Beispiel #1
        public override bool Equals(Object obj)
            // Check for null values and compare run-time types.
            if (obj == null || GetType() != obj.GetType())

            GameBoardState other = obj as GameBoardState;

            //Check that both dictionaries have the same keys
            bool sameKeys = gameBoard.Keys.Except(other.gameBoard.Keys).Count() == 0 &&
                            other.gameBoard.Keys.Except(gameBoard.Keys).Count() == 0;

            if (!sameKeys)

            //Check that the values are equal as well
            foreach (var key in gameBoard.Keys)
                if (gameBoard[key] != other.gameBoard[key])

Beispiel #2
 internal MoveState(GameBoardState state, CheckerColor color, int position,
                    List <int> movesLeft, List <Change> changes)
     this.state     = state;
     this.color     = color;
     this.position  = position;
     this.movesLeft = movesLeft;
     this.changes   = changes;
Beispiel #3
        //Given a state, an initial position and a target position, returns true if it is legal for the white player
        //to move a checker from the initial position to the target position, or false if not
        private static bool IsLegalMove(GameBoardState state, int from, int targetPosition)
            bool result = IsLegalToMoveFromPosition(state, from) && IsLegalToMoveToPosition(state, from, targetPosition);

            if (from == 25)
                Console.WriteLine("Mocing from white bar now.... Legal: " + result);
Beispiel #4
        private void initialize(int[] gameBoard, Dice dice, int whiteCheckersOnBar, int whiteCheckersBoreOff,
                                int blackCheckersOnBar, int blackCheckersBoreOff, CheckerColor playerToMove)
            this.turnColor = playerToMove;
            this.dice      = dice;
            this.CurrentTurn = new Turn(turnColor, new List <Move>(), new List <int>(movesLeft));

            this.currentGameBoardState = new GameBoardState(gameBoard, whiteCheckersOnBar, whiteCheckersBoreOff, blackCheckersOnBar, blackCheckersBoreOff);
Beispiel #5
        public void Move(CheckerColor color, int from, int targetPosition)
            if (GameIsOver())
                Console.WriteLine("Game is over, so doing nothing");

            if (color != playerToMove())
                throw new InvalidOperationException(color + " can't move when it is " + color.OppositeColor() + "'s turn");


            MovesCalculator mts = new MovesCalculator(currentGameBoardState, color, from, movesLeft);

            if (!mts.LegalToMoveToPosition(targetPosition))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Illegal to move " + color + " form " + from + " to " + targetPosition);

            MovesCalculator.MoveState resultingState = mts.MoveToPosition(targetPosition);
            currentGameBoardState = resultingState.state;
            movesLeft             = resultingState.movesLeft;

            foreach (Change change in resultingState.changes)
                if (change is Move)
                    CurrentTurn.moves.Add(change as Move);

            if (GameIsOver())
                //Console.WriteLine("Game is over!! Terminating"); // Michaelius: The view notifies gameover. ML doesn't like printing.

            if (movesLeft.Count() == 0)
            else if (GetMoveableCheckers().Count() == 0)
Beispiel #6
        //Given a state, an initial position and a target position, returns true if the white player
        //can move a checker from the initial position to the target position, or false if not.
        private static bool IsLegalToMoveToPosition(GameBoardState state, int fromPosition, int toPosition)
            //If the target position is between -5 and 0, then the white player is trying to bear off a checker
            if (toPosition <= 0 && toPosition >= -5)
                return(IsLegalToBearOff(state, fromPosition, toPosition));

            //If not, make sure the position is on the board and that there are less than two enemy checkers there
            if (toPosition < 1 || toPosition > 24)
            return(state.getMainBoard()[toPosition - 1] > -2);
Beispiel #7
        internal static IEnumerable <int> GetMoveableCheckers(GameBoardState state, CheckerColor color, List <int> moves)
            HashSet <int> output = new HashSet <int>();

            if (new MovesCalculator(state, color, color.GetBar(), moves).GetReachablePositions().Count() > 0)
            for (int i = 1; i <= 24; i++)
                if (new MovesCalculator(state, color, i, moves).GetReachablePositions().Count() > 0)
Beispiel #8
        //Given a state, an initial position and a target position, returns true if it is legal for white
        //to bear off a checker from the initial position to the target position
        private static bool IsLegalToBearOff(GameBoardState state, int from, int to)
            //Check that the home board (including the position white bears off to) is filled with all whites checkers
            if (state.NumberOfCheckersInHomeBoard() != GameBoardState.NUMBER_OF_CHECKERS_PER_PLAYER)
            if (to == 0)

            //If the target position is less than 0, then white is for example trying to carry off a checker
            //from position 4 using a move of 5. For this to be legal, we must ensure that there are no checkers
            //in the home board positiond on a position greater than 4.
            return(state.NumberOfCheckersInHomeBoardFurtherAwayFromBar(from) == 0);
Beispiel #9
        internal static string CreateXmlForGameBoardState(GameBoardState state, string rootTag)
            if (state == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("state");
            if (rootTag == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("rootTag");

