Beispiel #1
 /// <summary>
 /// 申请退款
 /// </summary>
 public string ApplyRefund()
     Refund refund = new Refund();
     refund.ApplyTime = DateTime.Now;
     refund.Member = Member;
     refund.Order = Order;
     refund.RefundSerialNo = new BLLFormatSerialNo().GetSerialNo(TourConfig.RefundFlag);
        string html=  new BLLPayment().PayBack(refund);
        return html;
Beispiel #2
 public Refund SecondRefund()
     var secondRefund = new Refund
         RefundId = 2,
         TransactionID = "LOLE9843",
         OrderId = 2,
         OrderModelTypeId = (int)LookUp.OrderModel.OrderModelType.Values.Subscription,
         CookerId = 1,
         ClientId = 1,
         RefundDate = DateTime.Today.Date,
         RefundAmount = (decimal)7.50,
         StatusId = (int)DisputeStatus.Values.Processing,
         ReasonId = (int)DisputeReason.Values.OtherReasons,
         EvidencePhoto = "",
         Description = "This item was not good"
     return secondRefund;
Beispiel #3
 public Refund FirstRefund()
     var firstRefund = new Refund
         RefundId =  1,
         TransactionID = "GROC#43",
         OrderId = 1,
         OrderModelTypeId = (int)LookUp.OrderModel.OrderModelType.Values.Transaction,
         CookerId = 1,
         ClientId = 1,
         RefundDate = DateTime.Today.Date,
         RefundAmount = (decimal) 8.50,
         StatusId = (int)DisputeStatus.Values.Resolved,
         ReasonId = (int)DisputeReason.Values.ItemNotAsDescribed,
         EvidencePhoto = @"C:\Users\haraissia\Documents\Visual Studio 2013\Projects\PrivateChef\trunk\Test\Images\Dispute\NeverDelivered.jpg",
         Description = "This item was never delivered"
     return firstRefund;
Beispiel #4
 public void Save(Refund refund)
Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>
        /// 退款/退订
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string PayBack(Refund refund)
            // 卖家用户ID
               // string seller_user_id = Seller_user_id.Text.Trim();

            string batch_no = refund.RefundSerialNo;


            string refund_date = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss");

            //退款请求的当前时间。格式为:yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss

            string batch_num = "1";//Batch_num.Text.Trim();

            string detail_data = refund.Order.TradeNo + "^" +refund.TotalReturnAmount +"^" + "退款旅游" ;
            //退款请求的明细数据。格式详见“4.3 单笔数据集参数说明”。


            SortedDictionary<string, string> sParaTemp = new SortedDictionary<string, string>();

            sParaTemp.Add("seller_user_id", Config.Partner);
            sParaTemp.Add("batch_no", batch_no);
            sParaTemp.Add("refund_date", refund_date);
            sParaTemp.Add("batch_num", batch_num);
            sParaTemp.Add("detail_data", detail_data);

            Service ali = new Service();
            string sHtmlText = ali.Refund_fastpay_by_platform_pwd(sParaTemp);
            return sHtmlText;
Beispiel #6
 public Refund ThirdRefund()
     var thirdRefund = new Refund
         RefundId = 3,
         TransactionID = "FERO#23",
         OrderId = 2,
         OrderModelTypeId = (int)LookUp.OrderModel.OrderModelType.Values.Transaction,
         CookerId = 1,
         ClientId = 2,
         RefundDate = DateTime.Today.Date,
         RefundAmount = (decimal)4.50,
         StatusId = (int)DisputeStatus.Values.Escalated,
         ReasonId = (int)DisputeReason.Values.OtherReasons,
         EvidencePhoto = @"C:\Users\haraissia\Documents\Visual Studio 2013\Projects\PrivateChef\trunk\Test\Images\Refund\BadFood.jpg",
         Description = "look at the picture and you will understand"
     return thirdRefund;