Beispiel #1
        public async void ConnectToId(SteamId hostId)
            // Refuse to attempt another connection if one is active or in progress
            if (Active || Status == PeerStatus.CONNECTING)
                Output.LogWarning($"{Name}: Attempted to connect while a previous connection is active or in progress");

            // Set timeout start time, set client active, and set client status to Connecting
            DateTime timeoutStart = DateTime.Now;

            // Set status appropriately
            _active = true;
            _status = PeerStatus.CONNECTING;

                // Send a request to connect
                byte[] sendData = new byte[] { (byte)PacketType.CONNECT };
                SendPacket(hostId, sendData, sendData.Length);

                while (Status == PeerStatus.CONNECTING)
                    // Wait for a packet to arrive
                    while (!IsPacketAvailable())
                        TimeSpan timeoutChk = DateTime.Now - timeoutStart;

                        if (timeoutChk.TotalMilliseconds >= MP_TIMEOUT)
                            throw new Exception("Timed out attempting to connect");

                        await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(TickRate));

                    GetNextPacket(out P2Packet? packet);

                    if (packet == null)
                        throw new Exception("Null packet received");

                    // If the packet is not null, get data and sender SteamId
                    byte[]  data   = packet.Value.Data;
                    SteamId sender = packet.Value.SteamId;

                    if (data.Length < 1 || data == null)
                        throw new Exception("Null or zero-length data array received");

                    // Ignore packets sent by someone who isn't expected
                    if (sender != hostId)

                    if (data[0] != (byte)PacketType.CONNECTION_ACCEPTED)
                        throw new Exception($"Unexpected response ({data[0]})");

                    // Now connected to a new server, set status and refresh receive queue
                    _status = PeerStatus.CONNECTED;

                    // Raise OnConnected event

                _host = hostId;
            catch (Exception e)
                Output.LogError($"{Name}: Error connecting to host ({e.Message})");

                // If we catch an exception, reset active and status