTime();
            now = System.DateTime.Now;
            #region if 1
            if (sr.Read())
                string result = sr["pid"].ToString();
                int    a      = Convert.ToInt32(result);

                string        str1 = "select * from Packing where DecoctingNum = '" + a + "'";
                SqlDataReader sr1  = db.get_Reader(str1);
                #region 是否包装判断
                if (sr1.Read())
                    string        start     = "select Starttime from Packing where DecoctingNum = '" + a + "'";
                    SqlDataReader starttime = db.get_Reader(start);

                    string starttime2 = "";
                    if (starttime.Read())
                        string        tate  = "select Fpactate from Packing where DecoctingNum = '" + a + "'";
                        SqlDataReader tate1 = db.get_Reader(tate);

                        if (tate1.Read())
                            if (tate1["Fpactate"].ToString() == "0")
                                starttime2 = starttime["Starttime"].ToString();
                                DateTime starttime1 = Convert.ToDateTime(starttime2);                                                                                                 //开始时间
                                string   now1       = now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
                                DateTime d3         = Convert.ToDateTime(now1);                                                                                                       //把当前时间转变为datetime
                                TimeSpan d4         = d3.Subtract(starttime1);                                                                                                        //开始时间-当前时间

                                int    fpack    = Convert.ToInt32(d4.Days.ToString()) * 24 * 60 + Convert.ToInt32(d4.Hours.ToString()) * 60 + Convert.ToInt32(d4.Minutes.ToString()); //差值转换为分钟数
                                string packtime = fpack.ToString();
                                //sql = "INSERT INTO [Packing](DecoctingNum,packtime,Fpactate) VALUES('" + a + "','" + fpack + "','" + 2 + "')";
                                sql = "Update Packing set PacTime='" + now + "',  Fpactate ='1' where  DecoctingNum =  '" + a + "'";
                                if (db.cmd_Execute(sql) == 1)
                                    string sql1 = "update prescription set curstate = '包装完成'  where id = '" + a + "'";
                                    if (db.cmd_Execute(sql1) == 1)
                                        string sql2 = "INSERT INTO [Delivery](DecoctingNum,Sendstate) VALUES('" + a + "','0')";
                                        if (db.cmd_Execute(sql2) == 1)
                                            string        str5 = "select machineid from tisaneunit where pid = '" + DecoctingNum + "'";
                                            SqlDataReader sr01 = db.get_Reader(str5);
                                            if (sr01.Read())
                                                string machineid = sr01["machineid"].ToString();
                                                string        sq6 = "select unitnum from machine where id = '" + machineid + "'";
                                                SqlDataReader sr6 = db.get_Reader(sq6);
                                                if (sr6.Read())
                                                    string unitnum = sr6["unitnum"].ToString();
                                                    string sq7     = "update machine set status ='空闲' where unitnum = '" + unitnum + "' and mark =1";
                                sql = "";

                #region 未开始包装判断
                    string sql2 = "INSERT INTO [Packing](DecoctingNum,Starttime,Fpactate,Pacpersonnel,employeeid) VALUES('" + a + "','" + now + "','" + 0 + "','" + per + "','" + employeeid + "')";
                    BaseInfo.Insert_PackCmd(now, db, DecoctingNum.ToString());
                    //SqlDataReader tate13 = db.get_Reader(sql2);
                    if (db.cmd_Execute(sql2) == 1)
                        sql = "update prescription set doperson ='" + per + "',curstate = '开始包装'  where id = '" + a + "'";
                        // sql = "update prescription set doperson ='" + per + "',curstate = '开始包装'  where id = '" + a + "'";

                        string   now1 = now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
                        DateTime d3   = Convert.ToDateTime(now1);//把当前时间转变为datetime

                        sql = "update tisaneunit set packstatus = 1,endDate ='" + d3 + "' where pid ='" + a + "'";

                        //string changetisanestatu = "update machine set status ='空闲' where id = (select machineid from tisaneunit where pid = '"+a+"')";
                        // db.cmd_Execute(changetisanestatu);

                        //  string changepackstatu = "update machine set status ='忙碌' where id = (select machineid from tisaneunit where pid = '" + a + "')";
                        // db.cmd_Execute(changepackstatu);

                        string        machineid = "";
                        string        unitnum   = "";
                        string        str5      = "select machineid from tisaneunit where pid = '" + DecoctingNum + "'";
                        SqlDataReader sr5       = db.get_Reader(str5);

                        if (sr5.Read())
                            machineid = sr5["machineid"].ToString();
                            string        sq6 = "select unitnum from machine where id = '" + machineid + "'";
                            SqlDataReader sr6 = db.get_Reader(sq6);
                            if (sr6.Read())
                                unitnum = sr6["unitnum"].ToString();
                                string sq7 = "update machine set status ='忙碌' where unitnum = '" + unitnum + "'and mark =1";

                        string sql9 = "update machine set status ='空闲' where id = '" + machineid + "'";
                sql = "";

            if (sql == "")
                end = 0;
                // end = db.cmd_Execute(sql);
                end = 1;