Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Method to compute new speed and new position for the current platoon based on
        /// speed limit restrictions and maintaining minimum required distance with predecessor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="prev">Reference to previous platoon</param>
        /// <param name="newPosn">New tentative position to move to</param>
        /// <param name="newSpeed">New speed to move to newPosn</param>
        private void computeNewSpeedAndPosition(Platoon prev, out int newPosn, out int newSpeed)
            int distToTravel = 0;		// Distance to travel through in one time slot

             * If there's no platoon ahead of this platoon then in one time unit, a platoon
             * can move as much as the speedLimit.
            if(prev == null)
                distToTravel = speedLimit;
                 * If there is a platoon ahead of this platoon, compute distToTravel
                 * such that it maintains "interPlatoonDist" with it.
                if(this.dirn == Direction.NS || this.dirn == Direction.EW)
                    distToTravel = prev.rearPosition() - currPosn;
                if(this.dirn == Direction.SN || this.dirn == Direction.WE)
                    distToTravel = currPosn - prev.rearPosition();
                distToTravel = distToTravel - interPlatoonDist;

                 * However, speedLimit can't be exceeded. So if distToTravel > speedLimit, then
                 * reduce distToTravel to speedLimit.
                if(distToTravel > speedLimit)
                    distToTravel = speedLimit;

             * Compute newSpeed and newPosn.
            newSpeed = distToTravel;

            if(this.dirn == Direction.NS || this.dirn == Direction.EW)
                newPosn = currPosn + newSpeed;
            if(this.dirn == Direction.SN || this.dirn == Direction.WE)
                newPosn = currPosn - newSpeed;
                 * Written ONLY to satisfy the compiler
                newPosn = -100000;
                newSpeed = -100000;
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Algorithm used by the platoons to move
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="prev">Previous platoon's reference</param>
        /// <param name="currTime">Current time</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public void move(Platoon prev, int currTime)
            int newSpeed = -1;			// New speed
            int newPosn = -1;			// New position
            bool canMerge = true;		// Can merge with previous platoon
            int nextXPosn;				// Position of next intersection
            bool moveSucceeded;			// Move to new position succeeded

            int nextIntxnNum = -2000;	// Number of next intersection - NOT USED RIGHT NOW

             * Compute new speed and new position for the platoon
            computeNewSpeedAndPosition(prev, out newPosn, out newSpeed);

             * If newSpeed was zero, that means that the platoon cannot move due to predecessor platoon
             * blocking it's path in this iteration, so return without moving.
            if(newSpeed == 0)

            moveSucceeded = checkIfMoveAllowed(currTime, newPosn, newSpeed, out nextXPosn);

            if(moveSucceeded == true)
                currPosn = newPosn;
                currSpeed = newSpeed;
                currPosn = nextXPosn;
                currSpeed = 0;
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Helper method used by createPlatoon to create platoons.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="currTime">Current time</param>
        /// <param name="laneID">Lane ID for which platoon must be created 0 - downLane, 1 - upLane</param>
        private void createPlatoonHelper(int currTime, int laneID)
            Platoon p;		// Temp object Platoon
            int posn;		// Rear position of last platoon on that lane
            int numVeh;		// Number of vehicles to add in platoon
            int startPt;	// Starting position for platoon
            Vehicle []v;	// Array of vehicles to add to platoon
            int platoonDirn;// Platoon's direction
            Queue waitQ;	// Waiting queue
            ArrayList lane;	// Lane

             * Select values corresponding to either downlane or uplane
            if(laneID == 0)
                lane = downLane;
                waitQ = downQueue;
                startPt = this.startPos;

                // For downlane, direction is either NS or EW
                if(orient == RoadOrientation.NS)
                    platoonDirn = Direction.NS;
                    platoonDirn = Direction.EW;
                lane = upLane;
                waitQ = upQueue;
                startPt = this.endPos;

                // For upLane, direction is either SN or WE
                if(orient == RoadOrientation.NS)
                    platoonDirn = Direction.SN;
                    platoonDirn = Direction.WE;