            //Separating each element of the array with a space, and removes trailing spaces
            var board = state.getMainBoard().Select(i => i + " ").Aggregate((a, b) => a + b).Trim();

            //Wrap the board with tags
            board = "<board>" + board + "</board>";

            int whiteGoal = state.GetCheckersOnPosition(White.BearOffPositionID());
            int whiteBar  = state.GetCheckersOnPosition(White.GetBar());

            //The agreed format is that black checkers on bar and target should be represented as negative
            int blackGoal = state.GetCheckersOnPosition(Black.BearOffPositionID());

            blackGoal = Math.Min(blackGoal, blackGoal * -1);

            int blackBar = state.GetCheckersOnPosition(Black.GetBar());

            blackBar = Math.Min(blackBar, blackBar * -1);

            //Wrap each of the above four values in their own tags
            var rest = String.Format("<whiteGoal>{0}</whiteGoal><whiteBar>{1}</whiteBar><blackGoal>{2}</blackGoal><blackBar>{3}</blackBar>",
                                     whiteBar, whiteGoal, blackBar, blackGoal);

            //Wrapping the entire message in the supplied root tags
            if (rootTag == "")
                return(board + rest);
                return(String.Format("<{0}>" + board + rest + "</{0}>", rootTag));
Beispiel #10
        internal MovesCalculator(GameBoardState state, CheckerColor color, int fromPosition, List <int> moves)
            initialMoveState = new MoveState(state, color, fromPosition, moves, new List <Change>());

            //Initialises the set of reachable states given the starting GameBoardState, position and moves
            IEnumerable <MoveState> tmp1 = initialMoveState.GenerateMoveStatesForPosition();

            while (tmp1.Count() > 0)
                reachableStates.AddRange(tmp1); //Adds all the states in tmp1 to the reachable states

                tmp1 = tmp1
                       //Maps every state 'a' in tmp1 to a list that contains the states that are reachable from 'a'
                       .Select(s => s.GenerateMoveStatesForPosition())
                       //Concatenates all the lists, yielding a new set of reachable states
                       .Aggregate((a, b) => a.Concat(b));
Beispiel #11
 //Given a state and a position, returns true if it is legal for the white player can move a checker from that position
 private static bool IsLegalToMoveFromPosition(GameBoardState state, int position)
     //If the position is the bar, there has to be at least one checker on the bar
     if (position == WHITE.GetBar())
         return(state.getCheckersOnBar(WHITE) > 0);
     //If not, there cannot be any checkers on the bar, the position has to be on the board, and there has to be at
     //least one checker on that position
         if (state.getCheckersOnBar(WHITE) > 0)
         if (position < 1 || position > 24)
         return(state.getMainBoard()[position - 1] > 0);
Beispiel #12
        public static IEnumerable <ReachableState> GetReachableStatesThisTurn(GameBoardState state, CheckerColor color, List <int> movesLeft)
            IEnumerable <int> moveableCheckers = GetMoveableCheckers(state, color, movesLeft);
            List <MoveState>  moveStates       = new List <MoveState>();

            foreach (int pos in moveableCheckers)
                var tmp = new MovesCalculator(state, color, pos, movesLeft).reachableStates;
                foreach (var moveState in tmp)
                    if (moveState.IsFinal)
            if (moveStates.Count() == 0)
                return(new List <ReachableState>());

            return(moveStates.Select(moveState => new ReachableState(moveState.state, moveState.MovesMade())));
Beispiel #13
        //Performs a move and returns the resulting state. If the move is illegal, null will be returned instead.
        internal static GameBoardState Move(GameBoardState state, CheckerColor color, int initialPosition, int distance)
            //Since moving a checker from the black player is identical to moving a checker from the white player, if the white player's
            //situation was the same as the black player, the game board and input is inverted so this is the case, and the code for
            //moving a white checker is reused
            if (color == BLACK)
                //Transforming the input
                state           = state.InvertColor();
                initialPosition = convertTo(WHITE, initialPosition);

                state = Move(state, WHITE, initialPosition, distance);

                //Returns null if the move is invalid, else transforms the move
                //back into the perspective of the black player and returns it.
                return(state == null ? null : state.InvertColor());

            //The position of the white bar relative to the board is 25, as 24 is the first position
            //for white when moving from the bar
            int initialPositionRelativeToBoard = initialPosition == WHITE.GetBar() ? 25 : initialPosition;
            int targetPosition = initialPositionRelativeToBoard - distance;

            if (IsLegalMove(state, initialPosition, targetPosition))
                //The previous definition of the target position is useful for determining whether or not
                //A move is legal. However, we risk getting negative values, for example when
                //the white player bears off a checker on position 4 using a die that shows 5
                //Therefore the /actual/ target position is found using the below method call
                targetPosition = GetPositionAfterMove(color, initialPosition, distance);
                return(state.MoveChecker(initialPosition, targetPosition));
Beispiel #14
 internal ReachableState(GameBoardState state, List <Move> movesMade)
     this.state     = state;
     this.movesMade = movesMade;