             * If this is the time to create a platoon and some vehicles are waiting to join a platoon
             * then only create a platoon.
            if((currTime % period == 0) && (waitQ.Count > 0))

                 * Get the position of the last platoon on that lane.
                if(lane.Count > 0)
                    p = (Platoon) lane[lane.Count - 1];
                    posn = p.rearPosition();

                     * If there isn't place to create a new platoon such that minimum inter platoon distance
                     * is maintained with last platoon on that lane, don't attempt to create a platoon and return.
                    if(laneID == 0)
                        if(posn < this.startPos + ip.interPlatoonDist)
                             * Increment platoon not created counter.
                        if(this.endPos - posn < ip.interPlatoonDist)
                             * Increment platoon not created counter.
                // Get how many vehicles to add to this platoon
                numVeh = Math.Min(numVehiclesInPlatoon, waitQ.Count);

                v = new Vehicle[numVeh];

                // Remove those many vehicles from the waiting queue
                for(int i = 0; i < numVeh; i++)
                    v[i] = (Vehicle) waitQ.Dequeue();

                    // Set vehicles start journey time - this determines vehicle's wait time

                p = new Platoon(v, numVehiclesInPlatoon, platoonDirn, travelSpeed, startPt, this);

                if(laneID == 1)
            //		Console.WriteLine("Platoon created at posn {0} Dirn {1} on Road {2} Orient {3}", startPt, platoonDirn, this.roadNum, this.orient);

                 * Update platoon arrival counter in road perf counter

Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// This method is invoked by the platoon to merge with its predecessor platoon. The merging platoon
        /// first obtains the capacity of the succeeding platoon and then merges all possible vehicles to its 
        /// predecessor. If this platoon merges all its vehicles to predecessor, then it gets itself removed from the road
        /// A succeeding platoon can invoke this method when it is intra-platoon dist away from its predecessor. Distance check
        /// is not done in this method.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pred">Instance of preceding platoon</param>
        /// <returns>A boolean value true if merge is possible, false otherwise</returns>
        public bool mergeWithPredecessor(Platoon pred)
            int predCapacity;				// Additional capacity of predecessor platoon

             * Query the preceding platoon for additional platoons that it can accept.
             * If it's not possible to merge more platoons then return false.
            predCapacity = pred.mergeCapacity();

             * ONLY COMPLETE MERGES ARE ALLOWED. Thus, if the number of vehicles in current platoon
             * are greater than the capacity of preceding platoon, do not attempt to merge and return
             * false.
            if(vehicles.Count > predCapacity)
                return false;

            // Add the removed vehicles into the preceding platoon

             * This loop removes all the vehicles from the vehicles array of this platoon
            vehicles.RemoveRange(0, vehicles.Count);
            //			while(vehicles.Count > 0)
            //			{
            //				vehicles.RemoveAt(0);
            //			}

            // Update self length
            platoonLen = 0;

            // Set currposn to some invalid value
            currPosn = -1000000;
            return true;
Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Computes the statistics for all the platoons in the system
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="currTime">Current Time</param>
        public void getRoadPlatoonStatistics(int currTime)
            Platoon p;

             * Add the counters for all the platoons in transit.
            for(int i = 0; i < downLane.Count; i++)
                p = (Platoon) downLane[i];
            for(int i = 0; i < upLane.Count; i++)
                p = (Platoon) upLane[i];

             * Create a new platoon containing all the vehicles in the holding queue and then
             * add that to the roadCntr so that transit time of these vehicles get counted also.
            Vehicle []v = new Vehicle[downQueue.Count];

            int cnt = downQueue.Count;

            for(int i = 0; i < cnt; i++)
                v[i] = (Vehicle) downQueue.Dequeue();

            p = new Platoon(v, v.Length, Direction.NS, ip.speedLimit, 0, this);

             * Do the same for up queue
            v = new Vehicle[upQueue.Count];

            cnt = upQueue.Count;
            for(int i = 0; i < cnt; i++)
                v[i] = (Vehicle) upQueue.Dequeue();

            p = new Platoon(v, v.Length, Direction.SN, ip.speedLimit, 0, this);